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Problem: In the Northern Territory, 64% of Indigenous births are to remote‐dwelling mothers. Delivering high‐quality health care in remote areas is challenging, but service improvements, informed by participative action research, are under way. Evaluation of these initiatives requires appropriate indicators. Few of the many existing maternal and infant health indicators are specifically framed for the remote context or exemplify an Indigenous consumer perspective. We aimed to identify an indicator framework with appropriate indicators to demonstrate improvements in health outcomes, determinants of health and health system performance for remote‐dwelling mothers and infants from pregnancy to first birthday. Design: We reviewed existing indicators; invited input from experts; investigated existing administrative data collections and examined findings from a record audit, ethnographic work and the evaluation of the Darwin Midwifery Group Practice. Setting: Northern Territory. Process: About 660 potentially relevant indicators were identified. We adapted the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Performance Framework and populated the resulting framework with chosen indicators. We chose the indicators best able to monitor the impact of changes to remote service delivery by eliminating duplicated or irrelevant indicators using expert opinion, triangulating data and identifying key issues for remote maternal and infant health service improvements. Lessons learnt: We propose 31 indicators to monitor service delivery to remote‐dwelling Indigenous mothers and infants. Our inclusive indicator framework covers the period from pregnancy to the first year of life and includes existing indicators, but also introduces novel ones. We also attempt to highlight an Indigenous consumer.  相似文献   

瑞安市不同人群健康教育效果调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解瑞安市现阶段的健康教育与健康促进的总体情况,探索适宜的健康教育工作模式。方法采用分层随机抽样的方法以问卷的形式进行调查。分别对瑞安市小学生、中学生和国家工作人员等6大类2 800人的健康知识、健康行为、健康状况及健康信息需求4大方面的内容做调查研究。结果健康知识知晓率和健康行为形成率:最高的是国家工作人员,分别为82.77%和81.11%。健康状况:53.60%的企业员工感觉睡眠质量好或很好,22.00%的老年人睡眠质量差或很差;46.47%的小学生感觉心情好或很好;24.05%的中学生表示不能应付压力;60.00%的国家工作人员体重正常;38.57%的育龄妇女超重或肥胖。健康信息需求方面:71.96%的人通过电视获取卫生保健信息;小学生最想拥有食品安全与传染病防治知识;中学生最想拥有心理卫生与青春期保健知识;企业员工最想拥有急救与预防意外伤害知识;老年人最想拥有慢性病防治知识。讨论被调查人群的健康知识知晓率与健康行为形成率都低于国家卫生部《疾病预防控制工作绩效考核》的指标要求。调查人群健康状况总体良好,但仍有很多问题值得关注。电视、报刊仍是各类人群获取健康信息的主要途径。6类人群对健康信息内容的需求各不相同,食品安全、传染病防治、急救预防、意外伤害及心理健康等内容普遍受关注。  相似文献   

目的分析2008—2010年上海市浦东新区社区卫生服务中心的医疗卫生资源配置和服务状况。方法收集浦东新区医疗机构管理中心有关社区卫生服务中心运行的数据。结果近年来社区卫生服务功能进一步完善,社区卫生服务效率不断提高,但社区卫生服务面临着发展瓶颈。结论如何通过恰当的社区卫生服务中心的资源配置,以满足社区医疗卫生服务的需求,保障医疗卫生服务的安全和质量,使上海市医改重点落到实处,值得关注。  相似文献   

目的:了解河北省城乡居民的卫生服务需求与利用情况,为制定政策提供依据。方法:采取多级分层整群随机抽样,确定5 998户的20 529名常住居民作为调查对象,用统一的调查表进行询问调查。结果:调查人群的两周患病率为18.75%,城市高于农村,与1993年相比有上升趋势;慢性病患病率为16.9%,城市高于农村,与1998年相比有上升趋势;两周就诊率为14.32%,比1993年明显下降,两周未就诊率为57.60%。居民住院率为2.56%,与1993年相比有下降趋势。结论:城乡居民的卫生服务需要量呈上升趋势,卫生服务的需求量及利用率呈下降趋势。应采取有效措施,提高卫生服务利用率。  相似文献   

Current health scenario in rural India   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
ABSTRACT: India is the second most populous country of the world and has changing socio-political-demographic and morbidity patterns that have been drawing global attention in recent years. Despite several growth-orientated policies adopted by the government, the widening economic, regional and gender disparities are posing challenges for the health sector. About 75% of health infrastructure, medical man power and other health resources are concentrated in urban areas where 27% of the population live. Contagious, infectious and waterborne diseases such as diarrhoea, amoebiasis, typhoid, infectious hepatitis, worm infestations, measles, malaria, tuberculosis, whooping cough, respiratory infections, pneumonia and reproductive tract infections dominate the morbidity pattern, especially in rural areas. However, non-communicable diseases such as cancer, blindness, mental illness, hypertension, diabetes, HIV/AIDS, accidents and injuries are also on the rise. The health status of Indians, is still a cause for grave concern, especially that of the rural population. This is reflected in the life expectancy (63 years), infant mortality rate (80/1000 live births), maternal mortality rate (438/100 000 live births); however, over a period of time some progress has been made. To improve the prevailing situation, the problem of rural health is to be addressed both at macro (national and state) and micro (district and regional) levels. This is to be done in an holistic way, with a genuine effort to bring the poorest of the population to the centre of the fiscal policies. A paradigm shift from the current 'biomedical model' to a 'sociocultural model', which should bridge the gaps and improve quality of rural life, is the current need. A revised National Health Policy addressing the prevailing inequalities, and working towards promoting a long-term perspective plan, mainly for rural health, is imperative.  相似文献   

目的 了解山西省在校本科生的健康商数现状。方法 采用健康商数问卷对1 000名在校本科学生进行问卷调查。结果 在校本科生整体健康商数得分为(7.39±1.15)分,不同性别大学生在生活方式、精神状态维度差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),不同家庭所在地大学生在精神状态、生活技能维度差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),中学是否住校、不同锻炼频率、不同体检状况、父母亲健康状况、不同年级的大学生健康商数各维度差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);健商各维度之间呈显著正相关(P<0.01);锻炼频率、体检状况、母亲健康状况是影响大学生整体健商水平的主要影响因素。结论 ⑴山西省在校大学生健康商数总分虽较为理想,但健康知识维度得分偏低,提示将健商理念融入健康教育,普及健康教育课程是高校教育者的重要任务。⑵高校教育者应因人制宜进行健康教育,通过提高其健商某一方面的水平,促进整体健商水平提高。⑶高校教育者应积极倡导大学生进行规律的体育锻炼、定期体检、将健商教育纳入家庭教育体系,促进其健商水平提高。  相似文献   

IN THE 1970s, the World Health Organization(WHO) put forward a community-oriented healthservice model based on the experience of Europeancountries such as Britain. At present, this model hasbeen adopted as the key strategy to make health ser-vices accessible, affordable and socially acceptableand is an important component of health servicesystem in many countries.1,2In the early 1950s, China set out to establish athree-level primary health care network in urban andrural areas in order to provide health care...  相似文献   

武汉市流动人口中已婚妇女性健康状况调查   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:了解武汉市流动人口中已婚妇女的性健康状况。方法:采用分层整群随机抽样,对2187名已婚流动妇女进行现场问卷调查。结果;婚前新婚性教育覆盖率为4.85%(106例),接受过新婚性教育的人群性生活和谐度高(x~2=11.07,P=0.004)。夫妻感情好的妇女性生活和谐度也较高(x~2=278.93,P=0.001)。非条件的Logistic回归分析显示,夫妻感情、是否患妇科疾病、家庭收入、妻子的年龄、丈夫的文化程度等因素依次对性生活和谐度有影响。调查对象中,共194人患有泌尿生殖器官疾病,患病率为8.87%,其中炎症占68.1%。人工流产率为40.8%。结论:应加强流动人口的婚前性教育,采取综合措施促进其性健康,减少生殖器官疾病。  相似文献   

同伴教育在农村孕产妇健康促进中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
受多种条件的制约,农村地区的孕产期保健比较落后,传统的健康教育方式在农村孕产妇健康促进中存在局限性:①专业人员健康教育的影响是有限的;②农民文化水平低,对知识的正确理解性差;③对农村孕产妇的健康作用不持久;④耗费大量的人力、物力;⑤容易流于形式.而同伴教育得到多种社会学和心理学理论支持,在艾滋病的预防、青少年物质滥用等方面都取得很好的收效.同伴教育具有文化适宜性、可接受性、经济性、科学性的优点,应用到农村孕产妇保健从理论上是可行的,需要做社区对照试验来检验.  相似文献   

Background:  Health insurance coverage increases access to health care. There has been an erosion of employer-based health insurance and a concomitant rise in children covered by public health insurance programs, yet more than 8 million children are still without health insurance coverage.
Methods:  This study was a national survey to assess the perceptions of State Child Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) directors (N = 51) regarding schools assisting students in obtaining public health insurance. This study examined the perceived benefits of and barriers to working with school systems and the perceived benefits to schools in assisting students to enroll in SCHIPs and what SCHIP activities were actually being conducted with school systems.
Results:  The majority (78%) of SCHIPs had been working with school systems for more than a year. Perceived benefits of working with schools were greater access to SCHIP-eligible children (75%), assistance with meeting mandates to cover all SCHIP-eligible children (65%), and greater ability of state agencies to identify SCHIP-eligible children (58%). A majority of the directors did not identify any of the potential barrier items. The directors cited the following benefits to schools in helping enroll students in public health insurance programs: reduces the number of students with untreated health problems (80%), reduces student absenteeism rates (68%), improves student attention and concentration during school (58%), and reduces the number of students being held back in school because of health problems (53%).
Discussion:  The perceived benefits derived from schools assisting in enrolling eligible students into SCHIPs are congruent with the mission of schools. Schools need to become proactive in helping to establish a healthy student body, which is more likely to be an academically successful body.  相似文献   

21世纪全面开展初级卫生保健的思考与建议   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
从我国当前的国力和国际经验来看,我国在21世纪仍然特别需要采取低成本、广覆盖与高产出的卫生发展战略,需要富有远见和创新精神的卫生制度设计。通过立法保障和普及初级卫生保健,保证城乡居民公平享有基本卫生服务,保障全体公民的基本健康权利,是解决当前广大群众“看病难、看病贵”问题的可行策略,是符合我国国情、尽快改善卫生公平性、控制医疗费用过快上涨和提高人民健康水平的最佳制度选择,也是推动卫生改革和体制创新的关键举措。建议通过立法构建我国21世纪初级卫生保健体系,将卫生工作的重点从医疗服务转到疾病预防,将卫生资源从过度的医院服务转向普及基层的初级卫生保健服务,并对相关的社会、环境、行为和心理等健康危险因素进行干预。在大力控制传染病、地方病的同时,尽快建立控制慢性非传染性疾病的能力,防止国家、社会和家庭在未来付出更高的健康损失和经济代价;建议我国未来的卫生服务大体上由“两层服务体系”提供,即初级卫生保健层次和转诊服务层次,逐步实现居民人人享有的“双重健康保障”,即:所有公民享有基本卫生服务和基本医疗保险。  相似文献   

中国健康产业现状简析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
健康是人类追求的永恒主题,是一个人全面发展的基础。如果说,20世纪是医疗的世纪,那么,21世纪就是健康的世纪了。健康服务领域已经发展成有着巨大诱惑力的产业。本文将试图从健康、健康管理、健康产业三个角度展开探讨,简析以医疗服务为核心的中国健康产业现状。  相似文献   


Policy Points:

  • Health policy in the United States has, for more than a century, simultaneously and paradoxically incentivized the growth as well as the commercialization of nonprofit organizations in the health sector.
  • This policy paradox persists during the implementation of the Affordable Care Act of 2010.


For more than a century, policy in the United States has incentivized both expansion in the number and size of tax-exempt nonprofit organizations in the health sector and their commercialization. The implementation of the Affordable Care Act of 2010 (ACA) began yet another chapter in the history of this policy paradox.


This article explores the origin and persistence of the paradox using what many scholars call “interpretive social science.” This methodology prioritizes history and contingency over formal theory and methods in order to present coherent and plausible narratives of events and explanations for them. These narratives are grounded in documents generated by participants in particular events, as well as conversations with them, observing them in action, and analysis of pertinent secondary sources. The methodology achieves validity and reliability by gathering information from multiple sources and making disciplined judgments about its coherence and correspondence with reality.


A paradox with deep historical roots persists as a result of consensus about its value for both population health and the revenue of individuals and organizations in the health sector. Participants in this consensus include leaders of governance who have disagreed about many other issues. The paradox persists because of assumptions about the burden of disease and how to address it, as well as about the effects of biomedical science that is translated into professional education, practice, and the organization of services for the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and management of illness.


The policy paradox that has incentivized the growth and commercialization of nonprofits in the health sector since the late 19th century remains influential in health policy, especially for the allocation of resources. However, aspects of the implementation of the ACA may constrain some of the effects of the paradox.  相似文献   

目的:核算2020年中国卫生总费用,分析"十三五"时期中国卫生筹资取得的成绩,总结当前中国卫生筹资面临的主要问题,提出完善卫生筹资体系的政策建议.方法:采用来源法和机构法核算卫生费用,采用时间序列的指标分析法分析中国卫生总费用变化情况.结果:2020年中国卫生总费用为72175.00亿元,占GDP比重为7.12%,人均...  相似文献   

目的:全面总结和分析2009年医疗改革以来,全国农村地区基本公共卫生服务的现状及其问题。方法:通过电子检索CBM、VIP、CNKI和万方数据库,查找2009年1月至2013年11月期间发表的所有研究中国农村基本公共卫生服务的文献,采用定性方法系统总结纳入文献的研究结果。结果:最终共纳入85篇文献,其中横断面研究占55篇,涉及最多的项目是高血压患者健康管理。结论:我国现有基本公共卫生服务的研究项目比重差异大,同时缺乏综合性研究和高质量的研究设计。提示各研究单位需要在后续的研究中,加强横向研究的交流,包括各地高校资源的利用,从更高的角度准确分析农村基本公共卫生的发展趋势,从而为农村基本公共卫生服务政策的制定提供更科学、客观的依据。  相似文献   

社区居民健康档案管理现状分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的了解社区居民健康档案的建设情况,为促进社区卫生的发展提供依据。方法本文通过定量调查和定性访谈相结合的方法,对芜湖市社区卫生服务机构居民健康档案的建立、更新和利用过程中存在的问题进行分析。结果调查地区社区居民健康档案的建档率、更新率和利用率均较低,健康档案信息系统功能滞后于当前的需求。结论提高社区居民和卫生服务机构对健康档案的认识,提升健康管理的信息化水平,培训相关人员,对当前发展社区卫生服务具有重要意义。  相似文献   

It is well known that prevalence and incidence rates of cardiovasculardisease (CVD) and CVD risk factors are not equally distributedamong socioeconomic groups. Known risk factors account for part,but not all of unequally distributed CVD rates. Socioeconomicconditions and psychosocial dynamics may explain another pareof the increased CVD rates. Theoretically, it may be possibleto lower CVD rates and CVD risk factor prevalence among lowersocioeconomic status (SES) groups by using a community development(socio-environment) strategy directed towards changes in socioenvrronmentalrisk conditions and psychosocial risk factors, rather than CVDrisk factors per Se. This article describes a protocol for sucha strategy based upon the planning work of Canadian health professionals,loosely organized under a project titled ‘Heart HealthInequalities in Canada’ This protocol incorporates baselinedata on CVD and CVD risk factor prevalence, but is premisedon actions negotiated between community organizations and healthauthorities, rather than defined unilaterally by health authorities.As such, program design activities and evaluation will differfrom a more general population-based risk factor reduction strategy.  相似文献   

Despite the potential impact of health information system (HIS) design barriers on health data quality and use and, ultimately, health outcomes in low‐ and middle‐income countries (LMICs), no comprehensive literature review has been conducted to study them in this context. We therefore conducted a formal literature review to understand system design barriers to data quality and use in LMICs and to identify any major research gaps related understanding how system design affects data use. We conducted an electronic search across 4 scientific databases—PubMed, Web of Science, Embase, and Global Health—and consulted a data use expert. Following a systematic inclusion and exclusion process, 316 publications (316 abstracts and 18 full papers) were included in the review. We found a paucity of scientific publications that explicitly describe system design factors that hamper data quality or data use for decision making. Although user involvement, work flow, human‐computer interactions, and user experience are critical aspects of system design, our findings suggest that these issues are not discussed or conceptualized in the literature. Findings also showed that individual training efforts focus primarily on imparting data analysis skills. The adverse impact of HIS design barriers on data integrity and health system performance may be even bigger in LMICs than elsewhere, leading to errors in population health management and clinical care. We argue for integrating systems thinking into HIS strengthening efforts to reduce the HIS design‐user reality gap.  相似文献   

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