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Epilepsy is a chronic brain dysfunction. Current antiepileptic medicines cannot prevent epileptogenesis. Increasing data have shown that microRNAs (miRNAs) are selectively altered within the epileptic hippocampi of experimental models and human tissues, and these alterations affect the genes that control epileptogenesis. Furthermore, manipulation of miRNAs in animal models can modify epileptogenesis. As a result, miRNAs have been proposed as promising targets for treating epilepsy. We searched PubMed using the terms “microRNAs/miRNAs AND epilepsy”, “microRNAs/miRNAs AND epileptogenesis”, and “microRNAs/miRNAs AND seizure”. We selected the articles in which the relationship between miRNAs and target gene(s) was validated and manipulation of miRNAs in in vivo epilepsy models modified epileptogenesis during the chronic phase via gene regulation. A total of 13 miRNAs were found in the present review. Based on the current analysis of miRNAs and their target gene(s), each miRNA has limitations as a potential epilepsy target. Importantly, miR-211 or miR-128 transgenic mice displayed seizures. These findings highlight new developments for epileptogenesis prevention. Developing novel strategies to modify epileptogenesis will be effective in curing epilepsy patients. This article provides an overview of the clinical application of miRNAs as novel targets for epilepsy.  相似文献   
扎实的医学基础知识和临床技能是医学生向医生身份成功转变的前提。素质教育改革非常注重学生“全面有个性发展”。教师在教学中除要引导医学生培养正确学习习惯以外,还要积极的促进统筹规划、人际沟通、心理素质的提升,培养出良好的综合思维,这也是当今医学教育中较为薄弱和有待创新的工作。医学教育离不开教学与实践,实现二者的良好耦合,才能达到“以学促践,以践辅学”的效果。笔者以“教中学”模式入手,以中南大学湘雅三医院医学科普实践为例,着重分析了医学科普走进中学生的教学实践活动。探讨此种实践活动对医学生在思维能力、临床操作技能、医患沟通能力、论文写作能力等方面的作用。  相似文献   
Wang  Jinxiang  Xu  Guowu  Jin  Heng  Chai  Yanfen  Yang  Xinyue  Liu  Ziquan  Hou  Shike  Fan  Haojun 《Inflammation》2022,45(5):2052-2065
Inflammation - Acute kidney injury (AKI) is an important complication of rhabdomyolysis (RM), but there is lack of effective treatments. Ulinastatin (UTI) is a broad-spectrum serine protease...  相似文献   
为探讨川芎嗪对陈旧性心肌梗塞(RMI)的疗效,于治疗前后对该病患者的血液流变学指标进行检测分析。治疗前28例患者的全血比粘度、血浆粘度、血沉及红细胞压积均明显高于30例对照组;治疗后,上述指标均明显下降(P<001)。提示RMI患者血液流变学指标明显异常;川芎嗪具有明显改善RMI患者血液流变学指标的作用,其机理可能与川芎嗪提高红细胞及血小板表面电荷,抑制红细胞及血小板聚集,阻止纤维蛋白形成,扩张小动脉,增强血液流动性有关。川芎嗪对RMI患者再发心肌梗塞有预防作用。  相似文献   
目的:探讨直接经皮冠状动脉(冠脉)介入术(PPCI)中渐进缺血后适应(IP)再灌注对ST段抬高型急性心肌梗死(STEAMI)再灌注损伤的保护作用。方法选择2011年2月至2014年8月在江苏昆山市第一人民医院、江苏大学附属昆山医院心内科住院行PPCI的STEAMI患者102例,将患者按随机数字表法分为IP组32例、渐进IP组30例、常规再灌注组40例。IP组开通梗死相关血管后,通过预扩张球囊充盈/撤压时间为1 min/1 min,循环3次,然后予以持续再灌注;渐进IP组实施IP的时间呈渐进变化,即在3次球囊充盈/撤压时间分别为1 min/1 min、30 s/30 s、15 s/15 s;常规再灌注组闭塞血管开通后持续恢复冠脉供血。比较3组相关导联再灌注心律失常发生率、ST段回落率、校正心肌梗死溶栓治疗(TIMI)帧数(CTFC)、肌酸激酶同工酶(CK-MB)峰值、左室射血分数(LVEF)的变化,并随访不良事件的发生情况。结果3组基线资料均衡,有可比性。渐进IP组频发室性期前收缩(室早)发生率明显低于常规再灌注组〔30.0%(9/30)比55.0%(22/40), P<0.05〕,IP组〔34.4%(11/32)〕室早发生率虽低于常规再灌注组,但差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。IP组和渐进IP组室性心动过速(室速)发生率明显低于常规再灌注组〔15.6%(5/32)、13.3%(4/30)比40.0%(16/40),均P<0.05〕。IP组、渐进IP组心室纤颤、心动过缓、窦性停搏的发生率均低于常规再灌注组,但差异均无统计学意义(均P>0.05)。IP组、渐进IP组ST段回落率、CTFC、CK-MB峰值均明显低于的常规再灌注组〔ST段回落:(56.7±18.3)%、(57.3±21.5)%比(44.6±21.6)%;CTFC(帧):25.47±5.37、24.46±6.41比31.62±7.56;CK-MB峰值(U/L):126.3±78.5、121.6±82.5比147.4±72.5;均P<0.05〕,且以渐进IP组作用更优。IP组、渐进IP组LVEF水平均高于常规再灌注组(0.507±0.042、0.511±0.062比0.497±0.062),但差异无统计学意义(均P>0.05)。常规再灌注组因反复室颤不能纠正死亡1例,无复流死亡1例。3组均各有1例患者术后4周内死亡,其中常规再灌注组1例为难治性心衰,IP组的2例均考虑为亚急性支架内血栓形成。各组均无严重出血事件的发生。结论渐进IP能更显著减轻STEAMI患者PPCI术中的心肌再灌注损伤。  相似文献   
目的:探讨延续护理对PCI术后患者抗血小板治疗依从性的影响。方法将129例PCI术后患者采用随机数字表法分为对照组55例和观察组74例,对照组采用常规护理,观察组在常规护理的基础上实施延续护理,在 PCI 术后6个月和12个月分别评估两组患者的抗血小板治疗依从性。结果 PCI术后6个月,观察组抗血小板治疗依从性好者占97.1%,对照组为84.0%,两组比较差异有统计学意义(χ2=4.76,P<0.05);PCI术后12个月,观察组抗血小板治疗依从性好者占96.9%,对照组为82.6%,两组比较差异有统计学意义(χ2=4.98,P<0.05)。结论延续护理可以提高PCI术后患者抗血小板治疗的依从性。  相似文献   
目的:观察柴胡桂枝干姜汤加减联合雷火灸治疗腹泻型肠易激综合征 (IBS-D) 少阳太阴寒热利证的临床效果。方 法:选取 IBS-D 少阳太阴寒热利证患者 60 例,随机分为治疗组和对照组各 30 例。治疗组给予柴胡桂枝干姜汤加减联合雷火灸治疗,对照组给予马来酸曲美布汀片联合双歧杆菌三联活菌胶囊治疗。比较 2 组大便性状、腹痛腹胀程度、排便频率评分,统计2 组胃肠道总体症状疗效,随访 2 个月,统计 2 组复发率。结果:治疗后,2 组大便性状、腹痛腹胀程度、排便频率评分均降低(P<0.05);治疗组大便性状、腹痛腹胀程度、排便频率评分均低于对照组(P<0.05)。治疗组总有效率为 96.7%(29/30),对照组为 73.3% (22/30),治疗组总有效率高于对照组 (P<0.05)。治疗组复发率为 0 (0/29),显著低于对照组的 13.64% (3/22),组间比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:柴胡桂枝干姜汤加减联合雷火灸治疗 IBS-D 少阳太阴寒热利证的临床效果较马来酸曲美布汀片联合双歧杆菌三联活菌胶囊更好,在改善患者症状及降低复发率方面有较大优势。  相似文献   
The value of salivary gland scintigraphy (SGS) in the evaluation of Sjögren’s syndrome (SS) remains controversial. The aim of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic efficacy of quantitative SGS in patients with xerostomia and to assess the correlation between scintigraphic parameters and pathological features of salivary glands. Medical records of 165 patients with xerostomia who underwent [99mTc] pertechnetate SGS and labial biopsy were retrospectively reviewed. The maximum accumulation ratio (MAR), maximum secretion ratio (MSR), and time interval from stimulation to minimum count (Tmin) of the parotid glands were calculated to quantify the glandular activity. Furthermore, pre-stimulatory oral activity index (PRI) and post-stimulatory oral activity index (POI) were calculated to quantify the oral activity. All parameters except for Tmin were significantly lower in patients with SS than in those without SS. Among the five SGS parameters, PRI showed the highest areas under the curve value (0.9005; p < 0.001), and PRI > 32.75 was associated with a sensitivity of 78.5% and specificity of 86.4% for the diagnosis of SS. A decrease in MAR, MSR, PRI, and POI and an increase in Tmin correlate significantly with the histopathologic grade of labial gland biopsy and disease severity of SS. No significant differences in glandular parameters (MAR, MSR, and Tmin) were found between the non-SS and early-stage SS groups. Conventional scintigraphic parameters could be used as simple, reliable, and sensitive indicators for the early diagnosis of SS and determination of disease severity.  相似文献   
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging - To explore the relationship between [18F]fluorodeoxyglucose (18F-FDG uptake) and PD-L1 expression and determine the usefulness of...  相似文献   
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