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目的了解深圳市结核分枝杆菌耐药情况,为深圳市结核病控制提供科学依据。方法依据(WHO/IUALD)结核病耐药指南,将深圳市1999-2008年间所有新涂阳和新登记的复治涂阳的肺结核作为监测对象,对6702例成功分离的结核分枝杆菌菌株,用比例法进行药物敏感实验。结果总耐药率37.8%,初始耐药率22.1%,获得性耐药率37.8%;耐多药率4.7%,初始和获得性耐多药率分别为3.8%和16.3%;初治和复治患者的耐单药率和单药耐药频率均以S和H为主,复治组R的耐单药率显著高于初治组;初治患者含耐R的病例共333例,其中耐HR211例,占60%;复治患者含R耐药的患者共99例,其中耐HR78例,占79%。结论深圳市耐药结核病的发生率较高,耐药现状应该引起高度重视。 更多还原…  相似文献   

1病例资料1.1病史及检查患者,女,60岁。左胸部不适1个月。患者于入院前1个月无明显诱因下出现左胸部不适,无明显咳嗽、咳痰及发热、痰血等其他临床表现。当时未予以重视。后自觉症状有所加重,遂至就近医院诊治,X线胸片示左肺异影。外院予以头孢西丁静脉滴注5d后症状无明显缓解...  相似文献   

综合医院报告转诊是发现肺结核的主要方式[1]。为了解掌握该区综合医院肺结核报告转诊工作现状,本区疾病预防控制中心结防所(以下简称“结防所”),于2008年2月和2008年11月对该区二、三级综合医院肺结核报告转诊工作进行2次专项监督检查,现报告如下。1资料和方法1.1监督检查方案2次监督检查均根据北京市卫生局京卫监字〔2008〕25号《2008年北京市结核病控制管理工作专项监督检查方案》的精神,由区卫生局、区疾控中心结防所和区卫生监督所工作人员组成督导检查组,并制定督导方案。1.1.1区结防所针对检查标准对检查工作成员进行系统培训,按照统一的督导方法、标准和规范进行督导检查。1.1.2检查对象 更多还原…  相似文献   

重视对慢性病毒性肝炎合并肝脂肪变的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
慢性乙型肝炎是我国最常见的慢性传染病之一,资料显示,全球至少有20亿人感染过HBV,我国HBV携带率为9.75%,约有1.2亿人感染过HBV.丙型肝炎呈全球性流行,以往文献报道我国一般人群抗HCV阳性率为3.2%,感染者约为4100万,根据中国疾病预防控制中心提供的数据,我国每年的新发丙型肝炎已从2003年的2万多人发展为2005年的近6万人.  相似文献   

【摘要】 目的  回顾并总结巢湖市丝虫病的流行、控制,以及消除丝虫病的历程。 方法  统计分析1970~1989年在该市采取以消灭传染源、切断传播途径为主的防治策略,以及展开大规模防治的各个阶段。 结果  1989年,采用分层整群抽样调查方法调查,微丝蚴率下降至0.032%,以行政村为单位,微丝蚴率已控制在1.0%以下,达到卫生部规定的基本消灭丝虫病标准;1991年,经省级调查考核,认定全市已达到卫生部规定的基本消灭丝虫病标准。1996年,省级审评确认已达到卫生部颁布的消灭丝虫病标准。经过10年的监测和跟踪治疗,到2005年,全市丝虫病病原学监测未查见微丝蚴阳性者,解剖镜检人房内淡色库蚊1 348只,蚊体内均未查见人体幼丝虫。 结论  巢湖市达到了消除丝虫病的标准。  相似文献   

肺结核病患者治疗依从性的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
我国有5·5亿人感染结核菌,活动性肺结核患者为451万。菌阳肺结核患者为196万,每年死亡人数约15万[1]。这些数据表明:我国结核病流行严重,目前已成为影响人类健康的公共卫生问题。而肺结核病是慢性传染性疾病,需要长期规律全程治疗,良好的用药依从性是有效控制结核病和减少肺结...  相似文献   

目的研究慢性丙型肝炎(CHC)患者Ⅰ型干扰素受体之一IFNAR1启动子基因的单核苷酸多态性与干扰素(IFN)α抗HCV疗效的关系。方法应用聚乙二醇干扰素α联合利巴韦林抗HCV治疗,根据抗病毒疗效将73例患者分为应答组与无应答组,并对其IFNAR1启动子基因进行扩增及测序。结果 73例患者中应答组47例,无应答组26例,在-568、-408、-77、-3位点发现基因多态性,共10种基因单体型,其中单体型-568C/-408C/-77(GT)5/-3C和-568C/-408T/-77(GT)5/-3T出现频率最高。非-568C/-408C/-77(GT)5/-3C者的抗病毒应答率77.1%高于-568C/-408C/-77(GT)5/-3C者52.6%,(χ2=4.773,P=0.029),-568C/-408T/-77(GT)5/-3T者的抗病毒应答率90.9%高于非-568C/-408T/-77(GT)5/-3T者59.7%,(χ2=3.92,P=0.048)。结论 CHC患者IFNAR1启动子基因多态性可能影响IFNα抗HCV治疗应答。  相似文献   

肝组织cccDNA水平与血清病毒学应答后治疗时间的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨慢性乙型肝炎(CHB)患者肝组织cccDNA水平与外周血HBV DNA<1000 拷贝/ml后继续治疗时间的关系.方法 分别采用荧光定量PCR、酶联免疫吸附分析法检测58例CHB患者肝组织HBV cccDNA水平、肝组织和血清HBV DNA载量、HBV标志物,分析肝组织HBV cccDNA水平、肝组织总HBV DNA水平、HBeAg血清学转换与血清病毒学应答后继续治疗时间的关系.组间比较采用Nemenyi法,相关分析采用Spearman法.结果 肝组织HBVcccDNA水平在血清HBV DNA两阳性组间尢明显差异,而阴性组明显低于阳性组(χ2=9.6948,P<0.01;χ2=9.2824,P<0.01).35例达到血清病毒学应答后行肝活组织检查的患者,肝组织cccDNA水平随继续治疗时间的延长而降低(χ2≥6.4674,P<0.05),肝组织cccDNA水平在抗-Hbe(+)组明显低于HBeAg(+)组、HBeAg(-)/抗-Hbe(-)组(χ2=10.7482,P<0.01;χ2=11.7549,P<0.01).14例肝组织cccDNA水平低十检测限的患者,有12例已经发生HBeAg血清学转换,占抗-Hbe(+)组的2/3,其在血清病毒学应答后继续治疗时间平均为35个月,发生HBeAg血清学转换后继续治疗时间平均为30个月.结论 当患者发生血清病毒学应答后,肝组织cccDNA水平随继续治疗时间延长而降低;继续治疗35个月以上且血清抗-Hbe持续(+)30个月以上时,有2/3的患者肝组织cccDNA定量低于检测限水平.  相似文献   

目的 报告并分析 2018 年全省血吸虫病疫情状况与近年的变化趋势。 方法 对 2004 年以来,特别是 2018 年的全省血吸虫病疫情资料进行统计与分析。 结果 截至 2018 年底,全省共有 9 个市的 50 个县(市、区)流行 血吸虫病,其中 27 个达到传播控制标准、13 个达到传播阻断标准、10 个达到消除标准。 2018 年,全省共询检 214. 7 万人,发现阳性 470 689 人;血检 98. 9 万人,发现阳性 11 759 人;粪检 12. 7 万人,未发现阳性病人;全省现有病人数 为 5 890 人,其中推算慢性病人 538 例、晚期血吸虫病 5 352 例,无急性血吸虫病病例,人群平均感染率为 0. 08%;全 省流行村牛存栏 26 470 头,共血检 528 头,粪检 12 992 头,未发现病牛。 全省共调查钉螺 84 365. 2 hm2 ,查出钉螺面 积 20 269. 3 hm2 ,其中新发现钉螺 15. 0 hm2 、复现钉螺 45. 9 hm2 ,未发现感染性钉螺;累计药物灭螺面积 10 763. 8 hm2 ,消灭钉螺面积 137. 4 hm2 ,年底尚有钉螺面积 26 434. 0 hm2 。 2018 年,全省 50 个国家级血吸虫病监测点病情监 测未发现病人、病畜,钉螺监测显示有螺框出现率 11. 2%,活螺平均密度 0. 38 只/ 0. 11m2 ,未发现感染性钉螺。 2004 ~ 2018 年,全省人群和牛的平均感染率均呈现明显的下降趋势,分别下降了 90.4%和 100%,有螺面积在 2. 64 亿 m2 ~ 3. 10 亿 m2 间徘徊波动并有小幅下降,已连续 6 年未发现急性血吸虫病例和感染性钉螺。 结论 全省血吸虫病疫 情进一步下降,局部地区仍然存在血吸虫病传播风险。 为达到血吸虫病传播阻断乃至消除血吸虫病的目标,仍需要 加大防治及监测工作的力度。  相似文献   

目的  探讨超声引导下手术治疗颅内出血的效果。 方法  选择2009年7月至2012年12月在本院接受超声引导手术治疗的38例颅内出血患者为研究对象,以中国脑卒中临床神经功能缺损程度评分量表(CSS)评分作为患者术前及术后14 d神经功能和近期恢复评价指标,应用Barthel指数分级法对患者术后6个月日常生活活动能力(Activities of Daily Living,ADL)进行评估,并比较分析。 结果  38例患者术前平均CSS评分为28.42±5.59分,高于术后平均CSS评分(12.39±6.87分)(P < 0.05)。术后5个月随访,34例患者术后恢复良好(Barthel指数>60),生活基本自理。 结论  超声引导手术治疗颅内出血效果较好,值得推广应用。  相似文献   

Paul Roddy 《Viruses》2014,6(10):3699-3718
The frequency and magnitude of recognized and declared filovirus-disease outbreaks have increased in recent years, while pathogenic filoviruses are potentially ubiquitous throughout sub-Saharan Africa. Meanwhile, the efficiency and effectiveness of filovirus-disease outbreak preparedness and response efforts are currently limited by inherent challenges and persistent shortcomings. This paper delineates some of these challenges and shortcomings and provides a proposal for enhancing future filovirus-disease outbreak preparedness and response. The proposal serves as a call for prompt action by the organizations that comprise filovirus-disease outbreak response teams, namely, Ministries of Health of outbreak-prone countries, the World Health Organization, Médecins Sans Frontières, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention—Atlanta, and others.  相似文献   

Sun Y  Han M  Kim C  Calvert JG  Yoo D 《Viruses》2012,4(4):424-446
Innate immunity is the first line of defense against viral infection, and in turn, viruses have evolved to evade host immune surveillance. As a result, viruses may persist in host and develop chronic infections. Type I interferons (IFN-α/β) are among the most potent antiviral cytokines triggered by viral infections. Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) is a disease of pigs that is characterized by negligible induction of type I IFNs and viral persistence for an extended period. For IFN production, RIG-I/MDA5 and JAK-STAT pathways are two major signaling pathways, and recent studies indicate that PRRS virus is armed to modulate type I IFN responses during infection. This review describes the viral strategies for modulation of type I IFN responses. At least three non-structural proteins (Nsp1, Nsp2, and Nsp11) and a structural protein (N nucleocapsid protein) have been identified and characterized to play roles in the IFN suppression and NF-κB pathways. Nsp's are early proteins while N is a late protein, suggesting that additional signaling pathways may be involved in addition to the IFN pathway. The understanding of molecular bases for virus-mediated modulation of host innate immune signaling will help us design new generation vaccines and control PRRS.  相似文献   

Our study examined the efficacy of four treatment modalities in controlling hemorrhage and achieving hemodynamic stabilization in hemorrhagic shock: intravenous fluid replacement (IV); military antishock trousers used concomitantly with fluids (MAST); balloon occlusion at the level of the diaphragm with concomitant fluid replacement (balloon); and a combination of MAST inflation, balloon occlusion, and fluid resuscitation (MAST and balloon). Twenty-eight mongrel dogs were anesthetized, and the spleen was exposed and completely crushed. The abdomen was closed, and treatment was initiated and continued for four hours or until the dog died. For all conditions the hematocrit dropped during the course of the experiment; balloon occlusion was effective at slowing this drop (P less than .0001), but MAST had no statistically significant effect. Animals with balloons bled more slowly into the abdominal cavity than did animals in the other two groups (P less than .0001). MAST also were effective at slowing the bleeding (P less than .05). Of the balloon and the MAST and balloon dogs, all except one survived the entire four hours; this difference between balloon and nonballoon dogs is significant (P = .002). MAST did not have a statistically significant effect on survival. Perfusion pressure (PP) declined during the course of the experiment, and the balloon was effective at slowing this decline (P less than .0001); none of the other comparisons was statistically significant.  相似文献   

AIM:To investigate whether routinely measured clinical variables could aid in differentiating intestinal tuberculosis(ITB)from Crohn’s disease(CD).METHODS:ITB and CD patients were prospectively included at four South Indian medical centres from October 2009 to July 2012.Routine investigations included case history,physical examination,blood biochemistry,ileocolonoscopy and histopathological examination of biopsies.Patients were followed-up after 2 and 6 mo of treatment.The diagnosis of ITB or CD was re-evaluated after 2 mo of antituberculous chemotherapy or immune suppressive therapy respectively,based on improvement in signs,symptoms and laboratory variables.This study was considered to be an exploratory analysis.Clinical,endoscopic and histopathological features recorded at the time of inclusion were subject to univariate analyses.Disease variables with sufficient number of recordings and P<0.05 were entered into logistic regression models,adjusted for known confounders.Finally,we calculated the odds ratios with respective confidence intervals for variables associated with either ITB or CD.RESULTS:This study included 38 ITB and 37 CD patients.Overall,ITB patients had the lowest body mass index(19.6 vs 22.7,P=0.01)and more commonly reported weight loss(73%vs 38%,P<0.01),watery diarrhoea(64%vs 33%,P=0.01)and rural domicile(58%vs 35%,P<0.05).Endoscopy typically showed mucosal nodularity(17/31 vs 2/37,P<0.01)and histopathology more frequently showed granulomas(10/30vs 2/35,P<0.01).The CD patients more frequently reported malaise(87%vs 64%,P=0.03),nausea(84%vs 56%,P=0.01),pain in the right lower abdominal quadrant on examination(90%vs 54%,P<0.01)and urban domicile(65%vs 42%,P<0.05).In CD,endoscopy typically showed involvement of multiple intestinal segments(27/37 vs 9/31,P<0.01).Using logistic regression analysis we found weight loss and nodularity of the mucosa were independently associated with ITB,with adjusted odds ratios of 8.6(95%CI:2.1-35.6)and 18.9(95%CI:3.5-102.8)respectively.Right lower abdominal quadrant pain on examination and involvement of≥3 intestinal segments were independently associated with CD with adjusted odds ratios of 10.1(95%CI:2.0-51.3)and 5.9(95%CI:1.7-20.6),respectively.CONCLUSION:Weight loss and mucosal nodularity were associated with ITB.Abdominal pain and excessive intestinal involvement were associated with CD.ITB and CD were equally common.  相似文献   

Virus disease pandemics and epidemics that occur in the world’s staple food crops pose a major threat to global food security, especially in developing countries with tropical or subtropical climates. Moreover, this threat is escalating rapidly due to increasing difficulties in controlling virus diseases as climate change accelerates and the need to feed the burgeoning global population escalates. One of the main causes of these pandemics and epidemics is the introduction to a new continent of food crops domesticated elsewhere, and their subsequent invasion by damaging virus diseases they never encountered before. This review focusses on providing historical and up-to-date information about pandemics and major epidemics initiated by spillover of indigenous viruses from infected alternative hosts into introduced crops. This spillover requires new encounters at the managed and natural vegetation interface. The principal virus disease pandemic examples described are two (cassava mosaic, cassava brown streak) that threaten food security in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), and one (tomato yellow leaf curl) doing so globally. A further example describes a virus disease pandemic threatening a major plantation crop producing a vital food export for West Africa (cacao swollen shoot). Also described are two examples of major virus disease epidemics that threaten SSA’s food security (rice yellow mottle, groundnut rosette). In addition, brief accounts are provided of two major maize virus disease epidemics (maize streak in SSA, maize rough dwarf in Mediterranean and Middle Eastern regions), a major rice disease epidemic (rice hoja blanca in the Americas), and damaging tomato tospovirus and begomovirus disease epidemics of tomato that impair food security in different world regions. For each pandemic or major epidemic, the factors involved in driving its initial emergence, and its subsequent increase in importance and geographical distribution, are explained. Finally, clarification is provided over what needs to be done globally to achieve effective management of severe virus disease pandemics and epidemics initiated by spillover events.  相似文献   

Helicobacter pylori is a highly successful bacterium with a high global prevalence and the infection carries significant disease burden. It is also becoming increasingly difficult to eradicate and the main reason for this is growing primary antibiotic resistance rates in a world where antibiotics are frequently prescribed and readily available. Despite knowing much more about the bacterium since its discovery, such as its genomic makeup and pathogenesis, we have seen declining treatment success. Therefore, clinicians today must be prepared to face one, two or even multiple treatment failures, and should be equipped with sufficient knowledge to decide on the appropriate salvage therapy when this happens. This article discusses the factors contributing to treatment failure and reviews the second and thirdline treatment strategies that have been investigated. Established empiric second line treatment options include both bismuth based quadruple therapy and levofloxacin based triple therapy. Antibiotic testing is recommended prior to initiating third line treatment. In the event that antibiotic susceptibility testing is unavailable, third line treatment options include rifabutin, rifaximin and sitafloxacin based therapies.  相似文献   

目的 调查湖南省岳阳市城区小学生血吸虫病防治知识、行为现状及健康教育需求情况,为制定科学有效的小学生血吸虫病健康教育方案提供参考依据。方法 采用分层整群抽样方法,抽取岳阳市城区洞庭湖湖畔学校和中心城区学校各2所,每所再从五、六年级分别抽取2个班的学生,通过调查问卷了解小学生血吸虫病相关知识、预防行为及健康教育需求,并进行统计分析。结果 共调查湖畔小学353人、中心城区小学363人,两组学校小学生年龄、性别、年级构成差异无统计学意义(t=-0.494,χ2性别=1.615,χ2年级=2.152;P均>0.05)。学生血吸虫病防治知识总知晓率为42.60%(305/716),其中,湖畔学校小学生血防知识知晓率(52.97%)高于中心城区(32.51%),差异有统计学意义(χ2=30.661,P<0.05);学生行为正确率为76.68%(549/716),血防知识知晓组行为正确率(81.31%)高于不知晓组(71.24%),差异有统计学意义(χ2=6.384,P<0.05)。学生血防知识主要来源于老师(47.49%);91.90%的学生愿意了解更多的血防知识,最喜欢的血防知识学习方式是参加课外活动(50.42%)。结论 岳阳市城区小学生的血防知识知晓率及行为正确率偏低,对血吸虫病防治健康教育需求较高。建议针对学生开展形式多样的血防健康教育,以增强学生的血吸虫病防护意识,提高自我防护能力。  相似文献   

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