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安徽阜阳市精神分裂症流行病学调查   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的:了解安徽阜阳市精神分裂症的患病率,探讨其危害程度及发病危险因素。方法:选3县1市为框架,对≥15岁33332人进行流行病学调查,采取线索调查和逐户筛选相结合。结果:共检出精神分裂症159例,现患137例,总患病率4.77‰,时点患病率4.11‰,其中发生社会危害事件87例次。结论:精神分裂症对社区造成的危害十分严重,应予高度警觉。  相似文献   

沈阳战区精神疾病流行学调查资料分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用全国统一调查工具,对沈阳战区陆海空三军进行精神疾病流行学调查,结果表明精神疾病总患病率1.987‰,现患病率为1.520‰;精神分裂症总患病率1.360‰,现患病率1.120‰;神经症患病率3.197‰。  相似文献   

九江市精神疾病及其残疾流行病学调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:了解九江市各类精神障碍患病率及精神残疾和智力残疾状况。方法:采用中国精神障碍分类与诊断标准第3版、精神残疾与智力残疾评定工具,对九江市11个抽样地区进行流行病学调查。结果:共调查市辖区55户,市辖县550户,共调查2636人。在≥15岁人口中,各类精神障碍的时点患病率为24.33‰,终生患病率为27.80‰,精神残疾率为8.94‰,智力残疾率为4.97‰。在≥7岁人口中,精神发育迟滞的时点患病率为3.31‰。在调查的总人口中,精神残疾率为6.83‰,智力残疾率为3.79‰。结论:心境障碍患病率居首位,精神分裂症和精神发育迟滞居2、3位,酒依赖患病率升高,均应列为防治和研究重点。  相似文献   

1986~2001年某部新兵精神疾病调查   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
目的;探讨入伍新兵精神疾病的患病率及相关因素。方法:应用新兵精神疾病调查的工具,对1986-2001年某部入伍的所有集训期新兵进行精神疾病的流行病学调查。结果:15年共调查入伍新兵656540名,检查出各类精神疾病共539名,总检出率(时点患病率)为0.82‰。新兵各类精神疾病的时点患病率以精神分裂症(0.29‰)、神经症(0.20‰)和精神发育迟滞(0.10‰)为高。入伍前已患病者占83.1%,入伍后新发病者占16.9%。有明显精神疾病家族史者占28.4%。结论:开展新兵精神疾病调查,在集训期内把患有精神疾病者作退兵处理,对提高兵员质量具有重要意义。  相似文献   

汕头市精神分裂症流行病学调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用全国精神疾病流调统一方法,调查了汕头市城乡户口各500户,15岁以上总人口3320人,查出精神分裂症31例,现患26例,总患病率9.34‰,时点患病率7.83‰,标化率7.81‰,高于全国12地区精神分裂症平均患病率。调查结果发现,经济发达地区精神分裂症患病率高,而经济水平低,无支持系统者有较高的患病率。  相似文献   

精神分裂症残疾的流行病学调查   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用国内12地区精神疾病流行学调查的程序和方法,对精神分裂症残疾进行流行病学调查。结果表明,精神分裂症的患病率为5.80‰,精神分裂症残疾患病率为3.99‰。其中城市5.28‰,农村2.77‰;男性4.04‰,女性5.46‰,调查还发现精神分裂症的致残率为67.86%,精神分裂症的残疾与其社会支持系统有非常明显的关系,并提出了今后精神分裂症残疾康复的建议.  相似文献   

1991年北京市16个区县精神卫生流行学调查显示,全市15岁及以上35385人中精神病总患病率11.67‰,现患病率为10.03‰;其中精神分裂症总患病率7.2‰居首位,神经症患病率35.18‰,精神发育迟滞6.10‰。此外,酒依赖为14.30‰,药物依赖为2.18‰。上述数字提示,近10年来各类精神障碍的患病率有增高趋势。  相似文献   

江苏无锡地区精神疾病流行学调查分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
使用定式调查程序,对无锡地区1000户6岁以上人群3205人进行调查,结果各类精神疾病总患病率为12.43‰,其中精神分裂症患病率最高,为5.62‰,其次是精神发育迟滞为2.96‰,情感性精神障碍为1.48‰,心因性精神障碍为1.18‰,癫痫性精神障碍为0.89‰和老年性痴呆为0.29‰。  相似文献   

中国七个地区精神分裂症流行病学调查   总被引:56,自引:2,他引:54  
目的动态观察精神分裂症患病率的变化及可能的影响因素。方法于1993年在1982年调查过的7个地区开展流行病学调查,方法与1982年基本相同。结果精神分裂症终生患病率为6.55‰,时点患病率为5.31‰,与1982年比较有增高趋势(P>0.05);将经济水平分为上、中、下三等,以下等经济水平者的精神分裂症患病率为高。结论1993年出现的精神分裂症患病率变化,可能源于抽样误差,但不排除患者预期寿命延长因素,提示今后在制订精神卫生规划时需予重视  相似文献   

胜利油田1992年精神疾病流行学抽样调查资料分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
参照1982年全国精神疾病流行学调查的设计方案、调查流程和调查工具,1992年5月~8月进行了胜利油田精神疾病流行学抽样调查。根据整群分层随机抽样的原则,抽取4000户居民、14076人(其中≥15岁者11801人)。调查人口占油田总人口的3.80%。统计结果,胜利油田各种精神疾病的总患病率为15.59‰,时点患病率为14.32‰。其中,精神分裂症的总患病率为4.49‰,时点患病率为3.30‰;酒精依赖的患病率为7.54‰;精神发育迟滞的患病率为1.07‰;神经症的患病率为1.67‰。资料显示。经济文化水平偏低、地理位置偏僻及60岁以上人群中,精神疾病的患病率水平相对偏高。  相似文献   

Abstract: In order to estimate the familial morbidity risk of schizophrenia, parents and siblings of 1,691 inpatients meeting the DSM-III criteria for schizophrenia were investigated on the basis of a review of medical records, family history data and/or personal interviews. The morbidity risks of schizophrenia to parents and siblings of the schizophrenic probands were 4.0% and 4.1%, respectively, which were greater than the morbidity risk in the general population. Siblings of 118 probands whose parents suffered from schizophrenia were at a significantly greater risk of schizophrenia than siblings of 1,493 probands whose parents did not have schizophrenic illness. These findings support thenotion of familial transmission of schizophrenia. A total of 16.4% of the schizophrenic probands had at least one first-degree relative with schizophrenia. This is significantly greater in the female probands than in the male probands.  相似文献   

汕头市精神分裂症社区康复疗效分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
目的探讨精神分裂症社区康复的疗效和方法。方法对123例精神分裂症2年社区康复的治疗、现病、社会功能、社会影响、复发进行前后比较,并与79例社区自然状态下精神分裂症对照。结果精神分裂症两年社区康复疗效显著,2年显进率达7398%,复发率1758%,对照病例则无变化或恶化,显进率2911%,复发率4348%。结论社区康复对于精神分裂症控制病情,恢复社会功能,防止复发显示明显作用  相似文献   

In order to estimate the familial morbidity risk of schizophrenia, parents and siblings of 1,691 inpatients meeting the DSM-III criteria for schizophrenia were investigated on the basis of a review of medical records, family history data and/or personal interviews. The morbidity risks of schizophrenia to parents and siblings of the schizophrenic probands were 4.0% and 4.1%, respectively, which were greater than the morbidity risk in the general population. Siblings of 118 probands whose parents suffered from schizophrenia were at a significantly greater risk of schizophrenia than siblings of 1,493 probands whose parents did not have schizophrenic illness. These findings support the notion of familial transmission of schizophrenia. A total of 16.4% of the schizophrenic probands had at least one first-degree relative with schizophrenia. This is significantly greater in the female probands than in the male probands.  相似文献   

精神分裂症是一种严重的精神障碍,在普通人群中的患病率为0.5%~1.0%,在住院患者中,其比例更高。由于精神分裂症的不同亚型在治疗上并无区别,并且容易给临床诊断造成混乱,因此,DSM-5去除了精神分裂症的亚型。分裂情感性障碍的患病率约为精神分裂症的一半。其症状相当于既有精神分裂症的A组症状,同时又有心境症状,例如重性抑郁或躁狂。诊断此障碍必须符合两个关键标准:(1)在半数以上的病程中,除了存在精神分裂症诊断标准A的症状以外,还伴有重性抑郁发作或躁狂发作;(2)在没有心境发作至少2周(抑郁或躁狂)的情况下,存在持续的妄想或幻觉,即证明这些精神病性症状并非由心境发作所致。  相似文献   

Modern research criteria and the genetics of schizophrenia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The authors assessed the relevance of narrowly defined diagnostic criteria to genetic research in schizophrenia in the nuclear families of 84 chronic schizophrenic probands compared with families of 90 normal control probands. The morbidity risk for narrowly defined schizophrenia in first-degree relatives of patients with the narrow diagnosis was significantly higher than the control rate (3.8% versus 0.3%). The rate of chronic schizophrenia in the relatives of all schizophrenic patients was also significantly higher than the control rate (7.1% versus 0.6%), as was the rate of "spectrum" disorders (33.4% versus 11.3%). The data support the case for familial transmission of narrowly defined schizophrenia.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that the genetic predisposition for schizophrenia in families affects more individuals than those fulfilling the criteria for schizophrenia. This finding is supposed to be one of the major problems in molecular genetic schizophrenia research, especially when linkage studies are employed. Eye-tracking dysfunction (ETD), which is conceived as a possible phenotypic marker for genetic liability to schizophrenia, may offer considerable advantages. However, there is only little information from families with multiple occurrence of schizophrenia. It is still unclear whether in these families ETD aggregates with diagnoses from the schizophrenia spectrum. This first report from an ongoing study presents the results of 48 individuals from 6 multiplex families. Smooth-pursuit eye movements were recorded by infrared reflectometry and assessed by quantitative measurement techniques. Along with the high degree of psychiatric morbidity in these families, in 56.3% of the individuals ETD was assessed. Reduced mean pursuit gain was present in 39.6%. The distribution of eye-tracking dysfunction resembles the distribution of schizophrenia-related psychiatry morbidity.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: We report clinical and social outcomes of schizophrenia in the longitudinal, population-based Northern Finland 1966 Birth Cohort, and describe associated demographic, developmental and illness-related factors. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Subjects with DSM-III-R schizophrenia (n=59) were followed prospectively from mid-gestation up to age 35 years. Outcome measures included positive and negative symptoms, psychiatric hospitalisations, social and occupational functioning. Several definitions of good and poor outcome were explored, and developmental, socio-demographic and clinical predictors of outcomes were analysed. RESULTS: Good clinical outcome varied from 10% to 59%, and good social outcome 15-46%, depending on definition. Poor clinical outcome varied 41-77% and poor social 37-54%. Lack of friends in childhood, father's high social class, lower school performance and earlier age of illness onset predicted poor outcomes. DISCUSSION: The outcomes of schizophrenia in this study depended on definitions used but were relatively poor. The age of illness onset, father's social class, school performance and poor social contacts in childhood were only statistically significant predictors. CONCLUSION: Definitions of outcome have a major effect on estimates for proportions of good and bad outcomes and on the predictors of outcomes. However, regardless of which definitions were used, the outcome of schizophrenia in this population-based sample was generally bleak.  相似文献   

This article reports the initial results of a prospective study on the prevalence of psychiatric disorders in the Dutch population aged 18–64. The objectives and the design of the study are described elsewhere in this issue. A total of 7076 people were interviewed in person in 1996. The presence of the following disorders was determined by means of the CIDI: mood disorders, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, schizophrenia and other non-affective psychoses, and substance use disorders. Psychiatric disorders were found to be quite common. Some 41.2% of the adult population under 65 had experienced at least one DSM-III-R disorder in their lifetime, among them 23.3% within the preceding year. No gender differences were found in overall morbidity. Depression, anxiety, and alcohol abuse and dependence were most prevalent, and there was a high degree of comorbidity between them. The prevalence rate encountered for schizophrenia was lower (0.4% lifetime) than generally presumed. A comparison with findings from other countries is made. Relevant determinants of psychiatric morbidity were analysed. Accepted: 18 May 1998  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the outcome and predictors of patients with schizophrenia 20 years later. METHOD: The patients, aged 15-39 years, with diagnosis of schizophrenia and first admitted to a national mental hospital in Singapore in 1975 were included. In 1980, 1985, 1990 and 1995, their hospital records were examined and the patients were interviewed to determine their working and treatment status. Possible predictors of good outcome and suicide data were determined. RESULTS: A total of 402 patients were included. Over 20 years, there was lower percentage of patients working full time and proportionately more patients were receiving out-patient treatment. Overall, about two-third of the patients had a good/fair outcome. Shorter illness duration before admission was significantly associated with a good outcome. The suicide rate was the highest in the first 10 years. CONCLUSION: Most patients with schizophrenia had a good/fair outcome at 20 years.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To estimate the financial burden of schizophrenia in Canada in 1996. METHOD: Using a prevalence-based approach, all direct health care costs, administrative costs of income assistance plans, and costs of incarceration attributable to schizophrenia were determined. Also included was the value of lost productivity associated with premature mortality and morbidity. In addition to using published papers and documents, direct contact was made with representatives from various provincial and federal programs for estimates of the direct health care and non-health care costs. RESULTS: The estimated number of persons with schizophrenia in Canada in 1996 was 221,000, with equal distribution between males and females. The direct health care and non-health care cost was estimated to be $1.12 billion in 1996. In addition, another $1.23 billion in lost productivity associated with morbidity and premature mortality was attributable to schizophrenia. CONCLUSIONS: The total financial burden of schizophrenia in Canada was estimated to be $2.35 billion in 1996. The largest category of cost was morbidity (52%), followed by acute care and psychiatric hospital admissions (14% and 10% respectively). Given the magnitude of these cost estimates, there are large potential cost savings with more effective management and control of this debilitating disease.  相似文献   

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