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浅谈合理配置医院各科室床位   总被引:1,自引:6,他引:1  
目的 合理配置医院各科室床位,提高床位使用率,减少卫生资源浪费。方法 利用三级医院床位使用率测算我院各科室所需床位,与我院2005年各科室实际开放床位进行比较。结果 医院实际开放床位比测算所需床位多,但耳鼻喉科、神经内科实际开放床位比测算所需床位少。结论 医院各科室床位配置不合理,需要调整。  相似文献   

卫生床位配置标准测算方法及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
卫生物力资源包括卫生床位、卫生设备、卫生建筑等.卫生床位是最基本的和最重要的卫生物力资源,也是制定卫生资源配置标准的主要内容之一.该文论述卫生床位配置标准测算方法与数学模型,并用以测算出2001~2005年四川省卫生床位配置标准总量和省内21个市、地、州卫生床位配置标准量.  相似文献   

目的对浙江省三级综合医院的布局提出建议,为制定区域卫生规划提供参考。方法考虑人口、面积、经济因素,对各地市的床位进行测算。结果各地市现有床位与测算床位有一定的差距。结论各地三级综合医院床位不平衡,未来几年应采用一定的方法加大对丽水、衢州、湖州等地的投入。  相似文献   

王丽敏  李曼春 《中国公共卫生》2005,21(11):1391-1391
医疗机构的床位量配置是区域卫生规划中的重要部分,对医院床位使用情况的分析和床位量测算是制定区域卫生规划所必需的信息。为了在制定区域卫生规划中合理配置医疗机构的床位量,我们对北京市丰台区医疗机构床位量和使用情况进行了调查。现将结果报告如下。1对象与方法1·1对象  相似文献   

目的提出我国精神卫生专业机构切实可行的床位配置规划。方法根据精神卫生发展相关文件以及调研访谈资料,应用世界卫生组织推荐的床位测算方法进行床位需求测算,确定精神卫生防治服务体系所应包含的机构及其功能定位,结合重性精神疾病患者的治疗需要,提出了省、市、县不同级别精神卫生专业机构的床位配置规划。结果最低、中等、较高配置水平下每万人口床位数分别为2.81张、11.77张和20.21张。结论未来3~5年内,应该以每万人口床位数2.81张作为精神科床位配置目标。  相似文献   

威海市医疗机构床位配置量测算研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
医院床位配置量的测算为制定床位配置标准及区域卫生规划提供了所必需的信息。以往对医院床位配置量的测算仅考虑了床位总量,而没有考虑资源的配置结构和利用效率。该认为这样计算出来的床位配置量存在着不合理之处。因而该利用1997年威海市的调查资料,在考虑床位利用效率及调整配置结构的前提下,测算了威海市医院床位的理论配置量及配置量,并根据规划目标年需求预测值对其进行了调整。目的是提供有关床位配置量的测算方法、分析思路及测算步骤等方面的信息。  相似文献   

目的:测算青岛市2020年床位资源配置标准,为青岛市2016-2020年区域卫生规划提供决策依据。方法:卫生服务需求法。结果:2020年青岛市总床位配置标准为68 290张,康复床位2 500张,老年护理床位12 708张,治疗床位53 100张,产科床位1 988张,儿科床位3 493张, 精神卫生床位4 781张,传染病床位1 404张。结论:床位资源配置在满足卫生服务需求的同时,须留有一定的弹性发展空间,以满足城市发展的需要,同时建议采用床位分类的管理方法。  相似文献   

常熟市卫生资源现状调查与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:通过对常热市2003年卫生人力资源、卫生物力资源、卫生财力资源及医疗机构卫生服务供给情况等方面卫生资源情况的分析,为制定常熟市区域卫生规划提供基础性的数据,促进卫生体制改革的进程。方法:采用普查方法,对常熟市卫生资源各项指标的绝对数、均数及其构成比等进行描述性统计分析,并与苏州市、全省总体水平进行比较。结果:2003年全市共有各类医疗卫生机构473个,共有床位3318张,卫生工作人员6224名。每千人口拥有卫技人员4.14人,全市医护比为1:0.62;每千人口拥有3.20张床位;医疗机构业务收入主要以药品收入为主;人均卫生事业经费迭81.44元;住院人数及手术人次数均以市属医院为高,分别占全市的52.97%和73.41%。结论:卫生资源存量丰富,各类医疗卫生机构配备齐全;卫生资源结构配置不合理;医疗机构基本能收支平衡,业务收入结构不舍理;卫生技术人员中严重缺乏护理人员。  相似文献   

黑龙江省卫生厅厅长李斌说,十七大报告中明确提出了实现“人人享有基本医疗卫生服务”的目标,实现卫生公平对于改善民生的具有重要意义。而卫生公平依赖于提高卫生效率。卫生效率是公平的物质基础。近年来,黑龙江的卫生效率有了大幅提升,比如全省医院床位的使用率,从2003年到2006年上升了13.1%,乡镇卫生院的床位使用率也上升了11.1%。效率的提升,有力地保障了卫生公平。而效率的提升有赖于政府的投入和卫生系统的积极努力。  相似文献   

目的:合理优化配置医院临床科室开放床位数。方法从医院HIS系统提取2013年度医疗统计报表数据,采用SPSS 16.0测算出各临床科室开放床位数的合理区间。结果30个临床科室中床位设置合理的有14个科室,需要调整的有16个科室,医院临床科室存在病床配置不合理情况。结论通过对比合理区间与实际展开床位数,部分科室床位需要进行调整,从而达到医院卫生资源配置的最优化。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To conduct a comprehensive assessment of the case-mix of patients admitted to tuberculosis hospitals and the reasons for their admission in four Russian regions: Ivanovo, Orel, Samara and Vladimir. We also sought to quantify the extent to which efficiency could be improved by reducing hospitalization rates and re-profiling hospital beds available in the tuberculosis-control system. METHODS: We used a standard questionnaire to determine how beds were being used and who was using the beds in tuberculosis facilities in four Russian regions. Data were collected to determine how 4306 tuberculosis beds were utilized as well as on the socioeconomic and demographic indicators, clinical parameters and reasons for hospitalization for 3352 patients. FINDINGS: Of the 3352 patients surveyed about 70% were male; the average age was 40; and rates of unemployment, disability and alcohol misuse were high. About one-third of beds were occupied by smear-positive or culture-positive tuberculosis patients; 20% were occupied by tuberculosis patients who were smear-negative and/or culture-negative; 20% were occupied by patients who no longer had tuberculosis; and 20% were unoccupied. If clinical and public health admission criteria were applied then < 50% of admissions would be justified and < 50% of the current number of beds would be required. Up to 85% of admissions and beds were deemed to be necessary when social problems and poor access to outpatient care were considered along with clinical and public health admission criteria. CONCLUSION: Much of the Russian Federation's large tuberculosis hospital infrastructure is unnecessary when clinical and public health criteria are used, but the large hospital infrastructure within the tuberculosis-control system has an important social support function. Improving the efficiency of the system will require the reform of health-system norms and regulations as they relate to resource allocation and clinical care and implementation of lower-cost approaches to case management for patients with social problems. Additionally, closer attention will need to be paid to the management of staff numbers in the tuberculosis system.  相似文献   

The past decades have been a time of rapid technological change in health care, but technological change will probably accelerate during the next decade or so. This will bring problems, but it will also present certain opportunities. In particular, the health care system is faced with the need to spend its limited resources more effectively. The number of hospital beds is being reduced, and lengths of stay are falling. In the future, the health care system will have to care for an increasing number of elderly people, both with chronic disease and also with dependency because of frailty and functional problems. The hospital of the future will probably be smaller and more intensive in the nature of its care. In part, this is because many present and future clinical technologies can be delivered outside of the hospital setting. And communication technologies offer the possibility of tying the various parts of the health care system into one true system. This would mean that the future hospital would have a more active role in supervising technical care outside of the hospital, and in making specialized knowledge accessible in all parts of the health system.  相似文献   

上海市某区家庭病床服务现状分析研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:对上海市虹口区2009—2012年4年的家庭病床服务状况进行分析研究,为改善家庭病床服务状况提供依据。方法:对4年来收集的家庭病床工作报表数据进行统计,对撤床患者治疗结果、撤床结算患者费用支出等情况进行分析。结果:2012年与2009年相比,期内家庭病床撤床数增加1540张,增幅35.34%;治愈、好转和稳定率大于90%,医保人均费用减少95.44元。结论:家庭病床服务对完善社区医疗保障体系具有积极作用。  相似文献   

卫生资源配置标准测算及标准制定方法   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:11  
目的 介绍测算和测定医疗医生和医院床位标准的方法。方法 采用直线回归方法研究各区域标志值与有效医疗医生数(人/千人口)和有效床位数(张/千人口)的关系。结果 分别制订了广东省各类区域的医疗医生和医院床位的建议配置标准。结论 该方法在制订卫生资源配置中应用是可行的。  相似文献   

Little consideration is given to the operational reality of implementing national policy at local scale. Using a case study from Norway, we examine how simple mathematical models may offer powerful insights to policy makers when planning policies. Our case study refers to a national initiative requiring Norwegian municipalities to establish acute community beds (municipal acute units or MAUs) to avoid hospital admissions. We use Erlang loss queueing models to estimate the total number of MAU beds required nationally to achieve the original policy aim. We demonstrate the effect of unit size and patient demand on anticipated utilisation. The results of our model imply that both the average demand for beds and the current number of MAU beds would have to be increased by 34% to achieve the original policy goal of transferring 240 000 patient days to MAUs. Increasing average demand or bed capacity alone would be insufficient to reach the policy goal. Day-to-day variation and uncertainty in the numbers of patients arriving or leaving the system can profoundly affect health service delivery at the local level. Health policy makers need to account for these effects when estimating capacity implications of policy. We demonstrate how a simple, easily reproducible, mathematical model could assist policy makers in understanding the impact of national policy implemented at the local level.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess hospital services utilization in Brazil incorporating information about health services delivery. METHODS: Data from the National Household Survey carried out by Brazilian Institute of Statistics and Geography (IBGE) in 1998 and from other sources were collected. Hierarchical models having the individual in the first level and the state of residence in the second level were used. Two models were separately adjusted for adults and children: logistic regression was used when to have been or not admitted was the response variable, and Poisson's regression was used when the number of admissions was the response variable. This last model was adjusted only for those individuals who had been admitted at least once. RESULTS: The main determinant of hospital admissions was health need. Poor people were more likely to be admitted when controlling for health needs and enabling factors (health insurance coverage and regular health service). Only 1 to 3% of the variability in hospital admission utilization could be attributed to differences in services delivery at the state level. In the logistic models, the number of beds was positively associated and the number of doctors was negatively associated with the likelihood of admission. Poisson's models did not show any delivery variables associated with the likelihood of admission. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest a delivery-induced demand impact concerning hospital beds. The inverse association of the number of doctors and hospital admissions suggests the impact of outpatient care on hospital utilization.  相似文献   

目的:通过测算2020年中国千人口床位数总量,对比分析卫生服务需求法与趋势外推法在医疗资源规划中的应用。方法采用卫生服务需求和年均增长速度及时间序列等趋势外推法。结果利用卫生服务需求法测算出的千人口床位数为5.99~6.72,利用年均增长速度趋势外推法测算出2020年千人口床位数为6.68张,利用时间序列中线性趋势和DAMPED预测出2020年千人口床位数为7.38张和6.08张。结论根据不同方法测算结果及其结合国际一些国家千人口资源现状及变化趋势,确定了2020年全国千人口床位数为6.3张(6.0~6.7张)。同时,也比较分析不同方法在资源规划中应注意的问题及其每种方法主要特征,最后得出不同方法在资源规划测算过程中是相辅相成、密不可分的。  相似文献   

Bed population ratios have long been used by health planners as a method of estimating resource availability to community residents. In Canada's tertiary care urban centres, it is recognized that these bed population ratios are misleading because so many beds in both tertiary care and community hospitals are occupied by patients referred from other areas. This paper illustrates a method for calculating bed population ratios based on actual number of hospital beds used by area residents, regardless of where this usage takes place, and regardless of whether this usage is based on in-patient or out-patient admissions. Since the information required for making these calculations is available to provincial insurance systems across Canada, this technique should have wide applicability.  相似文献   

All district health authorities are obliged to use resources most efficiently. One approach to increasing efficiency is to identify measures which allow service levels, in terms of patients treated and standards of care, to be maintained at a lower cost. This could be achieved by maintaining service levels with fewer hospital beds. Reducing lengths of stay by removing organizational delays and expansions of day-case care, are policies which can increase patient caseload per bed. This paper puts forward an approach for estimating the resources released by such policies and assesses the savings achieved by realizing efficiency gains identified in a previous study by Beech et al. (1987). That study identified significant potential for maintaining services with fewer beds, with the expansion of day-case care being a key mechanism. However this paper concludes that when services are maintained with fewer beds, the vast majority of hospital costs remain fixed. It also reaches the alarming conclusion that as a vehicle for reducing costs, day-case care is much less effective than previous studies have implied. However, increasing hospital throughput per bed does release capacity to treat more patients. The proposed reforms of the NHS (Secretaries of State, 1989) envisage an internal market for health care, allowing hospitals to enter into contracts with purchasers of health care. The approach to costing described in this paper is applicable to assessing the increased costs associated with such developments. These extra costs can then be compared with expected income.  相似文献   

ObjectivesThe lack of advance planning in a public health emergency can lead to wasted resources and inadvertent loss of lives. This study is aimed at forecasting the needs for healthcare resources following the expansion of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak in the Republic of Kazakhstan, focusing on hospital beds, equipment, and the professional workforce in light of the developing epidemiological situation and the data on resources currently available.MethodsWe constructed a forecast model of the epidemiological scenario via the classic susceptible-exposed-infected-removed (SEIR) approach. The World Health Organization’s COVID-19 Essential Supplies Forecasting Tool was used to evaluate the healthcare resources needed for the next 12 weeks.ResultsOver the forecast period, there will be 104 713.7 hospital admissions due to severe disease and 34 904.5 hospital admissions due to critical disease. This will require 47 247.7 beds for severe disease and 1929.9 beds for critical disease at the peak of the COVID-19 outbreak. There will also be high needs for all categories of healthcare workers and for both diagnostic and treatment equipment. Thus, Republic of Kazakhstan faces the need for a rapid increase in available healthcare resources and/or for finding ways to redistribute resources effectively.ConclusionsRepublic of Kazakhstan will be able to reduce the rates of infections and deaths among its population by developing and following a consistent strategy targeting COVID-19 in a number of inter-related directions.  相似文献   

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