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[目的] 了解乡村小学生存在的健康问题,设计健康促进活动进行社区护理干预,复习与巩固社区护理相关理论知识,提高社区健康促进实践技能.[方法]通过健康教育、体格检查、组织文体活动等方法对某乡村小学学生开展健康促进活动.[结果] 此次活动在加强小学生身心娱乐的同时,大致了解了小学生的生长发育状况;大部分小学生掌握了正确有效的洗手方法.[结论]在乡村小学校园开展健康促进活动非常有必要,实践的开展有助于参与人员加强自身对社区护理知识的巩固以及对社区健康促进实践技能的提高.  相似文献   

侯琨  王晶晶 《全科护理》2011,9(13):1209-1210
[目的]探讨社区小学生地震救生包的置备。[方法]在学习社区护理课程内容的基础上,通过小组实践活动,在规定的时间内完成社区小学生地震救生包的配置工作,并听取任课教师的指导建议。[结果]本组实践得分28分(满分30分),成绩优异;配置救生包所需物品的判断上还有差距,部分物品质量尚有欠缺。[结论]为社区小学生配置地震救生包的实践活动有效地提高了本组成员在社区青少年和学校健康保健护理方面的知识和技能。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨社区小学生地震救生包的置备.[方法]在学习社区护理课程内容的基础上,通过小组实践活动,在规定的时间内完成社区小学生地震救生包的配置工作,并听取任课教师的指导建议.[结果]本组实践得分28分(满分30分),成绩优异;配置救生包所需物品的判断上还有差距,部分物品质量尚有欠缺.[结论] 为社区小学生配置地震救生包的实践活动有效地提高了本组成员在社区青少年和学校健康保健护理方面的知识和技能.  相似文献   

[目的]探讨在大学校园内开展社区健康教育实践教学的效果.[方法]在2007级护理本科社区护理学教学中利用在校大学生群体进行社区健康教育实践,并对实践教学效果进行问卷调查及成绩分析.[结果]学生实践成绩平均分87.5分,90分以上学生17人.97.78%的学生认为在大学校园内开展社区健康教育实践,促进了他们对理论知识的掌握及应用,激发了他们的学习兴趣;96.66%的学生认为该实践提高了他们发现问题、解决问题的能力;96.67%学生认为提高了他们评判性思维能力.[结论]利用大学校园开展社区健康教育实践教学可有效加强护生对社区护理基本理论知识的理解与掌握,提高了护生评判性思维能力及综合素质,促进了教学资源的合理利用.  相似文献   

[目的]了解辽西5市市区不同性别居家老年人护理需求现状,为进一步有针对性地提高社区护理健康教育及服务等工作提供依据。[方法]选取辽西地区朝阳、盘锦、锦州、阜新及葫芦岛5市市区居家老年人,问卷调查样本数5 159人,小组访谈样本数86人,采用问卷调查法与小组访谈法了解社区老年人的护理需求状况。[结果]不同性别居家老年人日常生活活动能力及对社区护理服务项目需求存在统计学差异(P0.05),且有的需求呈现扼制状态。[结论]应对不同性别居家老年人开展有针对性及实用性的社区护理健康教育,使其重视专业护理对提高生活质量及健康水平的认知,促进社区护理工作的有效开展。  相似文献   

卢琦  郭扬  刘旭  赵珊 《山西护理杂志》2012,(10):2610-2611
[目的]探寻天津市居民对社区护理的认知与相关需求,为更好地开展社区护理工作提供事实依据。[方法]自行设计天津市社区护理发展现状调查问卷,从全市16个区3个县中各随机抽取1个或2个社区,应用便利取样选取1495名居民进行调查,了解居民时社区护理认知度及对社区护理的需求。[结果]83.9%的居民接受过社区护理服务,对社区护理的认知度整体偏低,且居民对建立健康档案与定期家访、定期体检和健康教育咨询的需求度居前三位。[结论]随着居民“以疾病为中心”的意识逐渐向“以促进健康为中心”转变,根据居民对社区护理的需求,有针对性地开展社区护理服务,加强社区护理的宣传力度,提高居民对社区护理的认知程度。同时,加强社区护理的人才培养,提升社区护士的专业素质,继而提高社区护理服务水平以满足社区居民的需要。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨基于Teach-back的多形式社区健康教育实践活动在护理本科生《社区护理学》健康教育教学中的应用效果。[方法]对医院2011级~2013级359名护理本科生实施基于Teach-back的多形式社区健康教育实践教学活动(包括课堂模拟实践、社区健康教育实践和社区健康教育比赛)。采用问卷调查法、访谈法和护生呈交的反思报告评价教学效果。[结果]359名护生社区健康教育实践活动得分优秀率达25.6%,优良率达92.5%。95%以上的护生喜欢这种教学方式并感到满意,90%以上的认为该教学方式对各项能力的提高均有促进作用,尤其是在健康教育能力、创新能力、人际沟通能力、团队合作能力方面。定性结果显示,该教学方式加深了对社区护士角色的理解,强化了护生的健康教育知识与技能,提高了专业能力和综合素质。[结论]基于Teach-back的多形式社区健康教育实践活动激发了护生学习自主性,有助于提高护生以健康教育能力、创新能力为核心的综合能力,有效地实现教学目标,提高教学质量。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨高等职业院校与卫生服务中心(站)护学结合的途径和方法,提高社区卫生服务中心(站)社区护理的效果。[方法]收集国内外社区护理相关资料,考查国内外社区护理机构社区护理现状,通过专家座谈、专家咨询、老师指导、学生实习、寒暑假学生实践活动开展高等职业院校与卫生服务中心(站)社区护理护学结合的实践。[结果]在人才对接、内涵对接、居民对接3个接口上开展7条有效途径的护学结合实践,促进了社区卫生服务中心(站)在3个社区护理一级模块、46个社区护理操作项目的开展。[结论]高等职业院校与卫生服务中心(站)护学结合实践,在一定程度上解决目前我国社区护理中存在的理论与实践脱离、人才人力缺乏、资金短缺、内容局限等问题,促进社区护理内涵建设,提高社区护理效果。  相似文献   

目的 探讨对护理本科生在大学校园开展社区健康促进实践教学的实施方法及效果.方法 在2008级本科社区护理教学中,利用大学校园开展群体健康促进活动,对活动满意度进行问卷调查,并对护理专业学生的实践成绩与反思报告进行分析.结果 学生在健康促进实践活动中的平均成绩为91.5分;健康促进活动的参与者对活动各项指标满意率均为100%:80%以上的学生认为该活动促进了他们实践能力、创新能力、团队合作能力的提高,有助干增强职业认同感.结论 在大学校园内开展社区健康促进实践活动有助于提高护生对社区健康促进理论的应用能力和自身综合素质.  相似文献   

田芬  李春梅  唐莹 《护理研究》2009,(9):2340-2341
[目的]组织护生开展系列社区护理实践活动,提高护生的沟通能力。[方法]采用问卷调查方法,对2005级本科护生社区实践前后的沟通能力进行调查。[结果]护生在语言表达能力、处理人际关系能力及合作能力方面有了很大提高。[结论]通过社会实践活动可提高护生的沟通能力。  相似文献   

王文慧  王晶晶 《全科护理》2011,9(26):2351-2353
[目的]了解低年级小学生自行车行驶行为习惯中存在的安全问题,制作出适合该群体的自行车安全教育手册。[方法]利用便利抽样方法,在学习健康教育手册前、后对40名1年级、2年级小学生进行自行车行车安全知识问卷调查,并对40名小学生及40名学生家长从手册的内容、信息表达、版面、实用性、便携性等5个方面进行满意度调查和评价,通过访谈调查小学生及学生家长通过手册接受安全教育的意愿。[结果]40名小学生学习健康教育手册前、后对自行车安全行驶知识问卷作答的得分为78.70分±6.37分和88.95分±3.0 4分,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。小学生与家长对手册的内容、信息表达、版面、实用性、便携性等5个方面评分差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),95%的小学生表示非常愿意认真学习安全教育手册,100%的小学生表示愿意将手册推荐给自己的同学和朋友,100%的家长愿意与自己的孩子共同学习自行车安全教育手册。[结论]小学生自行车安全教育手册能反映出低年级小学生行车中存在的安全问题,并给出正确的指导,满足低年级小学生对自行车安全行车知识的学习需求和家长指导小学生形成自行车行驶安全行为的需求,手册应在学校、社区和家庭健康教育中广泛推广和应用。  相似文献   

目的:了解社区护士开展健康教育的现状。方法:方便取样,采用自设问卷对北京市西城区和海淀区社区的142名在职护士进行调查。结果:95.1%的社区护士认为健康教育是重要的,90.2%的社区护士积极参与健康教育;影响社区护士进行健康教育积极性的前三位因素分别是:专科知识掌握有限(53.8%),社区居民参与热情不高(43.7%),没有方便、实用的健康教育参考书(42.3%);影响社区护士开展健康教育的困难环节中列前三位的依次是:活动现场的组织与气氛调控(58.5%),宣教方式、方法的选择与应用(17.6%),组织社区居民来参与活动(16.9%)。结论:社区护士开展健康教育的态度十分积极,但实施健康教育的技能相对较低,有待于进一步提高。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Less than 1% of the general public know how to assess or manage someone who has collapsed. It has been estimated that if 15-20% of the population were capable of performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), mortality of out of hospital cardiac arrest could be decreased significantly. Training basic life support (BLS) skills to school children would be the most cost effective way of achieving this goal and ensuring that a large proportion of the population acquire basic life saving skills. AIMS: To assess retention of knowledge of basic life support 6 months after a single course of instruction in cardiopulmonary resuscitation designed specifically for school children. SETTING: School pupils in a rural location in one region of the United Kingdom. METHODS: A course of instruction in cardiopulmonary resuscitation - the 'ABC for life' programme - specifically designed to teach 10-12-year-old school children basic life support skills. The training session was given to school pupils in a rural location in Northern Ireland. A 22 point questionnaire was used to assess acquisition and retention of basic life support knowledge. RESULTS: Children instructed in cardiopulmonary resuscitation showed a highly significant increase in level of knowledge following the training session. While their level of knowledge decreased over a period of 6 months it remained significantly higher than that of a comparable group of children who had never been trained. CONCLUSION: A training programme designed and taught as part of the school curriculum would have a significant impact on public health.  相似文献   

社区护士培训模式探讨   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12  
目的 以社区健康促进模式为理论框架,调查分析社区护士掌握的知识与技能等,探讨社区护士培训模式。方法 对108名社区护士和20名管理人员进行间卷调查。结果社区护士熟练掌握疾病护理中家庭护理的相关知识与技能,对疾病护理、疾病预防和健康照顾三方面的大多数知识与技能掌握不够。结论 社区护士必须加强培训;培训重点逐渐从疾病护理向疾病预防和健康促进扩展。  相似文献   

The work of two paediatric nurses working full-time in special schools was monitored over a full school year. Most of their time was spent on routine tasks with small numbers of pupils who required enteral feeding and suctioning. They were also responsible for administering medications to around 1 in 6 of the pupils. Both nurses had an involvement in staff training and health promotion classes; more so in one school than the other. In two similar schools which did not have a nurse, the routine tasks were done mainly by teachers or assistants with support from visiting community nurses. Health promotion formed part of the school curriculum. The presence of the nurses in schools was valued by school staff, parents and other health and social care professionals. The implications of these findings are discussed in the context of the British Government's aspirations for school nurses to play a key role in reducing health inequalities.  相似文献   

This article attempts to examine the important role of the health facilitator in learning disability and recommends that the specialist community learning disability nurse already has the appropriate skills and knowledge to carry out competently the role across the acute, primary and secondary care sectors. A model for community specialist learning disability practice already exists (Bollard and Jukes, 1999) but for health facilitation to have an impact a model of leadership and charge is recommended to be aligned to a model for practice. A CALECT model (a mnemonic which represents essential core roles and skills of a health facilitator) is proposed as a complementary vehicle to make facilitation work.  相似文献   

Nursing of children requires integration of components from many knowledge areas, and nurses must consistently plan and carry out interventions to promote health and prevent disease and injury for children and adolescents. A new healthcare model is applied to child health nursing within all healthcare contexts, from acute care settings to chronic care services to well child focused care. Health promotion and health maintenance are defined and explored, along with application of these concepts in major types of care along the healthcare continuum. The influences of family, culture, and community are viewed as integral to health promotion strategies. The nurse plans for health promotion and health maintenance activities during all acute, chronic, and end-of-life care for youth. The healthcare model is a new and creative method in which to frame healthcare for children.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Few school-based interventions have been evaluated to assess health awareness among children in rural southern areas. The purpose of this controlled investigation was to increase health awareness among middle school-aged children residing in a racially diverse rural community in Mississippi. METHODS: This investigation assessed health knowledge before and after a 16-week school-based intervention in 205 fifth-grade students. Height, weight, BMI, body composition, waist circumference, dietary intake, blood lipids and lipoprotein concentrations, blood glucose concentrations, and resting blood pressure were measured to enhance student awareness of cardiovascular disease risk factors. Values in the intervention school were compared with those obtained simultaneously in a control school within the same community. RESULTS: The school-based intervention was effective in increasing health knowledge in the intervention as compared with the control school. Secondarily, it was effective in improving certain dietary behaviors. Utilizing health care professionals in the classroom to teach students appropriate lifestyles and actually measuring cardiovascular risk factors to increase awareness among students was effective in increasing overall health knowledge. CONCLUSIONS: Health knowledge of rural adolescents can be increased through partnerships with schools and multidisciplinary teams of health care professionals. Ongoing efforts to reduce childhood obesity and cardiovascular disease risk factors are urgently needed, and information obtained during this investigation may be used in planning school-based interventions in other diverse, rural communities.  相似文献   

Health reform activities in Canada have encouraged health care professionals to examine new and innovative ways to share their skills, not only with other professionals, but with the public. Historically, occupational therapists have been encouraged by leaders in the profession to expand their practice and to share their skills through active participation with their communities. Health promotion has been identified as a process through which this expansion can be pursued. In order for occupational therapists to contribute to their communities in a meaningful way, the concepts of health promotion and community require definition, development and reflection within their model of practice. Through a discussion of these concepts, this paper encourages occupational therapists to develop, expand and integrate new practice roles within the community by integrating health promotion into their practice.  相似文献   

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