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儿童严重脓毒症当前趋势和预后研究:儿童健康信息系统数据库分析 目的(1)描述美国儿童医院PICU内的儿童严重脓毒症(pediatricseveresepsis,PSS)特点和预后;(2)识别存在PSS相关死亡风险的患儿;(3)了解PSS医疗资源总体利用情况。 设计回顾性研究前瞻性采集的多中心儿童医院数据。  相似文献   
目的比较两种现有策略所判断儿童严重脓毒症在发病率、资源使用及病死率上的差异。 设计2004至2012年间的观察性队列研究。场所44家为儿童健康信息系统数据库提供数据的儿童医院。 对象18岁及以下儿童。  相似文献   
绝大多数PICU患儿都会接受镇静镇痛治疗,无论是过度还是不足均会导致不良反应.自我评估是疼痛评估的“金标准”,但常需结合行为和生理学指标进行判断.镇静镇痛评估方法繁多,但各有利弊,理想的评估方法应该简单、实用、可重复性好;但是目前尚无一种被大家完全接受的客观评估方法,也没有一种方法能适用于所有年龄段及不同病情的患儿.因此,临床医师需根据不同的环境、病情、患者特点等选择适宜的评估方法,甚至需要不同的方法相结合,最终指导治疗.  相似文献   
早期识别严重脓毒症和脓毒性休克,及早启动有效干预,实施早期目标导向治疗是降低其病死率、改善预后的关键.本文重点介绍脓毒症分阶段诊断系统(即PIRO分级系统)、系统的预警及快速反应系统等临床识别方法;多种生物学标记物及蛋白质组学和代谢组学在脓毒症和严重脓毒症诊断中的价值.目前尚无单一完美的指标可以早期识别脓毒症,因此,临床医生更应该结合患者症状、体征和生物学标记物综合判断,动态观察监测参数变化,从而做出合理的判断和决策.  相似文献   
Objective To assess the effects of dopamine,dobutamine and norepinephrine on the P(g-a)CO2 and superior mesenteric blood flow in septic shock.Methods Rabbit septic shock model was established by challenging with intravenous injection of lipopolysaccharides from Escherichia coil(2 mg/kg).The rabbits with septic shock were randomly assigned to 3 groups-dopamine group(n = 8),dobutamine group(n = 8) and norepinephrine group(n = 8).Apart from volume resuscitation with normal saline solution [20 ml/(kg· h)],dopamine[5μg/(kg·min)],dobutamine[(5μg/(kg·min)]and norepinephrine [(1μg/(kg·min)]were infused in dopamine group,dobutamine group and norepinephrine group respeclively.Cardiac index(CI) and superior mesenteric blood flow index(SMBFI) were continuously monitored by doppler flowrneter.Gastric mucosal PCO2 was evaluated by gas tonometry every 10 min.Arterial and venous blood gas analyses and lactate levels were measured every 1 h.Results MAP,CI,and SMBFI significandy decreased and P(g-a) CO2 increased after lipopolysaccharides infusion in three groups.After 2-hour treatment,MAP in norepinephrine group[(70 +3) mm Hg]was higher than that of dopamine group[(66±4) mm Hg]and dobutamine group[(65±4) mm Hg](P <0.05).SMBFI in norepinephrine group [(18.7±2.9) ml/(kg·min)]was higher than that of dopamine group[(16.2±1.6) ml/(kg·min)]and dobutamine group[(15.8±1.9) ml/(kg·min)](P<0.05).P(g-a) CO2 in norepinephrine group [(30±6) mm Hg]was lower than that of dobutamine group[(23±5)mm Hg](P<0.05).Condnsion As an adjuvant therapy of volume resuscitation,norepinephrine is more effective than low dose dopamine and dobutamine in improving splanchnic perfusion.  相似文献   
近年来,儿童侵袭性肺部真菌感染的发病率呈上升趋势.因肺部真菌感染的病原学检查阳性率低,肺活检在儿童的应用又受到一定限制,易造成漏诊或误诊.<儿童侵袭性肺部真菌感染诊治指南(2009版)>的推出对临床规范该类疾病的诊治非常重要[1].  相似文献   
2008年,对我国儿科急重症医学工作者来说是极不平凡的一年.手足口病[1]、汶川大地震、三聚氰胺[2-3]事件的序贯出现,都无可置疑地将儿科急重症医学工作者推上抗击儿童突发公共卫生事件及灾难性事件的前沿.  相似文献   
镇静镇痛在儿童重症监护病房的应用现状及风险防范   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
小儿对疼痛的反应与成人相似,焦虑、恐惧和疼痛等刺激会导致过度应激反应,直接影响危重患儿的预后。镇静镇痛治疗已成为儿童重症监护病房(PICU)综合治疗中不可缺少的部分。由于小儿不会表达或不能确切表达,致使掌握镇静镇痛程度较为困难。如何使危重患儿在舒适无痛状态下接受治疗,一直是医务人员面临的挑战之一。1危重患儿镇静镇痛的必要性PICU的危重患儿离开父母,被置于完全陌生的环境中,频繁的检查和治疗操作、机械通气、噪音和长明灯扰乱正常睡眠周期等,均为导致患儿焦虑、恐惧和疼痛的常见原因。疾病本身如创伤、手术、缺氧和感染等…  相似文献   
Objective To assess the effects of dopamine,dobutamine and norepinephrine on the P(g-a)CO2 and superior mesenteric blood flow in septic shock.Methods Rabbit septic shock model was established by challenging with intravenous injection of lipopolysaccharides from Escherichia coil(2 mg/kg).The rabbits with septic shock were randomly assigned to 3 groups-dopamine group(n = 8),dobutamine group(n = 8) and norepinephrine group(n = 8).Apart from volume resuscitation with normal saline solution [20 ml/(kg· h)],dopamine[5μg/(kg·min)],dobutamine[(5μg/(kg·min)]and norepinephrine [(1μg/(kg·min)]were infused in dopamine group,dobutamine group and norepinephrine group respeclively.Cardiac index(CI) and superior mesenteric blood flow index(SMBFI) were continuously monitored by doppler flowrneter.Gastric mucosal PCO2 was evaluated by gas tonometry every 10 min.Arterial and venous blood gas analyses and lactate levels were measured every 1 h.Results MAP,CI,and SMBFI significandy decreased and P(g-a) CO2 increased after lipopolysaccharides infusion in three groups.After 2-hour treatment,MAP in norepinephrine group[(70 +3) mm Hg]was higher than that of dopamine group[(66±4) mm Hg]and dobutamine group[(65±4) mm Hg](P <0.05).SMBFI in norepinephrine group [(18.7±2.9) ml/(kg·min)]was higher than that of dopamine group[(16.2±1.6) ml/(kg·min)]and dobutamine group[(15.8±1.9) ml/(kg·min)](P<0.05).P(g-a) CO2 in norepinephrine group [(30±6) mm Hg]was lower than that of dobutamine group[(23±5)mm Hg](P<0.05).Condnsion As an adjuvant therapy of volume resuscitation,norepinephrine is more effective than low dose dopamine and dobutamine in improving splanchnic perfusion.  相似文献   
经颅多普勒超声在儿科的应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
随着近年经颅多普勒超声(TCD)技术的不断完善,TCD在儿科领域的研究和应用也在迅速发展,小儿颅内血循环的解剖和生理学特点有别于成人,故TCD在儿童中的应用较成人有很多特殊性。一、小儿TCD特点有关小儿各年龄组TCD的正常参考值国内外均有报道[1,2],归纳有以下特点:(一  相似文献   
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