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Objective: To elucidate the effects of exogenous basic fibroblast growth factor ( bFGF ) on biological characteristics of rat osteoblasts cultured in vitro. Methods: The osteoblasts isolated from a Sprague-Dawley rat and cultured in vitro were treated with different concentrations of bFGF ( 5-50 ng/ml) respectively. At 24 hours after treatment, the proliferating cell nuclear antigen was measured with immunocytochemistry, alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity was determined and the expression of transforming growth factor beta 1 ( TGF-β1 )was detected to observe the effects of bFGF on growth and differentiation of osteoblasts. Resu/ts: bFGF ( 5-50 ng/ml ) could obviously promote the growth of osteoblasts. The intracellular expression of TGF-β1 mRNA increased significantly, but the intracellular ALP content decreased. Conclusions: bFGF can obviously stimulate the proliferation of osteoblasts and promote the synthesis of TGF-β1, but cannot promote the differentiation of osteoblasts.  相似文献   
目的:探讨重症监护病房(ICU)住院患下呼吸道感染的病原学特点及防治策略。指导临床应用抗生素。方法:对ICU院内肺部感染患深部普进行培养并做药敏试验。结果:221例呼吸道感染患痰培养出病原菌268株,其中革兰氏阴性(G^-)杆菌178株,占66.42%;革兰氏阳性(G^ )球菌5株,占20.29%,真菌36株,占13.43%。药敏试验表明所有细菌均对二种以上的抗生素耐药,未发现对万古霉素耐药的金葡菌。结论:ICU院内肺部感染的致病菌以G^-杆菌为主,铜绿假单胞菌仍是首要致菌;ICU内真菌感染比较严重,ICU内获得性肺部感染不仅数量增加而且细菌耐药性增强,了解本单位病原菌种类及耐药性的变化,合理使用抗生素是降低危重病患院内肺部感染发病率和病死率的重要措施。  相似文献   
目的 探讨血液透析滤过 (HDF)治疗高钠血症的临床效果。方法 对 16例高钠血症患者行HDF治疗 ,动态观察血清钠以调整置换液成分。结果  16例患者经 2~ 8h连续性静脉 -静脉血液滤过后血钠开始下降 ,6~ 2 8h可降至正常。结论 血液滤过透析治疗高钠血症效果确切 ,安全性好  相似文献   
我科自1995年1月至2005年1月共收治原发性脑室出血23例,经双侧侧脑室外引流并脑脊液置换术冶疗取得较好效果,现报道如下。  相似文献   
Bei der Permutationsoperation des Pfannenge-lenks ist die Genauigkeit des Transplantation-swinkels der H櫣ftpfannen-Prothese ein wichtigerFaktor bez櫣glich der Auswirkung der Operation.Schlechte Positionierung der H櫣ftpfannenprothesekann zu Komplikationen wie Luxation nach Opera-tion,starke Verschleiss der Prothese,Lockerungder Prothese usw.f櫣hren[1,2].Bei der Transplan-tation der H櫣ftpfannenprothese wird meistens dieFlache zwischen Ant.Sup.Iliac spine auf beidenSeiten und Pubic t…  相似文献   
The ultrasonographic appearances of osteosarcomas and the roles of ultrasonography in the diagnosis and surgical staging of osteosarcomas were investigated. A comparative study was performed on 45 cases of osteosarcomas by ultrasonography and radiography. Bony changes, periosteal reaction and soft tissue mass were evaluated for each lesion. The results showed that ultrasonography revealed a solid mass around bone in 42 patients, bone destruction in 24 patients and periosteal reaction in 16 patients. Plain radiographs showed bony changes in 44 patients and no bony change in remaining one patient, shadowing of soft tissue swelling in 30 patients, and pulmonary metastases in 3 patients. Surgical biopsy and pathological examination confirmed osteosarcoma in all 45 patients. Soft tissue mass was confirmed in 42 patients surgically. The diagnostic accuracy of soft tissue masses by ultrasonography and radiography was 100 % (42/42) and 71.4 % (30/42), respectively. The positive rate of ultrasonography and radiography in displaying bony changes was 53.3 % (24/45) and 97.8 % (44/45), respectively. In conclusion, in the detection of soft tissue mass of osteosarcoma, ultrasonography is superior to radiography, and in displaying bony changes of osteosarcomas, radiography is superior to ultrasonography. So it may come to a conclusion that plain radiography combined with ultrasonography can completely display the bony and soft tissue lesion of osteosarcomas.  相似文献   
不同冷冻剂型和稀释保护剂对Beagle犬精液冷冻的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的通过对Beagle犬精液冷冻技术的研究,比较颗粒法以及冻管法(0.5 ml)对冷冻精子复苏率的影响,并比较几种冷冻稀释保护液对犬精液冷冻的影响。方法 5只1岁左右可正常采精的雄性Beagle犬,手握法采集精液,以不同稀释冷冻保护液处理后,分别采用颗粒及冻管法冷冻,检测冻精前的精液量、精子密度、畸形率、解冻后活率、复苏率和顶体完整率。结果采用颗粒法和冻管法的平均冻后活率相应为0.38和0.41,复苏率51.9%和53.9%,顶体完整率36.4%和37.6%, 采用冻管法的效果稍优于颗粒法,但差异不显著。应用冷冻保护剂Ⅲ,冻后活率、复苏率和顶体完整率均优于采用稀释冷冻保护剂Ⅰ和Ⅱ,但只有顶体完整率(40.7%和41.3%)与其它两种保护剂相比达到差异显著的水平。结论采用文献中报道的稀释保护液配方均可获得较好的稀释保护效果。  相似文献   
人工肝支持系统治疗急性肝衰竭的临床评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨人工肝支持系统治疗急性肝衰竭(ALF)的临床价值。方法46例急性肝衰竭的危重病人随机分为治疗组24例,对照组22例。两组在综合护肝治疗的基础上,治疗组同时采用人工肝支持系统(ALSS)治疗。检测两组血浆中内毒素(ET)、肿瘤坏死因子(TNF-OL)、白介素(IL-2、IL-6、IL-8)水平的变化。结果治疗组每次ALSS治疗后肝功能明显好转,IL-2水平明显上升,血浆ET、TNF-α、IL-6、IL-8水平明显下降。治疗组治愈好转率为83.3%,对照组为36.4%,两组差异有显著性(P〈0.01)。结论对危重病人并发ALF早期作ALSS治疗,能降低血清内毒素和促炎性细胞因子的水平,是促进衰竭脏器恢复的重要手段。  相似文献   
目的 探讨肺开放策略治疗重症急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)的临床价值.方法 回顾性分析18例重症ARDS患者采用压力控制通气模式,预设吸气压40~45 cmH2O,通气频率15~20次/min,吸呼比1.5~2:1,FiO2 80%~100%.外加呼气末正压(PEEP)25~30 cmH2O持续约1 min后,均在20 cmH2O时维持约15~30 min,同时降低吸气压达到潮气量稳定、动脉血气指标理想(PaCO2 PaO2>400 mmHg).肺完全开放后逐渐降低吸气压和PEEP到最佳水平,继续进行肺保护性通气.动态观察肺开放策略实施前后动脉血气指标、中心静脉压(CVP)和平均动脉压(MAP)的变化.结果 18例重症ARDS患者采用肺开放策略治疗,肺的顺应性明显提高,氧合功能障碍明显改善,有效率为83.3%.结论 肺开放策略治疗重症ARDS明显改善了患者的氧合功能,对血流动力学影响小,安全有效地提高了抢救成功率.  相似文献   
拉米夫定治疗慢性乙型肝炎临床疗效分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的:观察拉米夫定治疗慢性乙型肝炎的临床疗效.方法:将142例慢性乙型肝炎患者随机分为治疗组及对照组,两组均使用保肝及对症综合治疗,治疗组同时给予拉米夫定片剂,100mg/d,疗程12个月.结果:治疗12个月后,治疗组中症状复发率为2.67%(2/75),显著低于对照组的29.88%(20/67),P<0.01.治疗组ALT复常率为86.67%(65/75),显著高于对照组的67.16%(45/67),P<0.01.HbeAg阴转率、HBeAg/抗HBeAg阳转率分别为28%(21/75)、24%(18/75),显著高于对照组的10.45%(7/67)、5.95%(4/67),P<0.01.治疗3个月、12个月后,治疗组HBV-DNA阴转率分别为77.33%(58/75)、85.33%(64/75),显著高于对照组的8.96%(6/67)、16.42%(11/67),P<0.01.治疗组及对照组不良反应发生率分别为4%(3/75)、5.9%(4/67),P>0.05,无显著性差异.结论:拉米夫定可以明显改善慢性乙型肝炎患者的症状、ALT及乙肝病毒病原学指标.  相似文献   
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