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目的 探讨改良一期后路全脊椎整块切除术治疗胸腰椎肿瘤的手术要点、器械改进及短期疗效.方法 改良一期后路全脊椎整块切除术的整套器械包括:自制0.81 mm的钢缆式线锯、线锯改向器、L形骨刀和叉形骨刀;将Tomita后路全脊椎整块切除手术方法改良为前锯后刀会师两步截断法,即将线锯由前向后切割至约为椎间盘中后1/3处,再用L...  相似文献   

目的 探讨后路一期全脊椎切除+椎弓根钉内固定系统治疗胸椎肿瘤和结核的临床疗效.方法 2009年1月~2010年6月,应用后路一期全脊椎切除、钛笼重建并后路椎弓根钉内固定系统治疗胸椎肿瘤患者5例,应用后路一期全脊椎切除、植骨并后路椎弓根钉内固定系统治疗胸椎结核患者2例.结果 术后随访6~15个月,所有患者疼痛症状均消失,...  相似文献   

目的 探讨颈胸交接部脊椎肿瘤通过前后联合入路一期全椎切除脊柱重建治疗的可行性.方法 对8例颈胸交接部脊椎肿瘤选用改良的颈胸交接部前方入路及传统后方入路,一期行病椎全椎切除,脊柱重建方法.结果 术后1个月,除1例T2血管瘤神经功能A级恢复至C级,其余患者为E级(3例E级术后未加重).结论 选用改良的颈胸交接部前方入路及传统后方入路,一期行病椎全椎切除、椎体间植骨、前后联合固定重建脊柱,为治疗颈胸交接部脊椎肿瘤的一种可行方法.  相似文献   

目的:探讨一期后路全脊椎切除、环脊髓减压、植骨及内固定治疗胸椎肿瘤的手术指征及临床效果。方法:对11例累及胸椎(按改良Tomita分期为Ⅳ期和Ⅴ期)的肿瘤患者采取一期后路全脊椎切除、环脊髓减压、植骨及内固定术,其中大块自体髂骨植骨9例,异体皮质骨笼 自体松质骨椎体间植骨2例;脊柱内固定应用CD2例,TSRH8例,AXIS1例。结果:手术时间225~425min,平均285min,术中出血750~3200ml,平均1650ml。边缘或整块切除3例,病灶内分块 边缘切除8例。术后经8~36个月(平均18.3个月)随访,2例甲状腺癌转移患者1例于术后8个月发生多处转移,器官衰竭而死亡;另1例于术后14个月局部软组织内肿瘤复发及其它部位转移而放弃治疗,术后21个月死亡;1例滑膜软骨肉瘤于术后10个月发现肺部多处转移,术后17个月死亡;余8例存活,随访中无局部复发、转移或内固定失效等。7例术前伴脊髓神经功能损害者,术后6例获显著改善。结论:对累及胸椎的Ⅳ期和Ⅴ期肿瘤采取一期后路全脊椎切除、稳定性重建,创伤小、并发症少。  相似文献   

目的:探讨后路一期全脊椎切除术治疗单发转移瘤性硬膜外脊髓压迫症(MESCC)的疗效及患者生存质量。方法:利用改良一期后路全脊椎整块切除术对2008年12月~2011年6月间收治的9例单发MESCC患者进行手术治疗,先导入线锯由前向后切割病椎上位椎间盘至椎间隙后1/3处,再用"L"形骨刀经两侧由后向前凿至与线锯切割水平处会合,进而完成整个椎间盘的截断,同法完成病椎下位椎间盘的离断。予椎弓根临时棒固定后旋转取出瘤椎。取相邻健康棘突制成骨粒填入钛网植骨,置入钛网后椎弓根钉棒内固定适度加压固定。统计手术并发症,应用VAS评价患者术前、术后疼痛情况,应用ASIA标准评价患者术前、术后运动功能评分,随访记录患者生存时间。结果:病椎均完整切除,手术时间7~10h,平均7.4h,术中出血1300~3200ml,平均2240ml。患者疼痛明显改善,VAS评分由术前8.1±1.2分下降至术后2周3.0±1.7分,改善率为62.8%(P<0.05);9例脊髓压迫症的患者中1例ASIA分级无变化,8例明显改善,ASIA运动功能评分由术前74.0±15.0分恢复至术后3个月时的91.9±12.9分。术后生存时间平均19.3±5.2个月(9~26个月)。结论:对于单发转移瘤性硬膜外脊髓压迫症的患者,全脊椎切除术可安全有效地进行脊髓环形减压,缓解疼痛,改善神经功能。  相似文献   

目的:探讨枢椎肿瘤切除和椎体重建的新方法.方法:采用经口咽入路枢椎体肿瘤切除,改良异形钛笼重建椎体,同期后路寰椎椎弓根和第三颈椎侧块钉棒固定植骨融合治疗枢椎体骨巨细胞瘤,并辅以放疗.结果:术后患者临床症状立即消失,行走正常,影像学示肿瘤切除干净,脊椎重建固定稳妥.结论:一期经口前路联合后路行枢椎肿瘤切除椎体重建是治疗枢椎肿瘤的可行方法,但远期疗效有待观察.  相似文献   

腰2全脊椎切除脊柱短缩重建术1例报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
腰2全脊椎切除脊柱短缩重建术1例报告贺加明腰椎体巨细胞瘤在临床上少见,治疗方法多样,但均不易达到根治目的。我科收治1例L2椎体巨细胞瘤并不完全瘫痪的患者,经后路一次行L2全脊椎切除脊柱短缩植骨融合哈氏棒固定重建术,手术获得成功,报告如下:1病例报告患...  相似文献   

目的 :探讨胸腰椎肿瘤全脊椎切除手术的入路选择,初步评价不同手术入路的临床意义。方法 :2001年10月~2013年12月共收治74例胸腰椎肿瘤患者,男31例,女43例;年龄11~69岁,平均40.2岁。分别采用单纯后正中入路、后路联合前路或后路联合侧前方入路手术完成肿瘤的全脊椎切除。分析脊柱肿瘤WBB分期及肿瘤所在部位、是否首次手术与手术入路选择的关系。结果:选择后正中入路手术者25例,肿瘤位于B~D、3~9区15例,其中单节段12例,两节段3例;B~D、1~12区4例,其中单节段3例,两节段1例;肿瘤软组织肿块较小、位于A~D/E、3~9区4例,其中单节段3例,两节段1例;A~D/E、1~12区单节段2例。整块切除24例,大块经瘤切除1例。上胸椎2例,胸椎及胸腰段21例,中下腰椎2例。后路联合前方入路手术者30例,肿瘤侵袭A~D/E、累及1~12区20例,单节段11例,两节段及以上9例,其中复发肿瘤12例;累及3~9区8例,单节段5例、两节段及以上3例,其中上胸椎5例(复发肿瘤2例);累及B~D、3~9区的L4和L5肿瘤各1例。整块切除8例,大块经瘤切除22例。上胸椎7例,下腰椎(L4-L5)5例,胸椎或胸腰段18例。后路联合侧前方入路19例,肿瘤累及A~D/E、1~12区10例,单节段肿瘤9例,2节段1例;累及A~D/E、3~9区的单节段初次手术的胸腰段肿瘤5例,软组织肿块位于脊椎的侧方;累及B~D、1~12区的中下腰椎单节段肿瘤2例,胸腰段肿瘤2例。整块切除3例,大块经瘤切除16例。胸椎及胸腰段10例,中下腰椎9例。结论:胸、腰椎肿瘤全脊椎切除手术入路应根据肿瘤侵袭范围及所在脊椎部位进行选择。局限在脊椎骨内或椎旁肿块较小的单及两节段肿瘤选择单纯后正中入路;肿瘤突破脊椎致前方有较大肿块、复发肿瘤及侵袭椎旁的上胸椎肿瘤多选择联合前方入路;软组织侵袭位于脊椎侧方的肿瘤多选择后路联合侧前方入路。  相似文献   

目的 探讨伴或不伴黄韧带骨化的胸椎和胸腰段椎间盘突出症的术式选择.方法 2004年6月至2009年12月,手术治疗伴或不伴黄韧带骨化的胸椎和胸腰段椎间盘突出症患者31例,男22例,女9例;年龄24~71岁,平均54岁;病变节段T4~L2.根据Anand和Regan临床分类:2度1例,3a度2例,3b度3例,4度6例,5度19例;Frankel分级:B级2例,C级6例,D级11例,E级12例.18例不伴黄韧带骨化者行前路手术,采用椎体后缘切除、椎体后侧开槽或椎体次全切除减压并植骨内固定.13例伴有明显黄韧带骨化者行后路半关节突和全椎板切除减压术,未切除前侧突出的椎间盘.结果 前路术后发生硬膜囊撕裂1例,神经根袖损伤1例,肋间神经痛3例,肺不张1例,取髂骨区麻木2例.后路术后发生椎管内血肿1例,脑脊液漏2例,切口感染1例,肺部感染1例.随访6~48个月,平均18个月.末次随访时Frankel分级:C级3例,D级7例,E级21例;Anand和Regan分类:1度2例,2度1例,3a度1例,4度2例,5度10例,15例无明显症状.X线片示内固定均无失败,植骨融合良好.结论 胸椎和胸腰段椎间盘突出以脊髓前侧压迫为主者可选择前路椎体后侧开槽或椎体次全切除减压植骨融合术,伴黄韧带骨化导致脊髓前后侧压迫者可行后路半关节突和全椎板切除减压术.  相似文献   

自2000年1月以来,对6例胸椎肿瘤累及全脊椎并压迫脊髓造成瘫痪的患者,施行后路病椎全切除、环脊髓减压、植骨融合、椎弓根钉TSRH系统内固定术,重建胸椎的稳定性,术后神经功能得到改善,近期效果满意,总结如下。 临床资料 本组资料见表1。术前常规进行普通X线、CT、MRI检查发现全脊椎受累,且压迫脊髓(图1~3),同时判断周围软组织无受侵蚀情况。同位素检查其他骨骼未见受累。术中、术后送病理检查。根据Tomita分级方法[1],本组病例皆为4型,即全脊椎受累,肿瘤  相似文献   

Total en bloc spondylectomy (TES) for vertebral tumour was previously reported by Tomita through a single posterior approach using a T-saw. A modified total en bloc spondylectomy (MTES) technique is reported in the present study. The disc puncture needle with a sleeve was used to obliquely puncture from the posterior to the anterior direction. A T-saw was inserted through the sleeve and led out to the operator’s side by the leading clamp. The disc was partially cut with the saw from its medial to lateral aspect. After a spinal fixation rod was applied on the operator’s side, the residual discs on the opposite side were cut as described above. Six patients with thoracic vertebral tumours were operated on using the MTES technique. Five patients showed improvement in their neurological deficits postoperatively. There was no evidence of tumour recurrence at the final follow-up. The MTES is technically feasible with improved practicality and safety.  相似文献   

目的 探讨后路椎间盘镜治疗椎管狭窄症的临床应用、手术适应证和临床效果.方法 采用后路椎间盘镜进行单侧或双侧"开窗"彻底解除硬脊膜及神经根的压迫.术中通过"C"臂机或拍摄侧位X线片定位.在局麻或浅硬外麻醉下于腰后部正中做大约1.5 cm的切口,逐级扩张后置人工作通道管,钻除部分椎板,置入内窥镜于电视监视下显露清除椎板、增生内聚的关节突、肥厚的黄韧带及突出的椎间盘髓核组织,减压神经根管,彻底解除其对硬膜、神经根的压迫.结果 本组共治疗183例,随访5个月至3年,按Nakai标准评定,优168例,良9例,可6例,优良率为96.7%.结论 本方式创伤小、出血少、恢复快,在保证神经根充分减压的前提下,能尽可能保持脊柱的稳定性.本方法适用于单节段或多节段椎管狭窄症及合并椎间盘突出的患者.  相似文献   

Cervical intradural disc herniation   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Iwamura Y  Onari K  Kondo S  Inasaka R  Horii H 《Spine》2001,26(6):698-702
STUDY DESIGN: A case report of anterior en bloc resected cervical intradural disc herniation and a review of the literature. OBJECTIVE: To discuss the pathogenesis of cervical intradural disc herniation. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: Including this study case, only 17 cases of cervical intradural disc herniation have been reported. There have been few detailed reports concerning the pathogenesis of cervical intradural disc herniation. METHODS: A cervical intradural disc herniation at C6-C7, with localized hypertrophy and segmentally ossified posterior longitudinal ligament, is reported in a 45-year-old man who had Brown-Sequard syndrome diagnosed on neurologic examination. Neuroradiologic, operative, and histologic findings, particularly the pathology of the anterior en bloc resected posterior vertebral portion of C6 and C7, were evaluated for discussion of the pathogenesis. RESULTS: Adhesion of dura mater and hypertrophic posterior longitudinal ligament was observed around a perforated portion of the herniated disc, and histologic study showed irregularity in fiber alignment accompanied by scattered inflammatory cell infiltration and hypertrophy in the posterior longitudinal ligament. The cervical intradural disc herniation was removed successfully and followed by C5-Th1 anterior interbody fusion with fibular strut graft. Neurologic recovery was complete except for minor residual sensory disturbance in the leg 7 years after the surgery. CONCLUSIONS: Cervical intradural disc herniation is an extremely rare condition. The pathogenesis remains obscure. Only 16 cases have been reported in the literature, and there has been little discussion concerning the local pathology of the herniated portion. The pathogenesis of the disease in the patient reported here was considered to be the adhesion and fragility of dura mater and posterior longitudinal ligament. This was caused by hypertrophy, with chronic inflammation and ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament sustaining chronic mechanical irritation to the dura mater, leading to perforation of the herniated disc by an accidental force.  相似文献   

In this report, we describe a small schwannoma of the dural sleeve and mention that it is often difficult to differentiate this tumor from lumbar disc herniation, especially a sequestered hernia, or a discal cyst. Gadolinium-enhanced MR images were a useful preoperative examination modality for differentiating this lesion from other diseases. Microscopically, the intradural tumor was successfully removed. The dura mater of the S1 nerve root was opened microsurgically, allowing the nerve fibers involved in the tumor to be identified. The involved fibers were cut around the tumor, and the lesion was resected while the intact nerve fibers were preserved. Based on histological examination of the resected specimen, the tumor was diagnosed as a schwannoma with multilocular cystic degeneration. Microsurgery allowed the tumor to be removed with minimal impairment from cutting of nerve fibers in the nerve root.  相似文献   

The authors report the case of a 47-year-old woman who harbored a giant cell tumor at the T-5 level. She had undergone curettage of the tumor via a combined anterior and posterior approach at a regional hospital and was later referred to the authors' institution for treatment after the tumor recurred. On examination she exhibited progressive paraparesis and was nonambulatory due to cord compression caused by the tumor, which had invaded the spinal canal and extended to the right paravertebral muscles and right thoracic cavity. A spondylectomy was performed through a single posterior approach. The tumor, together with a portion of the dura mater, pleura, and muscles, was resected en bloc from T-4 to T-6. After resection, spinal reconstruction was performed by placement of an anterior titanium mesh cage as well as posterior pedicle screw and rod instrumentation. The patient's postoperative course was uneventful, and she exhibited substantial neurological recovery and became ambulatory. Two and a half years after surgery, the patient was tumor free. En bloc resection of a recurrent giant cell tumor was successfully achieved through a single posterior approach. This surgical technique can be an effective option for this pathological condition, which is difficult to manage using other conventional treatment options including repeated curettage and radiotherapy.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND CONTEXT: complete or total en bloc spondylectomy has been recommended for giant cell tumors of the spine. Wide local resection of the fifth lumbar vertebra carries potential risks of major complications because of its anatomical features. Only nine cases of the giant cell tumors involving the fifth lumbar vertebra have been reported in the literature. PURPOSE: to present two cases of giant cell tumor of the fifth lumbar vertebra treated by single-stage combined anterior and posterior tumor resection over 7 years of follow-up. STUDY DESIGN: Case report and a review of literature. METHODS: A 33-year-old female and a 20-year-old female, each diagnosed with giant cell tumor of fifth lumbar vertebra, underwent single-stage tumor resection through a combined posterior and retroperitoneal anterior approach. RESULTS: The resection of the fifth lumbar vertebra was completed in the first case without major perioperative complications. In the second case, massive bleeding during the anterior procedure for resection of the vertebral body interrupted the total resection of the tumor, resulting in possible residual tumor which required adjuvant radiotherapy. The patients recovered both clinically and neurologically after the operation. Spinal reconstruction was maintained, and no recurrence of the tumor was evident at the 7-year and 8-year follow-up, respectively. CONCLUSION: There was no recurrence of the tumor after the combined single-stage anterior and posterior tumor resection and adjuvant radiotherapy for the second case for over 7 years follow-up. However, complete resection of the vertebra and tumor at the fifth lumbar vertebra is still challenging to accomplish.  相似文献   



Total en bloc spondylectomy (TES) is a surgical procedure performed to achieve complete resection of an aggressive benign spinal tumor or a malignant spinal tumor. When reconstructing the spine after resection, we have been using liquid nitrogen-frozen resected spine bearing tumor as a bone graft, expecting an immunological response to tumor-specific antigen(s). The purpose of this article is to report a successful treatment case of lung adenocarcinoma metastasis with TES and this cryotherapy.


A 59-year-old male presented with rapid progression of neurological deterioration of the lower limbs due to a spinal metastasis from T8 to T10. The primary lung adenocarcinoma had already been excised under thoracoscopy. The patient underwent TES with reconstruction using frozen tumor-bearing vertebra for the bone graft.


One month after surgery, a new nodule appeared at the right middle lobe of the lung. However, we carried out no biopsy of the newly emerged nodule and the patient received no adjuvant chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Six months after surgery, the tumor vanished. No local recurrence or metastasis of the tumor has been observed until now.


TES with a liquid nitrogen-frozen tumor specimen could be a promising therapeutic option for cancer patients with spine metastasis.

The drainage of the superficial middle cerebral vein (SMCV) is classified into four subtypes. The sphenobasal vein (SBV) drains from the SMCV to the pterygoid venous plexus at the temporal skull base. Epidural procedures in the standard anterior transpetrosal approach (ATPA) may damage the route of the SBV. We report a case in which modified surgical procedures via the ATPA were used to preserve the SBV. A 45-year-old man complained of right facial pain. Magnetic resonance images revealed a right cerebellopontine tumor suggestive of an epidermoid cyst. Right carotid angiography revealed that the SMCV drained into the pterygoid venous plexus via the SBV. The convexity dura mater of the temporal lobe was cut and the anterior part of the temporal lobe was retracted subdurally. The SBV was visualized from the subdural side. The basal dura mater of the temporal lobe posterior to the SBV was cut and the posterior part of the temporal lobe was retracted epidurally. After dissecting the dura mater medial to the greater petrosal nerve and to the edge of the petrous apex, the petrous apex was exposed and drilled out without injuring the SBV. The superior petrous sinus and the tentorium were cut. The tumor compressed the root exit zone of the trigeminal nerve. The tumor was grossly totally removed. The modified ATPA (epidural anterior petrosectomy with subdural visualization of the SBV) is effective in preserving the SBV.  相似文献   



Adamantinoma is a low-grade primary malignant bone tumour with slow growth and local recurrence. Its occurrence in the spine is extremely rare, particularly with multilevel involvement. This paper wants to present the first case involving a patient with recurrent thoracolumbar spinal adamantinoma, who underwent a successful three-level spondylectomy for en bloc resection.


A 24-year-old man with osteolytic masses of T11 and T12 vertebral bodies was performed curettage by a posterior approach in 2008. The pathology report showed the excised neoplasm was a rare adamantinoma. This patient underwent a tumorectomy again because of its local recurrence nearly 3 years later. In 2012, it was unfortunately revealed that the excised tumour had relapsed and had spread to the L1 vertebral body. Due to its repeated recurrence and aggressive lesion, total en bloc spondylectomy (TES) for this malignant tumour was thought to be the best option for preventing repeated recurrence and possible cure. TES for T11–L1 thoracolumbar spine was performed and spinal reconstruction was completed with instrumentation and a titanium mesh cage through a one-stage single posterior approach.


After three-level TES, neurological deficits of the patient demonstrated good recovery and no evidence of adamantinoma recurrence or deformity was found at 2-year follow-up.


This is the first case involving multilevel thoracolumbar spinal adamantinoma with repeated recurrence to be successfully treated by three-level TES by a single posterior approach.

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