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目的探讨T and small Protrusion(TAP)技术植入药物洗脱支架对冠状动脉分叉病变患者的治疗效果。方法根据冠脉造影结果确诊冠心病分叉病变患者50例,将其分为A、B两组(每组25例),其中A组采用边支球囊扩张,B组边支球囊扩张后采用TAP技术植入药物洗脱支架,随访12个月,记录心绞痛、心肌梗死等主要心脏不良事件(MACE)发生情况。部分患者在手术后6个月行冠状动脉造影检查。结果不同的介入治疗策略对冠心病分叉病变患者的即刻效果有差异,TAP技术效果更佳,且手术成功率高;随访1年两组主要心脏不良事件发生率差异无显著性。结论 TAP技术治疗冠状动脉分叉病变安全性好,短期疗效佳,长期疗效亦满意,但有待进一步临床观察。  相似文献   

目的探讨用Crushing药物洗脱支架植入技术处理冠状动脉分叉病变的疗效和安全性。方法共51例病人53处冠状动脉真性分叉处病变,左主干与前降支、回旋支开口11处,前降支与对角支分叉31处,回旋支与钝缘支分叉11处。在主支及分支中置入药物洗脱支架,主支支架部分压住分支支架,并行对吻扩张。结果行Crushing方法支架植入均获成功。43处(81.1%)行对吻后扩张,53处中2处(3.7%)有并发症。临床随访无心脏不良事件,8例冠脉造影复查无再狭窄。结论用Crushing药物洗脱支架植入技术处理分叉病变是安全的,手术成功率高。  相似文献   

冠状动脉分叉病变是冠状动脉累及较大分支开口的病变,其分支血管具有重要的功能价值,目前已有几种不同支架置入术式可用于分叉病变的治疗,但手术过程复杂,仍存在远期预后不佳等问题。药物涂层球囊(DCB)是基于药物洗脱支架的抗细胞增殖药物递送系统,可在无异物残留的同时维持正常血管的直径和功能,且对支架内再狭窄病变的效果与药物洗脱支架相当。DCB现已作为治疗分叉病变的替代治疗,对DCB策略及药物洗脱支架联合策略在分叉病变临床应用中的深入研究将为冠状动脉分叉病变的治疗提供新思路和新方法。  相似文献   

瑞典药物洗脱支架与金属裸支架的长期疗效对比   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
钟明江  张斌 《循证医学》2007,7(6):325-328
前瞻性随机临床试验已经发现.药物洗脱支架的使用与金属裸支架相比没有增加支架内血栓的形成。在包括大约4500名患者的前瞻性试验的基础上.美国食品药品监督管理局批准了药物洗脱支架在先前不能处理的一些冠脉病变的患者中的使用。在这些试验中.药物洗脱支架与金属裸支架相比表现为安全、心血管事件无显著增加。但是,药物洗脱支架的应用已经迅速扩展到所有的患者中,  相似文献   

相较于金属裸支架,药物洗脱支架可显著降低支架内的再狭窄率,改善远期靶病变的血运重建,但在小血管疾病、支架内在狭窄以及分叉病变中,其应用仍然受到明显限制。药物涂层球囊(drug coated balloon,DCB)因其“介入无植入”的临床特点和治疗理念,在冠状动脉介入治疗中的重要性和地位日益增强。鉴于既往建议有待更新,国际DCB专家委员会于2020年6月在权威期刊《美国心脏病学会杂志:心血管介入》发布了《药物涂层球囊治疗冠心病最新专家共识》(简称共识)。本文以共识为基础,重点介绍DCB冠状动脉介入的相关临床经验,以期为DCB的临床应用提供参考。  相似文献   

目的探讨药物洗脱球囊和药物洗脱支架对支架内再狭窄患者冠脉造影效果及临床事件发生风险的影响。方法选取我院2015年1月~2016年12月收治支架内再狭窄患者共100例为研究对象,根据治疗方案差异随机分为A组(50例)和B组(50例),A组患者采用药物洗脱支架治疗,B组患者采用药物洗脱球囊方案治疗;比较两组患者术后随访晚期管腔丢失量、二次再狭窄率、Mehran再狭窄分型及临床事件发生率。结果两组患者晚期管腔丢失量比较,B组晚期管腔丢失量较A组更少(P0.05),两组二次再狭窄率比较,差异无统计学意义(P0.05);两组患者Mehran再狭窄分型情况比较,差异无统计学意义(P0.05);两组患者临床事件发生率比较,差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。结论药物洗脱球囊治疗支架内再狭窄总体疗效不逊于药物洗脱支架,具有临床应用价值。  相似文献   

目的评估使用非顺应性球囊后扩张对经置入药物洗脱支架冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病(以下简称冠心病)患者的疗效。方法回顾性分析2011年1月至2011年5月共356例行药物洗脱支架植入且使用非顺应性球囊后扩张的患者,采用倾向性评分抽取同期356例行药物洗脱支架植入术而未后扩张的患者与之1∶1匹配。结果 2组在年龄、性别、临床表现、主要危险因素及冠状动脉病变特征方面比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),具有可比性。平均随访时间18个月,后扩张组主要不良心血管事件(major adverse cardiac events,MACE)明显低于未后扩张组(10.1%vs 15.7%,P=0.020),主要是靶血管重建(6.2%vs10.7%,P=0.010)、支架内血栓(1.1%vs 3.7%,P=0.030)发生率比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),而心肌梗死(3.9%vs4.6%,P=0.700)、死亡(1.1%vs 1.7%,P=0.760)比较,差异没有统计学意义。结论冠心病患者置入药物洗脱支架后使用非顺应性球囊后扩张安全,可改善患者的临床预后。  相似文献   

药物洗脱支架植入伴随着支架贝占壁不良.根据血管内超声支架贴壁不良分为消退型支架贴壁不良、持久性支架贴壁不良良晚期支架贴壁不良.晚期支架贴壁不良可能机制为血管正性重塑,其可能原因是血管壁炎性反应.形成晚期支架贴壁不良的相关危险因素是药物洗脱支架、长病变、慢性闭塞病变、急性心肌梗死等.约物涂层支架贴壁不良患者血栓事件发生率明显高于无支架贴壁不良患者.如果发现支架贴壁不良应长期口服双重抗血小板药物治疗.  相似文献   

林兆恒 《中国医药导报》2009,6(33):152-152,155
目的:评价国产药物洗脱支架(DES)治疗冠状动脉分叉病变的安全性和有效性。方法:49例冠状动脉分叉病变患者,43例接受主支血管DES和分支血管球囊扩张术,6例接受主支和分支均植入DES术,回顾性分析其治疗结果。结果:手术即刻成功率为100%,临床随访6~8个月,40例患者症状消失,6例症状减轻,2例复发心绞痛再次血运重建治疗成功,1例术后4个月心原性猝死。结论:国产DES治疗分叉病变是安全有效的。  相似文献   

目的:评价药物洗脱支架治疗无保护左主干(LMCA)病变的安全性和临床疗效。方法:回顾性分析2004年1月~2006年12月完成的49例无保护左主干病变药物洗脱支架置入术。结果:49例无保护LMCA病变全部成功置入支架,共置入61枚药物洗脱支架,直接支架置入术10例(20.4%),39例(79.6%)行球囊预扩张后置入支架;远端分叉部位病变双支架置入12例(24.5%)。住院期间死亡2例(4.1%),无其他主要心血管事件发生;44例(89.8%)完成门诊及电话随访,平均随访(14±6)个月,术后6~12个月完成冠脉造影随访16例(32.7%),随访期间3例死亡(6.1%),1例死于脑卒中,2例心原性猝死,分别为术后7个月及12个月。随访期间主要心血管事件发生率为6.1%(3/49)。结论:药物洗脱支架治疗经选择的LMCA病变是安全可行的,有较理想的近期和远期疗效。  相似文献   

目的:分析经皮冠状动脉介入治疗(PCI)后再狭窄高危患者应用两种药物洗脱支架的临床疗效.方法:在17个月期间对49例再狭窄高危患者行雷帕霉素(Cypher)和/或紫杉醇(Taxus)药物洗脱支架置入术.24例患者接受Cypher支架置入术;25例患者接受Taxus支架置入术.结果:24例患者26支血管的27处病变共置入27个Cypher支架;25例患者36支血管的42处病变共置入42个Taxus支架.对49例患者平均随访7.3个月(1个月~17个月),没有1例发生术后再狭窄或进行靶血管重建或靶病变重建,但有2例在PCI后5 d(Cypher支架)和45 d(Taxus支架)分别发生了亚急性支架内血栓形成.结论:药物洗脱支架置入术即刻成功率高,在再狭窄高危患者的术后近期再狭窄发生率很低,但是术后亚急性支架内血栓形成是一个需要引起特别关注的问题.  相似文献   

Drug eluting stents have been implanted worldwide and used in nearly 90% of percutaneous coronary interventions in China. Although many randomized trials have confirmed the efficacy and safety profile of drug eluting stents, they were not powered to detect or exclude the effect of drug eluting stents on rare events such as stent thrombosis. Several mechanisms of very late stent thrombosis have been postulated, but are not widely accepted. Virchow's triad describes the 3 main factors of thrombus formation - stasis of blood flow, endothelial injury and hypercoagulability. Myocardial bridging is a common congenital anomaly. Modern anatomy and angiography regard myocardial bridging as widespread, but its pathophysiological response is always ignored. According to Virchow's triad, myocardial bridging negatively affect endothelial function, and the turbulent shear stress and intimal trauma predispose the vessel toward thrombus formation. Therefore, we question whether a relationship between myocardial bridging and very late stent thrombosis of drug eluting stents exists. Also, we propose that myocardial bridging might be a potential risk factor of very late stent thrombosis of drug eluting stents; coronary artery bypass grafting might be a promising and novel choice in the treatment of myocardial bridging with severe stenosis in the coronary artery.

Background Because no large prospective studies are available, this study evaluated the clinical outcomes of two drug eluting stents in bifurcation lesions. Methods Lesions with diameter of side branch ≥2.5 mm were selected. From October 2003 to June 2005, 112 patients with 113 bifurcation lesions were treated by two drug eluting stents (DESs), technique. The location of bifurcation lesions were left anterior descending coronary artery/diagonal in 62 patients, left main distal bifurcation in 32, left circumflex coronary artery/obtute marginal branch in 18 and right coronary artery distal bifurcation in 1. Procedures for bifurcation lesions were crush or modified crush technique in 64, "T" stenting technique in 27, modified "Y" stenting, kiss stenting, "V" stenting as well as culotte stenting technique in 11, 5, 3 and 3, respectively. Among 226 lesions, 91 Cypher or Cypher select stents, 74 TAXUS and 67 Firebird were used. Final kiss balloon dilation was performed in 60 (93.7%) with crush technique after stenting. Results Success rate of percutaneous coronary intervention for the bifurcation lesions was 100%. One patient, who developed inhospital acute myocardial infarction due to subacute thrombosis, was successfully treated by a second intervention. Major adverse cardiac events rate in-hospital was 0.89% (1/112) and during followup was 7.14% (8/112), No death occurred during the followup of all patients. Angiographic followup was effected for 46 patients, restenosis for eight, coronary artery bypass grafting for 1 and a repeat intervention for 5. Restenosis involving TAXUS, Cypher and Firebird was 5 (5/18, 27.8%), 2 (2/17, 11.8%) and 1 (1/11, 9.1%), respectively (P〉0.05). Total restenotic rate was 17.4% (8/46). Conclusions When ostium of side branch has severe stenosis and 〉12.5 mm in diameter, two-stent strategy in this bifurcation lesion is safe and effective, and the outcomes are satisfactory. Restenotic rates were not different between TAXUS, Cypher and Firebird DESs.  相似文献   

药物涂层球囊在冠状动脉分叉病变中的应用前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
药物涂层球囊是一种创新的选择。几个小型临床试验显示药物涂层球囊在处理小血管、分叉病变时安全可行。药物涂层球囊可以很好地保留原有的解剖结构,可被应用于不便置入支架的病变,比如一些小血管、支架内再狭窄以及分叉病变中侧支血管的治疗,可以有效避免药物涂层支架置入后持续的双联抗血小板治疗引起的不良反应等。  相似文献   

Background Lesions at coronary bifurcations always are a big challenge for interventionists even with the advent of drug eluting stents (DES). Even as more clinical trials are published, operators still can not confirm that one strategy is more efficient than another. Selection of patients and short term follow-up contribute to the difficulty in comparing strategies. Methods From April 2004 to April 2008, 505 consecutive Chinese patients underwent DES implantation for true bifurcation lesions; including 258 using crush strategy (213 male, (56.7+10.8) years old) and 247 using no crush strategy (206 male, (58.1+10.1) years old) were analyzed.
Results The follow-up period ranged from 237 to 1223 days, average (537+340) days for the crush group and (538+351) days for the no crush group. There was no significant difference of major adverse cardiac events (MACE) rate between the two groups (10.1% vs 12.1%; P=-0.481), nor in cardiac death, nonfatal myocardial infarction (MI) or in the target vessel revascularization (TVR) (0.4% vs 1.6%; P=0.207, 2.7% vs 2.8; P=1.000 and 7.0% vs 7.7%; P=0.865). The stent thrombosis rate was similar in the two groups (1.6% vs 2.0%; P=0.409), late and very late stent thrombosis in both groups were very low (0.4% vs 0.4%; P=-1.000). Seven-month angiographic follow-up showed no significant difference of the restenosis rate between the two groups (11.0% vs 13.5%; P=0.786). During the follow-up, cardiac death, nonfatal MI, TVR and ST free survival rate showed no significant difference between the two groups. The only variant identified as a predictor of MACE was percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in the first two years, which accounted for 47% of patients of all cases in four years. Conclusion Crush technique showed similar long-term clinical effect compared with other two DES techniques for coronary bifurcation lesions, the surgeons' skills are very important for reducing clinical events.  相似文献   

目的:比较涂层可降解药物洗脱支架(Excel)与涂层不可降解药物洗脱支架(Partner)在冠状动脉疾病治疗中的近期疗效及安全性。方法:将1315例接受药物洗脱支架治疗的冠心病患者纳入此回顾性对照研究,其中Excel组498例,Partner组817例.观察术后1年内两组患者主要不良心脏事件(MACE)及支架内血栓事件发生情况。结果:两组患者在基线资料、冠脉病变特征等方面均无统计学差异(P〉0.05);两组患者平均置入支架直径[(2.97±0.39)mm vs(3.03±0.46)mm]及置入支架长度[(25.37±7.39)mm vs(24.57±7.11)mm]比较,差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。尽管Excel组患者平均置入支架直径较小且支架长度偏长,但随访结果显示两组患者1年内主要不良心脏事件及支架内血栓事件发生情况差异均无统计学意义(2.41%vs2.69%,P〉0.05;0.60%vs0.86%,P〉0.05)。结论:涂层可降解与不可降解药物洗脱支架在冠状动脉疾病治疗中的近期疗效及安全性相似。  相似文献   

目的调查和分析在急性心肌梗死患者治疗过程中,国产与进口药物支架的临床应用效果、安全性和产生费用。方法 2007年1月—2009年6月,采用病案回顾及电话随访的方法,获取上海市两家医院440例接受国产药物支架(n=318,国产支架组)或进口药物支架(n=122,进口支架组)治疗的急性心肌梗死患者的资料。以功效性、安全性和经济学指标作为因变量,以患者其他相关因素作为自变量,进行两组间比较和分析。结果两组患者住院期间病死率及随访1年内病死率、再发心脏病比例、再次接受冠状动脉造影术(CAG)或冠状动脉介入术(PC I)的比例比较,差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05);进口支架组人均置入支架总费用和单个支架费用均显著高于国产支架组(P〈0.001);有医疗保险患者人均自付支架费用明显低于无医疗保险患者(P〈0.05);有或无医疗保险患者的人均自付支架费用,进口支架组均显著高于国产支架组(P〈0.05)。结论与进口药物支架比较,国产药物支架具有更高的性价比。相关部门可通过提高进口药物支架的共付率使患者选择更加经济的治疗方案,同时推进国产药物支架的应用。  相似文献   

目的 调查和分析在急性心肌梗死患者治疗过程中,国产与进口药物支架的临床应用效果、安全性和产生费用.方法 2007年1月- 2009年6月,采用病案回顾及电话随访的方法,获取上海市两家医院440例接受国产药物支架(n=318,国产支架组)或进口药物支架(n=122,进口支架组)治疗的急性心肌梗死患者的资料.以功效性、安全性和经济学指标作为因变量,以患者其他相关因素作为自变量,进行两组间比较和分析.结果 两组患者住院期间病死率及随访1年内病死率、再发心脏病比例、再次接受冠状动脉造影术(CAG)或冠状动脉介入术(PCI)的比例比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);进口支架组人均置入支架总费用和单个支架费用均显著高于国产支架组(P<0.001);有医疗保险患者人均自付支架费用明显低于无医疗保险患者(P<0.05);有或无医疗保险患者的人均自付支架费用,进口支架组均显著高于国产支架组(P<0.05).结论 与进口药物支架比较,国产药物支架具有更高的性价比.相关部门可通过提高进口药物支架的共付率使患者选择更加经济的治疗方案,同时推进国产药物支架的应用.  相似文献   

Background Recently, numerous randomized and controlled trials have demonstrated great advantages of drug eluting stents (DES) with respect to significant reduction of restenosis and recurrence of symptoms and improvement of clinical outcomes after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Little is known about the comparative effects between DES and bare metal stents (BMS) for bifurcation angioplasty in the Chinese population. We compared the inpatient and 7-month follow-up outcomes between DES and BMS for the treatment of bifurcation lesions. Methods From April 2004 to October 2005, 291 Chinese patients [85.9% male, mean age (57.8±10.4) years] underwent DES (387 lesions) and/or BMS (297 lesions) implantation for bifurcation lesions. Clinical and angiographic follow-up was performed at 7 months. Results Compared with BMS group, patients in DES group had significantly lower rates of restenosis at main branch (9.5% vs 28.7%, P < 0.001) or side branch (14.5% vs 37.0%, P < 0.001) and major adverse cardiac events (MACE) (14.0% vs 26.3%, P = 0.000). The occurrence rate of late in-stent thrombosis did not differ between the two groups in both main (0.8% vs 0, P = 0.224) and side branches (1.4% vs 0, P = 0.198). Target lesion revascularization (TLR) was less frequent in DES group for main branch (8.3% vs 21.3%, P < 0.001) and for side branch (7.6% vs 23.5%, P < 0.001). Multivariate regression analysis revealed that total stent length (OR = 1.029, P = 0.01), postprocedural in-stent minimum lumen diameter (OR = 0.476, P = 0.03) and stent type (OR = 3.988, P = 0.0001) were independent predictors of TLR for main branch. Prior history of coronary intervention (OR = 2.424, P = 0.041), angulated lesion (OR = 2.337, P = 0.033), postdilation (OR = 0.267, P = 0.035) and stent type (DES vs BMS, OR = 5.459, P = 0.000) were independent predictors of TLR for side branch. Conclusion The implantation of DES may be associated with greater reduction of restenosis and TLR than BMS in bifurcations angioplasty.  相似文献   

Atherosclerotic process has a predilection for bifurcation due to the complex hemodynamics and resultant altered shear stress that contributes to the localization and progression of atheromatous plaques.1Coronary intervention,especially the placement of stents further alters the hemodynamics and shear forces.These factors may account for the increased incidences of in-stent restenosis,stent thrombosis,side-branch (SB)restenosis,etc,that continue to plague bifurcation intervention.2  相似文献   

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