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根治性膀胱前列腺切除术是目前治疗浸润性和多发性膀胱肿瘤的标准术式,通常包括膀胱、前列腺、精囊和部分输精管的切除以及局部淋巴结的清扫,然而这种手术不可避免地对患者术后生活质量造成负面影响,包括勃起功能障碍和尿失禁等,文献报道即使在保留神经血管束(neurovascular bundles,NVB)的膀胱前列腺切除术后勃起功能恢复率也不超过50%,因此为了提高患者术后的生活质量,众多学者在肿瘤  相似文献   

目的 探讨保留前列腺包膜的膀胱根治性切除-原位回肠新膀胱术的手术方法及疗效.方法 2002年5月至2008年9月,对35例浸润性膀胱癌患者施行了保留前列腺包膜的膀胱根治性切除-原位回肠新膀胱术,其中开放手术22例,腹腔镜手术13例.术中保留患者的前列腺包膜、精囊、输精管、神经血管束.术后对患者进行定期随访,了解患者的生活质量、排尿情况,并检测患者的残余尿量、新膀胱压力及性功能情况等.结果 全部患者均顺利完成保留前列腺包膜和勃起神经的膀胱根治性切除一原位回肠新膀胱术.其中开放手术时间为210~330 min,平均271 min;术中出血200~800 ml,平均460 ml.腹腔镜手术时间为210~420 min,平均343 min;术中出血80~800 ml,平均377 ml.术后3个月IVU及代膀胱造影检查,显示双肾显影良好,无输尿管返流及梗阻,代膀胱充盈良好,容量约250~350 ml.术后6个月随访,所有患者均能自行排尿,2例患者有夜间尿失禁.术后71.4%(20/28)的患者保留了阴茎勃起功能.无患者出现尿道残端或前列腺包膜肿瘤复发,有2例发生盆腔淋巴结转移,1例骨转移.结论 保留前列腺包膜的膀胱根治性切除术与标准的膀胱前列腺根治性切除术相比,具有操作简单、控尿效果好、可保留勃起神经等特点,适用于对性功能要求较强、肿瘤未累及膀胱颈及前列腺的较年轻的患者.然而,其肿瘤控制效果还有待于进一步观察.  相似文献   

目的探讨精道解剖在男性腹腔镜根治性膀胱切除术中的临床应用及安全性。方法2017年6月至2018年6月,武汉大学人民医院泌尿外科对30例男性膀胱癌患者行腹腔镜根治性膀胱切除+尿流改道术。术中优先游离盆腔输精管,并在后续分离输尿管、清扫盆腔淋巴结、分离膀胱后下方层面、离断膀胱侧韧带时以输精管作为解剖标志。收集该组患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果30例患者均在腹腔镜下顺利完成根治性膀胱切除术,无中转开放。术中无直肠损伤、盆腔大血管损伤、闭孔神经损伤等并发症,无围手术期死亡。其中腹腔镜下根治性膀胱切除(包括标准盆腔淋巴结清扫)时间110~150 min,平均138 min。术中出血量100~600 mL,平均250 mL,术中输血3例。所有患者手术切缘均为阴性。淋巴结清扫数量为8~17个,平均12个。结论男性腹腔镜根治性膀胱切除术中应用精道解剖有利于优化手术步骤、降低手术难度,达到缩短手术时间和减少手术并发症的目的,值得临床推广。  相似文献   

目的探讨da-Vinci机器人辅助腹腔镜下行根治性膀胱前列腺切除术的可行性和疗效。方法患者男性,64岁,膀胱镜检膀胱内多发性占位,CT检查无远处转移。手术采用3臂2辅助孔,da-Vinci机器人辅助腹腔镜下全膀胱切除+前列腺切除,盆腔淋巴结清扫,体外开放手术下取出切除的膀胱、前列腺,原位双U形回肠代膀胱术。观察手术时间、术中失血量、术后肠道功能恢复、术后并发症及手术效果。结果手术时间330min(包括体位摆放及da-Vinci机器人到位30min),其中全膀胱切除180min,原位膀胱术120min。手术失血量800ml,输红细胞600ml,血浆300ml。术后病理:膀胱尿路上皮癌。术后第10天拔除双侧输尿导管,术后3周拔除导尿管,未发生手术并发症及术后并发症,尿控良好。结论 da-Vinci机器人辅助腹腔镜下根治性膀胱前列腺切除术可以明显减少术中出血,恢复快,缩短住院时间。机器人将复杂的盆腔腹腔镜手术变得简单易行,提高了手术的精细度和灵巧性。  相似文献   

肌层浸润性膀胱癌的标准治疗为根治性膀胱切除术+盆腔淋巴结清扫,该手术最重要的目标为完全的肿瘤控制、良好的控尿效果及勃起功能保留。本文探讨了腹腔镜下根治性膀胱切除术中盆腔淋巴结清扫、膀胱切除、尿流改道等方面的手术策略,并重点阐述了关于全程保留神经的手术技巧。  相似文献   

目的基于男性盆腔的解剖学结构, 组合优化机器人辅助根治性膀胱切除术(RALRC)的操作步骤并探讨其应用效果。方法 2015年12月至2021年12月, 应用四步断离后清扫法RALRC治疗男性膀胱癌(BCa)。关键步骤有, 断输尿管, 断膀胱血管蒂, 断前列腺韧带, 断尿道, 清扫盆腔淋巴结。记录患者的一般特征、技术应用情况、手术时间、估计出血量和相关的并发症。结果 408例RALRC均成功, 无中转开放。根治性膀胱切除的手术时间中位数为71(IQR:54~88) min, 未见膀胱破裂, 发生尿道近端开放3例, 直肠浆肌层破口2例, 右髂外静脉损伤2例, 左髂外动脉损伤1例, 右侧闭孔神经部分离断1例。术中估计出血量中位数为199(IQR:101~302) ml, 未见迟发性大出血, 围手术期93例输注血制品。病理报告盆腔淋巴结清扫数目中位数为19(范围:4~62)枚, 淋巴结阳性81例。术后盆腔淋巴漏8例、淋巴囊肿1例, 切口液化7例, 腹壁疝2例。结论四步断离后清扫法RALRC的操作步骤程序化, 手术安全, 疗效可靠。  相似文献   

目的:探讨腹腔镜根治性膀胱切除术中整块盆腔淋巴结清扫的手术方法和临床价值。方法:回顾性分析2013年2月~2015年2月行腹腔镜下根治性膀胱切除和改良后的整块盆腔淋巴结清扫术40例膀胱癌患者的临床病理资料。40例均为男性,年龄31~80岁,平均60.5岁。T1期2例,T2期19例,T3期13例,T4期6例。结果:所有患者都顺利实施了腹腔镜下手术,无中转开放病例。手术时间140~240min,平均185min。术中出血30~600ml,平均183ml,无输血病例。清扫淋巴结8~22枚,平均13.5枚,淋巴结阳性率为20.0%。术后出现淋巴瘘1例,2周后好转,无其他严重并发症发生。结论:腹腔镜下根治性膀胱切除术联合改进后的整块淋巴结清扫术,可有效避免血管损伤,出血少,保证盆腔淋巴结清扫的彻底性。  相似文献   

【摘要】〓目的〓总结腹腔镜下全膀胱切除的经验。方法〓2010年8月至2015年1月治疗浸润性膀胱癌15例,男性13例,女性2例,年龄61~79岁,平均68岁。术前临床诊断:T2N0M0~ T3N0M0。腹腔镜下行盆腔淋巴结清扫,全膀胱切除,前列腺切除或子宫全切除、阴道壁部分切除。尿流改道方式:原位回肠新膀胱术4例;回肠通道术9例;输尿管皮肤造口术2例。结果〓15例手术成功,手术时间220~550 min(平均400 min)。出血量100~800 mL(平均240 mL);术中、术后输浓缩红细胞0~400 mL(平均200 mL)。术后3~8 d恢复饮食,3周拔除输尿管支架管,原位膀胱术者4周拔除尿管。随访1~40个月,无严重并发症发生。结论〓腹腔镜下根治性全膀胱切除术创伤小、出血少、术中操作精细、盆腔淋巴结清扫彻底、术后恢复快,可作为全膀胱切除手术的首选方法。  相似文献   

保留神经的膀胱前列腺切除术维持患者勃起功能的有效率大约在 5 0 % ,对于性功能正常的年轻男性患者来说 ,这种根治性手术值得推荐。作者报道了采用改良的膀胱全切和膀胱代替术式维持患者性功能 ,保留生育能力的 13年研究经验和结果。保留生育能力的膀胱全切为标准膀胱根治手术的改良方式 ,即先游离膀胱后壁 ,再处理精囊两侧 ,保留精囊、输精管、前列腺包膜及其血管神经束。此种手术可以保证切除完整的膀胱、前列腺尿道及周围增生组织 ,并可避免损伤支配阴茎海绵体的盆腔神经束。1990年 4月至 2 0 0 2年 10月 ,共有 6 8例患者采用此种术式行…  相似文献   

Gao ZL  Wu JT  Liu YJ  Shi L  Men CP  Zhang P  Liu QZ  Wang L 《中华外科杂志》2008,46(8):595-597
目的 探讨腹腔镜下根治性膀胱切除的手术方法和临床体会.方法 自2003年12月至2006年10月我们对43例浸润性膀胱癌患者实施了腹腔镜根治性膀胱切除术.手术采用经腹腔入路5部位穿刺法.结果 43例手术中,18例行输尿管皮肤造口术,25例行回肠膀胱术.2例因术中损伤直肠中转开腹行直肠修补术,1例术后放置肛管引流1周,另1例则行乙状结肠造瘘术.41例手术获得成功,腹腔镜下切除全膀胱连同淋巴结清扫的手术时间为140~270 min,平均195.4 min;术中出血150~700 ml,平均273.7 ml,术中术后输血3例;术后2~3 d下床活动;术后病理示3例盆腔淋巴结阳性.结论 腹腔镜根治性膀胱切除术治疗浸润性膀胱癌安全可行,能明显减小手术创伤、减少手术并发症、缩短患者恢复时间.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Radical cystectomy has been associated with significant blood loss and the need for heterologous transfusion. We investigated the potential decrease in blood loss and/or in transfusion requirement using a new stapling device compared with the traditional suture ligation technique. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We prospectively examined 70 patients with urothelial carcinoma who were scheduled for radical cystectomy. Each patient was randomized to traditional suture ligation or the Compact Flex Articulating Linear Cutter (Ethicon Endo-Surgery, Cincinnati, Ohio) stapling device. The 2 groups were prospectively compared with respect to estimated blood loss, transfusion requirement, operative time and complications. RESULTS: The groups were equivalent in terms of demographic and clinical variables, indicating that randomization produced 2 comparable groups. The stapler group had significantly lower estimated blood loss during cystectomy (p = 0.007) and during the whole procedure (p = 0.02). This group also required fewer transfusions (p = 0.006) and fewer mean units transfused (p = 0.003). The overall transfusion rate was 20% (14 of 70 cases). All patients in the stapler group had lower estimated blood loss and transfusion requirements. There was no statistical difference in time needed for bladder removal (p = 0.91) or total operative time (p = 0.17). No complications were attributable to the stapler device. CONCLUSIONS: In this prospective randomized study the stapling device significantly decreased blood loss and the transfusion requirement during radical cystectomy. These significant advantages combined with its relative safety make it an attractive surgical option and argue in favor of continued strategic attempts to decrease blood loss during radical cystectomy.  相似文献   

Objectives: To report our techniques and experience with hand‐assisted laparoscopic radical cystectomy and extracorporeal urinary diversion for bladder cancer. Methods: Between May 2004 and November 2007, 31 patients (mean age 61.3 years, range 40–79) underwent hand‐assisted laparoscopic radical cystectomy with extracorporeal urinary diversion for bladder cancer. Five patients had previously undergone abdominal surgeries. Data were collected with respect to patient demographics, perioperative outcomes and short‐term oncological follow up. Results: Twenty‐four patients underwent an ileal conduit and seven patients underwent an orthotopic neobladder. Mean operative time was 365.7 min (range 245 to 530). Estimated blood loss was 250.9 cc (range 100 to 500), with a transfusion rate of 9.7%. Oral liquids were resumed at 4.3 days and the mean hospital stay was 19.7 days. There were no intraoperative complications. Postoperative early complications (within 30 days of surgery) occurred in six patients (19.4%). Two wound infections, one urinary leak, one wound dehiscence, one bowel obstruction and one alimentary tract hemorrhage were all treated conservatively. Late complications occurred in three patients (two parastomal hernias and one ureteroenteric stricture). With a mean follow up of 18 months, 27 patients had no evidence of disease. One patient died because of cancer and one died for unrelated causes. One was alive with local recurrences and one with lung metastasis. Conclusions: Hand‐assisted laparoscopic radical cystectomy is a safe, reproducible and minimally invasive option for bladder cancer patients.  相似文献   

AIM: Radical cystectomy is the standard of care for patients with muscle invasive bladder cancer. While open radical cystectomy is now a standard procedure, laparoscopic radical cystectomy is still in its infancy. We performed this surgery laparoscopically in 11 patients and review the procedure specific complications. METHODS: Beginning in February 1999, 11 patients underwent laparoscopic radical cystectomy at the Department of Urology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Dehli. Urinary diversion was performed by an open-hand sewn ileal conduit. RESULTS: There were three intraoperative complications specifically related to the laparoscopic radical cystectomy. These included injury to the external iliac vein in one patient and a small rectal tear in two. All were repaired with laparoscopic free hand suturing with normal postoperative recovery. Other laparoscopy-related complications were subcutaneous emphysema in one patient and hypercarbia necessitating conversion to open surgery in a patient who, four weeks after surgery, died of multiple organ failure. One patient had margins positive and received cisplatinum-based chemotherapy. All patients had normal renal function and preserved upper tracts with no evidence of metastasis at a mean of 18.4 months follow up (range 1-48 months). CONCLUSIONS: Though there were three complications specific to the laparoscopic radical cystectomy, none necessitated a conversion to open surgery or hampered the overall outcome. Absence of local recurrence or metastatic disease at four years of follow up suggests that the procedure is oncologically valid. Laparoscopic radical cystectomy is a new procedure and it is important to critically analyze the complications in order to reduce their occurrence and allow the development of a better technique.  相似文献   

Incontinence and impotence are 2 of the primary complications associated with total bladder reconstruction after cystectomy for carcinoma. These and other features are addressed in 25 patients who underwent total neobladder reconstruction following cystectomy for transitional cell carcinoma. Of these patients 20 had a urethral anastomosis. No patient had to wear a pad or device. Enuresis was rare. When the radical cystoprostatectomy population was contrasted with a radical prostatectomy patient population, continence was achieved more rapidly in the neobladder group. Potency was maintained in 15 of 21 (71%) evaluable patients. This ileocolic neobladder produces a large volume and low pressure, and provides excellent day and night continence. With preservation of the neurovascular bundle potency can be maintained in the majority of patients.  相似文献   

目的:探讨腹腔镜根治性膀胱切除术治疗肌层浸润性膀胱癌的初步经验,评价此术式的可行性及临床疗效。方法:回顾分析21例肌层浸润性膀胱癌患者行腹腔镜根治性膀胱切除术的临床资料,患者均行腹腔镜下标准盆腔淋巴结清扫、根治性膀胱切除术及尿流改道术,包括11例Bricker回肠膀胱术,4例输尿管皮肤造口术,6例Studer原位新膀胱术。观察手术时间、术中出血量、术后肠道功能恢复时间、术后并发症及手术疗效。结果:21例手术均获成功。手术时间平均(390±46.2)min,术中出血量平均(270±101.1)ml,1例输浓缩红细胞2个单位。术后3~5 d恢复肠蠕动。术后并发症发生率19.0%(4/21)。平均随访(12±5.5)个月,总生存率85.7%(18/21),1例死于肿瘤远处转移,2例死于心脑血管疾病。结论:腹腔镜根治性膀胱切除术具有患者创伤小、出血少、术后康复快等优点,是治疗肌层浸润性膀胱癌安全、有效、可行的方法。具备开放根治性切除术的手术经验及腹腔镜技术熟练的医院可尝试开展。初期开展,Bricker回肠膀胱术可作为首选的尿流改道术式。  相似文献   

耻骨后前列腺癌根治术的技术改进(附32例报告)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 改进耻骨后前列腺癌根治术的手术技术 ,减少并发症。 方法 临床诊断为T1和T2 期前列腺癌患者 32例 ,平均年龄 6 8岁。改进耻骨后前列腺癌根治技术 ,包括广泛盆腔淋巴结清扫、保护神经血管束、缝扎背深静脉、多保留尿道后壁组织、膀胱尿道吻合时的膀胱颈部套叠等。 结果 手术时间平均 3.5h ,术中平均出血量 4 5 0ml,输血 1 7例。术后病理报告 :肿瘤局限于包膜内者30例 ,切缘阳性 1例 ,盆腔淋巴结转移 1例。随访 8~ 4 8个月 ,平均 2 2个月 ,均存活。PSA <1ng/ml者2 8例 ,1~ 3ng/ml者 4例。术后 3~ 6个月患者均恢复完全控尿。术后恢复勃起功能者 1 0 / 1 8(5 6 % )例。 结论 耻骨后前列腺癌根治术可有效切除肿瘤、保护控尿功能、保留性功能 ,是局限性前列腺癌的首选治疗方法。  相似文献   

腹腔镜膀胱癌根治加回肠膀胱术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:总结腹腔镜下膀胱癌根治加回肠膀胱术的手术方法及临床疗效。方法:2003年6月~2007年5月共行25例腹腔镜下根治性全膀胱切除、双侧盆腔淋巴结清扫加回肠膀胱术,患者平均年龄68岁,全膀胱切除和盆腔淋巴结清扫均在腹腔镜下完成,标本自下腹部小切口取出后,体外切取末端回肠10~15cm,近端闭合并与双侧输尿管吻合,远端造口于右下腹壁。结果:所有手术均顺利完成,手术时间210~320min,平均270min。术中出血220~1000ml,平均460ml。平均每例清扫淋巴结数10个,淋巴结阳性率16.2%,手术切缘均阴性。术后3~5天肠道功能恢复,1例因粘连性肠梗阻于术后1周再行手术探查松解粘连。术后2~3周拔除单J管,无肠漏及尿漏并发症发生。随访2~30个月,1例死于原发病转移,无腹壁造口狭窄发生,3例术后B超或造影显示单侧轻度肾积水和轻度输尿管扩张。结论:腹腔镜膀胱癌根治术具有创伤小,恢复快等优点,但手术难度较大,手术技术要求较高。回肠膀胱术手术操作相对简单,并发症少,可作为腹腔镜膀胱癌根治术后尿流改道可选方式之一。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: We present our preliminary experience with laparoscopic radical cystoprostatectomy for muscle-invasive carcinoma of the urinary bladder. Patient and operative data and the surgical technique are presented. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Laparoscopic radical cystoprostatectomy and bilateral pelvic lymph node dissection were performed using five or six ports by a transperitoneal approach. An ileal conduit urinary diversion was constructed at the site of specimen retrieval. RESULTS: The procedure was successful in nine of ten patients with a mean blood loss of 533 mL and an average transfusion of 1.3 units per patient. The mean operating time was 6.48 hours and an average of 33 mg of morphine equivalents was required for analgesia. The mean hospital stay was 10.8 days. One patient had surgical margins positive for cancer, while none had histologic evidence of pelvic nodal metastasis. There were five minor and major intraoperative and postoperative complications. The remaining patient, treated early in our experience, developed hypercarbia necessitating conversion to open surgery. No metastases have been seen after a mean duration of follow-up of 19 months. CONCLUSIONS: Laparoscopic radical cystoprostatectomy with open ileal conduit urinary diversion is a feasible alternative to traditional open radical cystectomy. Urinary diversion can be performed through the small incision necessary to extract the surgical (radical cystoprostatectomy) specimen from the abdomen. With our modified technique, it also is feasible to reduce the cost.  相似文献   

Laparoscopic radical cystectomy in the female   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
PURPOSE: We detail the technique of completely intracorporeal laparoscopic radical cystectomy in the female patient, which has previously not been well described in the literature. Additionally, perioperative and short-term oncological outcome data are presented. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Since 2000, 11 female patients underwent laparoscopic radical cystectomy for bladder carcinoma. Data were collected with respect to patient demographics, perioperative outcomes and short-term oncological followup. RESULTS: Mean patient age was 66 years (range 42 to 80) and the mean body mass index was 25 (range 17 to 34). Mean total operative time was 8.5 hours (range 6.5 to 10.5), including an average radical cystectomy time of 2 to 2.5 hours. Estimated blood loss was 489 cc (range 150 to 1,000). Reconstructive procedures were an ileal conduit in 8 patients, Studer orthotopic neobladder in 2 and continent Indiana pouch in 1. Mean hospital stay was 6 days (range 5 to 12). No case was converted to open surgery. Complications occurred in 4 patients, including internal hernia requiring laparotomy 19 days postoperatively, deep vein thrombosis with pulmonary embolism, dehydration and urinary tract infection in 1 each. At a median followup of 7.1 months (range 1 to 19) 8 patients (73%) had no evidence of disease, 1 (9%) had metastasis and 2 (11%) had died. CONCLUSIONS: Laparoscopic radical cystectomy in the female is technically efficacious. Our techniques of anterior pelvic exenteration, and uterus/fallopian tube/ovary and nerve sparing laparoscopic female radical cystectomy are presented. Short-term functional and oncological outcomes appear favorable.  相似文献   

目的 总结3D腹腔镜下前列腺癌根治术的手术方法,比较3D腹腔镜与2D腹腔镜下前列腺癌根治术的疗效。方法 回顾性分析2012年3月至2014年2月,我院66例行腹腔镜下前列腺癌根治术患者的临床资料,其中3D腹腔镜组43例,2D腹腔镜组23例,对比两种术式在手术时间、术中出血量、术后平均住院时间、术后尿失禁比例及保留勃起功能成功率等指标的差异。结果66例前列腺癌根治术均在腹腔镜下完成。3D腹腔镜组手术时间为65~125min,平均95min;术中出血30~150ml,平均60ml;术后平均住院时间为8d;术后轻度尿失禁7例(16.28%);术中保留性神经27例,保留勃起功能成功率为37.04%。2D腹腔镜组手术时间为74~146min,平均112min;术中出血66~196ml,平均110ml;术后平均住院时间为8.5d;术后轻度尿失禁5例(21.74%);术中保留性神经11例,保留勃起功能成功率为27.27%。66例术后病理均证实为前列腺癌,Gleason评分4~9分,无切缘阳性。术后随访2~23个月,5例生化复发。结论 与2D腹腔镜比较,在高清3D立体视野下完成的3D腹腔镜下前列腺癌根治术,解剖层次更加清晰,分离更为精细,缝合更为精确。  相似文献   

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