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目的 :探讨针刺抗衰老方面的作用机理。选用老年大鼠“足三里”、“关元”穴[8] 对心组织中一氧化氮(NO)含量变化、抗氧化系统中超氧化物歧化酶 (SOD)、丙二醛 (MDA)含量影响的实验研究。方法 :采用考马斯亮兰测定法测定心组织中蛋白含量 ,应用黄嘌呤氧化酶法测定心组织中SOD活力 ,采用硫代巴比妥酸染色法测定心组织中MDA含量 ,应用硝酸还原酶法测定心组织中NO含量。结果 :老年针刺组与老年对照组相比 ,心组织NO含量增多有显著性 ,SOD活性增高有显著性 ,MDA含量降低有显著性 ;青年对照组与老年对照组相比 ,心组织NO含量高 ,有显著性 ,SOD活性高有显著性 ,MDA低有显著性 ;青年对照组与老年针刺组相比 ,心组织中NO、SOD、MDA含量差别不显著。结论 :针刺老年大鼠“足三里”、“关元”穴能延缓衰老的进程 ,有抗衰老作用。  相似文献   

The Wassermann test for the scrodiagnosis of syphilis introduced some twenty-five years ago, has been subjected to repcated comments on the''grounds of the complexity and the duration of the procedure and various attempts toward simplification have been made from time to time. In 1926 Kline (1, 2) proposed a microscopic precipitation test which bas proven to be simple and reliable. During the last few years he has made several modifications of the orginal test, aNFecent one of which consists in the use of defibrinated blood instead of serum (3).  相似文献   

本文研究了20种吉林长白山区产的真菌对HBV的抑制作用。使用体外试管法测定对HBV DNAP的抑制、细胞生物学方法及在感染乙肝病毒的幼鸭上行整体实验。结果证明:某些真菌有抑制HBV作用,以冬虫夏草及树舌作用较强。它们对HBV-DNAP抑制率可达85%,抑制PLC/PRF/5细胞分泌HBsAg作用超过50%,并能抑制鸭体内的鸭乙肝病毒(DHBV)感染。通过实验提出一种系统研究抑制HBV药物的实验方法。  相似文献   

从细胞切片的电镜图像,用立体定量方法测算亚微颗粒的结构参数,受到切片厚度的影响。本文对此进行校正,得到一系列新公式,用以计算、规则的凸形颗粒的面数密度、平均截面积、截面平均周长、体密度、面密度、比表面、平均截距、圆球度、平均外径均值、平均体积、平均表面积以及数密度。其中同时考虑了颗粒大小不均匀的影响。此外,对于球形颗粒,还包括了对小截面漏计效应的校正。  相似文献   

目的:验证《黄帝内经》中提出的"少阳主骨"学说的科学性和适用性。方法:通过前期文献发掘中发现的《黄帝内经》中有关"少阳主骨"的记载,来架构"少阳主骨"的理论原型,以各个分支课题为依托,从不同的侧面,不同的阶段,探索其相关的生理、病理原型以及相应的预防和治疗干预措施来对该学说进行验证。结果:前期研究发现《黄帝内经》中所论"骨繇"与骨质疏松症正好对应,骨组织HE切片可见电针胆经组骨微结构较其他组明显改善。骨形成指标显示电针胆经组大鼠骨重建的成骨活动较其他组更活跃,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05);骨吸收指标亦提示非经穴组、模型组较其他组破骨活动强烈,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论:电针足少阳经穴确有抗骨质疏松效应,为"少阳主骨"学说提供了实验支持,也为该学说的进一步研究奠定了基础。从已经得到的部分理论和实验结果该学说的科学性和适用性。  相似文献   

采用Gompertz曲线对莒县1986~1990年胃瘤年龄别死亡率进行了拟合检验,并与直线、指数曲线、二次抛物线进行了比较,以Gompertz曲线拟合比较理想。描绘了胃癌死亡率年龄分布的理论轨迹,为胃癌死亡预测提供了一种简便科学的方法。  相似文献   

《医学微生物学》试题库系统的建立   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
①目的 设计开发《医学微生物学》试题库系统。②方法 利用Visual Foxpro 6.0数据库软件,采用面向对象的程序设计方法,按照人们习惯的思维方式建立问题域的模型,开发出尽可能直观、自然地表现求解方法的软件系统。③结果 设计出具有自动成卷、题库维护、试卷打印等功能的试题库系统。④结论 系统容量大、易维护,具有交互界面,成卷理论性强,速度快,适于不同类型的考试及各类教员出题。  相似文献   

胃幽门弯曲菌感染和许多上胃肠道疾病有关,胃镜下取活检组织进行尿素酶试验是临床上简便实用的检测方法,传统使用的尿素酶试液或琼脂不便于贮存和运输,为此我们研制成快速尿素酶试纸。在159例连续胃镜检查病人的前瞻性研究中,试纸诊断的敏感性为80%,特异性100%,达到国内外快速尿素酶试液和琼脂的水平,试纸于室温中保存半年不失效,体积小可通过信件邮寄。快速尿素酶试纸的研制成功将有助于幽门弯曲菌临床研究的普及。  相似文献   

本文把序贯判别方法应用于以遗传毒理学试验预测化学品的致癌性,优化预测的社会效益。给出了遗传毒理学试验组合的较佳选择方案以及实用的序贯判别方法。推荐以沙门氏菌回变试验为第一个试验,啮齿类骨髓微核试验为第二个试验,哺乳动物细胞SCE试验或哺乳动物细胞UDS试验或啤酒酵母有丝分裂重组试验为第三个试验。本文还改进了Titterington处理缺失数据的统计方法。  相似文献   

The theory of apical inception of pulmonary phthisis has been so deeply rooted in the minds of the present medical generation that almost a revolution was caused by the appearance of the first papers on subapical beginning. Though Assmann published his first observa- tions on infraclavicular infiltrations" in 1922, the genera] attention was not drawn to the problem until 1924 when further information was supplied by the same author and by Redeker, who originally con- fined himself to children''s tuberculosis, but, in 1926 definitely fellin lim with Assmann. However, before this Wessler and Jaches in America independently wrote that "the Roentgen-ray has disclosed the interesting fact that earliest eviderices of the disease are less often found in what is clinically known as the apex of the Iung, than in the infraclavicular region. Furthermore, the axilIary half of the lung is mare apt to be involved than the niedial half . . . . on the other hand, in a large percentage of early cases, infiltrations appear exc7usively in the infraclavicular region and abnormai physical signs are accordingly absent in the apex." (cit. from Assmann.)  相似文献   

用益灵霜进行动物的皮肤毒性试验,其结果证明:用三个剂量(4,7.6和17mg/cm~2)涂擦大鼠皮肤10天,未引起皮肤局部和全身性不良反应;用13g/kg的剂量给大鼠灌胃,未出现中毒症状和致死作用,属于无毒的化合物;给白兔皮肤斑贴0.5g益灵霜,未引起皮肤刺激性反应;经白豚鼠的开放式皮肤吸收致敏试验,未出现过敏。  相似文献   

The technical, simplicity of Kline precipitin test for syphilis is the main factor accounting for its rapid and wide recognition. The cam- parative investigations made by different workers with a view of deter- mining the practical value of the test have definitely established the high degree of reliability and accuracy of it. According to Osmond (I) Heathman (z) Stewart (3) Chargin (4), Eller (5), and Kline (6) the result of this test usually coincides with that obtained in Kahn and Wassermann reactions. The actual agreement between Kline test and Kahn and Wassermann may reach from 77 t0 98.5 per cent. This is a sufficiently good testimony for the efficiency of the test. Although Kline test is now considered as a dependable laboratory procedure. little is known as regards certain practical sides of the test. The ques- tion of the stability of the antigen used in Kline test is of some import- ance for those countries where the supply of antigen can only be ob- tained from few central laboratories. Kline himself recommended that his antigen should not be used, if older than six months. It is diffi- cult, however, to ascertain on what data such recommendation has been based. One is justified to assume that the antigen kept for a longer time than that stated by Kline will probably be of a satisfactory quality. Such an assumption seems reasonable in view of the fact that antigens such as those of Kahn, or Kolmer the preparation of which is based on principles essentially similar to those involved in the preparation of Kline''s anfigen, are known to be comparatively stable. From a theoretical stand point we may expect that with the age of the antigen three different possibilities may occur: a) the anhgen may remajn stable indefinitely, b) some diminutior. of its specific activity may occur, and c) the antigen may develop greater sensitivity than that observed soon after its preparation. In two latter cases, the use of antigen may lead either to false negative, of false posihve reactIons, the occurrence of which constitutes the major danger in the serology of syphilis. All these considerations indicate that investigation of the  相似文献   

<正> 本文是一篇关于钉螺分类史的全面评述,全文共分五个部分:1.前言;2.钉螺分类史评述;3.国内学者对钉螺分类的看法;4.讨论与总结;5.摘要。本文详细地介绍了国内外学者对于钉螺分类的看法及分类工作,并略加评论,然后在第四部分中,着重的讨论了并总结了下列7个问题:  相似文献   

富锌酵母的致突变研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用微核试验、Ames试验和原噬菌体诱导试验检测富锌酵母的致突变性。试验结果显示,富锌酵母浓度在2.5g/kg、1.3g/kg、0.6g/kg时,微核试验阴性。浓度为10μg/皿、100μg/皿、500μg/皿、1000μg/皿时,Ames试验阴性。在10μg/皿、100μg/皿、1000μg/皿时,对溶原性细菌无诱导作用。  相似文献   

根据食品安全性毒理学评价程序进行了鼠的毒性试验及残留量测定,结果表明,Ame's试验及小鼠骨髓多染红细胞微核,精原细胞染色体试验结果皆未显示超常效应,在豆芽中残留量低微,认为6-BA属于低毒、弱蓄积性人工合成的化学物质。  相似文献   

免疫荧光技术检测肺吸虫病抗体的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 间接荧光抗体方法(Indirect fluorescent antibody test,IFA)是组织化学结合免疫学应用显微示踪的一种新技术。目前国内外已广泛用于微生物学和免疫学的诊断和研究并已取得显著的成就。在寄生虫学领域里,国外应用也很广泛,许多人体寄生虫病如血吸虫病、丝虫病和弓浆虫病等均已用荧光抗体方法进行诊断。国内已成功地用于疟疾和丝虫病的流行病学调查和诊断。Cho KM等报告用卫氏并殖吸虫的碎片固定于玻片上作为抗原。用荧光抗体方法  相似文献   

在28例已行胆囊切除带T管引流的胆石症病人中,静脉滴注我院中药制剂“茵陈胆道汤”。发现,在胆酸丢失、胆汁成石指数增高、胆汁成石性增高的情况下,应用该制剂时,胆汁成石指数无明显变化;并且胆汁中总胆红素、非结合胆红素浓度及胆汁UCB/T Bil%值等均较注药前明显降低。提示该制剂具有阻止胆固醇过饱和之成石性胆汁生成和阻止胆色素性成石性胆汁的生成作用。  相似文献   

已有报告胃粘膜尿素酶试验可以预测幽门弯曲菌感染及活动性炎症程度。本文报告164例胃病患者胃粘膜尿素酶试验结果。胃粘膜大致正常者该试验结果全部阴性;慢性活动性胃炎阳性率为63.5%;消化性溃疡82.1%;轻度浅表性胃炎为14%、中度87.3%、重度100%。结果提示尿素酶试验阳性率与胃内炎症活动性有关,该试验简单、迅速,临床可常规用来判断胃内炎症程度及有无幽门弯曲菌感染。  相似文献   

Departme7zt of Medici7te, Peipi7tg Union Medzcal- College, Peipiizg. The scdimentation rate or suspension stability as applied to the red blood corpuscles is an aid in diagnosis and prognosis of pathoIogic states(I). The work of many investigators has clearly shown that this test is not specific for any disease, but rather that it measures a reac- tion in the individual which is comparable to but not parallel with, fever, pulse rate, leucocytosis, basal metabolism, and other phenomcna (1, 2). In some diseases such as tubercuIosis (3) and theurnatic fever (4) it has bcdi shown to be a more sensitive indicator of activity of the disease than any other laboratory or clinical procedure in usc. Hence the test has its greatest usefulness as an aid in prognosis and in gauging the effect of treatment rather than as a diagnostic method.  相似文献   

玉蟾抗衰茶以川绿茶为基质,加入中药配方,精工制作而成,使茶叶的保健治疗作用增强,并具有益气补血,健脾固肾功用。动物实验证实:饮用该茶安全,有增强体力、抗疲劳与抗缺氧能力,能延长动物(家蚕)生命周期。经临床验证本品有降低人体血脂、增强精力、清爽神智等功能,为中老年理想的保健饮料。  相似文献   

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