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目的探讨神经导航引导、皮质电极监测下对海马病灶进行致痫灶切除,辅助以皮质痫灶横纤维热灼术治疗顽固性颞叶内侧癫痫的临床价值。方法通过对16例海马病灶的顽固性癫痫的病人,术前进行24小时脑电图描记定位致痫灶,手术前进行磁共振扫描,数据输人神经导航系统,手术当天进行导航注册配准.术中进行颞叶皮质电极描记,并在导航棒引导下找寻海马病灶,完整切除并辅以皮质热灼治疗致痫灶。结果术后0.5~3年内随访,按Engel癫痫疗效分级:发作完全消失11例(68.8%),明显改善4例(25%),改善1例(6.2%)。结论神经导航有助于海马病灶的准确找寻与切除,在皮质电极监测下,辅助皮质热灼是治疗顽固性颞叶内侧癫痫的一种有效、安全的方法。  相似文献   

目的探讨脑磁图在伴发癫痫的颅内肿瘤手术中的应用。方法应用CTF脑磁图系统对20例伴发癫痫的颅内肿瘤患者行术前致痫灶定位,术中结合神经导航系统和皮层脑电描记指导致痫灶的处理。结果16例肿瘤全切除,4例次全切除,致痫灶均获处理,术后癫痫停止发作20例;随访24~36个月,术后1月及15月各1例再次出现癫痫发作,余18例无发作,9例停药。结论伴发癫痫的颅内肿瘤,脑磁图能够较好的定位致痫灶,在切除肿瘤的同时指导致痴灶的处理。  相似文献   

目的 研究伴有癫痫发作的脑内病灶的手术治疗效果。方法 本组24例病人中,EEG示13例有局部痫样波,5例局灶慢波,6例正常。在皮质脑电图(ECoG)监测下手术.11例痫灶位于病灶表面或紧邻其边缘,行病灶 痫灶切除;8例痫灶距病灶10mm以上,其中6例位于非功能区,行病灶 痫灶切除;2例位于功能区,行病灶切除及热凝痫灶皮质;2例痫灶位于前颞叶深部,行前颞叶及病灶切除。3例ECoG正常,仅行病灶切除。结果 21例痫灶切除病人中,15例(71%)术后癫痫完全消失,2例(10%)发作显减少,4例(19%)发作减少。结论 对伴有癫痫发作的脑内病灶病人,术中ECoG及深部电极有助于精确定位痫灶;切除病灶、痫灶,效果良好。  相似文献   

目的埋藏式颅内电极在癫痫外科中的临床应用.方法分别对19例顽固性癫痫,进行颞叶嵌入深部电极和额颞硬膜下埋置条状电极,术前进行脑电描记,根据脑电特征对痫灶定位,实施外科手术治疗.结果19例描记的脑电图定位,然后行前颞叶切除+选择性海马杏仁核切除术12例,胼胝体前部切开术5例其中1例左杏仁核射频毁损,右海马杏仁核射频毁损1例,左额颞MST1例.经2~6年随访63%(12/19)术后未发作,32%(6/19)偶发,5%(1/19)无改变.优良率95%.结论埋藏式颅内电极应用,定位成功率高,是指导制定合理手术方式及提高手术效果的可靠方法之一.位癫灶、采用不同的术式切除是手术治愈难治性癫痫的有效途径.  相似文献   

目的探讨颞叶低级别胶质瘤继发顽固性癫痫患者的临床特点、术前评估及外科治疗效果。方法对31例颞叶低级别胶质瘤继发顽固性癫痫患者术前进行MRI、视频脑电图(VEEG)、发作间期正电子发射断层扫描(PET)检查,综合分析检查结果,制定相应手术方案。术中行皮层脑电描记(ECoG),术后对切除组织进行病理检查,并对患者进行术后随访。结果29例(93.5%)患者术后癫痫发作完全或部分缓解,2例(6.5%)患者无明显缓解。结论对于颞叶低级别胶质瘤继发顽固性癫痫的患者.术前进行综合评估,同时切除病灶及致痫灶是控制癫痫发作、改善预后的有效手段。  相似文献   

颞叶前部病灶切除术治疗癫痫的观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报告作者5年来颞叶前部切除术治疗颞叶癫痫15例的结果。随访期1~5年。男7例,女8例。年龄11~38岁。行颞叶前部(包括杏仁核及海马前端)切除12例,单纯颞叶前部切除3例。术后控制癫痫的有效率为86.7%。 作者认为脑电图仍然是致痫灶定位最基本的手段,强调多次检查,在各种生理状况下描记出相同结果时诊断价值才大,加上术中应用皮质电极和深电极可更精确寻找致痫灶。若能完全切除致痫灶,颞叶内侧结构能完全切除,手术后和随访期中脑电图恢复正常及病因明确,有组织学异常者疗效好。  相似文献   

颞叶癫痫脑电图分析及病灶超微结构观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 研究影像学检查无异常的颞叶癫痫患者,电生理异常与皮层棘波灶及海马超微病变的关系.方法 选择经CT或MRI检查未见异常的颞叶癫痫患者7例,术前做脑电图或24h视频脑电监测,术中在脑电监测下取颞叶大脑皮质棘波灶和海马组织,做电镜观察.结果 7例患者电生理检查均可见典型痫样放电.颞叶皮质痫灶和海马可见不同程度的神经元固缩,胶质细胞变性,胶质增生,突触数量及突触结构改变,血脑屏障破坏等改变.结论 影像学无异常的颞叶癫痫患者颞叶皮层痫灶和海马超微结构病理变化明显,特别是突触的变化,是导致癫痫患者脑电生理机能异常及癫痫反复自发性发作的形态学基础.  相似文献   

术中脑电监测在癫痫手术中的应用分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的讨论术中脑电监测在癫痫手术中的应用意义。方法40例难治性癫痫患者,术中采用日本光电9200脑电描记系统。应用皮层电极,在致痫灶靶区皮层,对癫痫起源部位进一步精确定位,手术切除致痫灶,并在皮层脑电图(ECoG)监测下进行病灶扩大切除、胼胝体切开或多处软膜下横切(MST),术后常规应用抗癫痫药物。结果全部患者在预定的癫痫灶局部均可记录到癫痫波;病变及癫痫灶切除后即时检测,显示痫性放电明显减少24例,其中3例非功能区海绵状血管瘤,瘤体切除后仍可见大量棘波,扩大切除周围皮质,棘波显著减少;3例功能区胶质瘤患者虽经MST后,棘波有一定改善,仍可见一定量棘波;12例海马硬化及1例海马萎缩术后,仍存在一定量棘波。术后疗效评价,按照Engel分级评价为:Ⅰ级27例,Ⅱ级6例,Ⅲ级4例,Ⅳ级3例;总有效者37例,有效率达92.5%。结论在癫痫手术中运用脑电监测,可以进一步精确定位致痫灶,指导手术中正确切除癫痫灶及预示手术效果,有助于提高手术治疗的有效性,在癫痫外科治疗中具有一定应用价值。  相似文献   

目的探讨18F-脱氧葡萄糖(FDG)PET/CT检查在颞叶内侧癫痫(mesial temporal lobe epilepsy)术前评估和致痫灶定位中的应用价值。方法回顾性分析我科实施手术治疗的85例颞叶内侧癫痫患者的临床资料,经三大检查(症状学、MRI、V-EEG)和18F-FDG PET/CT检查证实致痫灶存在且位于颞叶内侧。经上述方法精准定位后,采用扩大额颞手术切口,皮层脑电描记引导下施行标准前颞叶切除术,部分加做海马杏仁核切除术或(和)皮层热灼术,对术前评估方法,18F-FDG PET/CT检查的意义和手术治疗预后进行分析。结果 85例患者术后随访6个月到5年,Engel效果分级:69例(81.2%)I级,9例(10.6%)Ⅱ级,7例(8.2%)Ⅲ级或Ⅳ级。4例出现硬膜外血肿,15例出现短期并发症,所有病人均无永久性并发症。患者术后服用抗癫痫药物较术前减少或停药。结论 18 F-FDGPET/CT检查是目前颞叶内侧癫痫致痫灶定位精确、直观而有效的手段之一,结合常规三大术前检查,是颞叶内侧癫痫致痫灶定位可靠的无创性检查方法。18F-FDG PET/CT检查对于颞叶内侧癫痫的术前定位诊断具有重要价值。  相似文献   

位于功能区致痫灶的外科处理是顽固性癫痫外科治疗的一个难题。本文作者自1986年10月以来应用脑皮质电图(ECoG)描记小范围致痫灶切除加选择性胼胝体切开术治疗17例致痫灶位于功能区的顽固性癫痫。取得较好的临床疗效。现总结如下。一般资料:本组男13例,女4例。年龄11~37岁。平均22.1岁。原因为外伤性5例。局灶性脑萎缩4例。蛛网膜囊肿2例。脑脓肿后1例。原发性5例。病程从9个月至24年不等。发作类型及频率:15例大发作,其中10例伴有局灶性发作。2例为颞叶癫痫。发作频率从每日十次到每月一次不等。临床伴发症状;l例因癫痫大发作脑外伤致急性硬膜外血肿。1例头部外伤9个月伴术后颅骨缺损脑膨出。5例伴肢体不全瘫及不全性运动性失语。EEG:17例术前均行脑电图描记,均有不同程度的局灶棘波,尖波和慢活动增多。致痫灶均在功能  相似文献   

To evaluate the usefulness and limitations of magneto-encephalography (MEG) for epilepsy surgery, we compared 'interictal' epileptic spike fields on MEG with ictal electrocorticography (ECoG) using invasive chronic subdural electrodes in a patient with intractable medial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE) associated with vitamin K deficiency intracerebral hemorrhage. A 19-year-old male with an 8-year history of refractory complex partial seizures, secondarily generalized, and right hemispheric atrophy and porencephaly in the right frontal lobe on MRI, was studied with MEG to define the interictal paroxysmal sources based on the single-dipole model. This was followed by invasive ECoG monitoring to delineate the epileptogenic zone. MEG demonstrated two paroxysmal foci, one each on the right lateral temporal and frontal lobes. Ictal ECoG recordings revealed an ictal onset zone on the right medial temporal lobe, which was different from that defined by MEG. Anterior temporal lobectomy with hippocampectomy was performed and the patient has been seizure free for two years. Our results indicate that interictal MEG does not always define the epileptogenic zone in patients with MTLE.  相似文献   

目的探讨学龄前难治性颞叶癫痫患儿影像学、电生理特点及手术方法和疗效。方法回顾性分析解放军联勤保障部队第九八八医院神经外科中心自2014年6月至2019年1月行手术治疗的27例学龄前难治性颞叶癫痫患儿资料,术前评估结合临床发作表现,MRI、磁共振波谱分析(MRS)、正电子发射断层扫描(PET-CT)等影像资料,以及发作间期和发作期视频脑电图(VEEG)资料;术中应用皮层脑电图(ECoG)与深部电极监测定位异常放电区域,指导手术切除致痫灶范围。术后采用Engel分级评估疗效。结果27例患儿均有典型颞叶癫痫临床表现,MRI发现一侧颞叶及海马异常信号影,发作间期及发作期VEEG提示异常放电起始于一侧额颞部。术中ECoG及深部电极监测均发现颞叶明显持续或阵发性尖波、棘波、棘慢复合波等癫痫样放电。27例患儿均采用标准前颞叶+病灶切除+周边异常放电颞叶皮质扩大切除术,其中2例患儿切除部分岛叶长回及额盖皮质热灼处理。随访6个月,EngelⅠ级患儿22例,EngelⅡ级患儿3例,EngelⅢ级患儿2例。结论早期手术、术中ECoG与深部电极联合监测下适度扩大切除范围是改善学龄前难治性颞叶癫痫患儿手术疗效的关键因素。  相似文献   

《Neurological research》2013,35(8):830-834

To evaluate the usefulness and limitations of magneto-encephalography (MEG) for epilepsy surgery, we compared 'interictal' epileptic spike fields on MEG with ictal electrocorticography (ECoG) using invasive chronic subdural electrodes in a patient with intractable medial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE) associated with vitamin K deficiency intracerebral hemorrhage. A 19-year-old male with an 8-year history of refractory complex partial seizures, secondarily generalized, and right hemispheric atrophy and porencephaly in the right frontal lobe on MRI, was studied with MEG to define the interictal paroxysmal sources based on the single-dipole model. This was followed by invasive ECoG monitoring to delineate the epileptogenic zone. MEG demonstrated two paroxysmal foci, one each on the right lateral temporal and frontal lobes. Ictal ECoG recordings revealed an ictal onset zone on the right medial temporal lobe, which was different from that defined by MEG. Anterior temporal lobectomy with hippocampectomy was performed and the patient has been seizure free for two years. Our results indicate that interictal MEG does not always define the epileptogenic zone in patients with MTLE. [Neurol Res 2001; 23: 830-834]  相似文献   

目的探讨皮层脑电监测下合并颞叶病变的癫手术治疗效果。方法 21例伴有癫症状的颞叶病变患者,术中通过皮层脑电图确定癫灶,切除病变后,切除或热灼可疑癫疒间灶。术后随访患者的癫发作情况。结果 21例患者切除颞叶病变前均可通过皮层脑电图探及疒间波,病变及疒间灶完全切除后,癫波消失者19例,2例功能区患者虽多次皮层热灼,仍可见偶发棘波。术后20例未再有癫疒间发作,1例有部分性发作,用抗癫疒间药可控制。结论术中皮层脑电监测切除或热灼癫灶是一种有效控制颞叶病变切除术后癫发作的方法。  相似文献   

Magnetoencephalography (MEG) is considered clinically useful in localizing the epileptogenic focus in partial epilepsy. However, the relationship between the extent of the brain involved in paroxysmal activities and the magnetic field changes at the scalp has not been fully clarified. Furthermore, whether paroxysmal activities generated in deep brain structures such as the hippocampus can be detected magnetically is uncertain. Eight patients with temporal lobe epilepsy and two with extratemporal lobe epilepsy underwent chronic recording from subdural electrodes. Magnetic and electrocorticographic discharges representing epileptic activity were recorded simultaneously. MEG recorded magnetic field changes originating from paroxysmal activity in the superiolateral cerebral cortex when the amplitudes of the electrical paroxysmal activities exceeded 100 microV and extended over more than 3 cm2 of cortical surface. MEG failed to record paroxysmal activity localized to the medial temporal lobe. MEG is often useful in identifying a spike focus in the superiolateral aspects of the cerebral hemisphere, but not discharges arising from the medial temporal lobe. Rapid decay of the magnetic field is likely to be the reason for this limited sensitivity to medial discharges.  相似文献   

All-night recordings from subdural electrocorticographic (ECoG) electrodes on the human medial and basal temporal lobes were analysed to examine spindling activities during sleep. Subjects were three males and three females who were candidates for neurosurgical treatments of partial epilepsy. Subdural electrodes were attached to the medial and basal temporal lobe cortices, allowing ECoG and electroencephalogram from the scalp vertex (Cz EEG) to be recorded simultaneously during all night sleep. In one case, subdural electrodes were attached also on the parietal lobe. Fast Fourier transformation (FFT) analyses were performed on the ECoG and Cz EEG signals. No organized sleep spindles or sigma band (12-16 Hz) peaks in FFT power spectra were observed from the medial or basal temporal lobes of the non-epileptogenic hemispheres during non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep. In a case with parietal electrodes, organized spindle bursts were observed in parietal signals synchronized with Cz spindles. Although delta band (0.3-3 Hz) power from both the medial and basal temporal lobes fluctuated across each night as expected, sigma activity changed little. However, 14 Hz oscillatory bursts were observed in the medial basal temporal lobe of epileptogenic hemisphere in two cases and bilaterally in one case during not only NREM sleep but rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and wakefulness. From the present study we conclude that sleep spindle activities are absent in the medial and basal temporal lobes. Fourteen Hz oscillatory bursts observed from the medial or basal temporal lobe in some cases were not considered to be sleep spindles since they also appeared during REM sleep and wakefulness. These waveforms could have originated due to epileptic pathology, since they frequently appeared in epileptic regions.  相似文献   

Numerous non-epileptic physiological electroencephalographic (EEG) patterns morphologically mimic epileptiform activity. However, misleading non-epileptic findings of electrocorticography (ECoG) have not yet been examined in detail. The aim of the present study was to identify non-epileptic epileptiform ECoG findings. We retrospectively reviewed the intracranial recordings of 21 patients with intractable focal epilepsy who became seizure-free after a presurgical evaluation with subdural electrodes following resective surgeries at Sapporo Medical University between January 2014 and December 2018. Morphological epileptiform findings outside epileptogenic areas were judged as non-epileptic and analyzed. Seventeen areas in nine patients exhibited non-epileptic epileptiform activities. These areas were identified in the lateral temporal cortices, basal temporal areas, rolandic areas, and frontal lobe. Morphological patterns were classified into three types: 1) spiky oscillations, 2) isolated spiky activity, and 3) isolated fast activity. The normal cortex may exhibit non-epileptic epileptiform activities. These activities need to be carefully differentiated from real epileptic abnormalities to prevent the mislocalization of epileptogenic areas.  相似文献   

《Neurological research》2013,35(6):531-536

Magnetoencephalography (MEG) is considered clinically useful in localizing the epileptogenic focus in partial epilepsy. However, the relationship between the extent of the brain involved in paroxysmal activities and the magnetic field changes at the scalp has not been fully clarified. Furthermore, whether paroxysmal activities generated in deep brain structures such as the hippocampus can be detected magnetically is uncertain. Eight patients with temporal lobe epilepsy and two with extratemporal lobe epilepsy underwent chronic recording from subdural electrodes. Magnetic and electrocorticographic discharges representing epileptic activity were recorded simultaneously. MEG recorded magnetic field changes originating from paroxysmal activity in the superiolateral cerebral cortex when the amplitudes of the electrical paroxysmal activities exceeded 100 µ V and extended over more than 3 cm2 of cortical surface. MEG failed to record paroxysmal activity localized to the medial temporal lobe. MEG is often useful in identifying a spike focus in the superiolateral aspects of the cerebral hemisphere, but not discharges arising from the medial temporal lobe. Rapid decay of the magnetic field is likely to be the reason for this limited sensitivity to medial discharges. [Neurol Res 2002; 24: 531-536]  相似文献   

Objectives –  To assess the value of remifentanil in intraoperative evaluation of spike activity in patients undergoing surgery for mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE).
Materials and methods –  Twenty-five patients undergoing temporal lobectomy for medically intractable MTLE were enrolled in the study. Electrocorticography (ECoG) recordings were performed on the intraventricular hippocampus and from the anterior inferior temporal and lateral neocortex before and after a 300 μg intravenous bolus of remifentanil. Spike activity was quantified as spike-count per minute.
Results –  A significant increase ( P  <   0.005) in spike activity was observed after administration of remifentanil in 23 of 25 patients (92%). Furthermore, two patients who did not have any spike activity on the baseline ECoG developed spikes after administration of remifentanil.
Conclusions –  The results suggest that remifentanil can enhance spike activity in the epileptogenic zone and reveal otherwise concealed epileptogenic tissue in patients with MTLE. Thus, remifentanil may prove to be an important diagnostic tool during surgical treatment for intractable focal epilepsy.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the effectiveness of presurgical dipole analysis of interictal spikes as a non-invasive technique for the determination of epileptogenic area, we compared the results of this method with those of electrocorticography (ECoG) localization in the diagnosis of a patient with tumor-related epilepsy. A preoperative MRI revealed a temporal lobe tumor on the right side. The individual dipoles estimated from the interictal spikes were located mainly in the anterolateral region of the right temporal lobe, although some were located in the mesial side. The ECoG recorded frequent spikes in the anterolateral region of the right temporal lobe consistent with the location estimated by dipole analysis. After surgery, the patient suffered from residual seizures. Therefore, the residual epileptogenic area was examined by dipole analysis using a four-layered head model instead of the previous three-layered head model. As a result, the dipole analysis was able to pinpoint the epileptic focus in the area directly adjacent to the resected area, and in the mesial temporal lobe. In conclusion, EEG dipole analysis appears to hold promise as a non-invasive presurgical evaluation technique for locating epileptogenic areas as well as for postsurgical evaluation of residual epileptic focus.  相似文献   

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