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目的:梳理总结当前新型冠状病毒感染肺炎(COVID-19)防控下医院药事管理和药学服务实践,为疫情特殊时期的医院药学工作提供参考。方法:根据疫情防控政策和要求,结合查阅文献,阐述COVID-19疫情防控时期医院药事管理和药学服务的具体实践和探索。结果:COVID-19疫情进入防控的关键时期,医院药学相关工作人员要根据不同岗位工作特点,加强工作防护;从药品供应保障、特殊药品管理、临床试验用药管理、捐赠药品管理、超说明书用药管理等方面加强药事管理工作;积极参与COVID-19诊治医疗活动,重点做好处方审核、药物疗效及不良反应监测工作,参与MDT讨论,提供用药咨询,开展对COVID-19治疗用药的科普宣传。结论:面对COVID-19突发疫情事件,及时调整医院药学工作应对策略,对保障疫情防控期间安全合理用药具有重要意义。  相似文献   

目的:探讨新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)疫情下的合理用药及药学服务策略。方法:结合一线抗"疫"经验,介绍某院临床药师在药物合理应用分析、循证药学评价、特殊人群用药决策、药学监护及线上用药咨询、宣教等方面的药学实践。结果:基于上述实践经验,形成特殊时期的临床药学服务策略。结论:面对突发疫情,临床药师迅速调整工作重点,成为疫情防控中保障药物治疗安全、有效,促进合理用药的新防线。  相似文献   

目前,新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)的诊治已进入攻坚克难的关键时期,复杂多变的病情需要医生、护理人员和药师等多方协作。本文从药学服务的角度,分析疫情防治过程中的药学切入点,明确临床药师可从药学监护规范制定、处方和医嘱审核、防控COVID-19的远程药学服务、院内COVID-19患者的药学监护以及COVID-19应急科普等方面开展工作。临床药学服务作为疫情防控中的重要环节,在保证患者用药安全、有效等方面起到了积极的作用。  相似文献   

目的为临床药师参与COVID-19合并抑郁症患者的药学监护提供参考。方法:临床药师参与了1例COVID-19合并抑郁症患者的治疗过程,优化治疗方案并提供全程化的药学监护。结果:此例患者在新冠肺炎治疗期间,因病情复杂,合并用药种类较多,在治疗过程中出现癫痫发作,药疹及肝功能异常,临床药师经过药物治疗分析和评价之后,为临床医生提供相应的调整策略,并实施全程化的药学监护。最终,患者感染等症状控制,治愈出院。结论:临床药师能在COVID-19患者治疗的过程中协助临床医师不断优化调整方案,为患者的治疗起到积极的作用。  相似文献   

目的 探讨危重型德尔塔毒株新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)患者抗感染治疗的临床药学服务模式及主要工作成果,以期为危重型COVID-19患者的临床药学服务模式提供参考.方法 多专科联合的临床药师团队对某院2021年5月1日~6月30日入院,诊断为危重型COVID-19患者开展以抗感染治疗为主的用药监护,从抗感染治疗方...  相似文献   

摘要:目的:探索新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)疫情下江汉方舱医院药事管理与药学服务模式,为国内参与疫情防控的医院药师提供参考。方法:成立药事应急领导小组,构建药事管理组织架构;明晰方舱医院特色的包括药事管理、人员管理和药品管理的应急管理体系;创立"方舱"式药学服务模式,从保障药品供应、设立急救药车、设计特定的药品包装袋、开展特色的合理用药医嘱审核、创新性利用新媒体微信平台提供"零接触"药学咨询服务、创立方舱广播电台宣讲合理用药知识等方面,为患者提供相关药学服务。结果:为1 312例COVID-19轻症患者提供了药学服务,不仅保障了药品的及时供应,而且通过用药审核和用药指导减少了用药风险,提高了患者的用药依从性,帮助患者重建战胜病情的信心。结论:依据方舱医院药事管理策略建立的全新药学服务模式在战胜COVID-19疫情中发挥了重要作用,可以推广实施。  相似文献   

新型冠状病毒肺炎(coronavirus disease 2019,COVID-19)疫情发生以来,全国医院药学工作者坚持医药协同,在保障药品供应的前提下,积极参与临床救治工作,加强对患者的用药教育和指导,有效提高药物治疗水平,改善临床救治效果。为更好地发挥药学服务在COVID-19疫情防控中的重要作用,中国药学会医院药学专业委员会特组织临床和药学专家,在《新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎诊疗方案(试行第七版)》的基础上,参考国内外最新的诊疗方案和研究成果,并结合国内各地COVID-19患者的救治经验,制定出新型冠状病毒肺炎临床合理用药专家共识。本共识详细阐述COVID-19临床救治的九类用药,内容涵盖药物治疗作用、遴选原则、用法用量、不良反应及注意事项,以期为COVID-19临床用药提供参考。  相似文献   

张磊 《中国药业》2022,(3):18-20
目的 探讨医院药学部在新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)疫情时期的工作模式.方法 COVID-19疫情期间,医院药学部按照门诊药房、住院药房、药库、临床药学4个部门成立工作小组,制订流程及措施,落实防控政策,保障药品供应,同时加强临床合理用药监测,及时提出合理用药建议.结果与结论 在COVID-19疫情防控工作中,医...  相似文献   

目的通过参与新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)患儿的药物治疗实践,探讨临床药师参与COVID-19患儿的治疗和开展药学监护的方法。方法临床药师运用药学专业知识和最新的临床研究证据,参与和协助临床调整治疗方案,并对患儿家属进行用药教育。结果临床药师积极参与COVID-19患儿治疗过程的药学监护,及时发现患儿的药物治疗问题,提出合理化建议,并取得明显成效。结论临床药师参与COVID-19患儿药物治疗方案的制订,找到了融入临床治疗团队的切入点,将理论知识和临床实践相结合,优化药物治疗方案,既可提高临床药物治疗水平,又能提高患儿用药的安全性、有效性。  相似文献   

目的探讨新型冠状病毒肺炎(简称新冠肺炎)疫情期间医疗机构的药学服务策略,以充分发挥临床药师的协同作用,为医护人员与患者提供专业的药学服务。方法总结医院临床药师针对疫情、结合工作实际制订的临床药学工作模式与经验。结果临床药师对确诊/疑似新冠肺炎患者开展分层标准化药学监护,重点监护特殊人群与合并基础疾病患者,并以处方审核与药物重整、会诊、治疗药物浓度监测和不良反应监控上报为切入点开展药学服务;对于非新冠肺炎患者,充分利用网络工具开展线上咨询与药品供应,编写发布相关科普文章与书籍;另外,还积极开展临床药学与循证研究,为制订药物治疗方案提供依据。结论新冠肺炎防控期间临床药师调整药学工作模式,开展药学服务与科研,对于保证患者治疗的有效性、安全性及促进临床合理用药具有积极意义。  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo discuss hospital pharmacists’ role in providing pharmaceutical care for hospitalized patients with COVID-19 to promote patient care and management during the pandemic.MethodBased on the method of evidence-based pharmacy, clinical evidence of therapeutical drugs for COVID-19 were retrieved and summarized. Based on clinical experience Chinese hospital pharmacists gained from providing pharmaceutical care services during COVID-19 pandemic, taking COVID-19 hospitalized patients’ needs into consideration, the methods and strategies hospital pharmacists shall use to provide pharmaceutical care were analyzed and summarized.ResultsHospital pharmacists shall support pharmaceutical care services by participating in making evidence-based decisions for medication, monitoring and evaluation of medication safety and efficacy, providing strengthened care for special population and patients with combined underlying diseases, monitoring and management of convalescent plasma therapy, providing emotional counselling and psychological support, and providing scientific information about COVID-19 vaccines.ConclusionThe need of pharmaceutical care services in COVID-19 hospitalized patients during this pandemic was quite distinguished from the past. Hospital pharmacists shall join the collaborative multidisciplinary team to improve COVID-19 patients’ outcome and reduce mortality, and to facilitate the pandemic control.  相似文献   

BackgroundClinical pharmacists’ routine task is carrying out pharmaceutical care to ensure patients' safe and reasonable medication use. However, under public health emergencies, such as the outbreak of COVID-19, the work strategies of clinical pharmacists need to be modified according to the rapid spread of the disease, where information and resources are usually lack to guide them.ObjectiveTo retrieve and investigate the prevention and control measures of clinical pharmacists during the outbreak of novel coronavirus, summarize the roles and responsibilities of clinical pharmacists, and to propose innovative strategies for developing pharmacy services under the epidemic.MethodsThe Chinese and English databases, self-media network, website of professional society or medical institution, and clinical trial center platforms were searched, and clinical pharmacists involved in the work against COVID-19 were surveyed and interviewed. Investigate the challenges and needs of frontline medical staffs for treating patients, and formulate strategies based on the actual medical environment.ResultsClinical pharmacists play a vital role in leading the industry to formulate work instructions, provide frontline medical staff with drug information, and develop innovative pharmacy services to promote the rational use of medicines with collaborative teamwork and close communication according to the epidemic situation of COVID-19. Anti-epidemic work indeed has driven the development of remote pharmacy services.ConclusionFacing public health emergencies, clinical pharmacists can give full play to their professional expertise, analyze the current situation rationally, formulate telehealth strategies swiftly, and work in a united and efficient manner to provide innovative pharmacy services to ensure medication safety and rational use of medicine.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe novel coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19), which was first detected in Wuhan City, has now became a pandemic that affecting patients around the world. Particularly, the community patient population are at high risk of infection and are facing potential failure of proper medication use during the pandemic.ObjectiveTo discuss community pharmacists’ role and the content of pharmaceutical care (PC) during the novel coronavirus pandemic to promote effective prevention and control and safe drug use of the community patient population.MethodCollect and summarize the experience Chinese community pharmacies gained from providing pharmacy services during the COVID-19 outbreak, and taking patients' PC needs into consideration, analyze and discuss the methods and strategies that community pharmacies and pharmacists shall use to provide PC during the pandemic.ResultsCommunity pharmacy management teams shall support PC services by providing adequate supply of COVID-19 related medications and preventative products, following environment regulations, and providing sufficient staff trainings. Pharmacists shall use various approaches to provide PC services in drug dispensing, consulting and referrals, chronic disease management, safe use of infusions, patient education, home care guidance and psychological support to promote the COVID-19 pandemic control and ensure safe medication use of community patients during the pandemic.ConclusionPC services in communities during the COVID-19 shall possess different properties due to disease characteristics and related change in patients' need. Community pharmacies shall work as a strong supporter of patient's medication and protective equipment supply. Community pharmacists shall be prepared to provide skilled and effective PC services for community patient population to ensure medication safety and promote the overall COVID-19 pandemic control.  相似文献   

王华飞  贾萍  顾倩兰 《中国药业》2011,20(10):54-55
目的探讨临床药师参与合理用药工作的内容和方法,以利更好地开展药学服务工作。方法总结药师参与药学信息服务、查房、药学监测、药物咨询以及用药教育、药学分析等实践和体会。结果临床药师参与合理用药方案制订等工作,能够更好服务于临床,为临床医师进行合理的药物治疗提供积极帮助。结论临床药师应提高自身的业务能力,积累临床经验,更好地为临床服务。  相似文献   

The coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) is caused by the novel severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus that was first detected at the end of December 2019. The epidemic has affected various regions of China in different degrees. As the situations evolve, the COVID-19 had been confirmed in many countries, and made a assessment that it can be characterized as a pandemic by the World Health Organization on March 11, 2020. Drugs are the main treatment of COVID-19 patients. Pharmaceutical service offers drug safety ensurance for COVID-19 patients.According to COVID-19 prevention and control policy and requirements, combined with series of diagnosis and treatment plans, pharmacists in the first provincial-level COVID-19 diagnosis and treatment unit in Jilin Province in Northeast China have established the management practices of drug supply and pharmaceutical care from four aspects: personnel, drugs supply management, off-label drug use management and pharmaceutical care. During the outbreak, the pharmaceutical department of THJU completed its assigned workload to ensure drug supply. So far, no nosocomial infections and medication errors have occurred, which has stabilized the mood of the staff and boosted the pharmacists' confidence in fighting the epidemic. For the treatment of COVID-19, pharmacists conducted adverse reaction monitoring and participated in the multidisciplinary consultation of COVID-19. Up to now, the COVID-19 patients admitted to THJU have not shown any new serious adverse reactions and been cured finally. The hospital pharmacy department timely adjusted the work mode, and the formed management practices is a powerful guarantee for the prevention and control of the COVID-19 epidemic. This paper summarized the details and practices of drug supply and pharmaceutical services management to provide experience for the people who involving in COVID-19 prevention and contain in other abroad epidemic areas.  相似文献   

目的加强医院门诊药房应对新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)疫情的防控管理措施。方法根据医院相关规定和要求,在保障患者和药师安全的基础上,结合门诊药房疫情防控实践,梳理具体处置措施。结果在疫情防控期间,医院门诊药房通过成立督导小组,向员工普及COVID-19相关知识,窗口运行精细化管理,开展互联网+药品配送服务等措施,至今已服务20万余人次,无员工感染及疑似感染新型冠状病毒。结论医院门诊药房在COVID-19疫情期间的防控管理措施,可提升患者和员工疫情期间的安全,保障门诊药房的正常运转。  相似文献   

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