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目的 了解医院工作场所暴力事件发生的频率及其分布特征,探讨预防医院工作场所暴力事件的应对措施.方法 采用整群抽样方法抽取温州市2所医院所有在职医务人员作为调查对象,通过自填式问卷调查收集其基本信息及2010年11月~2011年10月期间医院工作场所遭受暴力的情况.结果 共发放调查问卷600份,收回有效问卷568份,有效应答率为94.7%.568名医务人员中有369人遭受过工作场所暴力,暴力发生率为65.0%,其中言语攻击最常见,发生率为60.2%,躯体攻击次之,发生率为18.5%,还有少部分人遭受过性攻击,发生率为2.6%.不同年龄、工作年限、教育程度、工作岗位和职称的医务人员工作场所暴力发生率的差异均有统计学意义(均有P<0.05).趋势x2检验显示,年龄、工作年限、职称越低,暴力发生率越高.经过单因素和多因素Logistic回归分析,最终年龄、工作岗位、工作年限、职称4个特征变量进入回归模型.结论 医务人员工作场所暴力发生率较高,开展暴力预防应结合医务人员的年龄、工作年限、教育程度、工作岗位和职称等因素.  相似文献   

目的了解基层医务人员在工作场所中遭受暴力的情况及其影响因素,探讨降低工作场所暴力的有效途径和方法。方法采用单纯随机抽样方法选取广州市、深圳市两地社区卫生服务中心医务人员进行问卷调查。结果所调查医务人员中1年内工作场所暴力发生率为49.78%,其中躯体攻击为7.03%,情感虐待为44.05%,威胁恐吓为19.37%,言语性骚扰为8.75%,躯体性骚扰为3.30%;年轻群体是工作场所暴力的主要受害者;单因素分析显示,年龄、工龄、学历、医患关系不满程度、岗位与工作场所暴力发生有关联。Logistic回归分析显示,年龄较高组是工作场所暴力发生的保护因素,月收入高、医患关系不满程度高是工作场所暴力发生的危险因素。结论基层医院工作场所暴力问题不容忽视,尤其应针对情感暴力做出预防措施。同时深化医疗改革,减少和避免工作场所暴力发生。  相似文献   

目的分析医务人员工作场所暴力的人口社会学影响因素,探讨医务人员在工作场所遭受的暴力形式与程度,研究与评估工作场所暴力对医务人员的影响。方法本研究于2015年7月开始实地调查,以整群抽样的方法选取山西省10个地市15所三甲医院共3 663名医务人员作为调查对象,以已有问卷为模板设计本次工作场所暴力问卷并展开调查。结果单因素分析结果显示,工作年限、最高学历、职称、聘用形式、科室等是医院工作场所遭受暴力的影响因素。医院急诊科室遭受暴力发生率最高,为89.84%;最高学历是本科的医务人员遭受暴力发生率最高,为67.43%;医务人员遭受暴力形式主要为语言暴力且暴力主要发生于病房、医生办公室和护理站;工作场所暴力的施暴者主要为患者家属,占68.72%,且男性比例占到76.77%,施暴者年龄多在30~40岁;因不满意医生的治疗或手术方案,认为病情无好转而施暴的占42.94%,未满足病人无理要求而施暴的占44.46%;应对医院暴力的方式中,忍让回避与耐心解释占比分别为52.10%、67.48%。结论医院工作场所遭受暴力中最常见的是责骂、辱骂,在暴力发生后,医务人员往往感到委屈、气愤,导致其工作态度发生变化,产生离职意愿,严重影响其心理健康,因此有关部门和社会各界应重点关注医务人员心理健康,做好心理健康的评估、干预,预防和减少心理障碍。  相似文献   

目的:探讨郑州市综合医院医务场所暴力与医务人员工作倦怠的关系。方法:整群抽取郑州市6所综合医院,随机抽取医务人员1265名,采用自制暴力问卷和工作倦怠量表通用版(MBI-GS)进行暴力经历和工作倦怠调查。结果:暴力发生率为46.1%;遭受过暴力(包括不同形式暴力)的医务人员在工作倦怠的情绪衰竭和去人格化两个维度得分差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);不同暴力来源医务人员的去人格化维度得分差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);采取不同应对方式的医务人员在去人格化和个人成就感维度的得分差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:医务场所暴力可以引起医务人员工作倦怠,导致工作满意度降低、情绪衰竭、消极怠慢等。  相似文献   

目的以职业紧张理论为模式探讨工作场所暴力对医务人员工作能力、工作满意度、转岗打算的影响,为科学评价工作场所暴力的作用过程和不良后果提供理论依据。方法采用分层整群随机抽样的方法抽取河南省商丘市5家市级医院483名医务人员作为研究对象,运用自制调查表对其遭受工作场所暴力、暴力恐惧、暴力应对资源、工作能力、工作满意度、转岗打算等情况进行调查。采用有序结果变量回归和通径分析探讨各变量的关系。结果通径分析显示:(1)工作场所暴力既可直接影响工作能力和工作满意度,又可间接通过暴力恐惧影响工作能力和工作满意度。(2)工作场所暴力通过暴力恐惧、工作满意度间接影响转岗打算。结论遭受工作场所暴力可以通过直接或间接作用影响医务人员的工作能力、工作满意度、转岗打算。应采取措施,控制工作场所暴力的发生以降低其不良影响。  相似文献   

目的了解医务人员对遭受工作场所暴力伤害的恐惧情况及影响因素,为采取干预措施提供依据。方法采用分层整群随机抽样的方法抽取某市571名医务人员作为研究对象,运用自制调查表对其一般情况、对工作场所暴力的恐惧、遭受工作场所暴力及应对资源进行调查。结果①调查对象对躯体攻击、情感虐待、威胁的恐惧程度较高,而对言语性骚扰及躯体性骚扰恐惧程度较低。②571名调查对象工作场所暴力恐惧量表的平均分数为14.33±8.17分。其中,55.7%的调查对象不恐惧或轻度恐惧;28.9%的调查对象中度恐惧;15.4%的调查对象高度恐惧。③多因素分析表明:低、中应对资源,直接遭受工作场所暴力,两班轮换,护士,低工资,中专及以下学历等是导致医务工作场所暴力恐惧程度增高的危险因素。其OR值(eβ)分别为5.42、4.81、3.39、2.05、1.94、1.81、1.62。结论医务人员对工作场所暴力恐惧程度较高,应该采取措施,控制相关危险因素,降低医务人员对工作场所暴力伤害的恐惧水平。  相似文献   

广州市急诊护士遭受工作场所暴力现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的描述广州市急诊护士遭受工作场所暴力的现状。方法采用描述性研究的方法,运用便利抽样,调查广州市5家三级甲等综合性医院急诊科工作至少1年的护士143名。结果①广州市急诊护士遭受工作场所暴力的总体发生率为86.7%,言语暴力是主要形式;②工作场所暴力可发生在各个班次,以前夜班和正常白班居多;主要的发生地点为护士站/分诊台,其次是注射室/治疗室和病房:施暴者特征为:男性,31~40岁;③发生暴力的主要原因是:施暴者素质太低、施暴者粗暴无礼、候诊时间太长、施暴者饮酒及不合理要求被拒绝;④急诊护士在遭受暴力时的主要应对措施有:耐心解释、忍让回避以及求助保安和同事等,25%会报警,仅0.8%争锋相对;⑤急诊护士在遭受暴力后产生委屈、气愤、工作热情下降、精神无法集中以及转行等负性情绪.甚至有人产生自杀念头。结论急诊护士面临的工作场所暴力情况日益严峻,应引起充分重视。  相似文献   

唐山市医院工作场所暴力现象调查   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
目的:了解医院工作场所暴力的发生情况并分析其原因,为预防暴力事件的发生提供依据。方法:采用统一问卷,调查唐山市2所三甲医院工作人员2004年4月至2005年4月遭受工作场所暴力的情况。结果:747名被调查者在1年中有430人遭受过工作场所暴力,发生率为57.56%,以心理暴力为主(发生率56.89%)。医生比护士更容易受到暴力威胁,发生率分别为65.16%和55.58%,30~39岁年龄段的医院工作人员发生率最高(62.91%)。男性(29.95%)比女性(15.82%)更容易遭受身体暴力。“媒体负面导向”(56.25%)、“肇事者酗酒”(38.46%)、“患者病情无好转或自认为无好转”(36.36%)是发生工作场所暴力的主要原因。多数被调查者认为“工作场所暴力可以预防”(85.89%),“媒体正确宣传导向”(81.32%)、“加快立法”(79.75%)、“加强保安”(73.63%)是预防暴力的有效措施。结论:唐山市医院工作场所暴力多发,须实施以法律与教育为主导的综合干预措施,以维护医院的正常工作秩序。  相似文献   

精神病医院与综合医院工作场所暴力比较研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
陈祖辉  王声湧 《中国公共卫生》2004,20(11):1316-1317
目的了解精神病医院和综合医院工作场所暴力发生状况并比较其特点。方法采用问卷调查方法,同期调查广州市1所精神病医院和1所综合医院在职工作人员工作场所暴力发生率及影响因素。依据世界卫生组织关于工作场所暴力的定义。纳入标准为:工作人员在被调查前的12个月内遭受过暴力,且事件发生在工作中或当班时。结果医院工作场所暴力发生率较高,精神病医院为70.52%,综合医院为69.73%。精神病医院中90.82%的受害者曾反复遭受暴力伤害,多次暴力发生率达64.06%;49.45%的应答者1年中遭受过身体暴力;综合医院较少发生身体暴力,发生率仅为7.57%。精神病医院以患者本人肇事为主,综合医院则以患者亲属为主。肇事者精神障碍,患者(或陪护、探视者)要求未能得到满足,患者自认病情无好转,是精神病医院发生工作场所暴力的主要危险因素;综合医院前3位原因依次为患者(或陪护、探视者)要求未能得到满足,患者自认病情无好转及诊疗费用太高。医院工作人员对工作场所暴力认知程度很低,精神病医院尤为突出。结论精神病医院比综合医院工作场所暴力问题更为严重,应针对各类医院特点,开展综合性的工作场所暴力防控工作。  相似文献   

目的了解医务人员在遭受工作场所暴力后的心理与行为反应以及组织应对策略。方法采用自拟问卷调查进行数据收集,共收集786份有效调查问卷。结果医务人员遭受暴力后心理反应依次为:愤怒(32.2%)、无安全感(21.9%)和委屈(15.6%);应对行为依次为:耐心解释(0.60%)、上报上级(0.50%)和忍气吞声(0.29%);科室和医院的组织对应依次为:领导出面调解(0.58%)、精神安抚(0.56%)、报警(0.28%)和让医务人员息事宁人(0.25%);50.80%的医务人员认为医院在处理暴力事件不够得当;68.20%的医务人员从未参加过预防暴力的培训。结论工作场所暴力给医务人员带来多种负面情绪,个人应对方式具有被动特点,然而,组织应对资源有限。科室和医院多采取息事宁人、控制事态和减少影响范围的组织应对方式,而常常忽视对医务人员的心理安抚与精神补偿,不但如此,暴力的预防、防范和处理应策略对并没有得到足够重视。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Little is known about workplace violence among correctional health professionals. This study aimed to describe the patterns, severity and outcomes of incidents of workplace violence among employees of a large correctional health service, and to explore the help-seeking behaviours of staff following an incident. METHODS: The study setting was Justice Health, a statutory health corporation established to provide health care to people who come into contact with the criminal justice system in New South Wales, Australia. We reviewed incident management records describing workplace violence among Justice Health staff. The three-year study period was 1/7/2007-30/6/2010. RESULTS: During the period under review, 208 incidents of workplace violence were recorded. Verbal abuse (71%) was more common than physical abuse (29%). The most (44%) incidents of workplace violence (including both verbal and physical abuse) occurred in adult male prisons, although the most (50%) incidents of physical abuse occurred in a forensic hospital. Most (90%) of the victims were nurses and two-thirds were females. Younger employees and males were most likely to be a victim of physical abuse. Preparing or dispensing medication and attempting to calm and/or restrain an aggressive patient were identified as 'high risk' work duties for verbal abuse and physical abuse, respectively. Most (93%) of the incidents of workplace violence were initiated by a prisoner/patient. Almost all of the incidents received either a medium (46%) or low (52%) Severity Assessment Code. Few victims of workplace violence incurred a serious physical injury - there were no workplace deaths during the study period. However, mental stress was common, especially among the victims of verbal abuse (85%). Few (6%) victims of verbal abuse sought help from a health professional. CONCLUSIONS: Among employees of a large correctional health service, verbal abuse in the workplace was substantially more common than physical abuse. The most incidents of workplace violence occurred in adult male prisons. Review of the types of adverse health outcomes experienced by the victims of workplace violence and the assessments of severity assigned to violent incidents suggests that, compared with health care settings in the community, correctional settings are fairly safe places in which to practice.  相似文献   



Violence at work is one of the major concerns in health care activities. The aim of this study was to identify the prevalence of physical and non-physical violence in a general health care facility in Italy and to assess the relationship between violence and psychosocial factors, thereby providing a basis for appropriate intervention.


All health care workers from a public health care facility were invited to complete a questionnaire containing questions on workplace violence. Three questionnaire-based cross-sectional surveys were conducted. The response rate was 75 % in 2005, 71 % in 2007, and 94 % in 2009. The 2009 questionnaire contained the VIF (Violent Incident Form) for reporting violent incidents, the DCS (demand/control/support) model for job strain, the Colquitt 20 item questionnaire for perceived organizational justice, and the GHQ-12 General Health Questionnaire for the assessment of mental health.


One out of ten workers reported physical assault, and one out of three exposure to non-physical violence in the workplace in the previous year. Nurses and physicians were the most exposed occupational categories, whereas the psychiatric and emergency departments were the services at greatest risk of violence. Workers exposed to non-physical violence were subject to high job strain, low support, low perceived organizational justice, and high psychological distress.


Our study shows that health care workers in an Italian local health care facility are exposed to violence. Workplace violence was associated with high demand and psychological disorders, while job control, social support and organizational justice were protective factors.  相似文献   

In the last twenty years, psychosocial risks have become crucial in Occupational Health. Particularly, there is an increasing interest about psychological and physical violence at the workplaces. Psychological violence (mobbing or workplace bullying) is described as a situation in which the person has been the victim of negative acts directed to the person and work, with offences, discriminations and isolation. Physical violence at work, still underestimated in many parts of the world, is becoming a topical subject both for its frequency and its pathogenic potential and consist of violence among workers (internal violence) and between workers and external persons (external violence). Examples of external violence are bank robberies, which are prevalent in many European countries, particulary in Italy. The costs of psychological and physical workplace violence are very high at all levels; individual, for the implication of violence for health and quality of life as well as organizational, for the increase of absenteeism, turnover and health care demands and claims. The Medical Centre for Occupational Stress and Harassment (CDL) of the "Clinica de Lavoro Luigi Devoto" was set up in 1996 with a day-hospital service for the diagnosis, rehabilitation and prevention of work related psychological diseases. From its opening, about 5000 patients have been examined.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of experiences with physical violence and psychological violence that health staff have had in the workplace in Jamaica, and to identify factors associated with those experiences of violence. DESIGN AND METHODS: A total of 832 health staff answered the standardized questionnaire that was used in this cross-sectional study. Sampling was done at public facilities, including specialist, tertiary, and secondary hospitals in the Kingston Metropolitan Area; general hospitals in the rural parishes; and primary care centers in urban and rural areas. Sampling was also done in private hospitals and private medical centers. RESULTS: Psychological violence was more prevalent than was physical violence. Verbal abuse had been experienced in the preceding year by 38.6% of the questionnaire respondents, bullying was reported by 12.4%, and physical violence was reported by 7.7%. In multivariate analyses there was a lower risk of physical violence for health staff who were 55 years or older, worked during the night, or worked mostly with mentally disabled patients, geriatric patients, or HIV/AIDS patients. Staff members working mostly with psychiatric patients faced a higher risk of physical assaults than did other health staff. Of the various health occupations, nurses were the ones most likely to be verbally abused. In terms of age ranges, bullying was more commonly experienced by health staff 40-54 years old. CONCLUSIONS: Violence in the health sector workplace in Jamaica is an occupational hazard that is of public health concern. Evaluation of the environment that creates risks for violence is necessary to guide the formulation of meaningful interventions for the country.  相似文献   

Burnout among health care workers is recognized as an organizational risk contributing to absenteeism, presenteeism, excessive turnover, or illness, and may also manifest as decreased patient satisfaction. Pediatric health care may add stressors including worried parents of ill or dying children, child custody issues, child abuse, and workplace violence. The purpose of this study was to measure burnout among workers in a regional pediatric health care system and report whether burnout in a pediatric health care system is different from previously published data on human service workers. The Maslach Burnout Inventory-Human Services Survey (MBI-HSS) and the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory (CBI) were used to measure burnout. Pediatric health care workers expressed significantly less burnout as compared to published MBI-HSS scores and client-related CBI scores. Personal burnout CBI scores were not different, but work-related CBI scores were significantly higher than normative scores.  相似文献   

目的:调查产妇心理状况及其对心理卫生保健服务的利用现状,为探索在社区开展产妇心理卫生服务的模式提供依据。方法:在广州市荔湾区随机抽取5所社区卫生服务中心,对各中心产妇心理卫生服务状况进行调查,随机抽取产后42天产妇进行产后抑郁、心理卫生服务问卷调查。结果:产妇抑郁阳性率34.5%。27.6%产妇曾有心理卫生服务需要,16.3%曾接受过某种形式心理卫生服务。产妇对心理卫生服务的主观需求与产妇的心理健康状况、职业、家庭经济状况、费用支付方式、生育准备、是否上孕妇学校有关。结论:产妇存在着较大的心理问题,但针对产妇的心理卫生服务缺乏,为了增加产妇对心理卫生服务的主动性,社区卫生保健工作者应考虑服务的价格因素,加大心理卫生知识的宣传力度,将心理医生整合到初级保健机构,实现初级保健和心理关怀的融合。  相似文献   

Many health care workers are subject to violence at work on a frequent basis. This article will define different types of violence in the workplace and outline the current scope of the issue. There are a myriad of laws and regulations that apply including OSHA, Joint Commission, state and potentially new federal legislation. Violence in the health care workplace is an exceedingly complex issue that is well suited to enterprise risk management (ERM) solutions. A sample framework for an ERM solution will be explored. Health care organizations should strongly consider use of ERM to address workplace violence based on their unique risks.  相似文献   

Healthcare presents many security challenges, particularly when it comes to workplace violence prevention. With a staff population that is approximately 80% female, 24-hour operations, numerous points of ingress and egress, and the high tension environment that exists in today's hospitals and urgent care centers, the stage is set for the "perfect storm" of workplace violence, the author points out. He cites statistics that healthcare workers are at a much higher risk of victimization than workers in other industries. The best strategy to prevent workplace violence in the healthcare environment, he says, is to develop a corporate culture that supports respect, open communication, employee involvement and participation and an effective training program.  相似文献   

It has been noted that workplace violence most frequently occurs in psychiatric settings. The purpose of this study was to explore the workplace violence, including violence situation, victims' feeling, and the prevention strategies, on workers caring for long-term institutionalized schizophrenic patients in Taiwan. We conducted a face-to-face, in-depth, and semi-structured interview with 13 health care workers suffering from physical violence and/or sexual harassment by patients in 2002. First, the interviews were taped and/or paper-notes recorded, then transcribed, organized, and analyzed. Results found that all of the victims alleged they did not receive enough post-incident support, and more than a half of the victims could not call others for help during the violence. To avoid further attack, most victims offered prevention strategies which were considered valuable for establishing guidelines. However, some victims regarded workplace violence as inevitable and part of the job. The most common situations of workplace violence were during routine ward inspections, especially when the victims were alone. The most serious psychological harm was post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In conclusion, we recommended a re-engineering of the organization to a supportive and safe working environment for prevention of workplace violence in the study hospital.  相似文献   

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