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先天性冠状动脉瘘94例治疗体会   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
目的 总结94例先天性冠状动脉瘘治疗体会。方法 1964年3月至2000年12月共治疗冠状动脉瘘94例,男54例,女40例。年龄9个月-63岁。76例为单纯先天性冠状动脉瘘,18例合并其他心脏畸形。94例中65例冠状动脉瘘起自右冠,29例起自左冠。瘘入右室、右房、左室、肺动脉、左房者依次占41.5%、24.5%、18.1%、11.7%、4.2%。介入栓堵治疗5例;手术治疗89例,其中6例全麻常温下行病变冠状动脉结扎或切断缝合,83例行低温体外循环下直视手术闭合瘘口。结果 死亡1例,为早年常温手术结扎病变的冠状动脉后室颤死亡。23例术后残余瘘,其中1例再次手术。72例随访3个月至23年,无远期死亡。结论 先天性冠状动脉瘘外科手术或介入治疗均安全、有效,远期效果良好。  相似文献   

先天性肾动静脉瘘的诊断与治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨先天性肾动静脉瘘的诊断与治疗方法。方法:回顾性分析以突发性、持续性严重血尿为主要症状的5例先天性肾动静脉瘘患者的临床资料。均行彩色多普勒超声、静脉肾盂造影(IVU)、CT及膀胱镜检查,未能明确病因。1例行肾切除术,术后病理检查证实为肾动静脉瘘;4例行超选择性肾动脉造影确诊,同时行栓塞治疗。结果:4例栓塞治疗患者术后肉眼血尿立即得到控制,5天后尿常规检查正常,随访3个月~8年,均无复发,无高血压情况,双肾放射性核素扫描提示患侧肾小球滤过率轻度降低。1例肾切除患者术后血尿消失,对侧肾功能代偿正常。结论:超选择性肾动脉造影是诊断先天性肾动静脉瘘的关键检查,同时行栓塞治疗是最佳方法,具有创伤性小、疗效确切、并发症少的特点,可最大限度地保留患侧肾功能。  相似文献   

Yu WY  Zhang BR  Hao JH  Sun DH  Zou LJ  Mei J  Xu ZY  Jin H 《中华外科杂志》2003,41(1):41-43
目的 总结成人先天性冠状动脉瘘 (CAF)的临床特点、诊断和外科治疗经验。 方法回顾性分析 1985年 3月~ 2 0 0 2年 4月间我院外科治疗的 14例成人CAF的临床资料。其中男 8例 ,女6例 ;平均年龄 ( 32± 13)岁 ;有症状者 11例。本组患者术前经超声心动图或心导管造影检查明确诊断。右冠状动脉 心腔瘘 10例 ( 71% ) ,其中瘘口位于右心室 6例、左心室 3例、右心房 1例 ;左冠状动脉 心腔瘘 3例 ( 2 1% ) ,其中瘘口位于右心室 2例、左心室 1例 ;双冠状动脉 肺动脉瘘 1例 ( 7% )。瘘口为单个 12例 ,多个 2例 ;瘘口直径 0 30~ 1 80cm ,平均 ( 1 16± 0 49)cm。合并冠状动脉瘤 6例、其他心血管病变 4例。CAF瘘口在体外循环下闭合 10例 ,非体外循环下直接结扎或缝扎 4例。合并病变同期处理。 结果 全组患者无早期死亡。长期随访 12例 ( 85 71% ) ,平均随访时间 ( 3 35± 4 2 8)年。患者无心肌缺血或梗死、残余瘘和晚期死亡。心功能恢复至Ⅰ级 11例、Ⅱ级 1例。 结论 成人CAF已存在明显的血液动力学和心血管形态学改变 ,应尽早手术治疗。合适的手术方法和确实的心肌保护是取得良好外科手术疗效的关键。  相似文献   

肠道血管畸形的诊断和治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨肠道血管畸形的诊断和治疗方法。方法:对29例肠道血管畸形的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果:本组以反复性,间歇性血便为主要临床表现,17例患经19例次选择性肠系膜血管造影,7次经纤维结肠镜、2例经单光子发射电子计算机断层扫描(ECT),3例行剖腹探查得以确诊。5例非手术治疗,24例行手术治疗。手术患无死亡,亦未发生术后并发症,随访20例(69.0%),再出血4例,其中非手术组3例,手术组1例,结论:(1)选择性肠系膜血管造影是诊断本病的最佳方法;(2)外科手术是治疗肠道血管畸形出血的最有效方法;(3)术前和术中的准确定位是手术成功的关键。  相似文献   

肾动静脉瘘的选择性血管造影与栓塞治疗(附20例报告)   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
目的 提高肾动静脉瘘介入诊断和治疗水平。方法 20例患者均有反复间歇性全程肉眼血尿,曾行超声、KUB、IVU、CT、泌尿系内镜检查,未能明确病因。行选择性肾动脉造影或(和)超选择性肾段动脉造影确诊为肾动静脉多瘘,采用明胶海绵加鱼肝油酸钠/无水乙醇、聚乙烯醇(PVA)微粒、TH胶、钢圈等对病变血管选择性栓塞。对肾动脉造影的征象和选择性栓塞治疗资料进行分析。结果 20例按影像特点分3类:(1)肾内畸形血管团及动静脉分流现象,共11例;(2)肾动静脉大分支之间高流量的分流而无畸形血管团,共4例;(3)肾动脉主干造影末显示畸形血管团和显著分流,超选择肾段动脉造影或应用气体造影剂则显示微小分流病变,共5例。20例均采用超选择性栓塞供血动脉治疗,栓塞当天肉眼血尿即消失,24~72h后镜下血尿阴转。术后72h内术侧腰部均出现酸痛,尚有发热、腹胀、恶心等症状。结论 选择性肾动脉造影和栓塞术是肾动静脉瘘主要的诊断和治疗方法。CO2造影有助于隐匿型肾动静脉瘘的诊断。  相似文献   

目的 探讨成人先天性食管支气管瘘的临床诊断及外科治疗.方法 回顾性分析1990年5月至2010年8月确诊并手术的11例成人先天性食管支气管瘘患者的临床资料.其中男性7例,女性4例,年龄28~66岁,平均48.7岁.主要临床表现为间断咳嗽、咳痰10例,进流食呛咳6例,咯血6例,长期反复肺部感染伴低热4例,胸痛3例.病史5~36年,平均16.8年.本组患者术前均经食管造影,或同时结合食管镜、支气管镜检查证实为食管支气管瘘,术后病理进一步确诊.6例行右下肺叶切除术,1例行右中下肺叶切除术,3例行左下肺叶切除术,1例行左全肺切除术,瘘管的食管残端均经结扎、缝扎等处理.结果 10例术后痊愈出院,住院时间10~18 d,平均12.3 d.1例术后第8天发生食管瘘,经再次手术后治愈.术后11例患者均定期随访.3年生存率11/11,5年生存率9/11.结论 成人先天性食管支气管瘘临床少见,容易误诊,多体位食管造影是确诊的主要手段;外科手术是惟一的治愈方法.  相似文献   

目的 探讨成人先天性食管支气管瘘的临床诊断及外科治疗.方法 回顾性分析1990年5月至2010年8月确诊并手术的11例成人先天性食管支气管瘘患者的临床资料.其中男性7例,女性4例,年龄28~66岁,平均48.7岁.主要临床表现为间断咳嗽、咳痰10例,进流食呛咳6例,咯血6例,长期反复肺部感染伴低热4例,胸痛3例.病史5~36年,平均16.8年.本组患者术前均经食管造影,或同时结合食管镜、支气管镜检查证实为食管支气管瘘,术后病理进一步确诊.6例行右下肺叶切除术,1例行右中下肺叶切除术,3例行左下肺叶切除术,1例行左全肺切除术,瘘管的食管残端均经结扎、缝扎等处理.结果 10例术后痊愈出院,住院时间10~18 d,平均12.3 d.1例术后第8天发生食管瘘,经再次手术后治愈.术后11例患者均定期随访.3年生存率11/11,5年生存率9/11.结论 成人先天性食管支气管瘘临床少见,容易误诊,多体位食管造影是确诊的主要手段;外科手术是惟一的治愈方法.  相似文献   

目的 探讨成人先天性食管支气管瘘的临床诊断及外科治疗.方法 回顾性分析1990年5月至2010年8月确诊并手术的11例成人先天性食管支气管瘘患者的临床资料.其中男性7例,女性4例,年龄28~66岁,平均48.7岁.主要临床表现为间断咳嗽、咳痰10例,进流食呛咳6例,咯血6例,长期反复肺部感染伴低热4例,胸痛3例.病史5~36年,平均16.8年.本组患者术前均经食管造影,或同时结合食管镜、支气管镜检查证实为食管支气管瘘,术后病理进一步确诊.6例行右下肺叶切除术,1例行右中下肺叶切除术,3例行左下肺叶切除术,1例行左全肺切除术,瘘管的食管残端均经结扎、缝扎等处理.结果 10例术后痊愈出院,住院时间10~18 d,平均12.3 d.1例术后第8天发生食管瘘,经再次手术后治愈.术后11例患者均定期随访.3年生存率11/11,5年生存率9/11.结论 成人先天性食管支气管瘘临床少见,容易误诊,多体位食管造影是确诊的主要手段;外科手术是惟一的治愈方法.  相似文献   

17例冠状动脉瘘的诊断与治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
17例冠状动脉瘘的诊断与治疗梁秋香张维君姜腾勇胡旭东作者单位:100029首都医科大学附属安贞医院冠状动脉瘘是少见的先天性心血管畸形,手术治疗效果好,因此,术前确诊具有重要意义。现将我院收治的17例病人报道如下:临床资料本组17例中男14例、女3例,...  相似文献   

肠血管畸形致下消化道出血42例报告   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄纪伟  曾勇 《腹部外科》2010,23(3):144-146
目的探讨肠血管畸形致下消化道出血的治疗方法和疗效。方法对42例肠血管畸形所致下消化道出血病人的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果经选择性血管造影确诊35例(83.3%)。经血管造影后介入治疗治愈28例(66.7%),经内镜治愈1例(2.4%),手术治愈13(31.0%)例。结论选择性血管造影加血管介入栓塞术是诊断和治疗肠血管畸形的首选有效手段,外科手术切除病灶仍是治疗肠血管畸形出血最可靠方法之一。  相似文献   

Coronary artery fistula (CAF) is a rare congenital anomaly of the coronary arteries in which abnormal connections are present between the coronary artery branch and the cardiac chambers or a major vessel. The incidence of CAF is estimated at 1 in 50,000 live births, and it is detected in approximately 0.2% of the adult population during coronary angiography. Reports of the coincidence of mitral stenosis and CAF are rare in the literature. We report a case of CAF and mitral valve stenosis in a patient with dyspnea and fatigue before valve replacement and surgical radiofrequency ablation. Coronary angiography showed a connection between the right coronary artery and right atrium. A fistula opening into the right atrium is rare in patients with coronary artery anomalies and mitral valve disease. Coronary angiography of the patient 1 month after surgical repair showed that the coronary anatomy was normal and the fistula was occluded. CAF can be diagnosed more frequently if coronary angiography is performed simultaneously with cardiac catheterization to evaluate valve functions or nonatherosclerotic myocardial ischemia in each valvular heart disease case. Surgical repair of CAF is the first-choice treatment to prevent complications and improve quality of life.  相似文献   

目的 总结先天性冠状动脉瘘(coronary artery fistula,CAF)的手术治疗方法及预后。方法 回顾分析2011-01-2015-01间手术治疗的18例先天性冠状动脉瘘患者的临床资料、手术方法及预后。结果 15例在体外循环下行经心腔瘘口关闭术,2例在非体外循环下行冠状动脉下切线褥式缝合,1例在体外循环下行冠状动脉切开修补术。术后随访6个月~3 a,效果良好。所有患者在随访期间症状消失,心功能恢复Ⅰ级,心胸比例趋于正常,心电图改善,能正常工作、生活。结论 冠状动脉瘘手术治疗安全有效,远期效果好。  相似文献   

Two operations for coronary artery aneurysm with fistula are reported. This rare congenital malformation can be associated with acute and chronic complications. Surgical treatment is generally recommended. The surgical strategy remains controversial and is discussed. Retrograde cardioplegic cardiac arrest and retrograde dissection of the fistula are favoured. Conservative treatment of the dilated coronary segments was adopted. In both cases, the postoperative course was uneventful and no residual shunts were diagnosed at postoperative echocardiography.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Vascular malformations of the pelvis are rare and present a difficult therapeutic challenge. Surgical treatment is notoriously difficult and carries a high likelihood of recurrence. Surgical proximal ligation of a feeding vessel may in fact be contraindicated, because it can make subsequent transcatheter therapy impossible. The purpose of this study was to review our results with transcatheter embolization therapy in symptomatic complex pelvic vascular malformations in 35 patients. METHODS: A retrospective review was conducted of a prospectively compiled database of all patients undergoing transcatheter therapy of a pelvic vascular malformation at our institution. RESULTS: The mean age of the patients was 34 years (range, 16 months-66 years), and 51% were male. The most common presenting symptoms included pain (59%), a visible or palpable lesion (62%), associated palpable pulsation or thrill (44%), hemorrhage (27%), congestive heart failure (18%), and symptoms due to mass effect (35%). A significant number of patients had undergone previous, unsuccessful attempted surgical treatment of the lesion (32%). The most common type of lesion noted on arteriography was arteriovenous shunting (89%). Patients required a mean of 2.4 embolization procedures (range, 1-11 procedures) over a mean period of 23.3 months (range, 1-144 months). The most common agents used were rapidly polymerizing acrylic adhesives. The most common vessels involved and treated were branches of the hypogastric artery (82%). More than one procedure were performed in 20 patients (53%). Seven were planned as staged embolizations, whereas 13 were due to residual or recurrent symptoms. Adjunctive surgical procedures were performed subsequent to embolization therapy in five patients (15%). Eighty-three percent of patients were asymptomatic or significantly improved at a mean follow-up of 84 months (range, 1-204 months). CONCLUSIONS: Pelvic vascular malformations are difficult to eradicate completely, and recurrences are common. Many patients require multiple therapeutic interventions. However, most of these difficult cases have good results in the long term. Transcatheter embolization plays a significant role in, and may be the treatment of choice for, symptomatic pelvic vascular malformations.  相似文献   

重症法洛四联症矫正术前应用体肺侧支血管栓塞术的价值   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
目的:评价体肺侧支血管栓塞术在重症法洛四联症矫正术中的应用价值。方法:经心血管造影证实诊断的5例成年重症法洛四联症病人,在施行外科心内畸形矫正术当天先送导管室,行体肺侧支血管栓塞术。结果:造影发现体肺侧支血管16支,对其中的12支(75%)侧支血管进行了成功栓塞,共用弹簧栓子18枚。外科术中术野显露较好,回血量不多,体外循环灌注压稳定。术后4例痊愈,1例因左心室重度发育不良而死于低心输出量综合征。结论:对伴有丰富侧支血管形成的复杂紫绀性先天性心脏畸形病人,在外科矫正术前通过造影指导下栓堵体肺侧支血管,可简化手术过程,减少因手术野限制结扎体肺侧支血管的困难,提高手术成功率。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIM OF THE STUDY: A congenital coronary artery fistula (CAF) is a relatively rare congenital anomaly and is defined as an abnormal direct communication between any coronary artery and any of the cardiac chambers. This article reviews our experience over the past 27 years, as well as other literature, and discusses the surgical indications and methods relating to CAF. METHODS: From 1973, 25 patients aged from 2 to 69 years underwent surgical treatment for congenital CAF. Seventeen patients were diagnosed as isolated CAF. All patients under 19 years of age with isolated CAF were asymptomatic. Twenty fistulas originated from the left coronary artery and 9 from the right. The pulmonary artery was the most dominant drainage site. Four patients among the isolated CAF cases were surgically treated without a cardiopulmonary bypass. RESULTS: All patients were discharged from hospital without any perioperative complications. Postoperative coronary angiography was done on all patients with only one slightly residual CAF flow. The average follow-up time was 9.6 years and all patients were asymptomatic and doing well. CONCLUSIONS: Definitive surgical correction is safe and effective, with good results. Therefore, it should be considered even in asymptomatic patients because of the risk of future complications.  相似文献   

心脏瓣膜病冠状动脉造影分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
目的:探讨心脏瓣膜病伴发冠心病的诊断方法。方法:对602例心脏瓣膜病术前临床资料和选择性冠状动脉造影结果进行综合分析。结果:冠状动脉造影显示,心脏瓣膜病并发冠心病为14.1%,其中无症状者占76.2%,21例核素心肌灌注显像中阳性率为9.5%。结论:选择性冠状动脉造影是确诊心脏瓣膜病伴发冠心病的最可行的方法。在临床,大于50岁(有冠心病危险因素提前到40岁),需心脏瓣膜置换的病人,术前应常规行选择性冠状动脉造影检查。  相似文献   

Background Anomalous left coronary artery arising from the pulmonary artery is a rare congenital heart disease. Mortality is in excess of 90% if left untreated during the first year of life. Surgical management has evolved from coronary ligation to anatomical repair by coronary button translocation to the aorta. We report our recent experience with surgical correction of this rare condition. Methods We retrospectively studied the case records of 14 consecutive patients operated in our institute between Jan 1998 to Aug 2004. The mean age was 65 months ±114 (Range 1 to 420). The male to female ratio was 2.5:1. Coronary ligation ws performed in two patients, coronary artery bypass grafting with saphenous vein graft was done in three, the last nine patients underwent coronary button transfer, one patient required concomitant mitral valve replacement. Clinical profile, surgical techniques and operative outcomes as well as long-term results were analyzed. Results Hospital mortality was 28.5% (4/14), Follow up was 100% complete with no late mortality, ranging from 1 months to five years. Ischaemic mitral regurgitation progressed in only one patient, remained the same in one and improved in all the others. All patients except one are in functional class I at last follow up. Conclusion In conclusion, infants presenting with a diagnosis of anomalous left coronary artery arising from pulmonary artery with congestive cardiac failure are a difficult subgroup of patients. Coronary button translocation has emerged as the single most effective surgical modality and is associated with good long-term results.  相似文献   

手术治疗先天性肢体动静脉瘘的术式选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:评估不同术式对先天性肢体动静脉瘘的疗效。方法:对76例先天性肢体支动静脉瘘病人分别采用下列4种手术方法:①瘘管结扎和病变切除;②瘘管结扎、病变切除和血流重建;③分期分段瘘管结扎;④介入栓塞术。结果:除8例失访外,其余68例平均随访6.8年。疗效良好者34例,占44.7%;好转21例,占27.6%。总有效率达72.3%。结论:术前选择性动脉造影可对诊断和手术方案制订提供可靠依据,瘘管结扎和病变切除是手术成功的关键,非主干营养动脉病变可考虑介入栓塞治疗。  相似文献   

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