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目的 比较不同食管癌临床分期对同一组病例的预测价值,并完善T分期标准,为更准确进行临床分期提供参考。方法 回顾分析我院701例根治性放疗食管癌患者,分别按AJCC标准、2004年标准、2009年草案标准并结合GTV-T体积标准进行预后判断。结果 按3种标准进行T分类后,发现AJCC分期偏早,T1期达23.1%,且T3与T4期的生存曲线接近。2004年标准下各期生存曲线分离度均较好,但T1和T4期者偏少,分布不均。2009年草案标准中T3和T4期生存曲线交叉且T4期较多达43.2%。根据GTV大小及病变对周围组织器官侵及程度行新T分期,各期生存曲线未见交叉,所占比例较均衡。N分期仍采用N0、N1、N2期分类法,将N分期与新T分期结合进行TNM分期,所得各期生存曲线分离度均很好(P=0.000)。结论 将食管癌局部肿瘤体积大小结合外侵程度确定的T分期与区域内外淋巴结转移确定的N分期联合,能比较准确地预测非手术治疗患者的生存预后。  相似文献   

目的 评价食管癌术前放疗后病理T、N分期以及国际抗癌联盟(UICC) TNM分期是否能准确预测预后。方法 回顾分析1980—2007年本院接受术前放疗并有详细临床、病理、放疗和手术记录的 311例食管鳞状细胞癌患者资料。Kaplan-Meier法生存分析并Logrank检验和单因素分析。结果 随访率96.5%,随访时间满5、10年者分别为89、43例。全组单因素分析发现放疗后原发部位有无肿瘤残存(T-pCR,χ2=11.53,P=0.001)和淋巴结转移个数(0、1~3、≥4个,χ2=42.13,P=0.000)是影响预后因素。UICC第7版分期可用于区分上述患者预后。而根据转移淋巴结数改良第7版N分期为N0(0个)、N1(1~3个)、N2(≥4个)期并结合残存癌T分期,则ypⅠ期(T1~2N0M0期)与ypⅡ期(T0-3N1M0期+T3N0M0期)、ypⅡ期与ypⅢ期(T4N0~1M0期或T0-3N2M0期)间预后差异均有统计学意义(χ2=11.15、23.39,P=0.001、0.000)。结论 食管鳞状细胞癌术前放疗后病理的T分期和阳性淋巴结个数是影响预后因素。UICC 第7版分期能较准确评价预后,改良第7版N分期后与T分期结合更方便、准确预测预后。  相似文献   

目的 验证鼻咽癌第7版UICC或AJCC分期,并为其进一步修订提供依据。方法 收集2005—2011年间本院收治的经病理确诊、无远处转移并接受根治性IMRT的初治鼻咽癌患者 323例。根据鼻咽癌第7版UICC或AJCC分期标准进行分期。Kaplan-Meier计算生存率,Logrank法检验差异,Cox模型多因素预后分析。结果 5年样本数为 45例。T1与T2期、T2与T3期 5年LRFS率相近(P=0.055、P=0.746)。将T2、T3和T4期翼内肌组合并为T2期,T4期其他的降期为T3期,新T分期中T1、T2、T3期LRFS曲线明显分开。N2与N3a期、N2与N3b期、N3a与N3b期 5年DMFS率相近(P=0.272、P=0.063、P=0.810)。多因素分析结果显示颈淋巴结部位是DMFS的唯一影响因素(P=0.037)。将N3a期中颈淋巴为单侧的降期为N1期,N3a期中颈淋巴结为双侧的降期为N2期,则新N分期中N0、N1、N2、N3期DMFS曲线分开。Ⅰ与Ⅱ期、Ⅲ与 Ⅳa期 5年OS相近(P=0.434、P=0.951)。将T1N0-1期作为 Ⅰa期、T2N0-1期作为 Ⅰb期、T1-3N2期和(或) T3N0-1期作为Ⅱ期、T1-3N3期作为Ⅲ期,各期 5年OS曲线明显分开。结论 第7版UICC或AJCC分期仍存在不足,推荐新分期能更好预测预后,但需要更大样本量数据验证。  相似文献   

目的 通过与术后病理分期标准的比较,探讨《非手术治疗食管癌的临床分期标准(草案)》的分布合理性及判断预后的价值。方法 回顾分析2009—2012年间本院根治手术或术后辅助治疗的 162例食管癌患者临床资料,对其进行术前临床分期及术后病理分期,并采用Kappa法分析两种分期间各期病例分布一致性。Kaplan-Meier法计算OS率并Logrank法检验差异和单因素分析。结果 T、N、TNM分期总符合率分别为67.9%、57.4%、67.9%,一致性程度分别为中等、较差、中等(Kappa=0.544、0.302、0.509)。随访率为93.2%,1、2、3年样本数分别为127、66、27例。全组1、2、3年OS率分别为82.6%、56.2%、37.7%。术前除了T1与T2期、N0与N1期OS相近外(P=0.086、0.101),T、N、TNM分期各期间OS均不同(P=0.000~0.028),与术后病理分期对预后判断的预示作用一致。结论 《非手术治疗食管癌的临床分期标准(草案)》的分布合理性一般,预后判断价值较好,但仍需进一步细化和完善。  相似文献   

目的 对IMRT同期化疗食管癌病例采用不同分期标准进行验证比较,探讨更准确、更适用的非手术治疗临床分期标准。方法 选取2008—2014年间就诊于本院242例IMRT化疗食管鳞癌患者的临床资料,用2009年中国分期、第6版分期和建议分期进行预后判断比较。Kaplan-Meier法计算生存率并Logrank检验,Cox模型预后分析。结果 3年样本数168例。全组患者3年生存率为47.4%,食管肿瘤体积和淋巴结转移最大径是影响预后的因素(P=0.000、0.000)。中国分期和第6版分期T3、T4期生存曲线有交叉(P=0.696、0.594),中国分期的N1、N2期生存曲线有交叉(P=0.068);建议分期采用食管肿瘤体积的T分期、淋巴结转移最大径的N分期以及结合的临床分期,各期的生存曲线分离度较好(P=0.000、0.000、0.000)。结论 采用食管肿瘤体积的T分期和淋巴结转移最大径的N分期结合进行IMRT化疗食管鳞癌的非手术临床分期能较好预测患者预后,简便易行。  相似文献   

目的 验证第7版 UICC或AJCC 鼻咽癌分期系统在以MR为分期手段、IMRT为基础综合治疗策略下的合理性及适用性。方法 回顾分析2007—2011年间在本院经MRI分期和IMRT治疗的 720例初诊M0期鼻咽癌患者的生存及失败情况,评价T、N分期对预测患者生存及失败的可靠性。Kaplan-Meier计算生存率,Logrank法检验差异,Cox模型多因素预后分析。结果 第7版 UICC或AJCC 鼻咽癌T分期是OS、CSS、DFS和DMFS的影响因素(P=0.013、0.025、0.001、0.002),但T1、T2、T3期间相近(P=0.054~0.626)。从局部复发和远转风险来看,T3与T2期非常接近(P=0.796)。N分期是DFS、DMFS的影响因素(P=0.005,0.000)。但N0和N1期间相近(P=0.549、0.707)。在N0—N1期中也未发现单纯咽后淋巴结转移对OS、DFS和DMFS有影响(P=0.360、0.083、0.062)。结论 第7版UICC或AJCC鼻咽癌分期系统对经MRI分期和IMRT的鼻咽癌患者预后仍有较好预测价值,但有进一步优化的空间。  相似文献   

目的 通过比较鼻咽癌2008分期和第7版UICC或AJCC分期标准的病例分布和预后价值,探讨两种分期合理性。方法 分析2009—2010年全国9个肿瘤中心收治的 1508例无远处转移鼻咽癌首诊患者的临床资料,分别根据鼻咽癌2008分期与第7版UICC或AJCC分期进行分期,分析和评价两种分期病例分布的一致性及 3年LRFS、DMFS、OS率。采用Kaplan-Meier法计算LRFS、DMFS和OS率,Logrank检验差异。结果 两种分期的T期、N期、临床分期病例分布相似(Kappa=0.80、0.60、0.60),临床分期OS曲线和T分期LRFS曲线也较一致,但Ⅰ、Ⅱ期OS曲线相似,T1—T3期LRFS曲线出现靠拢或重叠。2008分期N0与N1期曲线相似,而UICC或AJCC分期N1与N2期曲线相似。结论 两种分期病例分布、临床分期及T分期预后相似,但N分期预后不同。两种分期中临床分期、T分期、N分期的预后需进一步完善。  相似文献   

目的 探究DCE-MRI辅以DWI对直肠癌患者术前分期的诊断价值。方法 对155例直肠癌患者实施DCE-MRI辅以DWI诊断,分析其对术前分期的诊断效果。结果 将手术病理检查结果作为诊断金标准,DWI、DCE-MRI以及DWI+DCE-MRI术前分期诊断符合率分别为73.55%、74.84%、96.13%,组间相比,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。在不同分期DCE-MR参数中,N0期Ktrams、Kep、Ve值和N1~N2期相比较小,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);T1~T2期Ktrams、Kep、Ve值与T3~T4期相比较小,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 DCE-MRI辅以DWI对直肠癌患者术前分期的诊断效果显著,能够提高患者治愈率,值得研究和推广。  相似文献   

目的评估超声内镜(EUS)在食管癌的诊断及术前临床分期的价值。方法对经电子胃镜检查+活检诊断为食管癌的56例行EUS检查及TNM分期,与手术病理分期结果比较。结果食管癌术前EUS检查T、N分期的诊断准确率分别为T1期80.0%,T2期78.6%,T3期89.7%,T4期87.5%,T分期总准确率为85.7%;N0期74.1%,N1期79.3%,N分期总准确率为76.8%。结论EUS对食管癌的诊断及T、N分期诊断准确率较高,对指导术前制定治疗方案、评估预后有重要意义。  相似文献   


目的 准确的分期系统对癌症的治疗至关重要。随着癌症分期和治疗方法的演变,需要不断评价分期的适用性和改进性。方法 基于第7版AJCC/UICC分期回顾性分析香港和中国大陆2个肿瘤中心收治的 1609例接受调强放射治疗的首诊无转移鼻咽癌患者临床资料,所有患者治疗前均行核磁共振分期评估。结果 无其他T3、T4期解剖结构受侵患者中,伴有咀嚼肌间隙(翼内肌和/或翼外肌)侵犯、椎前肌侵犯及咽旁间隙侵犯的三组患者之间OS相近。伴广泛软组织(上述侵犯结构以外的软组织)受侵患者OS与伴有颅内侵犯或颅神经侵犯相似。仅2%患者锁骨上窝以上淋巴结转移者直径>6 cm,其OS率与下颈淋巴结转移者类似。用下颈(环状软骨尾侧缘水平以下)代替锁骨上窝并不影响N分期之间的风险差异性。采用推荐的T、N分期,T4N0-2、T1-4N3期OS相近。结论 经AJCC/UICC分期筹备委员会审阅后,建议第8版分期应将翼内肌/翼外肌从T4降到T2期,增加椎前肌为T2期,用下颈取代锁骨上窝,将淋巴结最大直径>6 cm合并归为N3期,将T4、N3期统一归为ⅣA期。这些改变不仅使得相邻分期间风险差异性更好,而且使得临床实践性与全球适用性之间达到最佳平衡。  相似文献   

目的 比较美国癌症研究联合会第6、7版分期对局部晚期胃癌根治术后的预后预测。方法 对2002-2004年在本院接受胃癌根治性手术(R0切除且>D1淋巴结清扫)、病理诊断为T3-4N0~1M0、TxN2-3 M0期的297例患者分别按两版分期标准进行分期,比较两版分期的N、TNM分期中5年总生存(OS)、无瘤生存(DFS...  相似文献   

In rectal cancer pooled analyses of phase III North American trials, both overall survival (OS) and disease-free survival (DFS) were dependent on TN stage, NT stage, and treatment method. Three risk groups of patients were defined: intermediate (T1-2N1, T3N0), moderately high (T1-2N2, T3N1, T4N0), and high (T3N2, T4N1, T4N2). Patients with a single high-risk factor (T1-2N1, T3N0) have better OS, DFS, and disease control than patients with both high-risk factors. Within TNM stage II rectal cancer, different treatment strategies are indicated for stage IIA (T3N0) versus stage IIB (T4N0) patients based on differential rates of survival and disease relapse. Use of trimodality treatment (surgery plus radiation and chemotherapy; S+RT+CT) for all T3N0 patients may be excessive, as S+CT resulted in 5-year OS of approximately 85% in the second rectal cancer pooled analysis; however 5-year DFS with S+CT was 69% indicating room for improvement. Stage IIB patients are preferably treated with preoperative chemoradiation, but stage IIA patients could appropriately be treated with either preoperative or postoperative chemoradiation.  相似文献   

The eighth edition of the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC)/Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) stage classification (TNM) for nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) was launched. It remains unknown if incorporation of nonanatomic factors into the stage classification would better predict survival. We prospectively recruited 518 patients with nonmetastatic NPC treated with radical intensity-modulated radiation therapy ± chemotherapy based on the eighth edition TNM. Recursive partitioning analysis (RPA) incorporating pretreatment plasma Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) DNA derived new stage groups. Multivariable analyses to calculate adjusted hazard ratios (AHRs) derived another set of stage groups. Five-year progression-free survival (PFS), overall survival (OS) and cancer-specific survival (CSS) were: Stage I (PFS 100%, OS 90%, CSS 100%), II (PFS 88%, OS 84%, CSS 95%), III (PFS 84%, OS 84%, CSS 90%) and IVA (PFS 71%, OS 75%, CSS 80%) (p < 0.001, p = 0.066 and p = 0.002, respectively). RPA derived four new stages: RPA-I (T1–T4 N0–N2 & EBV DNA <500 copies per mL; PFS 94%, OS 89%, CSS 96%), RPA-II (T1–T4 N0–N2 & EBV DNA ≥500 copies per mL; PFS 80%, OS 83%, CSS 89%), RPA-III (T1–T2 N3; PFS 64%, OS 83%, CSS 83%) and RPA-IVA (T3–T4 N3; PFS 63%, OS 60% and CSS 68%) (all with p < 0.001). AHR using covariate adjustment also yielded a valid classification (I: T1–T2 N0–N2; II: T3–T4 N0–N2 or T1–T2 N3 and III: T3–T4 N3) (all with p < 0.001). However, RPA stages better predicted survival for PS and CSS after bootstrapping replications. Our RPA-based stage groups revealed better survival prediction compared to the eighth edition TNM and the AHR stage groups.  相似文献   

Duraker N  Caynak ZC 《Cancer》2005,104(4):700-707
BACKGROUND: The American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) TNM classification for breast carcinoma had not been changed for 15 years, since the publication of the third edition in 1987. However, in the sixth edition, published in 2002, significant modifications were made with regard to the number of metastatic axillary lymph nodes. The authors investigated whether the sixth edition of the TNM classification provided more reliable prognostic information compared with the third edition. METHODS: The records of 1230 patients who underwent surgery for invasive breast carcinoma between 1993 and 1999 were reviewed. Each patient was assigned to axillary lymph node and disease stage groups according to the 1987 and 2002 AJCC TNM classifications. Disease-free survival (DFS) curves were calculated and plotted using the Kaplan-Meier method and the two-sided log-rank test was used to compare the survival curves of the patient groups. RESULTS: Of the 1067 patients who were classified as having Stages II and III disease according to the 1987 classification, 411 (38.5%) were shifted to higher disease stages using the 2002 classification. Among the 1987 Stage IIA, Stage IIB, and Stage IIIA patients, the DFS rates of the patients who were shifted to higher stages of disease were significantly worse than those of the patients for whom the stage of disease was not changed. Among those patients classified as having T4anyNM0 (Stage IIIB) disease according to the 1987 classification, there was no survival difference noted between those patients with T4N0,1,2M0 disease (who formed the Stage IIIB group) and those with T4N3M0 disease (who formed the Stage IIIC group) according to the new staging system. Of the 221 patients who formed the new Stage IIIC group, 12.2% were classified as having Stage IIA disease, 42.1% as having Stage IIB disease, 38.9% as having Stage IIIA disease, and 6.8% as having Stage IIIB disease according to the 1987 classification. The survival rates of these Stage IIA, Stage IIB, and Stage IIIA patients were not found to be significantly different; however, the survival of patients in the Stage IIIB group was found to be significantly worse than the survival of the patients in the other disease stage groupings, and the patients in the Stage IIIC group were not a prognostically homogeneous group. On the basis of these results, the authors placed patients with T4anyNM0 disease in the same group (Stage IIIB). When the 2002 classification was rearranged in this manner, patients with Stage IIIC disease formed a homogeneous group; the 5-year DFS rate of patients with Stage IIIB disease was found to be significantly worse than that for patients with Stage IIIC disease (P = 0.0011). CONCLUSIONS: In the 2002 TNM classification for breast carcinoma, patients with T4anyNM0 disease should form a distinct stage grouping and this stage grouping (Stage IIIC) should be placed before Stage IV, and Stage IIIB disease groupings should include patients with T1,2,3N3M0 disease. In this way, the authors hope that the 2002 AJCC TNM classification, which provides more reliable prognostic information than the 1987 classification, will become more refined.  相似文献   



The 7th edition of the new TNM classification system for oesophageal cancer (EC) has been published. N-category is now divided into N0, N1, N2 and N3. In this study, we aimed to validate the prognostic ability of the new N classification system in EC with positive lymph nodes in a Chinese population, and evaluate whether the new N classification system can help the decision-making for postoperative adjuvant therapy.

Patients and methods

From 2002 to 2008, thoracic EC who underwent oesophagectomy were retrospectively analysed. Patients pathological stage 6th edition of the American Joint Committee on Cancer / Union International Against Cancer (AJCC/UICC) TNM classification were switched to pathological stage 7th edition for this analysis. Patients with pathological stage T1-4N1-3M0 EC were selected. Kaplan-Meier method and Cox regression analysis were employed to compare overall survival (OS).


A total of 545 patients met the inclusion criteria: 346 (63.5%) received oesophagectomy alone, 199 (36.5%) received oesophagectomy and adjuvant radiotherapy, and 36.1% (197/545) received oesophagectomy and adjuvant chemotherapy. Univariate analysis and multivariate analysis revealed significant difference in OS among patients at different postoperative pN-category (p<0.001). This was also present in patients receiving postoperative radiotherapy (p<0.001) and those undergoing postoperative chemotherapy (p<0.001). There was no marked difference in OS between patients receiving postoperative adjuvant therapy and surgery alone at the same postoperative pN-category, except that postoperative radiotherapy marginally improved OS in patients with pN2 and pN3 disease.


Our results validated the prognostic ability of new N classification system. The N-category is an independent prognostic factor in patients with resectable thoracic EC who were positive for lymph nodes in a Chinese population. Further studies are required to clarify the role of new N classification system in the decision-making for postoperative adjuvant therapy.  相似文献   

目的 比较鼻咽癌中国1992、2008分期和国际抗癌联盟(UICC)2010分期标准之间的一致性,评价它们在预测鼻咽癌放疗疗效中的价值.方法 回顾分析2000-2005年间347例无远处转移的初治鼻咽癌患者临床资料,对每例患者分别用中国1992、2008和UICC2010分期标准进行T、N和临床分期.采用Kappa法分析3种分期标准间各期病例数分布的一致性.采用Kaplan-Meier法分别计算3种分期标准的5年总生存率、局部无复发和无远处转移生存率,并用Logrank检验其差异.结果 中国2008分期和UICC 2010分期标准之间的临床分期、T和N分期的病例构成比例的一致性均优于它们各自与1992分期之间的比较,Kappa值分别为0.700、0.881和0.722.3种分期标准下各临床分期的总生存曲线比较只发现Ⅲ与Ⅳ期间的不同,其中2008分期和UICC2010分期标准下Ⅲ与Ⅳ期间的不同(χ2=4.48,P=0.034和χ2=8.88,P=0.003),而1992分期则相似(χ2=0.40,P=0.526).3种分期标准的局部无复发生存率各T1与T2和T2与T3及T3与T4期间的比较均相似(χ2=1.85、0.53、0.50,P=0.174、0.467、0.479和χ2=1.25、2.10、1.99,P=0.264、0.148、0.159及χ2=0.77、0.60、0.87,P=0.381、0.441、0.350).在3种分期标准的各期无远处转移生存率中,1992分期标准的N0与N1、N1与N2、N2与N3间均相似(χ2=3.71、3.11、2.01,P=0.054、0.078、0.156),2008分期标准的N1与N2、N2与N3间不同(χ2=10.49、5.06,P=0.001、0.024);UICC 2010分期标准中仅N1与N2间不同(χ2=7.73,P=0.005).结论 中国2008分期和UICC2010分期标准对鼻咽癌放疗疗效的预测价值相近,且均优于1992分期.
Objective To compare the agreement among Chinese 1992, 2008 and UICC 2010 staging systems of nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) and evaluate their predictive value of radiotherapeutic prognosis.Methods 347 NPC patients without distant metastasis treated in our hospital from 2000 to 2005 were retrospectively analyzed.Every patient was categorized into T, N, and clinical stage by Chinese 1992, 2008 and UICC 2010 staging systems, respectively.Kappa value was used to evaluate the agreement among three systems.Kaplan-Meier method was used to analyze the 5-year overall survival (OS), local-free survival (LFS) and distant metastasis-free survival (DMFS), the difference between subgroup was tested by Logrank.Results The agreement of clinical stage, T and N stage between Chinese 2008 and UICC 2010 staging system was better than that of them compared to 1992 staging system, Kappa value were 0.700、0.881 and 0.722.The agreement of T stage was better than N and clinical stage among these three staging system.The difference of OS between stageⅢ and stage Ⅳ was significant in Chinese 2008 and UICC 2010 staging system (χ2=4.48,P=0.034;χ2=8.88,P=0.003), and with no different in 1992 staging system (χ2=0.40,P=0.526).There was no significant difference of LFS between T1 and T2,T2 and T3,T3 and T4 in all staging systems (χ2=1.85,0.53,0.50,P=0.174,0.467,0.479;χ2=1.25,2.10,1.99,P=0.264,0.148,0.159;χ2=0.77,0.60,0.87, P=0.381,0.441,0.350).There were no significant differencesin 1992 staging system, while there was significant differences of DMFS between N1 and N2, N2 and N3 in 2008 stage system, N1 and N2 in UICC 2010 stage system.Conclusions The predictive value of Chinese 2008 and UICC 2010 staging system for prognosis were similar, and were better than that of 1992 staging system in NPC.  相似文献   

IntroductionThe current Tumor Node Metastasis staging system (TNM) for gastric cancer classifies the extent of lymph node metastasis based upon the number of lymph nodes involved. Choi et al. have recently proposed a new anatomical classification based upon the regionality of the involved nodes. This new classification seems to have a better predictive prognostic value than the traditional one. We investigated the prognostic role of the new anatomical based classification, reviewing our institutional gastric cancer database.MethodsWe performed a retrospective chart review of 329 patients who underwent gastrectomy at our Institution from 2003 to 2017. We excluded from data analysis any patient with distant metastases at the time of first diagnosis and or surgery, pathology other than adenocarcinoma, lymphadenectomy less than D2, impossibility to identify location of lymph nodes (LNs) on pathological report and neoadjuvant chemotherapy. The extent of D2 lymphadenectomy was defined according to Japanese Gastric Cancer Association criteria. LN metastasis were reclassified into three topographic groups (lesser, greater curvature, and extraperigastric nodes) and staged according to Choi. The new N stage was combined with the current pT according to the 8th edition of TNM and a new hybrid TNM stage was established. All patients were followed up until June 2019. The prognostic performance of the new stage and of the current anatomical numeric based system (TNM) was analyzed and assessed by the C-index, AIC and likelihood ratio χ2 value.ResultsIn predicting both Overall Survival (OS) and Disease free Survival (DFS) the new N stage and the new TNM staging system had the highest C-index and likelihood ratio χ2 value and the lowest Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), showing a better accuracy and displaying a better prognostic performance.ConclusionsOur study is the first from the Western world to compare the new hybrid classification, based on the anatomical location of metastatic nodes, to the 8th of American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) TNM staging system. Our findings on a small, monocentric sample suggest that hybrid topographic lymph node staging system is more accurate than TNM.  相似文献   

目的 比较3种非手术临床分期对食管鳞癌三维适形放疗预后的指导价值.方法 回顾分析2001-2007年接受三维适形放疗的179例食管鳞癌患者临床资料,分别采用食管癌UICC2003分期、我国食管癌协作组分期(协作组分期)和本科分期(祝氏分期)方法进行临床分期,比较其一致性(Kappa系数分析)和对放疗预后判断的价值.结果 全组患者的协作组T分期与祝氏T分期一致性一般(Kappa=0.271),祝氏T分期偏早;协作组TNM分期与祝氏TNM分期一致性也一般(Kappa=0.167),协作组TNM分期偏早.98例患者的UICC-T分期与协作组T分期一致性一般(Kappa=0.261),协作组T分期偏早;UICC-T分期与祝氏T分期一致性更一般(Kappa=0.045),祝氏T分期明显偏早;UICC-TNM分期与祝氏TNM分期一致性最好(Kappa=0.597),UICC-TNM分期与协作组TNM分期一致性一般(Kappa=0.299),协作组TNM分期总体偏早.多因素分析均显示UICC分期、协作组分期和祝氏分期中T分期(χ2=11.58、26.00、51.05,P均<0.01)、N分期(χ2=15.28、16.10、16.10,P均<0.01)、M分期(χ2值分别为5.59、27.78、27.78,P均<0.01)和临床TNM分期(χ2=15.77、34.35、51.10,P均<0.01)为独立预后因素,UICC分期中T1~T3期难以准确分期且T1~T3期预后相似.结论 3种食管癌临床分期均能用于食管癌放疗预后评价,协作组分期和祝氏分期方法值得进一步推广应用,但准确性有待进一步提高.
Objective To evaluate the prognostic significance of 3 clinical stage system in 3-dimensional conformal radiotherapy (3DCRT) for esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Methods From January 2004 to August 2007, 179 cases of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma were treated with 3DCRT.Before radiation, each patient was staged with UICC 2003 TNM stage, stage of Chinese esophageal cancer cooperation group (cooperation group' stage), and Zhu's clinical stage respectively. Concordance of each clinical stage and prognosis was analyzed with SPSS 11.5. Results In 179 cases of esophageal cancer,Concordance was better in T stage ( Kappa = 0. 271 ) than in TNM stage ( Kappa = 0. 167 ) between cooperation group' stage and Zhu's stage. Among them, 98 cases was staged with UICC stage, concordance of T stage was better between UICC-T and cooperation group' T stage (Kappa =0. 261 ) than between UICCT and Zhu's T stage (Kappa = 0. 045 ) ;concordance of TNM stage was better between UICC-TNM and Zhu's TNM stage ( Kappa = 0. 597 ) than between UICC-TNM and cooperation group' TNM stage ( Kappa =0. 299 ). With multivariate analysis, T ( χ2 value is 11.58, 26. 00 and 51.05, all P < 0. 01 ), N ( χ2 value is 15.28, 16. 10 and 16. 10,all P<0. 01), M (χ2 value is 5.59, 27.78 and 27.78,all P<0. 01), and TNM (χ2 value is 15.77, 34,35 and 51. 10,all P<0. 01 ) stage in 3 kinds of clinical stage were independent prognostic factors. In UICC stage, T1-T3 was difficult to definite and the prognosis was not significantly different in T1 -T3 stage. Conclusions In this study, 3 kinds of clinical stage could evaluate prognosis of esophageal cancer after radiotherapy;cooperation group' stage and Zhu's stage need further application, with further accuracy needed.  相似文献   

The UICC TNM (tumour-node-metastasis) staging system for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) has been a matter of debate over decades because survival prediction based on T stages was weak and unreliable. To improve staging, the recently published 8th TNM edition (2016) introduced a conceptually completely changed strictly size-based T staging system and a refined N stage for PDAC. To investigate the clinical value of the novel TNM classification, we compared the prognostic impact of pT and pN stage between the 7th and 8th edition in two well-characterised independent German PDAC cohorts from different decades, including a total number of 523 patients. Former UICC T staging (7th edition 2009) resulted in a clustering of pT3 cases (72% and 85% of cases per cohort, respectively) and failed to show significant prognostic differences between the four stages in one of the investigated cohorts (p = 0.074). Application of the novel size-based T stage system resulted in a more equal distribution of cases between the four T categories with a predominance of pT2 tumours (65% and 60% of cases). The novel pT staging algorithm showed greatly improved discriminative power with highly significant overall differences between the four pT stages in both investigated cohorts in univariate and multivariate analyses (p < 0.001, each). In contrast, no prognostic differences were observed between the recently introduced pN1 and pN2 categories in both cohorts (p = 0.970 and p = 0.061).pT stage of resected PDAC patients according to the novel UICC staging protocol (8th edition) significantly improves patient stratification, whereas introduction of an extended N stage protocol does not demonstrate high clinical relevance in our cohorts.  相似文献   

目的双源CT在肺癌病理类型及临床分期中的应用价值。方法对86例肺癌患者行双源CT检查,依据病理类型分为腺癌组和鳞状细胞癌组,比较两组患者主动脉达峰时及达峰后第40、60、100秒的净增CT值;依据第8版国际肺癌TNM分期标准,比较不同TNM分期(Ⅰ期13例,Ⅱ期26例,Ⅲ期34例,Ⅳ期13例)患者的标准化碘浓度(NIC)。以受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线及曲线下面积(AUC)分析NIC对肺癌TNM分期的诊断效能。结果腺癌组患者在主动脉达峰时及达峰后第100秒的净增CT值均高于鳞状细胞癌患者,差异均有统计学意义(P﹤0.05);达峰后第40、60秒,两组患者净增CT值比较,差异均无统计学意义(P﹥0.05)。随TNM分期的增加,肺癌患者的NIC值随之增加,差异有统计学意义(P﹤0.05),其中Ⅲ、Ⅳ期肺癌患者的NIC值均高于Ⅰ、Ⅱ期患者,差异均有统计学意义(P﹤0.05)。NIC诊断肺癌TNM分期的AUC为0.925(95%CI:0.855~0.995),灵敏度为86.1%,特异度为88.6%,最佳截断值为0.425。结论双源CT定量参数能间接反映肿瘤的病理类型,在肺腺癌和鳞状细胞癌及临床分期的诊断中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

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