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目的介绍改良小针刀腕部微创松解减压治疗腕管综合征的方法,并评价其疗效及安全性。方法自2005年1月至2012年1月,采用微创技术通过改良小针刀腕部切断腕横韧带并松解掌腱膜治疗腕管综合征60例72个腕管,其中男12例,女48例;年龄35~70岁,平均48.5岁。主要表现为:桡侧3指半疼痛或麻木,腕部疼痛并向前臂放射,多有夜间麻醒史,大鱼际肌肉萎缩,Tinel和Phalen征阳性。电生理检查均有正中神经感觉神经传导速度减慢、感觉神经动作电位波幅下降或缺失。术后随访时采用GSS评分,分别从疼痛、麻木、感觉异常、肌力减退和夜醒等5个方面进行评价。结果所有患者针孔均甲级愈合,无并发症。60例患者全部获得随访,时间3~48个月,平均14个月。有5个手腕症状未完全缓解,1例患者3个月时再次出现手指麻木,经注射得保松后缓解,其余患者症状完全消失,拇短展肌肌力增强,GSS评分较术前明显改善(P〈O.05),差异有统计学意义。结论改良小针刀腕部微创减压治疗腕管综合征具有手术时间短、创伤小、无瘢痕、局麻下完成、效果好、安全可靠等优点。  相似文献   

目的探讨关节镜下双通道腕横韧带松解术治疗腕管综合征的长期临床疗效。方法 2002年11月-2008年8月,对31例腕管综合征患者采用关节镜监视下双通道腕横韧带松解术治疗。其中男4例,女27例;年龄24~71岁,平均52岁。病程1个月~14年,平均42个月。滨田法分级为Ⅰ级20侧,Ⅱ级16侧,Ⅲ级5侧。桡侧3个半指感觉S2+7例,S3 19例,S3+5例;拇短展肌、拇对掌肌肌力2级5例,3级14例,4级7例。手术前后采用Michigan手功能评分(MHQ)评定手部功能。结果术后切口均Ⅰ期愈合,无血管、神经损伤、粘连及感染等并发症发生。31例患者均获随访,随访时间6~11.8年,平均9.6年。术后手指麻木及感觉异常均恢复正常(S4);8例肌力恢复至4级,23例至5级。术后6个月根据MHQ评分标准,功能、日常生活、工作、疼痛、外观、满意度评分均较术前显著改善,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。术后无复发患者。结论局麻关节镜监视下双通道腕横韧带松解术能够有效解除腕管对正中神经的压迫,有助于神经功能恢复,长期疗效肯定。  相似文献   

掌部小切口治疗腕管综合征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的介绍应用新型掌部小切口行腕管松解术。方法对确诊为腕管综合征的68例(89侧)患者采用新型掌部小切口行腕管松解术,该切口为纵行、位于鱼际纹尺侧2~3mm、长约2.0~2.5cm,近端不超过远侧腕横纹。结果经术后6个月随访,所有患者症状均消失,拇短展肌肌力、握力、捏力、皮肤感觉功能均明显改善,术前术后差异在统计学极具显著意义(P<0.001)。本组无任何神经血管并发症,无1例出现腕掌部瘢痕疼痛。结论本切口具有安全、损伤小、直视下松解腕管并同时可行正中神经内松解和尺管松解、手术瘢痕小等诸多优点,是腕管松解术的一种新型、可靠的手术入路。  相似文献   

小双切口治疗腕管综合征15例体会   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 介绍应用小双切口作腕管切开治疗腕管综合征的方法及临床效果。方法 在掌长肌腱尺侧,平行远侧腕横纹作1.5cm长的横切口,腕横纹以远2.5cm为中心沿鱼际肌纹作1cm长的纵切口,分别显露腕横韧带远近缘及指屈肌腱及正中神经,直视下将腕横韧带完全切开,正中神经外膜松解3例,鱼际肌支松解1例。结果 术后2周,15例症状完全消失,拇、示、中3指指腹两点辨别觉恢复正常。术后1年随访,术前大鱼际肌萎缩5例,肌萎缩明显改善,拇指对掌功能恢复正常。全部病例无1例产生腕掌部瘢痕疼痛及尺神经、掌浅弓损伤等并发症。结论 小双切口行腕管松解术,可操作窄间大,并发症少,术后美观。是治疗腕管综合征的有效方法。  相似文献   

内窥镜Chow法治疗腕管综合征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨内窥镜镜视下Chow法行钩刀或推刀切断腕横韧带,解除正中神经压迫的手术方法和疗效。方法2004年5月-2009年8月,对76例(85侧)腕管综合征患者采用Chow法在内窥镜镜视下行腕横韧带切开术。结果经2~18月随访,伤口均一期愈合,无血管神经损伤,无手掌部疼痛,无伤口感染,多数患者术后夜麻即消失,术后4周桡侧三个半指感觉恢复正常,麻木、疼痛症状明显缓解,10周左右拇对掌功能恢复。Kelly分级评定:优(症状完全消失)58侧,良(明显缓解)21侧,一般(症状轻度减轻)5侧,差(症状不变或加重)1侧,优良率92.94%。结论Chow法内窥镜镜视下切开腕横韧带治疗腕管综合征是安全有效的微创手术。  相似文献   

张君  桑秋凌  李墨  赵文海 《中国骨伤》2008,21(2):139-140
目的:探讨应用内镜的两点单侧钩切法切断腕横韧带,解除正中神经压迫的手术方法和疗效。方法:临床治疗原发性11例13侧(左侧3例,右侧6例,双侧2例)43~68岁女性腕管综合征患者。全部患者均有桡侧3个半指的指端刺痛觉减退,腕部正中神经Tinel征阳性,11例大鱼际肌萎缩,同时4例存在拇指对掌功能减弱。术中局部麻醉,分别采取近侧腕横纹线处,掌长肌腱与桡侧屈腕肌腱之间1cm皮肤横切口(入口)和患者拇指最大桡侧外展位,拇指尺侧平行线与中环指间的长轴线交叉点向尺侧1cm处呈45°切口(出口)。预制隧道后入口处置入腕关节镜,由出口插入钩刀。钩刀钩住腕横韧带近段后,内镜随钩刀移动而远行,全程镜视下由近及远切断腕横韧带。结果:患者经随访4~20个月全部疗效满意,捏握功能明显改善。术后3个月时恢复至S3+M3以上。无血管、神经或屈肌腱损伤等并发症。结论:两点单侧钩切法操作步骤简单,是一种有效的手术方法。  相似文献   

目的探讨滑膜切除及腕横韧带重建术在滑膜水肿增厚所致腕管综合征的疗效及对腕横韧带功能保留的作用。方法 2010年3月-2016年5月,对30例(32侧)滑膜水肿增厚导致腕管综合征采用滑膜切除及腕横韧带重建术。结果经3~12个月随访,平均8个月。术后拇示中指感觉、示指末节两点辨别觉恢复良好。术后6个月3例拇指对掌功能障碍功能恢复。据腕管综合征评定标准:优22侧,良7侧,可3侧。结论滑膜切除及腕横韧带重建术是治疗滑膜水肿增厚导致腕管综合征及保留腕横韧带功能有效的治疗方法。  相似文献   

目的 探讨应用显微外科技术治疗老年人腕管综合征的临床疗效. 方法 自2005年10月至2011年7月,对收治的28例老年腕管综合征患者,采用掌部纵形小切口,切断腕横韧带,应用显微外科技术行正中神经松解、减压,术后辅以神经营养药物等治疗. 结果 术后所有患者切口均一期愈合,无并发症发生.术后随访6~24个月,平均18个月.症状完全消失24例,占全部随访病例的85.7%;仍有部分症状残留2例,占全部随访病例的7.1%;症状无明显缓解2例,占全部随访病例的7.1%;原13例大鱼际肌肉萎缩患者均有不同程度恢复,拇指对掌功能恢复正常,捏、握力较术前明显改善.根据顾玉东推荐的腕管综合征的功能评定标准评定治疗效果:优18例,良6例,可2例,差2例,优良率为85.7%. 结论 应用显微外科技术治疗老年人腕管综合征简便易行,在手术显微镜直视下操作可彻底有效的松解受压神经,避免神经的副损伤,临床疗效满意.  相似文献   

目的 探讨正中神经返支损伤显微外科修复的效果及手术技巧. 方法 2006年8月至2010年3月,采用显微外科技术修复正中神经返支损伤9例:急诊端端缝合修复7例,其中外膜缝合2例,束膜缝合5例;二期手术2例,在切除创伤性神经瘤后分别遗留0.8 cm和1.0 cm的神经缺损,均行腓肠神经移植予以修复.结果 术后患者创口均一期愈合.9例患者均获随访,随访时间13 ~ 28个月,平均19个月.末次随访时,3例完全恢复,拇短屈肌、拇短展肌、拇对掌肌肌力5级,拇指捏力正常;5例大部分恢复,拇短屈肌、拇短展肌、拇对掌肌肌力4级,拇指捏力大部分恢复;1例部分恢复,拇短屈肌、拇短展肌、拇对掌肌肌力3级,拇指捏力部分恢复. 结论 正中神经返支损伤,急诊采用显微外科技术修复,可取得较好疗效.二期修复往往需要借助神经移植方能完成,其疗效远不及一期修复.  相似文献   

痛风石致腕管综合征的病例分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨痛风石导致的腕管综合征的临床特点,以期指导其诊断和治疗.方法 回顾性分析2008年1月至2010年10月收治的6例腕管综合征患者,病程1~6个月,平均(3.0±0.6)个月.6例均为单发,除腕部外的身体其他部位均未发现痛风石.在行腕管切开减压时,发现腕管内有痛风石生长,痛风石侵犯指屈肌腱和正中神经.术中刮除痛风石,切开腕横韧带,解除周围组织对正中神经的压迫,行正中神经外膜或束膜松解术.结果 6例患者伤口均Ⅰ期愈合,手指麻木症状减轻.术后发现5例患者血尿酸升高,1例患者血尿酸正常.随访10~ 25个月,平均(17.0±5.3)个月,腕管综合征症状消失4例,缓解2例,未见新的痛风石出现.结论 痛风石导致的腕管综合征好发于男性,多伴有血尿酸升高,腕部B超、CT或MRI检查对其有诊断意义;腕横韧带切开,痛风石清除和正中神经外膜松解术是治疗痛风石导致的腕管综合征的有效方法.  相似文献   

目的回顾性分析不同类型腕管综合征(carpal tunnel syndrome,CTS)的手术方式选择并初步分析其临床疗效。 方法84例(108侧)诊断为CTS并实施手术治疗的患者,术式为腕管切开减压神经松解术或内镜下腕横韧带切断术,随访时根据患者术前是否有夜间因麻木、疼痛而醒来的病史将患者分为滑膜型CTS和卡压型CTS,并根据Kelly标准对术后疗效进行评价。 结果滑膜型CTS患者45例(59侧),卡压型CTS患者39例(49侧),滑膜型CTS腕管切开减压术中可见大量滑膜增生及正中神经明显充血水肿,且滑膜组织病理检查可见大量淋巴细胞浸润,而卡压型CTS腕管切开减压术中见正中神经以机械性压迫改变为主,未见大量滑膜增生。74例(98侧)患者获得随访,随访时间平均(30±19.2)个月,疗效根据Kelly标准评估,所有行腕管切开减压术患者随访时的优良率(94.9%)明显高于内镜手术患者(75.0%)(P=0.016),其中行腕管切开减压术的滑膜型CTS和卡压型CTS患者随访时优良率分别为95.6%和93.9%,两组相比差异无统计学意义(P=0.749),滑膜型CTS患者中行腕管切开减压术组优良率(95.6%)明显高于内镜手术组(62.5%)(P=0.020),而卡压型CTS患者行腕管切开减压术组优良率(93.9%)与内镜手术组(83.3%)相比差异无统计学意义(P=0.286),行内镜手术的两种类型CTS病例数虽均较少,但卡压型CTS组患者的优良率(83.3%)大于滑膜型CTS组(62.5%)。 结论腕管切开减压神经松解术是手术治疗CTS确实有效的方法,内镜下腕横韧带切断术对于卡压型CTS患者可以达到和腕管切开减压手术相近的临床疗效,但对于滑膜型CTS患者则疗效不佳,应慎重选择。  相似文献   

A case of thenar numbness, with concomitant carpal tunnel syndrome is presented. Physical findings and the result of injection of a local anesthetic into two different sites of tenderness suggested coexistence of entrapment and/or compression of the palmar cutaneous branch of the median nerve and the main trunk of the median nerve at the carpal tunnel. At operation, constriction of the palmar cutaneous branch of the median nerve by the fascia of seemingly normal flexor digitorum superficialis was observed beneath the site of maximum tenderness. After decompression of this nerve, combined with carpal tunnel release, the patient lost all pain and numbness; there was no recurrence at 5 months follow-up.  相似文献   



The aim of this prospective study was to compare the results of surgical decompression of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) in patients with diabetes mellitus with those with idiopathic CTS.


The results of surgical decompression of CTS in 27 patients with diabetes mellitus were compared with 42 patients with idiopathic CTS. All patients underwent surgical release of transverse carpal ligament by the mini-incision of palm technique. Patient self-administered Boston Questionnaire (BQ) for the assessment of severity of CTS symptoms and hand functional status was evaluated before and 6 months and 10 years after surgery.


After surgical release, all the patients of both groups reported an absence of pain, disappearance or reduction of paresthesia, and improvement in hand function. Six months after surgery, there was a significant improvement of symptomatic and functional BQ scores compared with preoperative state in both groups. Ten years after surgery, there was statistical difference in preoperative and postoperative 10th year functional BQ score between DM (?) and DM (+) (p < 0.01). DM status affected statistically functional BQ score between preoperative and postoperative 10th year.


Diabetes mellitus was a risk factor for poor outcome of surgical decompression of CTS. Patients with diabetes had worse surgical outcome compared with patients with idiopathic CTS in long-term follow-up.  相似文献   

《Journal of hand therapy》2020,33(3):272-280
IntroductionCarpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is the most common nerve entrapment syndrome worldwide. There are limited studies on the effectiveness of carpal ligament stretching on symptomatic and electrophysiologic outcomes.Purpose of the StudyThe purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of self-myofascial stretching of the carpal ligament on symptom outcomes and nerve conduction findings in persons with CTS.Study DesignThis is a prospective, double-blinded, randomized, placebo-controlled trial.MethodsEighty-three participants diagnosed with median mononeuropathy across the wrist by nerve conduction study were randomized 1:1 to sham treatment or self-carpal ligament stretching. Participants were instructed to perform the self-treatment four times a day for six weeks. Seventeen participants in the sham treatment group and 19 participants in the carpal ligament stretching group completed the study. Pre- and post-treatment outcome measures included subjective complaints, strength, nerve conduction findings, and functional scores.ResultsGroups were balanced on age, sex, hand dominance, symptom duration, length of treatment, presence of nocturnal symptoms, and compliance with treatment. Even though the ANOVA analyses were inconclusive about group differences, explorative post hoc analyses revealed significant improvements in numbness (P = .011, Cohen's d = .53), tingling (P = .007, Cohen's d = .60), pinch strength (P = .007, Cohen's d = −.58), and symptom severity scale (P = .007, Cohen's d = .69) for the treatment group only.ConclusionsThe myofascial stretching of the carpal ligament showed statistically significant symptom improvement in persons with CTS. Larger comparative studies that include other modalities such as splinting should be performed to confirm the effectiveness of this treatment option.  相似文献   

Pillar pain represents one of the most common complications of classic open carpal tunnel release (CTR). This complication causes a sense of discomfort worse than the compression syndrome itself. We, herein, introduce a new treatment method for CTR through a mini-incision, which allows subcutaneously cutting the transverse carpal ligament (TCL) and releasing the median nerve without neurovascular complications. This mini-incision approach can allow the direct visualization and preservation of the thenar motor branch in those rare cases where it has an aberrant origin. For the past 10 years, we have consecutively performed this technique in the surgical treatment of 318 patients with the diagnosis of primary CTS, without developing any neurovascular and tendon injuries as well as pillar pain.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: A common surgical treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome is open carpal tunnel decompression. This involves skin incision followed by sharp dissection straight down through fat and palmar fascia to the transverse carpal ligament, which is then divided. The incidence of scar discomfort ranges from 19% to 61%, and its cause is not fully understood. We conducted a prospective randomized controlled trial to investigate whether preservation of superficial nerve branches crossing the incision site reduces the incidence and severity of postoperative scar pain after open carpal tunnel release. METHODS: Forty-two patients with bilateral idiopathic carpal tunnel syndrome (84 hands) were included in the study. The patients were randomized to determine which hand was to have carpal tunnel decompression using a technique that would try to preserve the superficial nerve branches. The other hand had open carpal tunnel decompression without any attempt to preserve the superficial nerve branches. An assessment of each hand in each patient was performed immediately before surgery and at 6 weeks, 3 months, and 6 months after surgery. This assessment was performed with a questionnaire based on the Patient Evaluation Measure. RESULTS: We found no evidence of a difference in scar pain between the 2 methods at 6 weeks, 3 months, and 6 months. There was a significant difference in the length of surgery between the 2 groups. CONCLUSIONS: Scar pain scores in this series of open carpal tunnel decompressions were similar, whether or not an attempt was made to identify and preserve superficial nerve branches crossing the wound.  相似文献   



Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is the most commonly diagnosed and treated entrapment neuropathy. There is no consensus regarding the optimal technique for carpal tunnel release. The objective of this study is to demonstrate the surgical treatment of CTS by a small palmar incision and utilization of Paine retinaculotome to divide the transverse carpal ligament.


In this technical note, we describe the use of a retinaculotome described by Paine in 1955, through a palmar approach.


Open, minimally invasive and endoscopic surgical techniques have all been described as treatment options for CTS, and short-term success with these methods is well established. During the last decade, less invasive techniques have been developed in order to reduce the incidence of pillar pain and tender scars. We have used a mini-palmar incision and the Paine retinaculotome for carpal tunnel release since 1994. The goals of surgery are to create a small incision that permits a patient to have early motion and return to activity.


After many years, no permanent nerve or vascular damage has been reported. This method has demonstrated itself to be efficient and safe in the treatment of the carpal tunnel syndrome.  相似文献   

The carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a common disease, and the decompression of the median nerve is one of the most often performed procedures in surgery. Within our patients from the 1. 12. 1987 to the 1. 12. 1988 we found 16 cases of recurrent CTS. Intraoperatively in more than 60% of the cases we could detect some sort of subluxation or even luxation of the median nerve and severe scarring involving the median nerve and the regenerated transverse carpal ligament in all cases. Considering the anatomy of the transverse carpal ligament, to guide the median nerve and the flexor tendon within the carpal tunnel, as well as serving as origin for the thenar musculature, especially for the opposition, one concludes that the simple dissection of the carpal ligament should be avoided. For the past 4 years we therefore have been performing a widening Z-plasty and reconstruction of the transverse carpal ligament, for the primary CTS as well as for revisions. The favorable postoperative results seem to confirm our theory. We discuss our operative technique as well as the results in CTS revision cases.  相似文献   

目的 总结7例小切口手术治疗腕管综合征复发病例的诊治过程,为临床提供治疗经验.方法 2012年1月至2019年12月,对已在外院经临床和电生理确诊为腕管综合征且行小切口手术治疗后复发的7例病人进行二次常规手术切口治疗.术中探查发现7例腕管内均有白色粉末状物沉积,给予腕管内病灶清除及彻底松解正中神经.根据顾玉东推荐的腕管...  相似文献   

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