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建立公立医疗机构公益性评价工具的必要性和理论思考   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
围绕公立医疗机构公益性评价,通过对相关文献的评阅以及对当前改革进展的分析,明确建立公立医疗机构公益性评价工具的理论意义及必要性。在结合治理相关理论的基础上,就公立医疗机构公益性的外部环境、公益性的多维特征、主观能动性和服务对象的主观感受进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

“通过公立医疗机构公益性来实现医疗卫生服务公益性”的认识,可能导致公立医疗机构改革进入误区。本文从公共管理的视角出发,辨析公立医疗机构公益性和医疗卫生服务公益性,分析误区,进行归正。  相似文献   

改善公立医疗机构公益性的政策建议   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
阐述了我国公立医疗机构的公益性意义,提出改善公立医疗机构公益性的相关政策建议。包括:建立覆盖城乡居民的健康保障体系,构建以公立医疗机构为主体的服务“安全网”;建立激励约束并举的补偿机制;加强对公立医疗机构行为的宏观调控以及激发公立医疗机构的社会责任感。  相似文献   

目的 对公立医疗机构公益性服务人力成本进行分析与估算,为完善公立医疗机构政府补偿机制提出建议.方法 采用典型抽样方法,对某市16家公立医疗机构进行问卷调查,并对填写相对完整的2家三级医院进行案例分析.结果 两家医院2009年和2010年的公益性人力成本约700万元~3400万元,占全年人力支出总额的1.5%~5.5%,占全年支出总额的0.5%~1.3%.结论 公立医疗机构公益性人力成本差异较大,可能是受相关信息的可得性影响.政府应建立公立医疗机构公益性服务信息系统并对公益性服务进行评价,从而改革公立医疗机构的补偿机制,综合公益性服务的开展情况和成本投入,对公立医疗机构进行合理补偿.  相似文献   

公立医疗机构“管办分离”之我见   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从公共管理的角度,运用公共管理的相关理论,论述了医疗卫生服务的公益性与公立医疗机构的公益性、医疗卫生服务的生产与提供的区别,提出了公立医疗机构"管办分离"的理论依据和现实意义,希冀对澄清某些模糊认识有所帮助.  相似文献   

目前,政府主导、坚持公立医疗机构的公益性已成为大家的共识,但是对政府主导什么、公立医疗机构的公益性如何体现争论较多。概括起来主要有两种观点,一是政府要在医疗卫生领域加大投入,抑制公立医疗机构营利动机,同时引入市场机制,加强成本核算,建立和完善对医务人员的激励机制,提高公立医疗机构的运营效率;二是政府应该主导医疗服务产品的提供而不是生产,医疗服务的公益性与医疗机构的公益性是两个不同的概念,换句话说,政府举办医疗机构如果缺失相应制度,并不能保证医疗服务和公立医疗机构的公益性。  相似文献   

近期,要求公立医疗机构回归公益性的呼声日渐高涨,而针对公益性的探讨也逐渐增多,一些观点认为要使公立医疗机构回归公益性必须要加大政府对公立医疗机构的投入,才能使之回归公益性;反对的观点则认为增大对公立医疗机构的财政投入并不能使公立医疗机构回归公益性,反而会降低医疗服务的提供效率,加剧看病难。  相似文献   

目的了解海口市不同级别公立医疗机构门诊患者的满意度, 提出有关公益性评价的政策建议。方法采用典型抽样的方法,分别选取海口市一级、二级、三级医疗机构共9家,进行门诊患者满意度问卷调查。问卷具体化为3 个维度(服务质量、服务适宜性、职业道德维度)和 12 个指标。结果三类医疗机构接受调查的患者在年龄、居住地、医保情况、职业、自报月收入和医疗服务方式等方面存在差异。门诊患者对医疗机构的公益性的综合评价得分为1.77±0.837分,不同级别公立医疗机构总体公益性评价得分,以及公益性评价子项目差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。患者对公立医疗机构的公益性评价在服务质量维度、服务适宜性维度方面,三级公立医疗机构要低于一、二级公立医疗机构。结论门诊患者对不同级别医疗机构的公益性评价存在差异,加强公立医院的公益性应该着重提高医疗服务的适宜性和公平性。在患者对公益性评价的服务质量维度中,建议增加“诊疗时间、医患沟通质量”评价指标,以体现对患者的“尊重与关心”,从而彰显“以人为中心”的诊疗模式和个体化医疗精神。公立医疗机构公益性回归是政府良治的迫切需求。  相似文献   

目的:筛选公立医疗机构公益性的评价指标。方法:采用Delphi专家咨询法。结果:通过两轮的Delphi专家咨询,筛选出了公立医疗机构公益性的主要评价指标,初步构建了评价体系。指标涉及公共卫生、应急救治和政府指令性安排的开展及执行情况、服务及费用的合理性、服务质量、服务对象的主观评价和服务效率等方面。结论:两轮专家咨询后,公益性评价指标选择方面意见逐步趋同,部分公益性指标仍存在争议,需要通过进一步的理论和实证研究加以检验。  相似文献   

坚持医院的公益性就是实行财政转移支付,就是政府拨款养事不养人,使目标人口受益,国家对各级公立医院实行"核定收支、定额或专项补助、超支不补、结余留用"的预算管理办法.遗憾的是,医疗服务部分进入市场后,各级财政没有安排足够的预算经费或专项经费支持公益性服务的提供,政府并未承担公立医院因服务贫弱人群而造成医疗欠费的托底责任,这对公立医院积极发挥公益性产生了负面的引导作用.从系统角度分析,公立医疗机构公益性淡化的表象是公立医疗机构的问题,但其中蕴含着深刻的体制和机制因素.从筹资方面分析,政府财政投入严重不足,缺乏对公立医疗机构发展的必要预算补助,医疗保障制度和医疗救助制度的不完善,这些都严重影响了公立医疗机构提供公益性服务的积极性.  相似文献   

组织社会资源向社会大众提供方便、可及和均等化的公共卫生服务,是政府的一项重要社会职责.我国公共卫生服务表现出不公平与低效率的现象,本质上折射出政府在公共卫生服务领域价值选择扭曲与责任缺失.因此,在“新医改”形势下,实现全面加强我国公共卫生服务体系建设的目标,必须在社会公正的价值选择指导下,通过明确公共卫生体制改革目标、改革公共财政体制以及加强公共卫生服务体制建设等强化政府职责.  相似文献   

目的 以新公共行政理论为指导,分析闵行区公立医疗卫生机构管理者对政府补偿与监管机制改革政策的评价。方法 对闵行区所有公立医疗卫生机构进行问卷调查,并对部分医疗机构管理者进行问卷调查和定性访谈。结果 医疗机构和管理者认为补偿与监管机制改革政策在促进社会公平、提高机构反应性、代表公众利益、机构代表参与以及体现社会责任五个维度均有一定体现。结论 政府补偿与监管机制改革未来需要关注特需医疗服务和基本药物制度的政策导向,以保障公立医疗卫生机构公益性的实现。  相似文献   

概括了公立医院社会责任的概念和公立医院社会责任的分级模型,并在此基础之上,介绍了天津市人民医院履行社会责任的实践:积极完成上级部门交派的医疗、公共卫生任务,履行基本社会责任;积极开展对口帮扶,承担中级社会责任;开展大肠癌筛查工作,实现高级社会责任。对公立医院践行社会责任提出建议:深化思想认识,主动承担社会责任;结合自身优势,探寻符合自身特点的公益项目;加大政府投入,完善公立医院补偿机制。  相似文献   

Arthur L Sensenig 《JPHMP》2007,13(2):103-114
Providing for the delivery of public health services and understanding the funding mechanisms for these services are topics of great currency in the United States. In 2002, the Department of Homeland Security was created and the responsibility for providing public health services was realigned among federal agencies. State and local public health agencies are under increased financial pressures even as they shoulder more responsibilities as the vital first link in the provision of public health services. Recent events, such as hurricanes Katrina and Rita, served to highlight the need to accurately access the public health delivery system at all levels of government. The National Health Expenditure Accounts (NHEA), prepared by the National Health Statistics Group, measure expenditures on healthcare goods and services in the United States. Government public health activity constitutes an important service category in the NHEA. In the most recent set of estimates, Government Public Health Activity expenditures totaled $56.1 billion in 2004, or 3.0 percent of total US health spending. Accurately measuring expenditures for public health services in the United States presents many challenges. Among these challenges is the difficult task of defining what types of government activity constitute public health services. There is no clear-cut, universally accepted definition of government public health care services, and the definitions in the proposed International Classification for Health Accounts are difficult to apply to an individual country's unique delivery systems. Other challenges include the definitional issues associated with the boundaries of healthcare as well as the requirement that census and survey data collected from government(s) be compliant with the Classification of Functions of Government (COFOG), an internationally recognized classification system developed by the United Nations.  相似文献   

中国长期以来沿袭计划经济时期对公立医院采取的国有治理方式,随着市场经济的发展,公立医院的资金短缺与低效运作成为一个难题。作为公立医院的所有者,公立医院引入社会资本相关制度的实施,本身就是政府职能所在。以政府责任为分析视角,重点阐述了政府在公立医院社会融资中承担职责的理论依据、现状及存在的问题,介绍了国外公立医院引入社会资本中的政府责任体现,并对如何强化政府责任,以促进公立医院社会融资制度持续推行,提出相关建议。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to estimate the dollar amount of nongovernment philanthropic spending on public health activities in the United States.Health expenditure data were derived from the US National Health Expenditures Accounts and the US Census Bureau.Results reveal that spending on public health is not disaggregated from health spending in general. The level of philanthropic spending is estimated as, on average, 7% of overall health spending, or about $150 billion annually according to National Health Expenditures Accounts data tables. When a point estimate of charity care provided by hospitals and office-based physicians is added, the value of nongovernment philanthropic expenditures reaches approximately $203 billion, or about 10% of all health spending annually.The role of nongovernment philanthropic organizations in supporting public health is widely recognized, but there is doubt about their level of contribution. None of the surveys or data abstractions to date provide estimates of the level of philanthropic spending on public health.Each year, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ National Health Expenditures Accounts (NHEA) produce overall estimates of dollar amounts for all health care consumed in the United States. These estimates, available through the NHEA since 1960, are a valuable resource for assessing trends in health care spending on public health, health care goods and services, government administration, health insurance, and other investments related to health care.1–4The role of government in public health is obvious because federal, state, and local governments bear prime responsibility for the public health enterprise: prevention, surveillance, and response to emergencies for the health of all. As noted by the Institute of Medicine, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), individuals, and private-sector entities play a supporting role:
Agencies that have made progress building mission-critical capacities appear to use a wide variety of funding sources to support these investments, including flexible funds from local government, flexible funds from state government, cross-subsidization from reimbursement- and fee-based services, categorical program funds, and private-sector grants from philanthropic organizations, health system partners, and corporate foundations.5(p184)
One example of the significance of private-sector funding is the Turning Point Initiative sponsored by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, which has supported state and local public health agencies in their capacity-building efforts. Another example is the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Multi-State Learning Collaborative, which has contributed to capacity improvements among state public health agencies.Nongovernment philanthropic entities also provide new direction and creative approaches to emerging public health concerns when the government sector cannot quickly tackle these issues, as was the case with the support provided by NGOs to expand the capacity of public health laboratories. As another example, the CDC Foundation benefits from the contributions of NGOs to expand the prevention and disease surveillance efforts of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. As noted, however, as of yet none of the surveys or data abstractions of the NHEA, the US Census Bureau, or the Giving USA Foundation (which produces The Annual Report on Philanthropy) have provided estimates of the level of philanthropic spending on public health.There is uncertainty about levels of public health investments made by philanthropies because of lack of data:
The combination of [the] historical circumstance in funding, a lack of national standards in recording and reporting funding and expenditure data, and variations in the definitions of public health challenges any attempt to obtain accurate expenditure estimates.5(p76)
Well-known philanthropic organizations such as the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the Kaiser Family Foundation, and the W.K. Kellogg Foundation have a frontline presence in their work with federal government agencies and local health departments. These foundations are engaged in activities such as public health preparedness, immunization programs at the local level, and workplace wellness programs. The Grantmakers in Health nonprofit organization lists 240 organizations that are active in the areas of health and public health. However, data on these nongovernment public health activities and spending are not as organized as those of the government sector.My goal here is to use available data on public health spending to answer a basic research question: what are the precise or approximate estimates of the dollar contributions of nongovernment philanthropies to public health? I discuss the data available from the NHEA and the Census Bureau.  相似文献   

公立医院与社会责任   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
公立医院作为政府投资设立的非营利组织,应该承担一定的社会责任,但是,如何理解公立医院的社会责任是需要研究的问题。本文通过分析公立医院承担社会责任的现状,探讨公立医院承担社会责任的方式,旨在增强医院的社会责任意识,构建和谐医患关系。  相似文献   

分析了大型公立医院公益性、绩效管理和社会责任等不同价值取向的区别及矛盾冲突,认为社会责任不是对公益性和绩效管理的扬弃,而是兼容并蓄。根据大型公立医院的功能定位及事业单位分类改革等环境的变化,认为大型公立医院与县级及以下公立医疗卫生机构价值取向应该有所区别,应选择社会责任价值取向,并基于社会责任理论提出大型公立医院社会责任的内涵、社会责任的履行和评价机制,实现大型公立医院的社会责任价值。  相似文献   

我国公立医院回归公益性,需要加大政府投资,但把握投资方向更为重要,政府投资于"补需方"胜于"养供方"。卫生服务供需双方的信息不对称,决定了政府监管事与愿违,设计合理化制度才能促使公立医院回归公益性。理顺卫生经济主体的利益关系,促进卫生资源合理流动,公立医院回归公益性的道路才能越走越宽广。  相似文献   

强化政府社会职能解决看病难看病贵   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
形成"看病难、看病贵"有多种因素,解决这一问题必须找准钥匙投对锁。通过对公共医疗卫生内涵的分析、对不同经济体制下医疗卫生体制实行政府主导与市场主导不同模式的回顾,以及对政府社会职能缺失原因的探讨,进一步明确解决老百姓"看病难、看病贵"问题,不仅取决于医疗卫生体制改革的成效,而且取决于政府社会职能的发挥。因此,适应构建和谐社会的要求,转变政府职能,强化社会管理,建设公共服务型政府是深化医疗卫生体制改革,提高医疗卫生服务质量,解决"看病难、看病贵"的有效途径。  相似文献   

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