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用高效液相色谱法测定33例精神发育迟滞(MR)患者及12例对照者脑脊液(CSF)和血清中单胺类物质,结果显示:精神发育迟滞患者CSF中高香草酸(C-HVA)和5-羟吲哚乙酸(C-5-HIAA)高于对照组(P<0.05);先天愚型组C-HVA明显高于其它三组(P<0.01),C-5-HIAA高于对照组和脆性X综合征组(P<0.01),而先天愚型组血清中5-羟色胺低于其它三组(P<0.01);脆性X综合征组的游离色氨酸高于其它三组(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

用放射免疫法测定了30例多发梗塞性痴呆(MID)、35例无痴呆多发脑梗塞患者(MCI)及30名健康人的血浆生长抑素(SS)、精氨酸加压素(AVP)及β-内啡肽(β-EP)含量,同时测定了部分MID和MCI患者脑脊液(CSF)中SS、AVP、β-EP含量。发现MID患者血浆SS、AVP含量比MCI组和健康对照组均降低(P<0.05),且随痴呆程度的加重,其含量有递减趋势。而血浆中β-EP在这三组间差异无显著性意义(P>0.05)。MID组CSF中SS、β-EP含量低于MCI组(P<0.05),而CSF中AVP含量在两组间无差异(P>0.05),CSF中AVP含量与痴呆的关系有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

氧化、脂质过氧化与脑梗死关系的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:探讨一氧化氮、氧化、脂质过氧化与脑梗死的关系。方法:检测了146例急性脑梗死患者(CI)和100例健康志愿者(HV)血浆中的一氧化氮(P-NO)、维生素C(P-VC)、维生素E(P-VE)、β-胡萝卜素(P-β-CAR)和过氧化脂质(P-LPO)含量及红细胞中的超氧化物歧化酶(E-SOD)、过氧化氢酶(E-CAT)、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(E-GSH-Px)活性和过氧化脂质(E-LPO)含量并作分析比较;同时,检测了其中44例患者治疗前后的上述生化指标,并作分析比较。结果:与HV组比较,CI组的P-NO、P-LPO、E-LPO平均值均显著升高(P<0.001),P-VC、P-VE、P-β-CAR、E-SOD、E-CAT、E-GSH-Px平均值均显著降低(P<0.001);与治疗前比较,治疗后的P-NO、P-LPO、E-LPO平均值均显著降低(P<0.001),P-VC、P-VE、P-β-CAR、E-SOD、E-CAT、E-GSH-Px平均值均显著升高(P<0.001)。结论:脑梗死患者体内NO代谢异常,一系列自由基连锁反应病理性加剧,氧化抗氧化平衡严重失调,NO、氧化和脂质过氧化损伤加剧。  相似文献   

血可溶性白细胞介素2受体与不同精神疾病的相关性研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
为了解精神疾病与可溶性白细胞介素2受体(SIL-2R)的关系,采用双抗体夹心步骤的酶联免疫吸附测定(ELISA)来检测精神分裂症40例、躁狂症18例、抑郁症20例及49名健康者的血清SIL-2R含量。结果显示,精神分裂症和抑郁症患者血清SIL-2R基础值较健康对照组显著升高(P<0.01),躁狂症组较对照组显著降低(P<0.01),而精神分裂症和抑郁症患者经治疗后血清SIL-2R显著降低(P<0.01),躁狂症则明显增高(P<0.01)。提示精神疾病患者存在有免疫缺陷,血清SIL-2R是可供判断免疫缺陷和精神症状演变的一个参考指标。  相似文献   

小儿病毒性脑炎患者内皮素—1含量的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用放射免疫均相竟争法,测定56例急性病毒性脑炎(AVE)患儿的血浆和脑脊液(CSF)中内皮素-1(ET-1)含量。结果发现,AVE急性期患儿血浆ET-1含量明显高于疾病对照组和正常对照组(P<0.01),急性期血浆和CSF中ET-1含量高于恢复期(P<0.01),血浆与CSF中ET-1含量呈正相关(r=0.858,P<0.001),病情严重、抽搐频繁、EEG和脑CT或MRI显示病变部位广泛者,血浆和CSF中ET-1含量增高更为显著。认为ET-1是一种新的内源性致病因子,在AVE病程发展与转归中起重要作用。  相似文献   

有关Alzheimer病(AD)的治疗尚无有效的措施。文中用铝诱导建立AD大鼠模型,将AD大鼠分为对照、续断和vitaminE(VE)三组,用川续断/VE处理AD大鼠1,3,5个月,分别进行行为学测试、光镜形态学观察、免疫细胞化学图像分析处理。结果:1.川续断/VE处理1,3,5个月三个时间段中三组间①大鼠学习记忆力有显著性差异(P<0.05);②海马结构内淀粉样前体蛋白样免疫反应(APP-LI)神经元的胞体平均截面积及光密度(ASO)各存在有统计学差异(P<0.05)。2.续断组和VE组于川续断/VE处理1,3,5个月间的纵向比较显示①大鼠学习记忆力也有显著性差异(P<0.05或0.01);②海马结构内APP-LI神经元的胞体平均截面积及ASO各存在有统计学差异(P<0.01)。提示川续断和VE对淀粉样前体蛋白在神经元的过度表达有明显的抑制作用,并且可以改善大鼠学习记忆力。  相似文献   

目的:探讨急性脑组织损害对原发性高血压(EH)患者心率变异(HRV)的影响。方法:对26例EH并急性脑血管病(ACVD)患者进行24h动态心电图HRV测定,并与20例EH元ACVD患者进行对比。结果:EH并ACVD组最小心率及平均心率明显高于无ACVD组(P〈0.01;P〈0.01);24h相邻R-R间期之差的均方根(rMSSD)、相邻R-R间期之差大于50ms的心搏数占心搏总数的百分比(PNN5  相似文献   

采用放免法动态观察了25只实验性犬SAH后CVS动物模型的血浆、CSF中ET及CGRP含量变化及巴曲酶的保护作用。结果:单纯注血组及巴曲酶治疗组的血浆、CSF中ET含量较对照组明显增高(P<0.01),CGRP含量明显降低(P<0.01)。单纯注血组在注血后30min血浆、CSF中ET含量开始升高,CGRP含量开始下降,至第7dET达最高值,CGRP达最低值。经蛛网膜下腔及静脉注入巴曲酶0.4BU/kg/d组,血浆及CSF中ET含量均较同期单纯注血组明显降低(P<0.01),而CGRP则明显升高(P<0.01)。提示血浆、CSF中ET、CGRP失衡是SAH后CVS的原因之一。巴曲酶可防止ET升高和CGRP降低。  相似文献   

对原发性高血压(EH)合并急性脑血管病(ACVD)患者30例进行24小时动态心电图心率变异性(HRV)测定,并与30例无ACVD的EH患者进行对比。结果显示,合并ACVD组最小心率及平均心率明显高于对照组(P<0.01、<0.001);SDNN、rMSSD、PNN50比对照组明显减低(P<0.001、<0.01、<0.001)。提示合并ACVD的EH患者HRV减低,其主要原因可能是自主神经中枢损害。  相似文献   

ABC-ELISA法检测重症肌无力患者三种自身抗体的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用ABC-ELISA法检测了97例MG病人血清内三种抗体:AchRab、Pr-Mab、CAEab。结果发现:(1)全身型AchRab、pr-Mab阳性率明显高于眼肌型(P<0.01);AchRab与Pr-MabP/N值呈线性正相关(r=0.797P<0.01)。(2)合并胸腺异常者CAEab阳性率为84.2%,明显高于对照组(P<0.01);此组病人AchRab与CAEabP/N值呈显著正相关,Pr-Mab与CAEabP/N值呈非常显著正相关。(r=0.512和r=0.598P<0.01)。(3)8例病人作了治疗前后抗体检测。激素治疗后或切除异常胸腺后,抗体滴度多数下降或有转阴趋势。  相似文献   

《Alzheimer's & dementia》2014,10(4):485-502
BackgroundAlzheimer disease (AD) patients are at risk of nutritional insufficiencies because of physiological and psychological factors. Nutritional compounds are postulated to play a role in the pathophysiological processes that are affected in AD. We here provide the first systematic review and meta-analysis that compares plasma levels of micronutrients and fatty acids in AD patients to those in cognitively intact elderly controls. A secondary objective was to explore the presence of different plasma nutrient levels between AD and control populations that did not differ in measures of protein/energy nourishment.MethodsWe screened literature published after 1990 in the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Medline, and Embase electronic databases using Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines for AD patients, controls, micronutrient, vitamins, and fatty acids, resulting in 3397 publications, of which 80 met all inclusion criteria. Status of protein/energy malnutrition was assessed by body mass index, mini nutritional assessment score, or plasma albumin. Meta-analysis, with correction for differences in mean age between AD patients and controls, was performed when more than five publications were retrieved for a specific nutrient.ResultsWe identified five or more studies for folate, vitamin A, vitamin B12, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, copper, iron, and zinc but fewer than five studies for vitamins B1 and B6, long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, magnesium, manganese, and selenium (the results of the individual publications are discussed). Meta-analysis showed significantly lower plasma levels of folate and vitamin A, vitamin B12, vitamin C, and vitamin E (P < .001), whereas nonsignificantly lower levels of zinc (P = .050) and vitamin D (P = .075) were found in AD patients. No significant differences were observed for plasma levels of copper and iron. A meta-analysis that was limited to studies reporting no differences in protein/energy malnourishment between AD and control populations yielded similar significantly lower plasma levels of folate and vitamin B12, vitamin C, and vitamin E in AD.ConclusionsThe lower plasma nutrient levels indicate that patients with AD have impaired systemic availability of several nutrients. This difference appears to be unrelated to the classic malnourishment that is well known to be common in AD, suggesting that compromised micronutrient status may precede protein and energy malnutrition. Contributing factors might be AD-related alterations in feeding behavior and intake, nutrient absorption, alterations in metabolism, and increased utilization of nutrients for AD pathology-related processes. Given the potential role of nutrients in the pathophysiological processes of AD, the utility of nutrition may currently be underappreciated and offer potential in AD management.  相似文献   

目的测定血管性痴呆(VD)与非痴呆脑血管病(NDCVD)患者及健康老年者血清叶酸、Vitamin B_(12)水平,同时评估认知功能的变化,分析并探讨其在VD的可能作用。方法选择VD40人,为痴呆组;NDCVD40人,为非痴呆组;同期选定40名健康老年人作为对照组。应用MMSE对3组对象的认知功能进行评定,测定被试着血清叶酸、Vitamin B_(12)水平。初步观察补充叶酸、Vitamin B_(12)对VD认知功能的影响。结果3组血清叶酸、Vitamin B_(12)水平(以中位数M及95%的可信区间CI表示),以VD组最低为4.20ng/ml(4.07~5.50)、343.67pg/ml(296.54~413.73)。与对照组比较有显著性(P<0.01),VD与NDCVD组相比叶酸水平不同(P<0.01),而Vitamin B_(12)水平无差别(P>0.05)。3组MMSE值VD组最低(16.05±5.94),各组之间明显不同(P<0.01)。初步显示补充叶酸、Vita- min B_(12)对VD患者认知功能有一定的改善作用。结论VD患者血清叶酸、Vitamin B_(12)水平明显低于健康者,低水平叶酸、Vitamin B_(12)可能对VD的认知功能有影响。  相似文献   

目的探讨高蛋氨酸(Met)喂饲兔引发高同型半胱氨酸(Hcy)血症与脑动脉损伤的关系,同时观察补充VitB6、VitB12、叶酸对血Hcy水平和动脉损伤的影响.方法采用纯种雄性新西兰兔26只,分为三组对照组、高蛋氨酸组、干预组,分别喂以普通兔饲料每只200g/d、普通饲料添加0.5%Met、普通饲料每天每只兔添加0.5%Met、叶酸2.5mg、VitB6 10mg、VitB12 200mg,喂养6个月,测定血浆总Hcy(tHcy),光镜检测脑动脉组织学改变.结果实验前血浆tHcy浓度三组间无明显差异,实验后断食2 h和7 h血tHcy浓度高Met组明显高于对照组(P<0.01),而干预组血tHcy浓度明显低于高Met组(P<0.01),但仍高于对照组.光镜组织学检测发现高Met组和干预组脑动脉可见内皮细胞坏死、脱落、溃疡形成,附壁血栓,中膜平滑肌散乱疏松.结论高Met引发高Hcy血症对脑动脉有损伤,且VitB6、VitB12、叶酸的补充可以降低高Met引发的高Hcy浓度的水平.  相似文献   

婴儿期维生素K缺乏症颅内出血的CT分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:为进一步提高对婴儿期维生素K缺乏症所致颅内出血CT征象的认识,方法:回顾性分析经临床证实有各种颅内出血的CT改变共97例,结果:按颅内出血的部位及并发症分为单纯性,混合性,其CT改变主要以急性和亚急性出血为主,以蛛网膜下腔出血,硬膜下出血,混合性脑出血多见,常合并有大面积脑水肿。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Recombinant members of the vitamin K-dependent protein family (factors IX and VII and protein C) have become important pharmaceuticals in treatment of bleeding disorders and sepsis. However, because the in vivo gamma-carboxylation system in stable cell lines used for transfection has a limited capacity of post translational gamma-carboxylation, the recovery of fully gamma-carboxylated and functional proteins is low. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In this work we have engineered recombinant factor VII producing HEK 293 cells to stably overexpress VKORC1, the reduced vitamin K gamma-carboxylase cofactor and in addition stably silenced the gamma-carboxylase inhibitory protein calumenin. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Stable cell lines transfected with only a factor VII cDNA had a 9% production of functional recombinant factor VII. On the other hand, these recombinant factor VII producing cells when engineered to overexpress VKORC1 and having calumenin stably suppressed more than 80% by shRNA expression, produced 68% functional factor VII. The technology presented should be applicable to all vertebrae members of the vitamin K-dependent protein family and should lower the production cost of the clinically used factors VII, IX and protein C.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Homocysteine is an experimental convulsant and an established risk factor in atherosclerosis. A nutritional deficiency of vitamin B6, vitamin B12, or folate leads to increased homocysteine plasma concentrations. During treatment with carbamazepine (CBZ), phenytoin, or phenobarbital, a deficiency in these vitamins is common. The objective of the study was to test the hypothesis that antiepileptic drug (AED) treatment is associated with increased homocysteine plasma concentrations. METHODS: A total of 51 consecutive outpatients of our epilepsy clinic receiving stable, individually adjusted AED treatment and 51 sex- and age-matched controls were enrolled in the study. Concentrations of total homocysteine and vitamin B6 were measured in plasma; vitamin B12 and folate were measured in the serum of fasted subjects. RESULTS: Patients and controls differed significantly in concentrations of folate ( 13.5+/-1.0 vs. 17.4+/-0.8 nM and vitamin B6 (39.7+/-3.4 vs. 66.2+/-7.5 nM), whereas serum concentrations of vitamin B12 were similar. The homocysteine plasma concentration was significantly increased to 14.7+/-3.0 microM in patients compared with controls (9.5+/-0.5 microM; p < 0.05, Wilcoxon rank-sum test). The number of patients with concentrations of >15 microM was significantly higher in the patient group than among controls. The same result was obtained if only patients with CBZ monotherapy were included. Patients with increased homocysteine plasma concentrations had lower folate concentrations. CONCLUSIONS: These data support the hypothesis that prolonged AED treatment may increase plasma concentrations of homocysteine, although the alternative explanation that increased homocysteine plasma concentrations are associated with the disease and not the treatment cannot be completely excluded at the moment.  相似文献   

目的 观察叶酸和维生素B6、B12联合治疗青年脑卒中合并高同型半胱氨酸(Hcy)血症的疗效.方法 将150例青年脑卒中合并高Hcy血症患者随机分为低剂量叶酸和维生素B6、B12治疗组(低剂量组)、高剂量叶酸和维生素B6、B12治疗组(高剂量组)、对照组,每组50例.用药剂量:低剂量组给予叶酸2.5mg/d、维生素B6 10 mg/d、维生素B12 0.5 mg/d,高剂量组给予叶酸5 mg/d、维生素B6 30 ms/d、维生素B12 1.5mg/d,连续给药4周,对照组不予叶酸和维生素B6、B12治疗.治疗前后检测血浆Hcy浓度,治疗后血浆Hcy浓度<15 μmol/L为有效;并观察不良反应.结果 治疗4周后低剂量组、高剂量组临床有效率分别是70.4%、71.6%,与对照组(4.6%)相比差异有统计学意义(均P<0.01);治疗后低剂量组、高剂量组血浆Hcy浓度比治疗前明显降低(下降33.9%和36.1%)(均P<0.01);对照组治疗后的血浆Hcy浓度无明显下降.3组治疗过程中均未出现不良反应.结论 叶酸和维生素B6、B12联合治疗青年脑卒中合并的高Hcy血症有明显效果,而且高、低两种剂量均有效;无不良反应.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to determine the protective effects of vitamin D3 and dehydroascorbic acid (DHA), a blood-brain barrier transportable form of vitamin C, against ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury on a middle cerebral artery occlusion/reperfusion model of brain since reactive oxygen species play an important role in the pathophysiology of I/R injury in brain. In order to examine antioxidant status and lipid peroxidation, we assayed malondialdehyde (MDA) levels as a marker of lipid peroxidation, and reduced glutathione (GSH) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) enzyme activities as free radical scavenging enzymes in cortex and corpus striatum (CS). Wistar albino rats were divided into five equal groups of each consisting of seven rats: control, I/R, I/R + DHA, I/R + vitamin D3, and I/R + vitamin D3 + dehydroascorbic acid groups. MDA levels were found to be increased in the I/R group, I/R + DHA, and I/R + vitamin D3 groups compared with the control group in both cortex and corpus striatum. However, MDA level were found to be significantly decreased in only I/R + vitamin D3 + DHA group compared with the I/R group in cortex (P < 0.0001). MDA levels were not significantly different in I/R + DHA, and I/R + vitamin D3 groups compared with the I/R group. GSH and SOD enzyme activities were significantly decreased in I/R, I/R + DHA, and I/R + vitamin D3 groups compared with the control group in both cortex and corpus striatum (CS) (P < 0.0001). Whereas, both GSH and SOD activity were increased in I/R + vitamin D3 + DHA group compared with the I/R group in both cortex and CS (P < 0.001 in cortex, P < 0.001 in CS for SOD P < 0.002 in cortex P < 0.03 in CS for GSH). Our results demonstrate that the combination of vitamin D3 and DHA treatment prevent free radical production and dietary supplementation of vitamin D3 and DHA which may be useful in the ischemic cerebral vascular diseases.  相似文献   

PurposeMultiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory and neurodegenerative disease. Vitamin D has a major role in preventing inflammatory disorders. Therefore, any alteration in vitamin D receptor (VDR) might be a genetic risk factor for MS development. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of serum levels and VDR FokI, BsmI, and TaqI gene polymorphisms on the severity of MS.MethodsThis case-control study recruited 160 MS patients (71.9% females, mean age of 34.3 ± 8.3 years) and 162 (66.7% females, mean age 35.4 ± 7.9 year) age, sex, and ethnicity matched healthy controls. FokI (rs2228570), BsmI (rs1544410), and TaqI (rs731236) polymorphisms were carried out using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) method. Demographic, clinical parameters, and the levels of vitamin D were compared between groups.ResultsWe found that the frequency of FokI and TaqI polymorphisms significantly differed between the patients and the controls (p = 0.0127 and p = 0.0236, respectively). The MS patients had low levels of vitamin D compared to the controls (p = 0.011). In addition, TaqI T/C polymorphism significantly decreased the levels of vitamin D in the MS patients (p = 0.002). However, there was no significant association between FokI or BsmI SNPs and the levels of vitamin D in MS patients (p > 0.5).ConclusionOur results suggest that FokI and TaqI polymorphisms of VDR are associated with MS risk and TaqI polymorphism is associated with Vitamin D levels in MS patients. Meanwhile, no difference was observed between VDR gene polymorphisms and any types of MS.  相似文献   

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