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微钙化对早期乳腺导管原位癌的诊断价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 目的 探讨微钙化在乳腺X线摄影筛查中对乳腺导管原位癌(ductal carcinoma in situ,DCIS)的诊断价值.方法 回顾性分析经乳腺X线摄影筛查及组织病理、免疫组化证实存在微小钙化灶的DCIS 58例.参照美国放射学会(ACR)颁布的乳腺病变BI - RADS有关钙化形态和分布的征象描述,记录钙化灶的形态、分布数据.全部病例均对照病理结果.采用Fisher确切概率法检验,探讨钙化形态和导管原位癌分级之间的相关性.结果 微钙化按外观与形态分成3类:(1)线形分支状钙化46例(79%);(2)成簇泥沙样钙化5例(8%);(3)微钙化伴粗大钙化7例(12%).所有58例DCIS患者中,低级别(1级)DCIS 14例(24%),中级别(2级)DCIS 35例(60%),高级别(3级)DCIS 9例(16%).不同级别原位癌的X线摄影钙化方式存在统计学差异(P<0.01);原位癌分级与病灶内微钙化方式存在一定关联度(r=0.559,P<0.01).结论 微钙化有助于DCIS的早期检出,其形态外观有助于判别其病理分级,正确认识乳腺X线摄影钙化可提高DCIS的诊断准确性.  相似文献   

目的:分析临床不能扪及的乳腺导管原位癌(DCIS)及其早期浸润的X线征象。方法:经手术、病理证实的乳腺导管原位癌16例和原位癌伴早期浸润9例,观察其X线表现,并与病理对照。结果:25例X线表现均为钙化,其中按钙化形态分导管原位癌以碎石样钙化为主(6/16,37.5%),原位癌伴早期浸润以杆状钙化为主(5/9,55.56%);按钙化分布分,导管原位癌以成簇钙化为主(11/16,68.75%),原位癌伴早期浸润以成簇、段样为主(两者均为4/9,44.44%)。结论:DCIS及其早期浸润的X线表现有一定特征,通过乳腺X线检查,可提高DCIS及其早期浸润的检出率。  相似文献   

目的 探讨通过乳腺导管原位癌(DCIS)X线片上的钙化表现判断DCIS生物学行为的可能性.方法 参照BIRADS标准及最新WHO关于DCIS分类、分级标准,回顾性分析行乳腺X线检查有钙化表现并经手术病理证实的70例DCIS的乳腺X线表现.结果 ①多形不均质钙化与线样分支状钙化在DCIS病理分级中存在显著差异(P<0.008).②钙化成簇分布与腺叶区段性分布在DCIS病理分级中存在显著差异(P<0.008).结论 仔细分析乳腺X线检查中钙化灶的形态、分布特点,对推测DCIS的病理分级、评估预后有很大价值.  相似文献   

目的:分析乳腺导管原位癌的X线及MRI表现,评价钼靶结合MRI对DCIS术前诊断价值。方法:回顾性分析经手术病理证实的乳腺DCIS病例13例,所有病例均于术前行动态增强MRI和钼靶X线检查,同时行免疫组化标记。结果:①将病灶的X线表现分成恶性钙化、中间性钙化和非钙化3组,PR与C-erbB-2在3组中的分布有统计性意义(P<0.05);②13例病灶中11例MR表现为非肿块样强化,以BI-RADS分级中的4、5级为MR和X线检查的阳性指标,其正确诊断率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:DCIS的钼靶X线表现可以作为乳腺DCIS的预后因子,乳腺MRI对导管原位癌及导管原位癌伴微浸润有特征性表现,钼靶X线和MR检查相结合能提高早期导管原位癌的检出率及正确诊断率。  相似文献   

乳腺导管原位癌的钼靶X线诊断(附20例报告)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨乳腺导管原位癌的钼靶X线征象.方法 分析20例经手术及病理证实的乳腺导管原位癌的钼靶X线表现.常规摄影双侧乳腺轴位(CC位)及侧斜位(MLO位)摄片.结果 20例中,16例钙化,3例单纯肿块,1例为小灶致密影.结论 导管原位癌(DCIS)X线表现以钙化为主,还应重视肿块、小灶致密影等征象.  相似文献   

微小钙化在乳腺导管原位癌诊断中的意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨微小钙化在乳腺导管原位癌(DCIS)X线诊断中的价值.方法 回顾性分析35例DCIS的钼靶X线表现.结果 35例中,钙化31例,占88.6%,其中17例临床触及肿块,占48.6%,14例临床未及乳腺肿块,占40%.钙化形态和导管原位癌分级有统计学关联,线性分支状钙化和泥沙样钙化28例,占钙化病例的90.3%.病理显示钙化27例.结论 微小钙化影对DCIS的诊断具有很高的价值.  相似文献   

目的探讨全数字化乳腺摄影及X线立体定位系统在乳腺导管内癌(DCIS)中的临床应用价值。资料与方法经手术、病理证实的DCIS 24例。全部病例经全数字化乳腺摄影检查,其中21例表现为微钙化,应用俯卧式X线立体定位系统行病灶术前穿刺活检、切除。结果 24例中,X线表现为微钙化21例,其中单纯钙化18例,钙化伴局灶性非对称性致密2例,钙化伴局部结构扭曲1例;1例X线表现为边缘呈星芒状的小肿块;1例乳腺X线摄影仅见乳晕区皮肤增厚;X线表现阴性1例。结论全数字化乳腺摄影使乳腺细微结构的显示率及分辨率得到大幅度的提高,越来越多乳腺微钙化病灶被发现,术前结合X线立体定位术活检能发现更多DCIS,使其得以早期治疗,为提高乳腺癌治愈率和广泛开展保乳手术、提高患者的生活质量奠定基础。  相似文献   

目的:探讨乳腺导管原位癌(DCIS)X线摄影表现与病理学免疫组织化学分型的关系。方法:回顾性分析2016年1月至2019年10月在青岛大学附属医院经手术病理证实的505例DCIS患者共514个病灶的资料。根据免疫组织化学结果将全部DCIS病灶分为雌激素受体(ER)阳性型(215个病灶)、人表皮生长因子受体2(HER2)阳性型(282个病灶)和三阴性型(17个病灶)。患者术前均接受X线摄影检查,参照乳腺影像报告及数据系统(BI-RADS)标准分析不同分子分型患者的影像学表现,如病变类型,钙化性病变的钙化形态、分布,乳腺构成及BI-RADS分类情况。采用χ^2检验或Fisher确切概率法分析不同分子分型DCIS患者影像表现分布的差异,两两比较时检验水准α采用Bonferroni校正法。结果:ER阳性型44.7%(96/215)表现为阴性或非钙化性病变;HER2阳性型41.1%(116/282)表现为钙化伴肿块/非对称致密/结构扭曲;三阴性型82.4%(14/17)为钙化性病变,包括单纯钙化(7/17)和钙化伴肿块/非对称致密/结构扭曲(7/17)。DCIS HER2阳性型与ER阳性型在病变类型方面差异有统计学意义(χ^2=13.747,P=0.003)。细线样/细小分支状钙化(34/201)多见于HER2阳性型,无定形钙化(67/119)多见于ER阳性型,差异有统计学意义(χ^2=27.498,P<0.001)。团簇状分布钙化(59/119)多见于ER阳性型,线样/段样分布(76/201)多见于HER2阳性型,差异有统计学意义(χ^2=13.123,P=0.004)。结论:DCIS的X线表现与其病理学免疫组化不同分型有一定关系,认识其X线表现有助于为临床个性化治疗和预后提供更多依据。  相似文献   

目的 :探讨全视野数字化乳腺摄影(full-field digital mammography,FFDM)对乳腺导管原位癌(ductal carcinoma in situ,DCIS)的诊断价值。方法 :选择经手术病理证实的DCIS患者36例,分析其X线表现。患者术前均行FFDM检查。诊断标准采用美国放射学院(ACR)推荐的乳腺影像报告和数据系统(BI-RADS)。结果:病灶出现钙化23例;肿块16例,其中肿块伴钙化5例;局灶性致密伴钙化11例;结构扭曲伴钙化7例;阴性1例;致密乳腺建议其他检查1例。BI-RADS诊断:5类11例,4类19例,3类3例,2类、1类、0类各1例。FFDM诊断的敏感性91.67%,符合率83.33%。结论:DCIS的常见X线表现为恶性钙化、肿块,FFDM对乳腺DCIS有重要的诊断价值。  相似文献   

目的探讨数字化X线摄影与磁共振成像(magnetic resonance imaging,MRI)在乳腺导管原位癌(ductal carcinoma in situ,DCIS)诊断中的应用价值。方法回顾性分析39例经手术及病理检查证实为DCIS患者的X线及MRI影像学资料。结果 39例中X线摄影诊断正确28例(71.8%),MRI诊断正确32例(82.0%)。X线摄影结合MRI诊断正确36例(92.3%)。结论 X线摄影与MRI对DCIS的诊断具有重要作用,两者联合应用可提高其诊断准确率。  相似文献   

目的研究乳腺导管内癌的超声声像图特点,总结不同超声分型的导管内癌的病理分型,探讨超声在导管内癌中的诊断价值。方法回顾性分析98例经我院手术病理证实的导管内癌病例,根据其声像图特征分为:①导管扩张型;②团块型;③类腺病型;④单纯钙化型;⑤无异常表现型,比较不同声像图分型的病理特征和临床表现。结果乳腺导管内癌声像图表现具有多样性,不同的超声分型具有不同的临床表现,存在不同的病理结果。结论不同类型的乳腺导管内癌其临床检出率有一定的差异,结合临床表现可以提高诊断率,在超声检查基础上结合纤维乳管镜及乳腺X线摄片检查可大大提高诊断的正确性。  相似文献   



To investigate morphological appearance of ductal carcinoma in situ of breast on MRI and to correlate the appearances with some factors.

Methods and materials

MRI feature of 41 DCISs were analyzed retrospectively according to ACR BI-RADS, twenty-three of the 41 were pure DCIS and 18 were DCIS with microinvasion (DCIS-MI). The shape was categorized as mass lesion and non-mass-like lesion. The shape was correlated with histological grade, ER status and expression of e-erbB2 as well as pure DCIS or DCIS-MI.


Percentage of high grade in non-mass-like lesion was higher than that in mass type group, Average size of tumor in group of high grade, negative ER status and positive c-erbB2 expression were larger than that in non-high grade, positive ER status and negative c-erbB2 expression. Comparing pure DCIS and DCIS-MI, high grade in DCIS-MI was significantly higher than that in pure DCIS, Average size of DCIS-MI was larger than that in pure DCIS. Percentage of non-mass-like lesion was higher in DCIS-IM than that in pure DCIS, the difference was marginally significant.


DCIS can be classified as mass type and non-mass-like type morphologically on MRI. The two types reflect different biological behavior.  相似文献   



To determine the rate of underestimation of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) diagnosed at imaging-guided biopsy and to analyze its association with HER2/neu oncogene, an important biomarker in assessing the tumour aggressiveness and guiding hormone therapy for breast cancer.


We retrospectively reviewed 162 patients with DCIS diagnosed by imaging-guided core needle biopsy between January 2008 and March 2013. All of these patients received surgical excision, and in 25, the diagnosis was upgraded to invasive breast cancer. In this study, we examined the ultrasound, mammographic features and histopathological results for each patient, and compared these parameters between those with and without HER2/neu overexpression.


Of the 162 DCIS lesions, 110 (67.9%) overexpressed HER2/neu. Nineteen patients with HER2/neu overexpressing DCIS (n = 19/110, 17.3%) were upgraded after surgery to a diagnosis of invasive breast cancer. In this group, the upgrade rate was highest in patients with a dilated mammary duct pattern (42.1%, n = 8/19, p = 0.02) and the presence of abnormal axillary nodes (40.0%, n = 12/30, p < 0.01) at ultrasound and was significantly associated with comedo tumour type on pathology.


Biopsy may underestimate the invasive component in DCIS patients. Sonographic findings of dilated mammary ducts and presence of abnormal axillary lymph nodes may help predicting the invasive components and possibly driving more targeted biopsy procedures.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess the relationship between functional parameters derived from dynamic MR imaging and the histological findings of breast ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) and DCIS with invasive foci, and to evaluate whether these parameters might predict DCIS patient outcome. Two parameters, amplitude A and k21, were determined from multicompartmental pharmacokinetic analyses of dynamic MR mammography in 39 patients with needle biopsy-proven primary DCIS. After surgery, the histological tumor characteristics, including microvessel density (MVD) (anti-CD-34), vascular permeability (anti-VEGF antigen) and histological grade, were evaluated. Histology revealed 27 pure DCIS and 12 DCIS with invasive foci. In pure DCIS, positive correlations between MVD and amplitude A (r=0.56, P<0.0025) and between MVD and k21 (r=0.43, P=0.02) were found. As for histological grade, the differences in both functional parameters of grade 1 versus grade 2 and grade 1 versus grades 2 and 3 combined were significant (P<0.05). No significance was found in the analysis of DCIS with invasive foci. Our results indicated that functional MRI-based parameters might possess the potential to predict the outcome of patients with DCIS. Further study will be needed with larger series over longer periods.  相似文献   

目的探讨乳腺导管原位癌(BDCIS)的全数字化乳腺钼靶X线征象。方法回顾分析30例经手术及病理检查证实为BDCIS的全数字化乳腺钼靶X线表现。常规摄影双侧乳腺轴位(CC位)及侧斜位(MLO位)摄片。结果 30例中26例有病灶内钙化,其中单纯钙化18例,肿块伴钙化3例,结构扭曲伴钙化5例;3例为单纯肿块,其中,边缘光滑、密度均匀的圆形肿块2例,边缘有毛刺、密度不均匀的类圆型肿块1例;1例为单纯结构扭曲。结论 BDCIS全数字化乳腺钼靶X线表现以钙化为主,还应重视肿块、结构扭曲以及局部非对称致密影等征象。  相似文献   



The purpose of our study was to describe the clinical features, imaging characteristics, pathologic findings and outcome of microinvasive ductal carcinoma in situ (DCISM).

Materials and methods

The records of 21 women diagnosed with microinvasive ductal carcinoma in situ (DCISM) from November 1993 to September 2006 were retrospectively reviewed. The clinical presentation, imaging and histopathologic features, and clinical follow-up were reviewed.


The 21 lesions all occurred in women with a mean age of 56 years (range, 27-79 years). Clinical findings were present in ten (48%): 10 with palpable masses, four with associated nipple discharge. Mean lesion size was 21 mm (range, 9-65 mm). The lesion size in 62% was 15 mm or smaller. Mammographic findings were calcifications only in nine (43%) and an associated or other finding in nine (43%) [mass (n = 7), asymmetry (n = 1), architectural distortion (n = 1)]. Three lesions were mammographically occult. Sonographic findings available in 11 lesions showed a solid hypoechoic mass in 10 cases (eight irregular in shape, one round, one oval). One lesion was not seen on sonography. On histopathologic examination, all lesions were diagnosed as DCISM, with a focus of invasive carcinoma less than or equal to 1 mm in diameter within an area of DCIS. Sixteen (76%) lesions were high nuclear grade, four (19%) were intermediate and one was low grade (5%). Sixteen (76%) had the presence of necrosis. Positivity for ER and PR was noted in 75% and 38%. Nodal metastasis was present in one case with axillary lymph node dissection. Mean follow-up time for 16 women was 36 months without evidence of local or systemic recurrence. One patient developed a second primary in the contralateral breast 3 years later.


The clinical presentation and radiologic appearance of a mass are commonly encountered in DCISM lesions (48% and 57%, respectively), irrespective of lesion size, mimicking findings seen in invasive carcinoma. Despite its potential for nodal metastasis (5% in our series), mean follow-up at 36 months was good with no evidence of local or systemic recurrence at follow-up. Knowledge of these clinical and imaging findings in DCISM lesions may alert the clinician to the possibility of microinvasion and guide appropriate management.  相似文献   



To compare the underestimation of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) vs DCIS with “possible invasion” at breast biopsy and to determine if any factors related to clinical indication, imaging abnormality, biopsy, or DCIS-grade affected the likelihood of underestimation.


Of 3836 consecutive lesions that were biopsied by using a 14-gauge needle, 117 lesions revealed DCIS. Surgical pathology results of invasive carcinoma were compared with needle biopsy results of DCIS or DCIS with possible invasion. Clinical indication, imaging abnormality, biopsy guidance modality, sample number, and histologic grade were recorded. Yates corrected χ2 and Fisher exact tests were used to determine differences between groups.


A total of 101 lesions were DCIS and 16 were DCIS with possible invasion at biopsy. Thirty-six of 117 lesions (31%) revealed invasive carcinoma at resection pathology. Invasive carcinoma was present more often when DCIS with possible invasion was diagnosed compared with pure DCIS (7/16 [44%] vs 29/101 [29%], P = .36). No factor, including clinical indication, imaging abnormality, biopsy guidance method, sample number, or grade, was found to significantly affect the likelihood of underestimation for lesions diagnosed as DCIS vs DCIS with “possible invasion.” The likelihood of pure DCIS underestimation significantly increased when lesions were high grade compared with either intermediate or low grade (18/44 [41%] vs 9/44 [21%] vs 2/10 [20%], P = .03).


For lesions biopsied by using a 14-gauge needle, there is a trend towards underestimation of the presence of invasive carcinoma when pathology reveals DCIS with possible invasion compared with pure DCIS. High-grade DCIS was significantly more likely to be underestimated.  相似文献   

目的:探讨乳腺导管内癌(DCIS)与浸润癌(IC)在动态增强磁共振成像(DCE-MRI)和扩散加权成像(DWI)上的影像特征,提高其影像诊断水平。方法回顾性分析10例DCIS患者(病灶13个)及10例 IC患者(病灶10个)的DCE-M RI及DWI图像,分析病灶强化形态特征、时间信号强度曲线并定量分析 ADC值。结果依据强化形态特征:DCIS强化以非块样强化中的段样强化为主,IC强化以块样强化为主,两者间差异具有统计学意义。依据时间信号强度曲线:DCIS和IC均以流出型为主,无显著性差异。依据ADC值:DCIS的平均ADC值约为(1.036±0.25)×10^-3 mm^2/s , IC的平均ADC值约为(0.79±0.20)×10^-3 mm^2/s ,两者间差异具有统计学意义。结论结合病灶强化形态特征及ADC值,DCE-M RI联合DWI有助于乳腺导管内癌及浸润癌的鉴别诊断,提高影像诊断水平。  相似文献   

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