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目的 研究胸锁乳突肌瓣(SCM)填充对腮腺手术并发症及术后外观的影响。 方法 68例腮腺良性肿瘤患者,随机数字表法分为实验组和对照组。对照组34例接受常规腮腺肿物区域切除术,实验组34例在接受腮腺肿物区域切除术后,以SCM填充术区缺损。随访6~12个月,对术后并发症和术区外观进行主观和客观的评价。 结果 实验组在术后面神经麻痹、主观Freys综合征、耳部麻木感、肿瘤复发的发生率和对照组大致相当。实验组术后5例(15%)发生腮腺瘘,对照组9例(27%)发生腮腺瘘,实验组腮腺瘘发生率低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P?0.05)。实验组外观患者主观评分为(1.25±0.96);第三者的评分(1.11±0.99),对照组外观患者主观评分为(2.45±1.33);第三者的评分(2.26±0.87),两组患者外观的主观和客观评分差异均有统计学意义(P?0.05)。 结论 SCM填塞腮腺术腔可改善患者术后面部畸形,为腮腺术后的重建提供了合理的美容选择。  相似文献   
目的 回顾性分析腮腺肿瘤患者的临床病理特征和手术并发症。材料和方法 回顾2005年9月至2011年8月中山大学附属第三医院耳鼻咽喉科因腮腺肿瘤接受手术治疗的190例患者,统计并分析患者年龄、性别、肿瘤大小、吸烟史、手术并发症等资料。结果 190例腮腺肿瘤中,良性159例(83.7%),恶性26例(13.7%),5例(2.6%)为慢性炎症性疾病。腮腺肿瘤的男女发病比为1.6:1,其中良性肿瘤为1.6:1,恶性肿瘤为2.3:1。混合瘤是最常见的腮腺良性肿瘤,占所有良性肿瘤的56.6%(90/159)。Warthin瘤是第二常见的良性肿瘤,主要发生于男性、年龄较大及吸烟的人群。粘液表皮样癌为最常见的恶性肿瘤。腮腺切除术后最常见的并发症为暂时性面瘫(17.3%)和永久性面瘫(5.4%)。结论 本研究中腮腺肿瘤的流行病学特征和手术并发症发生率与其他研究相似。还需进一步研究以区分不同组织学特征的腮腺肿瘤的预后因素。  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the distribution and projective feature of cat olivocochlear neurons. Methods Eleven adult cats were divided into two groups randomly. The experimental group of eight cats was injected of I% cholera toxin B (CTB) to the left cochlea, while injected of 5% fluoro gold (FG) to the right cochlea. The control group of three cats was injected of saline to bilateral cochlea. After a survival time of 7 days, serial frozen sections were cut in the cat brainstem. All the sections were processed by immunofluoreseent procedure for CTB and FG, and the labeled olivocochlear neurons were observed byfluorescent microscope. Results In the experimental group, the mean total of olivocochlear neurons labeled by CTB and FG was 3210 ± 168, including lateral olivocochlear neurons (LOC, 2298 ± 120) and medial olivocochlear neurons (MOC,913 ± 64). The labeled neurons were divided into three different types according to their feature of projection: neurons which only projected to the ipsilateral cochlea, neurons which only projected to the contralateral cochlea, and double-labeled neurons which projected both to the ipsilateral and contralateral cochlea, but the double-labeled neurons comprised 3.9% and 15. 1% in the LOC and MOC system respectively. No labeled neurons were found in the control group. Conclusions There are three types of neurons in the cat olivocochlear system. The neurons which projected to the bilateral cochlea may distribute both in the LOC and MOC system.  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the distribution and projective feature of cat olivocochlear neurons. Methods Eleven adult cats were divided into two groups randomly. The experimental group of eight cats was injected of I% cholera toxin B (CTB) to the left cochlea, while injected of 5% fluoro gold (FG) to the right cochlea. The control group of three cats was injected of saline to bilateral cochlea. After a survival time of 7 days, serial frozen sections were cut in the cat brainstem. All the sections were processed by immunofluoreseent procedure for CTB and FG, and the labeled olivocochlear neurons were observed byfluorescent microscope. Results In the experimental group, the mean total of olivocochlear neurons labeled by CTB and FG was 3210 ± 168, including lateral olivocochlear neurons (LOC, 2298 ± 120) and medial olivocochlear neurons (MOC,913 ± 64). The labeled neurons were divided into three different types according to their feature of projection: neurons which only projected to the ipsilateral cochlea, neurons which only projected to the contralateral cochlea, and double-labeled neurons which projected both to the ipsilateral and contralateral cochlea, but the double-labeled neurons comprised 3.9% and 15. 1% in the LOC and MOC system respectively. No labeled neurons were found in the control group. Conclusions There are three types of neurons in the cat olivocochlear system. The neurons which projected to the bilateral cochlea may distribute both in the LOC and MOC system.  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the distribution and projective feature of cat olivocochlear neurons. Methods Eleven adult cats were divided into two groups randomly. The experimental group of eight cats was injected of I% cholera toxin B (CTB) to the left cochlea, while injected of 5% fluoro gold (FG) to the right cochlea. The control group of three cats was injected of saline to bilateral cochlea. After a survival time of 7 days, serial frozen sections were cut in the cat brainstem. All the sections were processed by immunofluoreseent procedure for CTB and FG, and the labeled olivocochlear neurons were observed byfluorescent microscope. Results In the experimental group, the mean total of olivocochlear neurons labeled by CTB and FG was 3210 ± 168, including lateral olivocochlear neurons (LOC, 2298 ± 120) and medial olivocochlear neurons (MOC,913 ± 64). The labeled neurons were divided into three different types according to their feature of projection: neurons which only projected to the ipsilateral cochlea, neurons which only projected to the contralateral cochlea, and double-labeled neurons which projected both to the ipsilateral and contralateral cochlea, but the double-labeled neurons comprised 3.9% and 15. 1% in the LOC and MOC system respectively. No labeled neurons were found in the control group. Conclusions There are three types of neurons in the cat olivocochlear system. The neurons which projected to the bilateral cochlea may distribute both in the LOC and MOC system.  相似文献   
目的 探讨猫橄榄耳蜗神经元的分布和向内耳的投射特征.方法 11只成年猫随机分为两组,实验组8只,左侧耳蜗鼓阶内注射1%霍乱毒素B亚单位,右侧耳蜗鼓阶注射5%荧光金,对照组3只,双侧耳蜗均注射生理盐水.动物饲养7 d后处死,脑干连续冰冻切片,免疫荧光处理,荧光显微镜观察被标记的橄榄耳蜗神经元.结果 实验组每只动物被霍乱毒素B亚单位和荧光金标记的橄榄耳蜗神经元平均总数为(3210±168)个,分为外侧橄榄耳蜗神经元[(2298±120)个]和内侧橄榄耳蜗神经元[(913±64)个].根据投射特征可将被标记的神经元分为三种不同类型:只投射到同侧耳蜗的神经元,只投射到对侧耳蜗的神经元,既向同侧又向对侧耳蜗投射的双标记神经元,其中双标记神经元在外侧橄榄耳蜗神经元和内侧橄榄耳蜗神经元中分别占3.9%和15.1%.对照组未观察到被标记的檄榄耳蜗神经元.结论猫的橄榄耳蜗系统中存在三种不同投射特征的神经元,其中双侧投射的神经元在外侧橄榄耳蜗神经元和内侧橄榄耳蜗神经元中均有分布.  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the distribution and projective feature of cat olivocochlear neurons. Methods Eleven adult cats were divided into two groups randomly. The experimental group of eight cats was injected of I% cholera toxin B (CTB) to the left cochlea, while injected of 5% fluoro gold (FG) to the right cochlea. The control group of three cats was injected of saline to bilateral cochlea. After a survival time of 7 days, serial frozen sections were cut in the cat brainstem. All the sections were processed by immunofluoreseent procedure for CTB and FG, and the labeled olivocochlear neurons were observed byfluorescent microscope. Results In the experimental group, the mean total of olivocochlear neurons labeled by CTB and FG was 3210 ± 168, including lateral olivocochlear neurons (LOC, 2298 ± 120) and medial olivocochlear neurons (MOC,913 ± 64). The labeled neurons were divided into three different types according to their feature of projection: neurons which only projected to the ipsilateral cochlea, neurons which only projected to the contralateral cochlea, and double-labeled neurons which projected both to the ipsilateral and contralateral cochlea, but the double-labeled neurons comprised 3.9% and 15. 1% in the LOC and MOC system respectively. No labeled neurons were found in the control group. Conclusions There are three types of neurons in the cat olivocochlear system. The neurons which projected to the bilateral cochlea may distribute both in the LOC and MOC system.  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the distribution and projective feature of cat olivocochlear neurons. Methods Eleven adult cats were divided into two groups randomly. The experimental group of eight cats was injected of I% cholera toxin B (CTB) to the left cochlea, while injected of 5% fluoro gold (FG) to the right cochlea. The control group of three cats was injected of saline to bilateral cochlea. After a survival time of 7 days, serial frozen sections were cut in the cat brainstem. All the sections were processed by immunofluoreseent procedure for CTB and FG, and the labeled olivocochlear neurons were observed byfluorescent microscope. Results In the experimental group, the mean total of olivocochlear neurons labeled by CTB and FG was 3210 ± 168, including lateral olivocochlear neurons (LOC, 2298 ± 120) and medial olivocochlear neurons (MOC,913 ± 64). The labeled neurons were divided into three different types according to their feature of projection: neurons which only projected to the ipsilateral cochlea, neurons which only projected to the contralateral cochlea, and double-labeled neurons which projected both to the ipsilateral and contralateral cochlea, but the double-labeled neurons comprised 3.9% and 15. 1% in the LOC and MOC system respectively. No labeled neurons were found in the control group. Conclusions There are three types of neurons in the cat olivocochlear system. The neurons which projected to the bilateral cochlea may distribute both in the LOC and MOC system.  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the distribution and projective feature of cat olivocochlear neurons. Methods Eleven adult cats were divided into two groups randomly. The experimental group of eight cats was injected of I% cholera toxin B (CTB) to the left cochlea, while injected of 5% fluoro gold (FG) to the right cochlea. The control group of three cats was injected of saline to bilateral cochlea. After a survival time of 7 days, serial frozen sections were cut in the cat brainstem. All the sections were processed by immunofluoreseent procedure for CTB and FG, and the labeled olivocochlear neurons were observed byfluorescent microscope. Results In the experimental group, the mean total of olivocochlear neurons labeled by CTB and FG was 3210 ± 168, including lateral olivocochlear neurons (LOC, 2298 ± 120) and medial olivocochlear neurons (MOC,913 ± 64). The labeled neurons were divided into three different types according to their feature of projection: neurons which only projected to the ipsilateral cochlea, neurons which only projected to the contralateral cochlea, and double-labeled neurons which projected both to the ipsilateral and contralateral cochlea, but the double-labeled neurons comprised 3.9% and 15. 1% in the LOC and MOC system respectively. No labeled neurons were found in the control group. Conclusions There are three types of neurons in the cat olivocochlear system. The neurons which projected to the bilateral cochlea may distribute both in the LOC and MOC system.  相似文献   
猫听觉脑干上橄榄复合体投射神经元的分布   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
目的:探讨猫上橄榄复合体各个核团内橄榄耳蜗神经元的分布和形态.方法:将8只成年猫随机分成两组,实验组5只,于左侧耳蜗内注射霍乱毒素B亚单位(cholera toxin B subunit,CTB),右侧耳蜗注射荧光金(fluoro-gold,FG);对照组3只,于双侧耳蜗注射生理盐水.取脑干组织切片,经免疫组化ABC方法和DAB显色后观察被标记的橄榄耳蜗神经元.结果:实验组猫橄榄耳蜗神经元总数为2518个,其中外侧橄榄耳蜗(lateral olivocochlear,LOC)神经元1738个,占69.0%,主要分布于脑桥中部,以同侧投射占优势.内侧橄榄耳蜗(medial olivocochlear,MOC)神经元780个(31.0%),主要位于背内侧橄榄旁核(dorsomedial periolivary nucleus,DMPO)、内侧斜方体核(medial nucleus of the trapezoid hody,MNTB)以及腹侧斜方体核(ventral nucleus of the trapezoid body,VNTB),在脑桥嘴侧分布密集,其发出的纤维以对侧投射占优势.结论:猫的橄榄耳蜗神经元分布LOC神经元向同侧投射为主;而MOC神经元则为对侧投射优势,且MOC神经元分布较LOC神经元更靠近脑桥嘴侧.  相似文献   
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