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活体亲属供肾肾移植10例报告   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:总结活体亲属供肾肾移植的临床经验。方法:回顾性总结10例活体亲属供肾肾移植患者的临床效果及供者捐肾后的情况。结果:10例供者供肾后未出现严重的并发症,术后7~10天出院。10例受者均为首次肾移植,术后6~24个月随访,肾功能恢复良好,仅1例出现急性排斥反应,经激素冲击治疗后逆转,人/肾存活率为100%。结论:活体亲属供肾肾移植是安全可行的,受者人/肾存活率优于尸体供肾;活体亲属供肾是扩大供肾来源的较好途径。  相似文献   

对2例经后腹腔镜亲属活体供肾肾移植患者,予以充分术前准备、密切术中配合,结果2例供者生命体征正常,7 d出院;受者均移植成功,肾功能指标正常,住院20 d、26 d出院.提示护理人员熟悉手术过程,供肾组、修肾组及移植组熟练配合可以缩短经后腹腔镜亲属活体供肾移植术的手术时间,保护供者,提高移植肾成活率.  相似文献   

活体亲属供肾移植25例报告   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
目的 评价活体亲属肾移植的临床效果。方法 总结25例亲属供肾移植的临床资料。结果 25例供者无手术并发症,术后肾功良好。25例受者移植肾全部成活,术后因肾小管坏死和肾动脉吻合口狭窄发生移植肾功延迟恢复各1例,受者和移植肾1年存活率均为100%。结论 活体亲属供肾移植肾存活率明显高于尸体肾移植。  相似文献   

目的 分析供肾穿刺活榆在亲属活体肾移植中对供肾质量的诊断价值及边缘供肾对亲属活体肾移植受者早期预后的影响.方法 2004年2月至2008年7月142例亲属活体肾移植患者,按照供体年龄和供肾情况分为边缘供者组(51例)和非边缘供者组(91例).并对49例亲属活体供肾行细针穿刺活检术.分析2组受者的术后血肌酐(Scr)变化、Scr最低值、所需时间、术后并发症发生率.结果 49例亲属活体供肾中13例发生病理改变.边缘供者组受者Scr在术后4周、12周、6月及最低Scr水平均高于非边缘供者组(均P<0.05),而术后12个月、24个月、36个月Scr和Scr恢复至最低水平所需时间差异无统计学意义(均P>0.05).边缘供肾受者术后并发症发生率与非边缘供肾受者差异无统计学意义.结论 边缘供肾受者的早期临床疗效是理想的,但术后血肌酐基线较非边缘供肾患者高,应严格控制其纳入标准.供肾穿刺活检有利于发现常规无创检查难以发现的潜在肾脏疾病,对供受者具有重要诊断和治疗价值.  相似文献   

活体亲属供肾移植29例报告   总被引:57,自引:4,他引:53  
目的 总结亲属活体供肾移植的临床经验。方法 回顾总结29例亲属活体供肾移植的效果及供者损肾后的恢复情况。结果 29名供者供肾后未出现严重的并发症,至今全部存活。27例受者肾功能正常,均恢复日常工作;1例受者术后14个月因感染并肝功能衰竭死亡;另1例术后12天因肺内出血栓塞死亡。人/肾1年存活率为96.6%。结论 亲属活体供肾移植效果明显优于同期尸体供肾移植,但目前我国施行数量太少,尚需大力推广。  相似文献   

亲属活体供肾移植83例临床分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的 总结亲属活体供肾移植的临床经验.方法 83例活体亲属供肾移植,其中血缘亲属供肾79例,夫妻间供肾4例.术前对供者进行全面综合评估,包括心理评估.73例采用开放手术取肾,10例经腹腔镜取肾.除接受同卵双生供肾移植的1例不用免疫抑制剂外,其余82例术后采用环孢素A(或他克莫司)、霉酚酸酯(或硫唑嘌呤,或咪唑立宾)及泼尼松预防排斥反应.结果 术后无肾功能恢复延迟发生,8例发生急性排斥反应,经甲泼尼龙冲击或抗淋巴细胞球蛋白治疗后全部逆转.术后随访1个月至8年,所有供者恢复良好,血肌酐正常;83例受者中,死亡2例,1例术后2年死于呼吸衰竭,1例术后7年死于心力衰竭.结论 术前应对供者进行全面综合评估,取肾应采用术者最熟练最有把握的方法;缩短受者术前透析时问,术后早期免疫抑制剂的用量应同尸体肾移植,但维持用药可采用较低剂量.  相似文献   

目的 分析供肾穿刺活榆在亲属活体肾移植中对供肾质量的诊断价值及边缘供肾对亲属活体肾移植受者早期预后的影响.方法 2004年2月至2008年7月142例亲属活体肾移植患者,按照供体年龄和供肾情况分为边缘供者组(51例)和非边缘供者组(91例).并对49例亲属活体供肾行细针穿刺活检术.分析2组受者的术后血肌酐(Scr)变化、Scr最低值、所需时间、术后并发症发生率.结果 49例亲属活体供肾中13例发生病理改变.边缘供者组受者Scr在术后4周、12周、6月及最低Scr水平均高于非边缘供者组(均P<0.05),而术后12个月、24个月、36个月Scr和Scr恢复至最低水平所需时间差异无统计学意义(均P>0.05).边缘供肾受者术后并发症发生率与非边缘供肾受者差异无统计学意义.结论 边缘供肾受者的早期临床疗效是理想的,但术后血肌酐基线较非边缘供肾患者高,应严格控制其纳入标准.供肾穿刺活检有利于发现常规无创检查难以发现的潜在肾脏疾病,对供受者具有重要诊断和治疗价值.  相似文献   

对2例经后腹腔镜亲属活体供肾肾移植患者,予以充分术前准备、密切术中配合,结果2例供者生命体征正常,7d出院;受者均移植成功,肾功能指标正常,住院20d、26d出院。提示护理人员熟悉手术过程,供肾组、修肾组及移植组熟练配合可以缩短经后腹腔镜亲属活体供肾移植术的手术时间,保护供者,提高移植肾成活率。  相似文献   

手助腹腔镜活体供肾切取术21例报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的评价手助腹腔镜活体供肾切取术(HLDN)的手术效果和近期疗效。方法回顾性分析2004年4月至2005年7月采用HLDN方法获取活体供肾21例的临床资料。供者男13例,女8例。年龄31~60岁,平均43岁。其中18例供者为血缘关系亲属供肾,3例为非血缘关系夫妻供肾。通过受者移植后肾功能恢复情况,评价HLDN的效果。结果手术皆取左肾,手术时间100~150 min,失血量30~100 ml。供肾热缺血时间2~3 min,冷缺血时间45~60 min。平均供肾动脉长度2.3 cm,静脉长度3.5 cm。HLDN手术全部成功,无中转开放,无手术并发症,术后6~7 d出院。21例受者肾移植后未发生肾功能延迟恢复,术后1周内肾功能均达到正常值。结论HLDN结合了腹腔镜活体供肾切取术和开放手术活体供肾切取术的优点,既保证了对供者的微创,又保证了供肾质量,有利于推动活体供肾移植的开展。  相似文献   

目的探讨亲属活体供肾动脉轻度狭窄对肾移植受者术后早期肾功能和并发症的影响。方法回顾性分析14例供肾动脉轻度狭窄的亲属活体肾移植与50例标准亲属活体肾移植供、受者的临床资料。比较两组供者术后血清肌酐(Scr)水平。比较两组受者术后1、3、6个月的Scr水平;比较两组受者移植肾存活率及移植物功能延迟恢复(DGF)、急性排斥反应、肺部感染的发生率。结果两组供者术后Scr水平比较,差异均无统计学意义(均为P0.05)。两组术后1、3、6个月Scr水平比较,差异均无统计学意义(均为P0.05)。两组受者移植肾存活率,DGF、急性排斥反应、肺部感染的发生率比较,差异亦均无统计学意义(均为P0.05)。结论亲属活体供肾动脉轻度狭窄对肾移植受者术后肾功能和并发症的影响不大,可纳入标准供体供肾范围。  相似文献   

目的:探讨肾移植术中供肾输尿管异常的手术处理方法。方法:回顾性分析18例供。肾输尿管异常的肾移植术中处理,包括损伤致输尿管过短8例,完全型双输尿管4例,不完全型双输尿管2例,输尿管结石2例,巨输尿管2例。根据具体情况采用输尿管膀胱吻合术、供受者输尿管端端吻合术和膀胱腰大肌悬吊术等方法再植输尿管。结果:术后恢复顺利,未发生移植肾功能延迟恢复和尿漏。随访3~8年,发生输尿管梗阻1例,行经皮。肾造口输尿管镜切开后治愈。发生尿路感染5例(其中2例为反复感染)。未见膀胱输尿管返流。结扎输尿管的原肾未出现胀痛和不适,B超检查未见肾积水。带输尿管结石移植肾未见结石复发。巨输尿管供肾移植后输尿管管径稳定,无明显增大。结论:供肾输尿管损伤和异常时采用不同的技术修复和再植输尿管,可减少并发症的发生。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The technique of ureterocystoneostomy for completely duplicated ureters has not yet been established. We report on a case of a living-related transplant recipient who successfully received his mother's kidney having completely duplicated ureters. METHODS/RESULTS: The recipient was a 33-year-old male patient introduced to hemodialysis due to focal glomerulosclerosis. The donor was his 60-year-old mother having left completely duplicated ureters. We adopted the modified extravesical ureterocystoneostomy technique. Postoperative drip infusion pyelography and voiding cystography of the recipient showed no evidence of urinary tract obstruction or vesicoureteral reflux. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that this technique is suitable for the transplantation of the kidney with complete ureteral duplication.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the complications of duplicated ureters in renal transplant recipients. METHODS: Between 1983 and 2004, 12 patients (median age 34 years) received renal transplants from donors with duplicated ureters. In four patients the ureter to bladder anastomoses were performed separately according to the method described by MacKinnon, including two cases transplanted with ureteral catheters because of narrow widths. In the following cases of eight duplicated ureters an anastomosis was performed between the distal part of each ureter to form a common ureteral ostium, which was connected to the urinary bladder. A ureteral catheter was used to the splint ureterovesical anastomosis. RESULTS: No graft loss to ureteral complications was observed. There was no ureteral necrosis in the postoperative period. No clinical symptoms of ureteral junction obstruction were revealed after removing the ureteral catheter. By ultrasound examination four patients showed a slight temporary pyelocaliectasis was observed and four patients developed temporary urinary fistulas. CONCLUSION: Our ureterocystoneostomy procedures with duplicated ureters were safe and useful in kidney transplantation.  相似文献   

《Transplantation proceedings》2023,55(5):1116-1120
BackgroundLaparoscopic donor nephrectomy (LDN) is the preferred method for kidney retrieval in live donor kidney transplantation. The surgical technique of LDN has improved over the years, but ureteral complications are still common after kidney transplantation. The relationship between the surgical technique in LDN and ureteral complications has been debated. This study aims to discuss ureteral complications and risk factors in kidney transplantation in a group of patients performed with a standard technique.Materials and MethodsA total of 751 live donor kidney transplantations were included in the study. Age, sex, body mass index, concomitant metabolic diseases, nephrectomy side, multiple renal arteries, and several complete or incomplete duplicated ureters of donors were recorded. The recipient's age, sex, body mass index, duration of dialysis, the daily volume of urine before transplantation, accompanying metabolic diseases, and postoperative ureteral complications were also recorded.ResultsOf the 751 patient donors included in the study, 433 (57.7%) were female, and 318 (42.3%) were male. Of the 751 recipients, 291 (38.7%) were female, and 460 (61.3%) were male. In the 751 recipients, there were 8 (1.0%) ureteral complications, all of which were ureteral strictures. No ureteral leaks or urinomas were noted in this series. There was no statistically significant relation between donor age, donor body mass index, donor side, presence of hypertension in the donor, presence of diabetes mellitus in the donor, or ureteral complications. The mean duration of dialysis and preoperative daily urine volume were associated with increased ureteral complications with statistical significance.ConclusionRecipient factors may affect ureteral complication rates in live donor kidney transplantation, donor nephrectomy technique, and gonadal vein preservation.  相似文献   

Transplantation of the urinary bladder has not been reported in humans. We transplanted a portion of the donor bladder with an en bloc kidney graft in a 12-month-old girl. The child had a congenital hypoplastic single kidney with an ectopic ureteral opening into the vagina. Her native bladder was extremely small. Bilateral kidneys were transplanted en bloc with their ureters connected to a patch of the donor bladder, which encompassed the bilateral ureterovesical junctions (UVJs) (bladder patch technique). Approximately one-third of the donor bladder wall was used. The bladder patch reperfused well via blood supply from the ureters. Posttransplant cystoscopy with retrograde cystogram revealed a viable transplanted bladder with normal emptying of transplanted ureters. No reflux across the donor UVJs was seen in a voiding cystourethrogram. The child is doing well with normal renal function at 18-month follow-up.  相似文献   



Complications of the transplant ureter are the most important cause of surgical morbidity after renal transplantation. The presence of ureteral duplication in the renal graft might result in an increased complication rate. We analyzed our data of double-ureter renal transplantations using a case-control study design. Additionally, we performed a review of the literature.


From January 1995 to April 2012, 12 patients received a donor kidney with a double ureter (0.8%). We created a control group of 24 patients matched in age, sex, donor type, and ureteral stenting. Patient charts and surgical reports were reviewed retrospectively.


In 7 patients both ureters were separately anastomosed to the bladder. In 4 patients a common ostium was created. In 1 patient 1 of the 2 ureters was ligated. No postoperative urologic complications occured. In the single-ureter group, the urologic complication rate was 17% (P = .71). Mean creatinine levels after transplantation were comparable between both groups.


A double-ureter donor kidney is not associated with an increased complication rate after renal transplantation and yields equal outcomes as compared to single-ureter donor kidneys. We conclude that transplantation of a kidney with a duplicated ureter is safe.  相似文献   

目的:探讨腔镜治疗输尿管末端结石并无功能肾的处理策略。方法:输尿管末端结石并无功能肾9例,术前影像学及尿细胞学检查均未发现肿瘤改变。先以膀胱电切镜经尿道行膀胱袖状切除术,再在B超引导下,经皮细针穿刺抽吸部分肾积水,约1000-2500ml,增大后腹腔空间,行后腹腔镜下肾输尿管全切术,最后在下腹部取4~6cm小切口,将肾、输尿管全长及末端结石完整取出。结果:9例患者手术顺利,手术时间150-270min,平均(190.5±23.7)min;估计出血量30-90ml,平均(54.2±13.6)ml;术后7~10天拆线出院。随访6个月~3年,无肿瘤等并发症发生。术后输尿管末端病理检查示:6例慢性炎症;2例慢性炎症并上皮细胞不典型增生;1例输尿管原位癌。结论:输尿管末端结石长期慢性炎性刺激,导致尿路上皮细胞异常增生与癌变。对输尿管末端结石合并无功能肾患者,视同输尿管癌,后腹腔镜联合膀胱电切镜行肾输尿管全长与膀胱袖状切除术,达到微创效果。  相似文献   

BackgroundThis article aims to describe an original technique to correct refluxing native ureters observed during a prerenal transplantation study. The correction is performed by intravesical ligation of the native refluxing ureters at the same time as renal transplantation without simultaneous nephrectomy.MethodsBetween January 2004 and December 2010 we performed intravesical ligation of a refluxing ureter simultaneous with a transplantation procedure without a concomittant native nephrectomy in 12 of 345 subjects (3.47%). The 8 bilateral and 4 unilateral ligations were performed on 11 cadaveric and 1 living-related nonidentical donor transplantations. The implantation of the kidney donor ureter was performed anatomically in the bladder trigone through a transvesical ureteroneocystostomy with a transmural, submucosal antireflux tunnel.ResultsEarly and late postoperative recovery was satisfactory in all patients. There was no documented kidney area pain, proven urinary tract infection, morbidity or mortality attributed to the procedure.ConclusionsIntravesical ligation is a practical technique to manage vesicoureteral reflux into the native ureters simultaneously with the ureteral implantation of the kidney donor in a single surgical renal transplant procedure without native kidney nephrectomy.  相似文献   

BackgroundKidney transplantation is the most valuable renal replacement therapy. One of the most common urologic complications following kidney transplantation is ureter anastomosis leakage, which leads to high morbidity along with kidney graft loss. We hypothesized that indocyanine green (ICG) fluorescence videography can assess ureter perfusion after revascularization of transplanted kidneys.MethodsWe conducted a prospective cross-sectional study in end-stage renal disease patients who underwent deceased donor kidney transplantation at Ramathibodi Hospital from September 2019 to January 2020. The segments of transplanted ureters were categorized as having good or poor perfusion based on the percentage from ICG fluorescence videography images. Then the results from ICG fluorescence videography were compared with histopathology which is considered the gold standard.ResultsThirty-one sections of dissected ureters were evaluated from 10 patients. Compared with pathological diagnosis of ureteral ischemia, ICG videography had sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value (NPV), and positive likelihood ratio of 100%, 92.6%, 66.7%, 100%, and 14, respectively. Accuracy was 93.6%. The area under the curve of ICG fluorescence videography was 0.96. The average ureter length that maintained good perfusion was 14 cm from the ureteropelvic junction. Adverse events from ICG were not observed in this study.ConclusionsWe conclude that ICG fluorescence videography is beneficial for detection of early ureteral ischemia in kidney transplantation patients, with negligible adverse events. However, further studies with larger numbers of patients are necessary to confirm our results and clinical outcomes regarding complication rates.  相似文献   

目的总结肾离体手术在肾移植中的临床应用经验。方法 2002年2月至4月第四军医大学西京医院泌尿外科分别行离体肾肿瘤剜除术后自体肾移植1例和离体供肾输尿管镜下钬激光碎石清石术后亲属活体肾移植1例。分析2例受者临床资料并进行文献复习。结果病例1:离体手术中肿瘤完整剜除,病理检查切缘未见癌组织,自体肾移植手术顺利;随访7个月,血清肌酐、血尿素氮水平略高于正常,无需透析,无肿瘤复发及转移。病例2:输尿管镜下可见离体供肾内两枚直径分别为8和12mm的结石,均成功取出;肾移植术中留置输尿管支架;术后未见相关并发症,随访10个月,移植肾内未见结石复发。结论肾离体手术有助于减少手术损伤,最大限度地维护患者肾脏功能,减少等待肾移植人群。正确选择适应证至关重要。  相似文献   

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