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目的了解马鞍山市流感流行动态,为流感的防治提供科学依据。方法统计监测医院流感样病例(ILI)数据,采集部分ILI咽拭子标本,用MDCK细胞进行流感病毒分离,采用血凝抑制实验进行流感病毒型别鉴定。结果马鞍山市2006-2007年共报告流感样病例15904例,流感样病例就诊百分比为6.63%。采样2656例,分离出病毒358株,病毒分离率为13.48%,其中A型H1N1亚型142株、A型H3N2亚型49株、B(Victoria)型72株、B(Yamagata)型96株。结论2006-2007年马鞍山市流感发病呈现冬春季及夏季两个峰,应进一步加强对流感的监测。  相似文献   

目的了解深圳市龙岗区2009年4月-2010年5月流感流行规律,为有效防制提供依据。方法通过流行病学、血清学和病原学监测,对深圳市龙岗区流感流行情况进行分析。结果深圳市龙岗区2009年4月-2010年5月监测流感样病例(ILI)43 249例,占监测就诊病例总数的8.42%;全年均有病例发生,6月和7月ILI病例数最多;流感样病例主要集中在0~和5~岁年龄组,占79.4%;采集ILI鼻咽拭子标本520份,分离出91株流感病毒,阳性率为17.5%,新甲型H1N1 19株,H1N1亚型7株,H3N2亚型14株,B(Victoria)亚型51株。流感暴发疫情主要发生在中、小学校,占81.2%。核酸检测以季节性甲流和新甲型H1N1流感为主(81.2%)。结论深圳市龙岗区全年均有流感样病例发生,以夏季和冬季为高发季节,主要流行株为甲型H1N1流感病毒株和B型流感病毒(Victoria系),流感监测对预防流行有重要意义。  相似文献   

[目的]了解武汉市2006~2007年度流感流行状况,为流感防控提供依据.[方法]通过流行病学、病 原学和血清学监测,对武汉市近年的流感流行情况进行分析.[结果]在1 772 550例门诊病例中监测到流摩样病例 185 971例,ILI就诊比例为10.5%;共采集流感样病例咽拭标本933份,分离到不同型别的流感病毒294株,其中 H1N1型占37.8%.H3N2型占25.5%,B型Victoria系18.0%,B型Yamagata系19,0%;人群中H3N2的血清抗体水平最高;武汉市流感流行状况呈双峰型,流感样病例就诊比例变化与病毒分离率相一致,两年来流感流行优势株由H1N1亚型变为H3N2亚型.[结论]武汉市仍应加强对各型流感病毒的监测,以预防、控制流感的流行.  相似文献   

2005年广东省流感监测结果分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的分析广东省流感病毒抗原变异情况和人群血清流感抗体水平,更好地预防和控制流感流行。方法用9-11天龄鸡胚和(或)MDCK细胞分离流感病毒,病毒鉴定及人血清流感抗体检测用微量半加敏红细胞凝集抑制法(HI)。结果2005年广东省共报告流感样病例暴发疫情184起,报告病例7 154例,主要由A(H3N2)亚型流感病毒引起局部暴发。2005年全省人群中共分离流感病毒929株,以A(H3N2)亚型流感病毒为主,占54.04%,A(H1N1)亚型流感病毒占28.52%,B型(Yamagata系)流感病毒占6.14%,B型(Victoria系)流感病毒占11.30%。检测900份一般人群血清,A(H3N2)亚型流感抗体阳性率较高,为67.11%;B型(Victoria系)流感抗体阳性率较低,为4.78%。抗原性分析结果显示,广东省不同两个市分离到的两株流感病毒与国家2005年标准株抗原性有明显差别。结论2005年广东省未发生流感大流行,A(H1N1)、A(H3N2)亚型及B型(Yamagata系)、B型(Victoria系)流感病毒同时在广东省交替传播。  相似文献   

目的了解马鞍山市流感流行动态,为流感的防治提供科学依据。方法统计监测医院流感样病例(ILI)数据,采集部分ILI咽拭子标本,用MDCK细胞进行流感病毒分离,采用血凝抑制实验进行流感病毒型别鉴定。结果马鞍山市2006—2007年共报告流感样病例15904例,流感样病例就诊百分比为6.63%。采样2656例,分离出病毒358株,病毒分离率为13.48%,其中A型H1N1亚型142株、A型H3N2亚型49株、B(Victoria)型72株、B(Yamagata)型96株。结论2006—2007年马鞍山市流感发病呈现冬春季及夏季两个峰,应进一步加强对流感的监测。  相似文献   

目的了解湘潭市流感病毒的流行情况,探讨流感流行规律,为制定流感措施提供依据。方法采集流感样病例(ILI)的咽拭子标本用狗肾细胞(MDCK)进行病毒分离培养,采用血凝抑制方法(HI)进行流感病毒型别鉴定。结果全年共检测2所流感监测哨点医院ILI咽拭子标本648份,分离到流感病毒26株,阳性分离率为4.01%,经分离鉴定A(H3N2)亚型10株,B/Y亚型7株,B/V亚型9株。分别占总株数的38.46%、26.92%、34.62%。结论 2010年湘潭市有流感流行,流感的优势毒株为A(H3N2)亚型和B/Y亚型。A(H3N2)亚型主要在婴幼儿中流行,未发现A(H1N1)亚型。  相似文献   

目的分析深圳市罗湖区2013年流感的病原学型别、流行状况及一般人群抗体水平,初步预测流行趋势,为流感防控提供有效依据。方法采用Real-Time RT PCR技术对采集的鼻咽拭子标本进行病毒鉴定,采用微量半致敏血凝抑制方法对一般人群血清抗体进行检测。结果 2013年罗湖区共监测流感样病例(ILI)7 655例,占同期门诊病例的3.79%;采集ILI鼻咽拭子标本338份,流感病毒核酸检测阳性标本137份,亚型分别为新甲型H1N1(68份)、甲型H3N2(43份)和B型Yamagata(26份)。全年报告流感疫情46宗,全部发生在中小学和托幼机构,引起疫情暴发原因上半年主要是新甲型H1N1流感病毒,下半年主要是B型Yamagata流感病毒。结论辖区全年均有流感病例发生,流感主要流行株从新甲型H1N1亚型逐渐转变为B型Yamagata亚型。  相似文献   

目的了解南宁市儿童流感流行动态,为儿童流感的防治提供科学依据。方法对南宁市2008-2010年的儿童流感样病例(ILI)监测资料、病毒分离鉴定结果进行分析。结果 3年共监测病例总数407 773例,流感样病例就诊百分比为36.58%。采样1 861例,分离出病毒140株,病毒分离率为7.52%,其中季A型H1N1亚型16株、新甲型H1N119株、季A型H3N2亚型57株、B(Victoria)型30株、B(Yamagata)型18株。结论 2008-2010年南宁市儿童流感流行的优势株为A型H3N2亚型,应进一步加强对流感的监测,注意流感病毒变异株的出现和流行趋势。  相似文献   

2009年南平市流感监测点病原监测结果分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的分析南平市流感监测点分离的流感毒株,探讨流行规律,为防治提供依据。方法选择南平市两所流感哨点监测医院,采集流感样病例(ILI)呼吸道咽拭子,利用MDCK细胞法分离病毒及用红细胞凝集抑制试验对病毒进行型和亚型的鉴定分析。结果 2009年采集流感样病例(ILI)样品1 848份,分离到240株流感病毒,分离率为13.0%。其中H1N1型流感病毒株85株,H3N2型流感病毒株42株,B型流感病毒株56株,新H1N1型流感病毒株57株。呈现5-9月和11-12月两个活动高峰。结论 2009年南平市流感病毒优势株在5-9月以A型(H1N1,H3N2)及B型(B-yamagata,B-victoria)共存。11-12月由优势株亚型逐渐过渡为A(新甲型H1N1),少数样品检出B型(B-yamagata,B-victoria)流感。  相似文献   

了解贵州省2010 - 2016年流感流行特征,为流感防控提供科学依据。方法 采用流行病学描述性方法对2010年4月1日 - 2016年3月31日流感样病例(简称ILI)监测情况、病原学检测结果和流感病毒分离情况进行分析。结果 2010 - 2016年6个流感监测年度贵州省门急诊病例就诊总数在逐年增多,ILI比例平均为6.18%。0~15岁小年龄组ILI%明显高于其他年龄组人群,占91.20%。ILI病例共采集60 829份,检出阳性7 817份,阳性率平均为12.85%,流行株主要为季H3、新甲H1N1、Yamagata系和Victoria系;6个监测年度,优势流感病毒分别为A型流感、B型流感、季H3+新甲H1N1流感、新甲H1N1+Yamagata系流感、季H3流感、季H3+Victoria系+Yamagata系流感;共分离到1 652株流感病毒,季H3和By最多;0岁~年龄组分离到毒株670株,5岁~年龄组433株。结论 贵州省2010 - 2016年流感监测年度ILI比例较高,ILI病例以0~15岁小年龄群体为主;随年度优势流感呈单独流行或多种共同流行特点;各年龄组毒株分离情况与ILI年龄分布整体上一致,流感病毒的分离情况也能反映流感的流行情况。加强ILI病例病原学监测和小年龄人群疫情监测具有重要意义。  相似文献   

龙岩市1999~2002年流感监测结果分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 :探索流感流行的规律 ,掌握流感流行信息 ,及时对疫点进行疫情调查 ,为制定防制方案提供科学依据。方法 :对门诊就诊的上感病例进行流行病学观察。用常规鸡胚双腔法分离流感病毒。以微量血凝抑制试验 (HI)法测定正常人群免疫水平。结果 :1999年及 2 0 0 0年未检出流感病毒 ,2 0 0 1年分离到 A1(H1N1)亚型流感病毒 12株 ,2 0 0 2年分离得B型 Victoria系流感病毒 2 8株与 A3(H3N2 )亚型流感病毒 2株。正常人群免疫水平 ,1999年阳性率以 A3(H3N2 )亚型阳性率最高 ,达 79.2 5 % (GMT 79.2 3) ;2 0 0 0年以 A1(H1N1)亚型最高 ,达 88.6 8% (GMT 6 4 .32 ) ;2 0 0 1年以 A1(H1N1)亚型最高 ,达 76 .4 0 % (GMT2 8.2 8) ;2 0 0 2年以 A1(H1N1)亚型阳性率最高 ,达 78.2 6 % (GMT15 .2 9)。两系B型流感中该市只有 Yam agata系在人群中有抗体 ,而 Victoria系抗体在低年龄组人群中未检出。结论 :该市 2 0 0 3年应重点加强防范 B型 Victoria系流感病毒株向乡镇流行以及 A3亚型流感病毒株可能引起的爆发或流行  相似文献   

Yuanji G 《Vaccine》2002,20(Z2):S28-S35
During 1989-1999, influenza A H3N2 and H1N1 subtypes and B type viruses were still co-circulating in human population in China, while influenza A (H3N2) virus was predominant strain. The two antigenically and genetically distinguishable strains of influenza B virus were also still co-circulating in men in southern China. The antigenic analysis indicated that most of the H3N2 viruses were A/Panama/2007/99 (H3N2)-like strain, the most of the H1N1 viruses were antigenically similar to A/Beijing/262/95 (H1N1) virus. However, most of the influenza B viruses were B/Beijing/184/93-like strain, but few of them were antigenically similar to B/Shandong/7/97 virus. In the summer of 1998, the influenza outbreaks caused by H3N2 subtype of influenza A virus occurred widely in southern China. Afterwards, during 1998-1999 influenza season, a severe influenza epidemic caused by H3N2 virus emerged in northern China. The morbidity was reached as high as 10% in Beijing area. It was interesting that during influenza, surveillance from 1998 to 1999, five strains of avian influenza A (H9N2) virus were isolated from outpatients with influenza-like illness in July-August of 1998, and another one was repeatedly isolated from a child suffering from influenza-like disease in November of 1999 in Guangdong province. The genetic analysis revealed that the five strains isolated in 1998 were genetically closely related to H9N2 viruses being isolated from chickens (G9 lineage virus), whereas, A/Guangzhou/333/99 (H9N2) virus was a reassortant derived from reassortment between G9 and G1 lineage of avian influenza A (H9N2) viruses due to its genes encoding the HA, NA, NP and NS proteins, closely related to G9 lineage virus, the rest of the genes encoding the M and three polymerase (PB2, PB1 and PA) were closely related to G1 lineage strain of H9N2 virus. However, no avian influenza A (H5N1) virus has so far been isolated neither from in or outpatients with influenza-like disease in mainland China. Unfortunately, where did the reassortment occur and how did the reassortant transmit to men? These questions are still unknown.  相似文献   

目的观察天水市流行性感冒(流感)流行状况及流感病毒类型,分析流行趋势,为流感预防控制提供依据。方法2005年11月-2008年10月,采集流感监测点医院和辖区内流感样病例爆发疫情典型病例咽拭子标本,送甘肃省疾病预防控制中心(CDC),采用鸡胚和狗肾传代细胞分离流感病毒,并用血凝和血凝抑制试验对病毒进行鉴定,分离的毒株送中国CDC病毒病预防控制所国家流感中心进行复核鉴定。结果共采集流感样病例咽拭子标本1819份,分离出流感病毒247株,分离率为13.58%。其中甲,型36株,占14.57%;甲,型75株,占30.36%;乙型136株,占55.06%[维多利亚(Victoria)系121株、山形(Yamagata)系15株]。结论天水市存在甲,型、甲3型和乙型流感病毒活动,在不同年度以不同强度同时或交替活动,爆发疫情均发生在农村中小学校,以乙型为主。  相似文献   

The first signs of influenza activity during the 2007/'08 influenza season in the Netherlands were sporadic isolations of influenza viruses between week 40 and week 52 of 2007. The frequency of virus isolations and clinical influenza activity increased after week 1 of 2008 and peaked around week 9. In this week, 7.2 patients with influenza-like illness were recorded per 10,000 inhabitants. The influenza epidemic was caused primarily by influenza A/H1N1 viruses and influenza B viruses. Two antigenically distinct variants of influenza A/H1N1 viruses were isolated, which resembled the 2007/'08 vaccine reference strain A/Solomon Islands/3/06 and the new vaccine reference strain A/Brisbane/59/07, respectively. The most remarkable finding was that 27% of the A/H1N1 viruses isolated in the Netherlands during the 2007/'08 epidemic were resistant to the neuraminidase inhibitor oseltamivir. The isolated influenza B viruses originated from the B/Yamagata/16/88 lineage and did not match the vaccine strain, which originated from a different and antigenically distinct lineage of influenza B viruses (B/Victoria/2/87). Only a small number of influenza A/H3N2 viruses was isolated, which were related to the vaccine strain for this subtype (A/Wisconsin/67/05). Thus in contrast to previous influenza seasons, A/H3N2 viruses did not play a major role in the 2007/'08 influenza season in the Netherlands. For the 2008/'09 influenza season, the World Health Organization has recommended the following vaccine composition: A/Brisbane/59/07 (H1N1), A/Brisbane/10/07 (H3N2) and B/Florida/4/06.  相似文献   

2006年湖南省流行性感冒病原学监测结果与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的了解湖南省流感监测地区的流感流行状况及流感毒株的型别分布,分析其流行趋势,为流感防制提供科学依据。方法采集流感样病例(ILI)的咽拭子标本,用传代狗肾细胞(MDCK)进行病毒分离,采用血凝抑制实验(HI)进行流感病毒型别鉴定。分离的毒株再送国家流感中心(NIC)进行复核鉴定。结果全省12家哨点医院3499份ILI咽拭子标本,分离到毒株258株,分离阳性率为7.37%,经NIC最后复核鉴定的结果为:A(H1N1)亚型202株,A(H3N2)亚型11株,B型43株,另有2株送NIC后转阴;流感及ILI暴发疫情病例咽拭子标本179份,分离到流感病毒75株,分离阳性率为41.90%,分型鉴定为A(H1N1)亚型12株,B型62株,1株送国家流感中心后转阴。结论2006年湖南省流感监测地区全年均有流感活动,A(H1N1)亚型、A(H3N2)亚型和B型均能被分离到,A(H1N1)亚型为优势株,而暴发疫情则以B型为主。  相似文献   

The epidemic in the influenza season 2001/2002 was of moderate activity just like in 2000/2001. The influenza epidemic started in week 2 of 2002 when the clinical influenza activity reported by the general practitioner network of the Netherlands Institute of Primary Health Care (NIVEL) increased. This was caused by influenza A viruses of the H3N2 subtype in particular. All influenza A viruses of this subtype were closely related to the vaccine strain for this subtype, A/Moscow/10/99. Influenza B viruses and influenza A/H1 viruses isolated this season had surprising features. The influenza B viruses originated from two lineages. Viruses of the B/Yamagata/16/88 lineage have been circulating for more than twelve years. The vaccine reference strain B/Sichuan/379/99 belongs to this lineage. The B/Victoria/2/87 lineage reappeared again after an absence in Europe of more than ten years and accounted for 50% of the influenza B viruses that were isolated in the Netherlands. Therefore the vaccine will have provided only partial protection against influenza B. The only influenza A/H1 virus that was isolated appeared to be of a new subtype H1N2. The H1 hemagglutinin of this virus was closely related to that of the vaccine strain A/New Caledonia/20/99. The N2 neuraminidase originated from recent human influenza A/H3N2 viruses. Therefore the vaccine probably provided good protection against the new H1N2 subtype. Based in part on these data, the World Health Organization has advised that the vaccines for the season 2002/2003 should contain the following or comparable influenza-virus strains: A/Moscow/10/99 (H3N2), A/New Caledonia/20/99 (H1N1) and B/Hong Kong/330/01, the latter being an influenza B virus of the B/Victoria/2/87 lineage.  相似文献   

  目的  评估年龄和既往流感病毒暴露史对免后血清与H3N2亚型变异株交叉反应的影响。  方法  将750名受试者按照1:1的比例接种试验用流感病毒亚单位疫苗和对照用流感病毒裂解疫苗,并且根据年龄和流感病毒暴露史分组,通过血凝抑制(hemagglutination inhibition,HI)试验测得受试者免疫前后血清针对疫苗株的血凝抑制滴度,与免疫后血清针对当年流行的4株H3N2亚型变异流感毒株的抗体滴度,计算抗体几何平均滴度(geometric mean titer,GMT),以及变异株和疫苗株的抗体GMT比值比,使用Kruskal-Wallis秩和检验比较不同年龄组以及不同既往流感暴露组之间的GMT比值比差异。  结果  在接种流感病毒亚单位疫苗的人群中,在免疫前同时暴露于H1亚型和B型流感病毒株的受试者,其针对A/Jiangsu-Nanchang/11926/2014(H3N2)的免后抗体水平高于无H1/B暴露的人群(t=3.913,P=0.001)。在接种流感病毒裂解疫苗的人群中,19~59岁的成年人针对A/Jiangsu-Haizhou/11044/2015(H3N2)免后交叉反应水平高于3~18岁的青少年(t=3.198,P=0.008)。  结论  先前暴露于H1亚型或B型流感病毒,可能会不同程度地影响H3免后抗体应答的交叉反应性,并因此可能影响疫苗效力。人类的免疫后反应存在年龄特异性差异。  相似文献   

At a time when outbreaks and sporadic cases of influenza caused a A/Victoria/3/75-like and A/Texas/1/77-like H3N2 strain of influenza were occurring in the Rocky Mountain region of the USA, about 60% of the students of a high school in Cheyenne, Wyoming, were involved in an outbreak of influenza-like illness. Six influenza A(H1N1) virus isolates were obtained from throat swabs collected from 12 of these students. Virus isolated from a seventh student, however, contained a mixture of H1 and H3 (A/Victoria/3/75-like) hemagglutinins and N1 and N2 neuraminidases, as shown by the ability to clone from the mixture viruses with antigenic components H1N1, H3N1, and H3N2. An antigenic hybrid virus with H3N1 composition was re-isolated from the original throat swab. The results show that one student was shedding a mixture of A/Victoria/3/75(H3N2)-like and A/USSR/90/77(H1N1)-like viruses at the time his throat swab was taken.  相似文献   

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