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目的 观察大鼠脑缺血再灌注早期梗死灶边缘区皮层Toll样受体9(Toll-like receptor 9,TLR9)信号通路的活化情况.方法 制备Sprague-Dawley(SD)大鼠短暂大脑中动脉闭塞模型,缺血90 min后再灌注,随机分两组:6 h组(n=5)和3 d组(n=5),分别采用RT-PCR、Western-blot法测定梗死灶边缘区皮层TLR9、肿瘤坏死因子-α(tumor necrosis factor-alpha,TNF-α)、干扰素调节因子7(interferon regulatory factor 7,IRF7)、干扰素-β(interferon-beta,IFN-β)的mRNA及蛋白表达.结果 6 h和3 d组TLR9、TNF-α、IRF7、IFN-β的mRNA表达量分别为(0.43±0.03)和(0.93±0.03)、(1.21 4±0.11)和(2.26±0.16)、(0.44±0.04)和(1.27±0.17)、(0.15±0.02)和(0.26±0.03),蛋白表达量分别为(0.75±0.04)和(1.35±0.04)、(0.93±0.04)和(1.05±0.02)、(0.54±0.03)和(0.73±0.02)、(0.82±0.02)和(0.93±0.03)(组间比较,均P<0.01).同组内TNF-α的表达明显高于IFN-β的表达(均P<0.01).结论 TLR9信号通路在脑梗死早期的炎症反应中可能起重要作用.  相似文献   

目的 探讨NF - κB和IκB在重组人促红细胞生成素(r- HuEPO)对大鼠局灶性脑缺血再灌注炎性反应损伤的保护机制中的作用.方法 采用栓线法制备大鼠局灶性脑缺血再灌注模型(MCAO),应用免疫组化和Western blot分别检测缺血脑组织NF - κB和IκB的表达,IL-1β蛋白含量采用ELISA法确定.结果 与假手术组相比,脑缺血2h再灌注3h后缺血侧皮质IL- 1β含量显著升高至(86.2±25.2)pg/ml(P<0.05),再灌注24 h IL- 1β含量达高峰(867.2±74.3)pg/ml(P<0.01),72 h仍处于较高水平(185.5±24.4)pg/ml(P<0.01).EPO治疗组缺血再灌注3h、6h、12 h(164.1±11.6)pg/ml和24h缺血侧皮质IL- 1β含量显著降低,与病理组相应时间点相比,分别降低了55%、33%、56%和50%(P<0.01).脑缺血再灌注组各时相点NF - κB p65表达及活化明显增加,为Sham组的4~8倍(P<0.01),12h表达最高(P<0.01),是Sham组的13倍.EPO治疗组与病理组相应时相点相比,NF - κB p65表达显著减弱,EPO处理后1、3、6和12 h,NF - κB p65表达较相应的I/R组降低了33% ~40%(P<0.01).缺血2h再灌注1h后缺血侧皮质IκBα蛋白水平从248.6±4.2降低至195.3±4.8(P <0.01),6h降至最低(134.7±19.9,P<0.01).EPO治疗组可显著增高缺血再灌注组缺血侧皮质IκBa蛋白水平(P<0.01),各时相点分别增高了11%、34%、83%、40%、23%和20%.结论 EPO可能通过抑制NF - κB/IκB信号传导通路,减少炎性因子IL-1β的合成和分泌而达到保护脑损伤的作用.  相似文献   

目的 探讨TOLL样受体2(TLR2)的激活与脑组织缺血再灌注损伤的关系.方法 线栓法制造局灶性脑缺血再灌注损伤大鼠模型,采用免疫组织化学法观察TLR2和核因子-κB(NF-κB)在不同再灌注时间点缺血脑组织的分布和表达量,同时应用酶联免疫方法检测肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)在不同再灌注时间点缺血脑组织内浓度,并分析其表达相关性.结果 大鼠局灶性脑缺血再灌注损伤过程中,TLR2蛋白在缺血半影区及皮质区、纹状体区有表达,且在灌注早期(即1h)即有增强表达,在3 h即达高峰;皮质区和纹状体区NF-κB表达从6 h开始逐渐增强,于再灌注24 h达高峰;缺血侧半球皮质内TNF-α变化规律与NF-κB相似,但表达高峰在再灌注12 h;TLR2蛋白的表达与NF-κB和TNF-α表达呈正相关.结论 TLR2在脑缺血再灌注过程中被激活,可能通过NF-κB导致炎性因子TNF-α等的大量表达介导参与了脑缺血再灌注损伤的过程.  相似文献   

目的观察舒血宁注射液对脑缺血再灌注大鼠额顶叶皮质缺血半暗带(IP)水通道蛋白1(AQP1)和水通道蛋白9(AQP9)表达的影响。方法线栓法制作局灶性脑缺血再灌注大鼠模型(MCAO),随机分为假手术组、模型组、舒血宁注射液防治组和川芎嗪药物对照组。脑缺血2h,分别再灌注1d、3d、7d,采用免疫组化SABC法检测AQP1和AQP9蛋白表达的阳性总面积和平均吸收光密度。结果在缺血侧额顶叶皮质IP,再灌注各时间点,模型组AQP1和AQP9蛋白表达的阳性总面积和平均吸收光密度显著高于假手术组(P0.05或P0.01),舒血宁注射液和川芎嗪药物对照组再灌注1d、3d、7d,AQP1和AQP9蛋白表达的阳性总面积和(或)平均吸收光密度显著低于模型组(P0.05或P0.01)。结论舒血宁注射液能通过抑制AQP1、AQP9蛋白表达,减轻脑水肿,抗脑缺血再灌注损伤。  相似文献   

目的研究大鼠大脑中动脉缺血再灌注后梗死对侧皮层GABAA受体α1和γ2亚基的表达变化。方法采用大鼠大脑中动脉缺血再灌注模型(MCAO),分为MCAO组和假手术组,分别于术后7、30d和6月断头取脑,采用免疫组织化学技术检测各组中梗死对侧皮层GABAA受体α1和γ2亚基的表达水平。结果 MCAO组大鼠与假手术组大鼠比较,在缺血再灌注7d时GABAA受体α1和γ2亚基在梗死对侧皮层各个脑区的表达无明显差异(P0.05);30d和6个月时α1、γ2亚基在梗死对侧皮层各个脑区的表达均明显增加(P0.05)。结论 MCAO再灌注后梗死对侧皮层GABAA受体α1和γ2亚基发生了泛发而长效的变化,这种变化提示脑缺血再灌注后的远期GABAA受体可能出现了结构和功能上的改变,从而为进一步阐释脑缺血和GABAA受体间的关系,理解缺血性脑卒中后患者出现的相关病理生理学改变提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

目的 探讨血管紧张素-(1-7)[Ang-(1-7)]对大鼠脑缺血再灌注损伤后核因子-κB(NF-κB)及其下游炎症因子的调控作用. 方法 将42只SD大鼠按随机数字表法分为假手术组、缺血组及Ang-(1-7)治疗组,每组各14只.缺血组及Ang-(1-7)治疗组均行大脑中动脉栓塞术(MCAO).用微型渗透泵分别给予假手术组及缺血组人工脑脊液(aCSF)0.5 μL/h治疗,给予Ang-(1-7)治疗组Ang-(1-7)(100 pmol/L,0.5 μL/h)治疗.脑缺血再灌注损伤后24 h用Western blotting法检测各组大鼠缺血侧皮层细胞核内NF-κB p65蛋白的表达,免疫组化染色检测NF-κB p65的空间分布以及阳性细胞数,酶联免疫吸附测定(ELISA)法测定血清肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)、白介素-1β(IL-1β)含量. 结果 Ang-(1-7)治疗组缺血侧顶叶皮层细胞核内NF-κB p65蛋白较缺血组降低约46%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).Ang-(1-7)治疗组缺血侧皮层细胞NF-κB p65由胞浆向胞核的移位被显著抑制,NF-κB p65阳性表达率较缺血组降低约29%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).Ang-(1-7)治疗组缺血侧皮层炎症因子TNF-α、IL-1β的表达[(71.603±18.539) pg/mL、(44.648±10.387) pg/mL]较缺血组[(104.763±24.412) pg/mL、(64.787±14.441) pg/mL]均有所降低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05). 结论 Ang-(1-7)能显著减轻脑缺血再灌注损伤中的炎症反应,其可能通过作用于Mas受体或拮抗血管紧张素Ⅱ的促炎作用,进而减轻氧化应激反应而实现.  相似文献   

目的探讨脑心通对缺血性大鼠脑组织核转录因子-κB(NF-κB)、基质金属蛋白酶-9(MMP-9)和TNF-α的影响。方法将110只健康雄性SD大鼠随机分为假手术组(30只),模型对照组(40只),脑心通治疗组(40只),每组再分为缺血再灌注后12 h、1 d、3 d、5 d、7 d五个时间点进行处理。采用Zea Longa法制备大脑中动脉闭塞缺血再灌注模型,利用MRI检查和Bederson评分筛选成功模型;每组五个时间点分别选取6只大鼠行MRI检查,动态观察使用脑心通胶囊后缺血脑组织变化过程,采用western blot、实时定量PCR分别检测梗死区脑组织NF-κB、MMP-9和TNF-α的蛋白和mRNA表达水平。结果脑心通治疗组脑梗死区域体积较模型对照组减少。脑心通治疗组NF-κB、MMP-9、TNF-α蛋白及其mRNA水平均明显低于模型对照组(均P0.05);假手术组MMP-9、TNF-α和NF-κB蛋白及其mRNA水平与脑心通治疗组差异无统计学意义。结论脑心通通过改变脑梗死区周围炎症因子表达水平来降低炎症反应,发挥神经保护作用。  相似文献   

目的观察金钗石斛多糖调控锌指蛋白A20表达抑制NF-κB信号通路减轻大鼠缺血-再灌注脑损伤的作用机制。方法 SD大鼠随机分为假手术组、脑缺血-再灌注模型组、金钗石斛多糖治疗组(200 mg/kg)、金钗石斛多糖治疗+A20沉默组和金钗石斛多糖治疗+空病毒载体组。建立局灶性脑缺血-再灌注模型,观察金钗石斛多糖对锌指蛋白A20 mRNA和蛋白表达的影响。比较各组大鼠神经功能评分和脑梗死体积,检测磷酸化IKKβ蛋白和胞核p65蛋白的表达量。结果分别从再灌注6 h和12 h开始,金钗石斛多糖治疗组大鼠脑组织A20 mRNA和蛋白水平均较脑缺血-再灌注模型组明显增高(均P0.01)。同脑缺血-再灌注模型组相比,金钗石斛多糖治疗组大鼠神经功能评分明显改善(P0.001),脑梗死体积明显减小(P0.01),脑组织磷酸化IKKβ和胞浆p65表达水平均明显下降(分别为P0.001,P0.01);而A20沉默则逆转了金钗石斛多糖上述治疗效果,各项指标均明显恶化(均P0.01)。结论金钗石斛多糖通过上调锌指蛋白A20表达抑制NF-κB信号通路减轻大鼠缺血性脑损伤。  相似文献   

目的 研究创伤性脑损伤(TBI)后损伤灶周围脑组织Toll样受体4(TLR4)的表达,探讨TLR4/NF-κB信号通路在TBI中的作用机制.方法 SD大鼠36只按随机数字表法分为对照组(n=12)、TBI后1d组(n=6)、TBI后3d组(n=12)和TBI后7d组(n=6),后3组采用Feeney自由落体撞击法制作TBI模型,对照组仅行右侧顶部开窗而无TBI.应用RT-PCR、凝胶电泳迁移率实验(EMSA)、ELISA分别检测4组大鼠挫伤脑组织TLR4 mRNA、NF-κB活性、TNF-α和IL-6浓度的变化;免疫组化染色检测对照组和TBI后3d组大鼠挫伤脑组织TLR4的表达.结果 与对照组比较,TBI后1d、3d、7d组TLR4 mRNA表达、NF-κB活性、TNF-α和IL-6浓度均增加,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);对照组脑组织TLR4表达较少,TBI后3d组创伤灶周围可见大量TLR4阳性细胞,主要表达在皮层胶质细胞、神经元中;NF-κB活性与TLR4 mRNA的表达呈正相关关系(r=0.786,P=-0.000).TNF-α、IL-6与TLR4的表达也呈正相关关系(r=0.517,P=0.010;r=0.503,P=0.012).结论 TBI可引起损伤区脑组织TLR4的表达和下游NF-κB、促炎症因子水平的增加,TLR4/NF-κB信号通路可能在脑组织的继发性损害中起重要作用.  相似文献   

目的探讨山柰酚(Kaempferol,Kae)对缺血性脑损伤大鼠的神经保护作用。方法山柰酚连续灌胃7 d后进行大脑中动脉栓塞(Middle cerebral artery occlusion,MCAO),缺血2 h后拔出线栓进行再灌注24 h后对大鼠进行神经功能评分;红四氮唑染色测定大鼠脑梗死面积比例; ELISA试剂盒检测梗死侧海马组织ROS、MDA和SOD的含量; Real time PCR检测TNF-α、IL-1β和IL-6 mRNA表达;免疫印迹检测海马组织NF-κB p65、Bax和Bcl-2蛋白表达。结果山柰酚中、高剂量明显提高MCAO小鼠神经功能受损评分,减少脑梗死面积比例(P 0. 05,P 0. 01); ELISA结果显示,山柰酚各剂量均可显著性增加MCAO小鼠海马SOD含量,降低其ROS和MDA的含量;Real time PCR和免疫印迹结果显示,山柰酚能明显减少MCAO小鼠海马TNF-α、IL-1β和IL-6 mRNA表达,降低NF-κB p65、Bax的表达及增加Bcl-2蛋白表达。结论山柰酚对缺血性脑损伤的神经保护作用与其抗氧化、抗炎及抗凋亡作用密切相关。  相似文献   

Background Dementia occurs in the majority of patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD). Late onset of PD has been reported to be associated with a higher risk for dementia. However, age at onset (AAO) and age at baseline assessment are often correlated. The aim of this study was to explore whether AAO of PD symptoms is a risk factor for dementia independent of the general effect of age. Methods Two community-based studies of PD in New York (n = 281) and Rogaland county, Norway (n = 227) and two population-based groups of healthy elderly from New York (n = 180) and Odense, Denmark (n = 2414) were followed prospectively for 3–4 years and assessed for dementia according to DSM-IIIR. All PD and control cases underwent neurological examination and were followed with neurological and neuropsychological assessments. We used Cox proportional hazards regression based on three different time scales to explore the effect of AAO of PD on risk of dementia, adjusting for age at baseline and other demographic and clinical variables. Findings In both PD groups and in the pooled analyses, there was a significant effect of age at baseline assessment on the time to develop dementia, but there was no effect of AAO independent of age itself. Consistent with these results, there was no increased relative effect of age on the time to develop dementia in PD cases compared with controls. Interpretation This study shows that it is the general effect of age, rather than AAO that is associated with incident dementia in subjects with PD. Received in revised form: 22 December 2005  相似文献   

BONDY, S. C., M. E. HARRINGTON AND C. L. ANDERSON. Effects of prevention of afferentation on the developmentof the chick optic lobe. BRAIN RES. BULL. 3(5) 411–413, 1978.—The effects of unilateral extirpation of the right optic cup of the three-day incubated chick embryo upon the rate of synthesis and the stability of DNA in the non-innervated optic lobe, have been studied. This surgical procedure prevents innervation of the optic lobe contralateral to the removed eye, while the other optic lobe is normally innervated by retinal ganglion cells of the remaining eye. At the 20th day of incubation, the DNA content of the non-innervated lobe was below that of the paired lobe receiving normal innervation. This deficiency of cell number was caused by two events; death of an excess number of neurons formed early in embryogenesis and a reduced rate of glial proliferation in the later stages of incubation.  相似文献   

目的分析帕金森病(PD)患者运动症状进展特点。方法采用PD统一评分量表(UPDRS)Ⅲ对912例PD患者进行评估。结果与病程1年的患者比较,除病程1~2年的患者外,其他病程患者的UPDRSⅢ评分、强直分、姿势或步态异常分、轴性症状总分、言语分、步态分显著升高(均P0.05),病程5~6年及14年患者的震颤分,病程5~6年、7~8年、9~13年、14年患者的运动迟缓分、姿势分显著升高(P0.05~0.01)。轴性症状进展速度高于UPDRSⅢ评分。结论 PD患者病程早期UPDRSⅢ评分进展快,震颤症状进展独立于其他症状,轴性症状评分较UPDRSⅢ更敏感地反映疾病加重趋势。  相似文献   

Summary The frequency of accumulation of 6-nm filaments in the adaxonal cytoplasm of Schwann cells in the 6th lumbar dorsal and ventral roots was evaluated in 4-, 8-, 26- and 45-week-old Sprague-Dawley rats. The frequency was higher in 4- and 8-week-old (growing) rats than in 26- and 45-week old (mature) rats, and also higher in ventral than in dorsal roots in 4-, 8- and 26-week old rats. There were no clusters on certain groups of myelinated fibers according to the size of transverse axonal area, in both the ventral and dorsal roots. Therefore, this accumulation may reflect certain functions of the adaxonal cytoplasm of Schwann cell during natural growth and maturation of the axon and myelin sheath.  相似文献   

Nearly 400 years ago, Thomas Willis described the arterial ring at the base of the brain (the circle of Willis, CW) and recognized it as a compensatory system in the case of arterial occlusion. This theory is still accepted. We present several arguments that via negativa should discard the compensatory theory. (1) Current theory is anthropocentric; it ignores other species and their analog structures. (2) Arterial pathologies are diseases of old age, appearing after gene propagation. (3) According to the current theory, evolution has foresight. (4) Its commonness among animals indicates that it is probably a convergent evolutionary structure. (5) It was observed that communicating arteries are too small for effective blood flow, and (6) missing or hypoplastic in the majority of the population. We infer that CW, under physiologic conditions, serves as a passive pressure dissipating system; without considerable blood flow, pressure is transferred from the high to low pressure end, the latter being another arterial component of CW. Pressure gradient exists because pulse wave and blood flow arrive into the skull through different cerebral arteries asynchronously, due to arterial tree asymmetry. Therefore, CW and its communicating arteries protect cerebral artery and blood–brain barrier from hemodynamic stress.  相似文献   

目的研究农村壮族妇女精神分裂症患者的生活质量及影响因素。方法前瞻性的队列研究。采用随机分层抽样法分为农村壮族妇女精神分裂症组、农村汉族妇女精神分裂症组、农村正常妇女对照组,应用“世界卫生组织生存质量测定报告”(WHOQOL-100)及PANSS量表调查其生活质量和疾病的严重程度。结果农村壮族妇女精神分裂症患者生活质量明显低于农村汉族妇女精神分裂症患者,影响其生活质量的相关因素是生活环境及精神支柱/个人信仰。结论经济贫困、环境条件、缺乏有效的医疗服务和社会保障是农村壮族妇女精神分裂症患者生活质量低的关键。因此,建立农村壮族社区精神卫生服务网络势在必行。  相似文献   

2018年,国家卫生健康委员会等10部委联合发布《关于印发全国社会心理服务体系建设试点工作方案的通知》,四川省绵阳市被列为全国第一批试点地区。绵阳市人民政府依据《中华人民共和国精神卫生法》等相关法律法规和文件精神,结合前期调查研究和社会心理服务工作的试点实际,编制出台了《绵阳市社会心理服务工作管理办法》,并于2021年12月25日起施行。本文围绕社会心理服务的相关概念、办法总则、重点内容、保障措施等方面进行解读,以期为社会心理服务工作的规范、持续和有效开展提供参考。  相似文献   

The origins of innervation of the esophagus of the dog   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study defined the origins of extrinsic efferent and afferent innervation of the normal canine esophagus. When all the layers of the wall of the 3 esophageal regions (cervical, thoracic and abdominal) were injected with horseradish peroxidase (HRP), labeled nerve cells were found in the nucleus ambiguus (NA) and parasympathetic nucleus of X (PX) of the brainstem. Most labeled cells in the NA were located in the compact column (retrofacial nucleus) while labeled cells in the PX were located in separate rostral and caudal areas. There was no somatotopic organization in either the NA or PX. Labeled sympathetic postganglionic neurons were found in the cranial cervical, middle cervical, cervicothoracic, thoracic sympathetic trunk and celiacomesenteric ganglia. The HRP injection of the esophageal wall labeled sensory cell bodies in the glossopharyngeal, proximal and distal vagal, and C2-T6 spinal ganglia. There was no discernible pattern of distribution of labeled cells in the autonomic or sensory ganglia. When the HRP injections were confined to the mucosa-submucosa layers of the thoracic esophagus, a small number of labeled cells were identified in the NA; however, no labeled cells were found in the NA when injections were confined to the mucosa-submucosa of either the cervical or abdominal esophageal regions. With these confined injections, the labeled nerve cells appeared in the rostral part of the PX. Thus, it appeared that the internal tunics of the esophagus (i.e., the mucosa and submucosa) were innervated by neurons in the rostral PX while the muscular tunic was innervated by neurons in the caudal PX and the rostral NA. After mucosa-submucosa injections, labeled sympathetic neurons appeared in the same ganglia that were identified after whole wall injections and these had a similar random distribution. These injections also labeled neurons in the glossopharyngeal, proximal vagal, and distal vagal ganglia, but unlike the whole wall injections there was no labeling in the spinal ganglia. This suggested that the labeled cells of the spinal ganglia seen after whole wall injections conveyed impulses from the tunica muscularis and serosa.  相似文献   

This article discusses the control methods of the central pattern generator (CPG). First a control model of the CPG is presented using 2 oscillators, and we suggest that phasic modulation to the CPG by means of phasic information is effective for controlling the phase difference between oscillators. Next, two models for controlling the CPG of a lamprey are proposed. One model describes a control system from the brain stem, in which the reticulospinal neurons control the CPG by receiving feedback signals and sending control signals to the neck region of the CPG. The other is a model for learning an localized control system to generate a desired motor pattern. By means of these models, a role of the efference copy is suggested.  相似文献   

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