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分析我国高等职业教育集团办学模式和卫生职业教育集团现状,以福建卫生职业技术学院开展校企合作实践为例,探讨在高职教育集团下的校企合作办学模式,探索以项目为纽带建立校企合作机制,形成紧密型与非紧密型的校企合作办学联合体。为职业教育集团深化内部治理结构改革夯实基础。  相似文献   

现代学徒制改革是校企合作、工学结合的纽带和桥梁。泰州职业技术学院护理专业与泰州市人民医院合作办学,积极探索基于现代学徒制的院校合作高职护理人才培养模式改革,初步形成"1+1+1"人才培养方案,在产教融合、校企合作实践中迈出了关键一步,结合这几年教学实践进行总结和展望。  相似文献   

在创建护理、社区医学等品牌专业的过程中。学院不断深化教育教学改革,提高人才培养质量;积极拓宽实习与就业渠道,以实习带动就业,以就业拉动招生;依托教育-实践-服务三结合的全新办学模式。成为省内一流、全国有影响的卫生职业技术学院。  相似文献   

介绍我校国际护理班的组班情况,学生的生活、教学和思想管理模式和体会,并提出国际合作护理教育项目存在的问题.同时进行简要的讨论。  相似文献   

统计分析了我国护理中外合作办学项目、国别和地区、办学层次、发放的证书类别、就读人数、办学类型、师资构成,发现我国护理中外合作办学规模不大、合作层次不高、地域分布东西失衡、师资存在问题,提出提高中外合作办学水平和可持续发展能力、重点发展研究生层次的中外合作办学、加强对护理教育市场运作研究的建议。  相似文献   

选取金华职业技术学院医学院医学生268名进行调查,了解医学生对肿瘤早期检查的认知和需求。结果表明,在校医学生对肿瘤可防可治和肿瘤早期筛查项目的认识程度低,提示医学院校应结合医学生的认知程度开展肿瘤早期发现的健康教育与培训。  相似文献   

鲁延波 《吉林医学》2006,27(6):678-679
为了顺应国内外护理教育的发展趋势,落实国家教育部、卫生部关于深化中等医学教育体制改革的指示精神,提升优质护理教育资源,完善延边大学学科建设规划,实现资源共享,2001年8月经吉林省教育厅批准,延边州人民政府与延边大学以延边卫生学校为办学基地合作创办了延边大学护理学院。合作办学协议中约定,在合作办学期间内,地方政府为继续为学院保留(延边卫生学校)财政拨款渠道和人员编制,直到完全并入为止;延边大学负责学院的全面管理,护理学院施行一个班子、两块牌子,学院领导班子成员由延边大学党委考核任命。护理学院成立以来,在地方政府的大…  相似文献   

我国加入WTO后护理教育面临新的机遇和挑战,加速护理教育改革、促进护理教育发展,是当前护理教育面临的第一要务。乐山职业技术学院从80年代开始搞英语护理的教学改革,积累了一定的经验,取得了较好的效果,有一批学生已进入国际人才市场。为了适应国际、国内两个市场对护理人才的需要,学院积极探索五年制高职护理教育改革,以全球视野和国际化人才标准为理念,与国际护理教育接轨,以课程体系改革为突破口,致力于构建有中国特色和国际标准的护理人才培养模式。  相似文献   

回顾上海中医药大学护理专业中外合作办学项目十年发展历程,充分表明:合作办学不仅顺应护理人才培养需求,也符合当前国际护理教育发展趋势;可依托自身学科优势和国外优质教育资源,实现跨文化交流,培养国际化视野的应用型专业人才;更新教学理念与教学手段,提升教学能力与国际化水准。  相似文献   

指出当前高职护理教育存在的问题,结合上海思博职业技术学院"全国医疗卫生信息技术培训基地"建设实践,介绍系统构成及优势,探索创新护理人才培养模式,阐明人才培养带来的社会效益,以期对护理人才培养的进一步创新提供借鉴.  相似文献   

通过20年中外合作办学,江苏高职教育借鉴国外经验,初步建立了突出职业能力培养的课程标准,增强了教学过程的实践性、开放性和职业性。与此同时,输出国制度完善与输入国制度滞后之间的矛盾、输出国与输入国不同利益诉求之间的矛盾以及中方院校合作愿望强烈与执行能力偏低的矛盾愈加突出。要实现加强教育能力建设的政策目标,政府必须完善中外合作办学政策;高职院校必须着力提高教师素质,消化吸收先进课程体系和人才培养模式。  相似文献   

An institution-wide program for residents impaired by alcohol, other drugs, or emotional problems was established in 1983 at the Medical College of Wisconsin Affiliated Hospitals. The goal of the program was to help impaired house staff members to continue their training in a nonpunitive environment. An approach to reviewing allegations of impairment and a legal agreement between the hospital and the recovering resident were implemented. Because no residents were reported for impairment during its first two years, the program's emphasis was shifted from an investigative to an educational, assistive role. Major problems in carrying out the program have been the program's lack of authority to ensure cooperation by program directors and by impaired residents; a widespread unfamiliarity with intervention procedures despite efforts to inform residents, their spouses, faculty members, and administrators about the program; and misconceptions that the program is punitive. Further impediments are lack of a budget to provide educational activities, inadequate socializing between the faculty and the house staff that would enable faculty members to recognize early signs of impairment; and inadequate health insurance coverage for long-term treatment.  相似文献   

地方医学院校临床医学专业建设必须把握好质量工程项目支持的契机,从培养目标、培养模式、课程建设、实践平台建设、师资队伍建设和质量控制等方面努力形成特色。本文探讨了地方医学院校建设临床医学专业的目标和思路。  相似文献   

高校学术职业吸引力与高校教师发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李昱 《医学教育探索》2010,9(2):282-283
职业薪酬、职业压力与职业权利均与高校教师发展密切相关。着眼于解除高校学术职业吸引力的各层面制约因素,切实关注高校教师发展的成长历程,才能使国内高校教师发展和国际教育发展形势接轨。  相似文献   

The authors discuss ways to increase the funding base of a family medicine residency program through the appropriate use of procedures related to patient care and the provisions of service. Following a commitment of cooperation by residents and faculty members, certain principles of a business practice management curriculum were expanded and applied to a residency program. A written procedure manual describing the intricacies of the fee-for-service system was prepared for interns. Mechanisms for the review of patient care productivity and educationally productive incentives were developed. All of these steps were helpful in achieving improvement in the funding base for the residency. Areas for potential expansion in training programs and financial and staffing strategies to increase revenues are discussed. Although administrative decisions regarding fees and collection mechanisms are mentioned, this discussion focuses on educational and patient care activities that also produce revenue.  相似文献   

Over the last 6 years Sherbrooke Medical School has undertaken a major reform of its undergraduate curriculum. A new student-centred, community-oriented curriculum was implemented in September 1987. Problem-based learning (PBL) is now the main educational method. To adequately prepare teachers for the curriculum a series of faculty development programs in pedagogy were offered: first, a 2-day introductory workshop to initiate teachers into educational principles and their application in the new program; second, a 1-year basic training program in medical pedagogy; third, a 1-day workshop on PBL; and fourth, a comprehensive 3-day training program in PBL tutoring. Over 60% of all full-time teachers attended the introductory program and 80% the tutor training program. The 1-year basic training program was completed by 33% of the faculty members. The implementation of these programs, coupled with a high participation rate, resulted in a more student-centred educational philosophy and a greater interest in medical education. This had a significant impact when the new curriculum was instituted. Lessons learned from the experience are discussed.  相似文献   

温州医学院与美国新英格兰视光学院联合培养眼视光学博士项目实施以来,已经取得了良好的成效。这个项目的成功源于合作双方始终贯彻了优势互补的办学思路,并在学制体系的优势互补、课程体系的优势互补、师资与办学条件的互补等方面进行了有益的探索。  相似文献   

背景 中国正在完善分级诊疗和家庭医生制度,全科医生人才培养是实现这一制度的核心因素,目前我国全科医生缺口40万,全科住院医师规范化培训是培养高质量全科医生的主要途径。目的 通过混合研究方法广而深地了解来自两个城市的两个医院全科住院医师对其接受的全科规范化培训看法的异同,探讨不同规范化培训模式下可能带来的益处。方法 应用混合研究方法进行横断面研究。于2019年4月,采用整群抽样法抽取北京大学第一医院和北京大学深圳医院全科住院医师作为研究对象。两个医院均是“5+3”全科住院医师规范化培训基地,其中北京大学第一医院为“四证合一”的试点基地。结果 北京大学第一医院共发放问卷39份,回收有效问卷35份,有效回收率89.7%;北京大学深圳医院共发放84份问卷,回收有效问卷70份,有效回收率为83.3%。总体上,全科住院医师感觉到由于选择了全科专业而受到歧视,感觉作为全科医师能力不足。许多住院医师提到教学医师的教学态度较差。北京的住院医师比深圳的住院医师对培训更满意(P=0.001),并觉得全科教学医师有足够的知识(P<0.001)和更合适的教学态度(P=0.004),并且北京大学第一医院住院医师5项工作愿景得分均低于北京大学深圳医院,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 这些中国全科住院医师了解培训中需要改进的内容及培训的长项。北京全科住院医师对教学及工作满意度更高,其可以获得高水平教学医师的培训,并可以获得相关证明,提示教育改革可以增强培训力度并促进住院医师有更好的工作愿景。这些发现提示中国的住院医师面临着和国际相类似的情况,同时,也提示规范化培训教学课程的改革可能会带来益处。  相似文献   

Changes in health service delivery and issues of quality of care and safety are driving interprofessional practice, and interprofessional learning (IPL) is now a requirement for medical school accreditation. There is international agreement that learning outcomes frameworks are required for the objectives of IPL to be fully realised, but there is debate about the most appropriate terminology. Interprofessional skills can be gained in several ways - from formal educational frameworks, at pre- and post-registration levels to work-based training. Research activity suggests that many consider that IPL delivers much-needed skills to health professionals, but some systematic reviews show that evidence of a link to patient outcomes is lacking. Australian efforts to develop an evidence base to support IPL have progressed, with new research drawing on recommendations of experts in the area. The focus has now shifted to curriculum development. The extent to which IPL is rolled out in Australian universities will depend on engagement and endorsement from curriculum managers and the broader faculty.  相似文献   

The Minnesota Rural Physician Associate Program for medical students   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Rural Physician Associate Program (RPAP) at the University of Minnesota Medical School is a clinical education experience for third-year students that lasts nine to 12 months. In 1970 the Minnesota legislature required the medical school faculty to find an educational method to redistribute physicians into the medically underserved rural areas of Minnesota or lose state funds for the medical school. After 16 years of the program, all 87 counties in Minnesota have an acceptable ratio of general physicians for the first time in the state's history. RPAP students work directly with and are supervised by general physicians practicing in rural areas; these preceptors have an average age of 40 years, are board-certified, and have 12 years of clinical experience. They give their teaching services and a $2,500 stipend to the student; the state provides $7,000 to the student with no obligation that the student practice in rural Minnesota after training. The preceptors, RPAP staff members, and visiting university faculty members provide 50, 30, and 20 percent, respectively, of a student's grades for the program; the student receives six months of credit for the program. As of 1986, 57 percent of the former RPAP students in practice were practicing in rural communities, with a majority in Minnesota and a majority in towns with populations less than 10,000.  相似文献   

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