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目的研究大腿截肢患者在行走过程中站立中期时相下残肢的受力情况,为建立完整的大腿接受腔测量与评估系统提供基础。方法首先根据计算机断层扫描图像三维重建大腿截肢患者的骨骼、肌肉软组织和接受腔的三维模型,考虑步行中关节角度变化进行组装。然后,建立模拟步态周期中站立中期时相受力的有限元模型,对模型进行预应力影响下非线性大变形有限元分析。结果当考虑了步行中关节角度变化和预应力的影响以后,计算所得的接触法向界面压力值最大值均位于残肢的末端部位,为257.66 kPa,与实际测量患者步行中站立中期时相下最大应力258.90 kPa符合较好。结论考虑关节角度变化、预应力和摩擦的三维模型能够更为有效地模拟患者在步行中的受力情况。  相似文献   

目的利用三维有限元分析方法研究大腿截肢患者在行走过程中3个不同时相下残肢的生物力学特性,为建立完整的大腿接受腔测量、设计与评估系统提供研究基础。方法首先根据CT图像三维重建大腿截肢患者的骨骼、肌肉软组织和接受腔的三维几何模型;定义软组织为超弹性和线弹性材料属性,并相应建立两个有限元仿真模型;定义残端与接受腔之间的接触关系,约束残肢近端,对模型的远端施加膝关节载荷,模拟步态周期中足跟着地时期、站立相中期、脚尖离地3个时相下大腿残肢-接受腔系统所受载荷;计算分析接触界面上的应力,并对比分析超弹性和线弹性软组织力学特性对接触界面力学行为特性的影响。结果无论线弹性还是超弹性模型,3个时相下大腿残肢-接受腔界面的最大接触压力均在残肢末端达到最大值。超弹性模型3个时相下接触压力峰值分别为55.80、47.63和50.44 kPa;而线弹性模型接触压力的最大值都增加2倍以上,其值分别为149.86、118.55和139.68 kPa。同时通过分析接触面间的径向剪切应力和轴向剪切应力发现,3个时相下接触界面间的应力在残肢末端较集中,在足跟着地到脚尖离地过程中,有部分力通过接受腔后侧缘传递转向接受腔前缘传递。结论不同时相下残肢与接受腔接触界面的压力和剪切应力分布情况不同,在设计接受腔时需要充分考虑其受力特点。  相似文献   

小腿截肢患者不同路况下膝关节动态载荷研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究截肢患者行走过程中的膝关节动态载荷是膝关节损伤康复和假肢设计的基础。本研究以小腿截肢患者为研究对象,建立了膝关节动态载荷三维计算模型,通过平地行走、上、下楼梯三种路况下的步态分析,对一个步态周期内的膝关节载荷进行了计算分析。结果表明,各种路况下患者的步态特征和膝关节载荷各不相同,虽然总体变化规律基本一致,但上下楼梯时的小腿运动范围、地面反力和膝关节载荷比平地行走时幅值较大。这些定量分析结果为小腿截肢患者步态分析和假肢设计提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

目的 研究ISO 7206标准对全髋关节置换术临床应用的指导意义。方法 建立肌骨数值模型,对正常行走步态进行仿真,以获得下肢的运动学和动力学参数;建立对应的全髋关节假体有限元模型,应用步态载荷进行计算,并对比ISO标准的有限元模型计算结果。结果 正常行走步态下,髋关节力分别在20%和54%步态周期出现峰值,以此作为有限元计算的步态载荷,得到20%步态周期时假体应力最大;松动模型中假体柄上最大应力大于无松动模型中假体柄上最大应力,且应力分布趋势存在差异;分析对比ISO测试和不同体重人体步态载荷下的假体最大应力,得到ISO测试中最大应力水平对应108~142 kg体重载荷下的假体最大应力。结论ISO测试中合格的假体可满足100 kg体重人体正常步态下的强度要求。  相似文献   

小腿假肢接受腔的三维有限元分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过建立三维非线性有限元模型来分析小腿假肢接受腔与残肢之间的载荷分布。此模型基于残肢,骨头,软套和接受腔的三维几何形状,考虑界面摩擦滑动条件和软组织的大变形等非线性因素。模型可以预测不同外载下残肢和接受腔之间的压力,剪切力和相对滑动情况。并分析了不同的接受腔形状对载荷分布的影响。  相似文献   

一体化小腿假肢的三维有限元应力分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
建立一体化小腿假肢和残肢的三维模型,应用有限元分析方法,计算此模型在模拟Mid—Stance步态时相的载荷作用下各节点的应力,从而得到此模型内外表面的应力分布,为一体化假肢设计的CAD\CAM系统提供理论依据。计算结果表明,接受腔的应力值较小,假腿的应力值较大,高应力区出现在假腿下端及接受腔与假腿的交界区域。  相似文献   

目的 利用有限元分析方法研究髋残肢在支撑阶段与髋离断假肢接受腔生机界面的力学特性,为优化、设计髋接受腔结构提供理论依据,为评估髋接受腔舒适度提供研究基础。方法 根据患者残肢CT扫描模型,采用逆向建模的方式,三维重建骨骼、软组织以及接受腔模型。利用有限元方法 研究站立状态下残肢-髋接受腔界面正应力及剪切应力的分布情况,并通过设计压力采集模块系统进行验证。结果 残肢与髋接受腔界面应力主要分布在腰部和残肢底部,位于残肢其余区域的界面应力则分布较为均匀。有限元计算结果和压力采集模块系统测量结果 有较好的符合。结论 为能较好实现髋接受腔功能传递性和安全舒适性,需要充分考虑残肢腰部和底部的受力以及残肢与接受腔的配合度。  相似文献   

目的 研究正常步态周期下髋臼周围区域应力分布规律,并进一步探究髋臼各柱的生物力线和骨皮质厚薄 形态分布。 方法 通过人体逆向动力学分析获取人体步态周期 8 个典型阶段的肌肉及髋关节载荷,应用三维重建 技术构建髋关节三维模型,以所得载荷作为加载边界条件进行有限元分析及拓扑优化。 结果 步态周期支撑相下 髋关节载荷较大,中柱应变能占总应变能 55% ~69% ,髋臼顶部应力较大;摆动相下髋关节载荷减小,中柱应变能所占 百分比减小。 髋关节不同的运动角度影响肌肉力,进而影响髋关节上应力分布规律。 所获得髋臼各柱的生物力线分 布与解剖学所提出的生物力线及骨小梁排布基本吻合,与拓扑优化结果中骨皮质较厚区域相对应。 结论 通过数值 模拟方法可以确定髋臼各柱的生物力线和骨皮质厚薄形态分布,为骨折治疗内固定装置的合理放置提供理论指导。  相似文献   

文题释义:半月板撕裂:膝关节内半月型纤维软骨破裂,撕裂原因主要是由于膝半屈或全屈位下的扭转力所造成。半月板分为内侧半月板和外侧半月板,内侧半月板较大且固定,外侧半月板较小,实验主要研究外侧半月板撕裂对力学机制的影响。 动态有限元分析:将人体正常完整步态周期作为边界条件施加在膝关节半月板模型中,观察在完整步态周期下半月板以及胫骨软骨的应力变化趋势及所受应力值大小。 背景:目前国内外对膝关节半月板的生物力学分析十分广泛,但大多集中于对膝关节屈曲运动状态下的研究,针对完整步态周期下膝关节半月板生物力学的有限元分析还不完善。 目的:通过对比外侧半月板撕裂模型与健康半月板模型,了解完整步态周期下半月板损伤后的生物力学变化机制。 方法:以健康成年人膝关节CT扫描数据为基础,建立包括胫-股骨、半月板、关节软骨在内的健康膝关节有限元模型,并在健康模型基础上进一步构建膝关节外侧半月板撕裂模型,探究在完整步态周期下膝关节外侧半月板撕裂的生物力学机制,并与健康膝模型进行对比。 结果与结论:①两种模型完整步态周期内的胫骨软骨瞬时应力变化趋势一致,但半月板撕裂模型中胫骨软骨在每一个瞬时受到的应力值均大于健康半月板模型,半月板撕裂模型与健康模型中胫骨软骨所受最大应力值分别为30,20.5 MPa;②两种模型完整步态周期内的半月板瞬时应力变化趋势是一致的,但撕裂模型中完整步态周期内半月板受到的应力均大于健康模型,半月板撕裂模型与健康模型中半月板所受最大应力值分别为69.8,41.3 MPa;③在步态周期的前60%,半月板撕裂模型中的胫骨软骨最大应力分布远大于健康模型,且随着步态周期的增长,接触范围逐渐向软骨外部边缘蔓延;在步态周期的60%以后,作用在胫骨软骨上的应力较小,最大应力的分布范围也比较小;④两种模型中健康内侧半月板应力分布基本一致,而撕裂的外侧半月板最大应力分布范围较健康内侧半月板广,在裂纹周围出现了较严重应力集中现象,且随着步态周期的进行,应力集中区域逐渐向裂纹靠近半月板前角处偏移;⑤结果表明半月板是人体膝关节中重要的承重部件,从生物力学角度可以较为直观地观察到半月板损伤对人体膝关节的危害。 ORCID: 0000-0002-2155-0058(吴铮) 中国组织工程研究杂志出版内容重点:人工关节;骨植入物;脊柱;骨折;内固定;数字化骨科;组织工程  相似文献   

一体化假肢是以聚合物为材料从接受腔到假腿一体成型的新型下肢假肢,它比传统型假肢更经济、美观、轻便,具有较大的应用前景。目前的相关研究主要集中在设计与制作及少量的临床研究方面。由于一体化假肢与传统型假肢在结构上的差异,有必要对其进行应力分析。本研究的目的是开展内骨架一体化假肢的生物力学研究,本研究基于内骨架一体化小腿假肢的真实几何构型,建立三维有限元模型,计算该模型在模拟Heel OH步态时相的载荷作用下的应力分布;在保持该模型的几何形状不变的情况下,建立了三个不同壁面厚度的一体化小腿假肢的有限元模型,分析壁面厚度对一体化小腿假肢应力分布的影响;通过分别赋予模型四种不同高分子聚合物的材料力学特性值,分析不同材料的一体化假肢的应力分布特点;分别对模型施加与正常步态的五个典型时相对应的载荷,分析一体化小腿假肢在各步态时相的应力分布特点。本研究结果对一体化假肢设计有指导价值。  相似文献   

Interface pressures and shear stresses between a below-knee residual limb and prosthetic socket predicted using finite element analyses were compared with experimental measurements. A three-dimensional nonlinear finite element model, based on actual residual geometry and incorporating PTB socket rectification and interfacial friction/slip conditions, was developed to predict the stress distribution. A system for measuring pressures and bi-axial shear stresses was used to measure the stresses in the PTB socket of a trans-tibial amputee. The FE-predicted results indicated that the peak pressure of 226 kPa occurred at the patellar tendon area and the peak shear stress of 50 kPa at the anterolateral tibia area. Quantitatively, FE-predicted pressures were 11%, on average, lower than those measured by triaxial transducers placed at all the measurement sites. Because friction/slip conditions between the residual limb and socket liner were taken into consideration by using interface elements in the FE model, the directions and magnitudes of shear stresses match well between the FE prediction and clinical measurements. The results suggest that the nonlinear mechanical properties of soft tissues and dynamic effects during gait should be addressed in future work.  相似文献   

The finite element method (FEM) is a very powerful tool for analyzing the behavior of structures, especially when the geometry and mechanics are too complex to be modeled with analytical methods. This study focuses on the analysis of patellar tendon bearing prosthetic sockets with integrated compliant features designed to relieve contact pressure between the residual limb and socket. We developed a FEM model composed of a socket, liner and residual limb and analyzed it under quasi-static loading conditions derived from experimentally measured ground reaction forces. The geometry of the residual limb, liner and socket were acquired from computed tomography (CT) data of a transtibial amputee. Three different compliant designs were analyzed using FEM to assess the structural integrity of the sockets and their ability to relieve local pressure at the fibula head during normal walking. The compliant features consisted of thin-wall sections and two variations of spiral slots integrated within the socket wall. One version of the spiral slots produced the largest pressure relief, with an average reduction in local interface pressure during single-leg stance (20-80% of the stance phase) from 172 to 66.4 kPa or 65.8% compared to a baseline socket with no compliant features. These results suggest that the integration of local compliant features is an effective method to reduce local contact pressure and improve the functional performance of prosthetic sockets.  相似文献   

目的分析大腿截肢患者的硅胶套材料属性,对支撑期残肢与接受腔之间接触面的力学分布的影响,为大腿假肢适配方案中硅胶套的选取提供参考。方法利用计算机断层扫描技术获取大腿截肢患者残端与接受腔的断层图像,通过影像学信息和工程学方法,分别获取接受腔、硅胶套、残肢、骨骼等结构的三维模型;根据角度变化调整模型,获得初始接触期、负荷反应期、站立中期、站立末期、摆动前期5个时相的组装模型;根据三维动作捕捉系统Motion和Kistler三维测力平台测得的地面反作用力及髋关节角度变化的结果,对5个时相下大腿假肢模型分别进行有限元非线性接触分析;在此基础上,模拟分析了硅胶套不同弹性模量的变化对残肢表面等效应力以及剪切应力分布的影响。结果穿戴不同弹性模量的硅胶套时,残肢所受最大等效应力以及最大剪切应力在初始接触期、负荷反应期、站立中期、站立末期时相时出现在残肢内侧和接受腔口型边缘对应的残肢位置,在摆动前期时相时则出现在残肢内侧、接受腔口型边缘对应的残肢位置和坐骨周围等位置。当硅胶套弹性模量在0.98~2.70 MPa范围内变化时,在摆动前期残肢所受等效应力变化范围为13.85~23.55 k Pa,最大剪切应力变化范围为7.82~13.46 k Pa,而其他时相基本一致。结论硅胶套的力学特性影响大腿假肢残肢与接受腔之间接触面的受力分布,摆动前期残肢所受最大等效应力与最大剪切应力随硅胶套弹性模量变化大,在实际适配过程中需注意。  相似文献   

People with transtibial amputation often experience skin breakdown due to the pressures and shear stresses that occur at the limb-socket interface. The purpose of this research was to create a transtibial finite element model (FEM) of a contemporary prosthesis that included complete socket geometry, two frictional interactions (limb-liner and liner-socket), and an elastomeric liner. Magnetic resonance imaging scans from three people with characteristic transtibial limb shapes (i.e., short-conical, long-conical, and cylindrical) were acquired and used to develop the models. Each model was evaluated with two loading profiles to identify locations of focused stresses during stance phase. The models identified five locations on the participants’ residual limbs where peak stresses matched locations of mechanically induced skin issues they experienced in the 9 months prior to being scanned. The peak contact pressure across all simulations was 98 kPa and the maximum resultant shear stress was 50 kPa, showing reasonable agreement with interface stress measurements reported in the literature. Future research could take advantage of the developed FEM to assess the influence of changes in limb volume or liner material properties on interface stress distributions.
Graphical abstract Residual limb finite element model. Left: model components. Right: interface pressures during stance phase

A non-linear finite element model has been established to predict the pressure and shear stress distribution at the limb-socket interface in below-knee amputees with consideration of the skin-liner interface friction and slip. In this model, the limb tissue and socket liner were respectively meshed into 954 and 450 three-dimensional eight-node isoparametric brick elements, based on measurements of an individual's amputated limb surface; the bone was meshed into three-dimensional six-node triangular prism elements, based on radiographic measurements of the individual's residual limb. The socket shell was assumed to be a rigid boundary. An important feature of this model is the use of 450 interface elements (ABAQUS INTER4) which mimic the interface friction condition. The results indicate that a maximum pressure of 226 kPa, shear stress of 53 kPa and less than 4 mm slip exist at the skin-liner interface when the full body weight of 800 N is applied to the limb. The results also show that the coefficient of friction is a very sensitive parameter in determining the interface pressures, shear stresses and slip. With the growth of coefficient of friction, the shear stresses will increase, while the pressure and slip will decrease.  相似文献   

Fitting of a prosthetic socket is a critical stage in the process of rehabilitation of a trans-tibial amputation (TTA) patient, since a misfit may cause pressure ulcers or a deep tissue injury (DTI: necrosis of the muscle flap under intact skin) in the residual limb. To date, prosthetic fitting typically depends on the subjective skills of the prosthetist, and is not supported by biomedical instrumentation that allows evaluation of the quality of fitting. Specifically, no technology is presently available to provide real-time continuous information on the internal distribution of mechanical stresses in the residual limb during fitting of the prosthesis, or while using it and this severely limits patient evaluations. In this study, a simplified yet clinically oriented patient-specific finite element (FE) model of the residual limb was developed for real-time stress analysis. For this purpose we employed a custom-made FE code that continuously calculates internal stresses in the residual limb, based on boundary conditions acquired in real-time from force sensors, located at the limb-prosthesis interface. Validation of the modeling system was accomplished by means of a synthetic phantom of the residual limb, which allowed simultaneous measurements of interface pressures and internal stresses. Human studies were conducted subsequently in five TTA patients. The dimensions of bones and soft tissues were obtained from X-rays of the residual limb of each patient. An indentation test was performed in order to obtain the effective elastic modulus of the soft tissues of the residual limb. Seven force sensors were placed between the residual limb and the prosthetic liner, and subjects walked on a treadmill during analysis. Generally, stresses under the shinbones were ∼threefold higher than stresses at the soft tissues behind the bones. Usage of a thigh corset decreased the stresses in the residual limb during gait by approximately 80%. Also, the stresses calculated during the trial of a subject who complained about pain and discomfort were the highest, confirming that his socket was not adequately fitted. We conclude that real-time patient-specific FE analysis of internal stresses in deep soft tissues of the residual limb in TTA patients is feasible. This method is promising for improving the fitting of prostheses in the clinical setting and for protecting the residual limb from pressure ulcers and DTI.  相似文献   

Finite element method has been identified as a useful tool to understand the load transfer mechanics between a residual limb and its prosthetic socket. This paper proposed a new practical approach in modeling the contact interface with consideration of the friction/slip conditions and pre-stresses applied on the limb within a rectified socket. The residual limb and socket were modeled as two separate structures and their interactions were simulated using automated contact methods. Some regions of the limb penetrated into the socket because of socket modification. In the first step of the simulation, the penetrated limb surface was moved onto the inner surface of the socket and the pre-stresses were predicted. In the subsequent loading step, pre-stresses were kept and loadings were applied at the knee joint to simulate the loading during the stance phase of gait. Comparisons were made between the model using the proposed approach and the model having an assumption that the shape of the limb and the socket were the same which ignored pre-stress. It was found that peak normal and shear stresses over the regions where socket undercuts were made reduced and the stress values over other regions raised in the model having the simplifying assumption.  相似文献   

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