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目的:分析我国城乡基层和公共卫生人员工作行为影响因素,为建立合理有效的基层和公共卫生人员激励机制提供依据。方法:对样本村卫生室、乡镇卫生院、县疾病预防与控制机构、社区卫生服务机构所有在岗医生、护士、公共卫生人员进行问卷调查,共调查1020名城乡基层卫生人员。结果:基层和公共卫生人员除了看重经济收入和福利等经济激励因素外,对工作条件、职业发展状况、群众的认可和尊重等非经济激励因素也非常重视。不同属性的基层和公共卫生人员具有不同的行为影响因素偏好。结论:在保证基层和公共卫生人员收入和福利改善的基础上,重视提供良好的工作环境和职业发展平台,并且加强执业保护和医德建设。  相似文献   

目的:通过分析基层和公共卫生服务机构卫生人员的实际收入和期望收入情况,为完善卫生人员经济激励制度提供政策建议。方法:采用定量问卷调查的方法调查了县CDC、乡镇卫生院、社区卫生服务机构、村卫生室的卫生服务人员,共1020人。分别计算平均月收入,期望月收入和期望收入指数。结果:基层和公共卫生人员的实际收入与期望收入之间存在较大差距。县CDC卫生人员实际月收入最高,乡镇卫生院和社区卫生服务机构医生收入水平仅略高于护士和公共卫生人员。村医平均月收入仅为1204元,期望收入指数最高,达3.22。乡镇卫生院和县CDC内不同学历的卫生人员收入没有统计学差异。结论与建议:提高基层和公共卫生人员的工资水平,建立合理的绩效考核制度。同时,应特别注意村医报酬补偿和保障问题。  相似文献   

农村基层卫生人员激励偏好研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
目的:分析农村基层卫生工作人员激励因素偏好,为建立合理的基层卫生激励机制提供依据。资料与方法:对样本乡镇卫生院和村卫生室所有在岗工作人员进行问卷调查,共调查464名乡村基层卫生人员。结果:相比职业发展机会、管理制度和培训机会等内在激励因素,我国乡村两级基层卫生人员更看重收入、工作环境、生活保障等外在激励因素。结论:不同属性的基层卫生工作人员具有不同的激励因素偏好,应根据人员属性特征有针对性地设计激励机制,增强激励效果。  相似文献   

目的:分析乡镇卫生院医生工作偏好,为基层吸引与留住卫生人才提供政策参考。方法:应用离散选择实验设计问卷,抽取山东、安徽、陕西三省共238名乡镇卫生院医生进行问卷调查,应用条件logit回归分析医生工作偏好。结果:乡镇卫生院医生关注的工作属性依次为:收入水平、子女教育条件、编制、工作地点、培训机会和晋升年限。月收入8 000元与2 000元相比,OR值为7.0。子女教育条件和编制的货币价值分别为3 857元和3 294元。月收入提高至8 000元可将乡镇卫生院医生的离职意愿由35%降至8%左右。提供好的子女教育条件和编制均可以将医生的离职意愿降至5%左右。乡镇卫生院有编制的岗位与县城临时聘用岗位对于医生的吸引力相当。结论:收入仍然是乡镇卫生院医生最关注的工作属性,改善基层卫生机构职工的子女教育条件和提供编制,将有利于吸引与留住卫生人才。  相似文献   

目的:利用认知理论对工作动机的解释,提出一个工作行为决定机制理论框架;并利用两县农村基层卫生服务人员的实证数据,验证此框架中激励人员为卫生系统期望的绩效目标而付出努力的前提条件是否实现。结果:农村基层卫生人员"被激励"的两个条件并未得到满足:农村基层卫生服务工作并不能赋予农村基层卫生人员价值观中偏好的生活和技术支持性物质条件;在农村基层卫生人员认知中机构的技术设备是很少或无法满足工作需要的,并且他们在公共卫生和基本医疗服务方面的工作能力有限。结论:为了引导农村基层卫生人员提高对公共卫生工作的积极性和基本医疗服务质量,需要有针对性地设计和改革人员激励制度。  相似文献   

[目的]了解成都市基层医疗卫生机构公共卫生人员的工作满意度现状和影响因素并提出相应对策,为保证基层医疗卫生机构的可持续发展提供理论依据。[方法]以信度和效度较高的问卷为基础版本设计调查问卷,对成都市45家基层医疗卫生机构的公共卫生人员进行工作满意度问卷调查。[结果]成都市基层公共卫生人员学历低、职称低、43.8%为非正式在编人员、从事公共卫生工作时间较短,专业素质有待提高。基层公共卫生人员工作总体满意度均分为3.43分,55.5%在中值水平以下(≤3分)。其中,工作本身满意度和工作回报满意度最低,分别为3.08分、3.09分。文化程度、聘用形式、个人月平均收入和工作回报对基层公共卫生人员工作满意度有较大影响。[结论]卫生行政部门和医院管理者应加强队伍建设,提高工作待遇,建立有效的激励机制,提高基层公共卫生人员的工作满意度。  相似文献   

农村卫生服务人员激励机制和工作动机分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:分析在目前激励机制下农村卫生服务人员内在工作动机作用因素的现状及存在的问题,提出农村卫生服务人员激励机制改革的政策建议。方法:定量问卷调查收集数据,根据研究目的综合运用统计描述、单因素分析和因子分析。结果:不同类型农村卫生服务人员对激励机制的认知有所不同。但大部分农村卫生人员认为当前激励机制下,农村基层卫生服务工作并不能赋予他们价值观中偏好的收入、福利保障和良好的工作环境;总体上农村卫生服务人员的个性倾向于努力工作,但工作能力比较欠缺。结论:农村卫生服务人员激励机制的改革应从多方面入手,重点是提高收入和福利待遇、改善设备配置和加强培训。  相似文献   

目的:以陕西省为例,分析西部农村地区基层医疗卫生机构卫生人员的离职意愿及其影响因素。方法:利用探索性因子分析对工作压力和工作满意度进行降维分析;对工作压力、工作满意度和离职意愿进行单因素分析;对离职意愿进行二元Logistic回归分析。结果:25.6%的样本卫生人员有离职意愿;工作压力、工作满意度、个人学历、职称和机构类别是卫生人员产生离职意愿的显著影响因素;工作压力和工作满意度对离职意愿分别具有正向促进和反向抑制作用,工作压力对离职意愿具有完全中介效应;学历高、职称低、乡镇卫生院和县医院的卫生人员具有较高的离职意愿。结论:通过调整薪酬水平,提高基层医疗卫生机构卫生人员的收入满意度;扩充基层医疗卫生机构卫生人员队伍,适当降低现有卫生人员的工作压力;对农村地区卫生人员的工作与生活条件加以改善。  相似文献   

目的探索贵州省基层医疗机构卫生人员的激励因素,为制定合理激励政策提供科学依据。方法采用因子分析法探讨激励相关因素,提取激励因素的公因子,利用多元线性回归分析影响卫生人员卫生政策整体满意度的激励因素。结果因子分析结果显示,贵州省基层医疗机构卫生人员激励因素可归为社会认同、管理与工作自主权、工作压力、收入、培训发展、工作荣誉感、人际关系及居住条件等八类;多重线性回归结果显示,对卫生人员卫生政策满意度影响的激励因素,从大到小排序依次是收入、管理与工作自主权、培训发展、人际关系、社会认同、工作荣誉感、居住条件。结论针对贵州省基层医疗机构卫生人员应主要采取正强化措施为主的激励措施。  相似文献   

目的 以山东省潍坊市为例,分析2019—2021年基层卫生服务机构收支水平和结构的变化趋势及不同特征机构的差别,了解突发重大传染病疫情给基层卫生服务机构带来的挑战,为进一步加强基层卫生体系建设提供建议。方法 收集潍坊市2019—2021年基层卫生服务机构数据,分析收入总额和结构、支出总额和结构、收支结余的变化趋势,以及不同特征基层卫生服务机构的收支变化差别。结果 2019—2021年,潍坊市基层卫生服务机构的总收入保持增长趋势,2019—2020年医疗业务收入增长率相对较低。基层卫生服务机构支出增长率逐年提高,公共卫生支出增长率明显高于医疗支出增长率。3年间,基层卫生服务机构亏损减少并得到扭转。医疗收入受影响最大的是医疗服务能力较低的机构。财政补助收入变化程度最大的是覆盖人口数多、承担公共卫生工作量较多的机构,并且这类机构亏损最严重。结论 医疗业务收入增长受疫情冲击最大,此时,财政补助收入的高增长率对维持机构经济平稳运行起到重要作用,但财政补助投入仍需要长效机制的支持。在高公共卫生支出背景下,须关注公共卫生工作量大的基层卫生服务机构的亏损问题。财政投入在发挥兜底功能的同时,应着重用于提...  相似文献   

Obesity affects more than one-third of Americans and is a leading cause of preventable death. Integrating patient perspectives into obesity treatment can help primary care providers (PCPs) intervene more effectively. In this study, we describe patients’ experiences with PCPs concerning the diagnosis and treatment of obesity and offer suggestions for patient-centered care in weight management. We conducted four focus groups with patients of a university medical system-associated family practice who had a BMI?≥?30. Interview questions addressed general weight management perceptions and preferences for weight management support in a primary care setting. Patients completed a brief demographic survey at the conclusion of the group. Four authors independently coded focus group notes to identify themes and determine saturation using qualitative thematic analysis. We resolved discrepancies by team discussion. Thirty primary care patients participated, of whom 23 were female and whose average age was 50. Twenty-four had attempted to lose weight in the past 12 months and had discussed management with their providers. Analyses identified four themes regarding weight management in a primary care setting: motivation and weight management, the provider–patient relationship, desire for concrete weight loss plans, and limitations of the primary care setting. Motivation was named as a weight management obstacle. Participants felt that PCPs need to be partners in weight management efforts and also recognized limitations of PCP time and expertise. They endorsed an integrated behavioral approach that includes physical activity and nutrition support. Improving PCP delivery of evidence-based treatment for obesity will lead to increased patient attempts to lose weight. Incorporating patients’ desires for concrete plans, ongoing support, and referral to integrated service (e.g., nutritionists, care managers, behavioral health providers) programs can increase patient engagement and success. The chronic disease care and Patient Centered Medical Home models offer guidance for ensuring sustainability of weight management services.  相似文献   

We used qualitative interviews to examine the perceptions of direct providers of telemedicine services, primary care providers (PCPs) and hospital administrators about opportunities and barriers to the implementation of telemedicine services in a network of Veterans Health Administration hospitals. A total of 37 interviews were conducted (response rate of 28%) with 17 direct telemedicine providers, nine PCPs and 11 administrators. The overall inter-coder reliability across all themes was high (Scott's pi = 0.94). Direct telemedicine providers generally agreed that telemedicine improved rapport with patients, and respondents in all three groups generally agreed that telemedicine improves access, productivity, and the quality and coordination of care. Respondents mentioned several benefits to home telemedicine, including the ability to better manage chronic diseases, provide frequent clinician contact, facilitate quick responses to patient needs and provide care in patient's homes. Most respondents anticipated future growth in telemedicine services. Barriers to telemedicine implementation included technical challenges, the need for more education and training for patients and staff, preferences for in-person care, the need for programme improvement and the need for additional staff time to provide telemedicine services.  相似文献   

基层和公共卫生人员职业倦怠状况及影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:通过对基层和公共卫生人员职业倦怠状况及其影响因素分析,为今后有针对性地采取干预措施改善基层和公共卫生人员职业倦怠状况提供科学依据和政策建议。方法:采用Maslach职业倦怠量表测量职业倦怠程度。单因素和多因素分析分别采用方差分析和广义线性回归。结果:参加工作时间较短、职称较低、学历较高的基层和公共卫生人员存在较严重的职业倦怠;感觉到的工作压力越大、对所在单位管理制度的评价越差,职业倦怠程度越严重。建议:采取有效措施改善工作年限短、职称低等不同特征基层和公共卫生人员的职业倦怠,减轻或缓解他们的工作压力,构建公平、公正、透明的管理制度。  相似文献   

Although the factors influencing the shortage and maldistribution of health workers have been well-documented by cross-sectional surveys, there is less evidence on the relative determinants of health workers' job choices, or on the effects of policies designed to address these human resources problems. Recently, a few studies have adopted an innovative approach to studying the determinants of health workers' job preferences. In the absence of longitudinal datasets to analyse the decisions that health workers have actually made, authors have drawn on methods from marketing research and transport economics and used Discrete Choice Experiments to analyse stated preferences of health care providers for different job characteristics.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: Rural Appalachia has significantly higher overall cancer mortality compared with national rates, and lack of cancer screening is believed to be one of the contributing factors. Reducing the cancer disparity in this region must include strategies to address suboptimal cancer screening practices by rural Appalachian primary care providers (PCPs). PURPOSE: To identify and investigate barriers to recommending and/or performing cancer screening among rural Appalachian PCPs. METHODS: A semistructured focus group research design was used to elicit perceived barriers to recommending and/or performing cancer screening from 36 rural Appalachian PCPs (in 5 groups), including physicians, nurse practitioners, and a physician assistant. FINDINGS: Findings indicate that rural Appalachian PCPs may not be performing recommended cancer screenings for a number of reasons. Time constraints, conflicting guidelines, and perceptions that patients do not value prevention were reported barriers to cancer screening. The PCPs in this study expressed frustration in attempting to encourage cancer screening and cited patient factors such as socioeconomic status, Appalachian culture, and cancer fatalism as barriers to cancer screening. CONCLUSIONS: Rural Appalachian PCPs encounter various barriers, such as lack of time and multiple cancer screening guidelines, to incorporating cancer screening into their practice routine. The findings underscore the negative impact of some cultural factors on preventive care delivered by PCPs. Increased provider education is needed on how best to encourage cancer screening within a cultural context and should include clarification and understanding of current cancer screening guidelines.  相似文献   

Purpose: Primary care providers (PCPs) of children with special health care needs (CSHCN) in rural areas face challenges in accessing specialty care to support a patient‐centered medical home. This study assessed the practice characteristics and attitudes regarding pediatric specialty care among Montana PCPs of CSHCN. Methods: We surveyed 433 Montana PCPs identified through a statewide registry. Demographic and practice information was collected, including the proportion of time spent on CSHCN care coordination. A 5‐point Likert scale was used to calculate mean need scores for each pediatric specialty, access to these specialties, and barriers to care. Results were analyzed separately for pediatricians and family physicians, as well as rural and urban providers, using λ2, t tests, and Mann‐Whitney tests. Results: Of the PCPs surveyed, 386 had a valid address and were currently practicing in Montana, 112 (29%) responded, and 91 provided care to CSHCN (averaged 29% of time spent in CSHCN care coordination). Child psychiatry (4.1) and developmental/behavioral pediatrics (3.7) were identified as the most needed specialties, yet they scored lowest in access to care (2.2 and 2.6, respectively). The most important rated specialist characteristics were quality (4.1), availability (3.5), and communication skills (2.8). Among the top barriers to care, lack of appropriate specialists was identified by 82% of PCPs. Conclusions: Specialty care delivery for CSHCN in rural areas such as Montana should focus on matching availability with the identified need for specialty services, and ensuring that systems of communication between PCPs and specialists support the care coordination function of PCPs.  相似文献   

山东省三县乡镇卫生院医护人员工作意愿研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
目的通过研究乡镇卫生院医护人员的工作意愿,为乡镇卫生院吸引和留住人才提供政策依据。方法基于离散选择实验进行实验设计,利用混合Logit模型进行统计分析。共调查266名乡镇卫生院医护人员。结果工作属性中的经济激励因素和非经济激励因素对乡镇卫生院医护人员的工作选择都具有显著影响。乡镇卫生院医护人员对居民认可程度低和职业发展机会少的工作单位具有强烈的负向偏好,而对福利状况和工作条件具有较强的正向偏好。结论为了吸引和留住卫生人才,首先需要改善乡镇卫生院工作中医护人员具有强烈负向偏好的属性,同时还要继续完善乡镇卫生院工作条件、提高医护人员福利待遇。  相似文献   

Primary care providers (PCPs) frequently encounter behavioral health (BH) needs among their pediatric patients. However, PCPs report variable training in and comfort with BH, and questions remain about how and when PCPs address pediatric BH needs. Existing literature on PCP decisions to address pediatric BH in-office versus referring to subspecialty BH is limited and findings are mixed. Accordingly, this study sought to examine parameters and contextual factors influencing PCP decisions and practices related to BH care. Qualitative interview results with 21 PCPs in Maryland indicated that decisions about how and when to address pediatric BH concerns are influenced by the type BH service needed, patient characteristics, the availability of BH services in the community, and possibly PCPs’ perceptions of BH care as a distinct subspecialty. Findings suggest that efforts to support individual PCPs’ capacity to address BH within primary care must be balanced by efforts to expand the subspecialty BH workforce.  相似文献   

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