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犬附红细胞体病的初步研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用镜检法检测犬静脉血附红细胞体(附红体)感染情况,共检测39份,其中狼种犬25份、狮子犬14份,结果发现不论是狼种犬还是狮子犬均有不同程度的感染,平均感染率为87.18/,狼种犬为96.00%、狮子犬为71.42%;对抗凝血中犬附红体进行4℃冰箱保存试验,观察11份保存33天,犬附红体仍有活力;用犬附红体阳性抗凝血人工感染雏鸡阴性抗凝血,结果10天后雏鸡阴性抗凝血红细胞受到感染。  相似文献   

为了解东明县蚊虫携带乙肝表面抗原(HBsAg)情况,我们于1989年9月,用反向间接血凝法(RPHA法过筛及中和试验),对来源于一般民房的36份蚊虫标本进行了HBsAg检测,结果检出一份阳性标本。方法是:将蚊虫先用乙醚麻醉放4℃冰箱保存,依不同地点、有无胃血等进行编号分组,每组1—3只,共36组  相似文献   

目的 了解福建省5区(县)发热门诊病人附红细胞体(附红体)的感染情况.方法 采用末梢血涂片染色、镜检的方法检测卫生院发热门诊病人附红体感染状况.结果 调查1218例发热门诊患者.附红体感染率为92.7%.轻度、中度和重度感染的构成比分别为44.3%、26.4%和29.3%;女性感染率(94.3%)高于男性(90.4%)...  相似文献   

沙县人附红细胞体感染的流行病学调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
附红细胞体病(附红体病)是由附红细胞体(附红体)感染引起的人畜共患传染病。沙县1998年进行了人附红体感染的流行病学调查。1对象与方法:城区从业人员、性病和发热待查患者及待产孕妇按文献[1]介绍的方法,查到1个附红体即判为阳性。2结果:共检测986人,附红体阳性485人,总感染率4919%。其中男性438人,阳性226人,阳性率5160%;女性548人,阳性259人,阳性率4726%,性别差异无显著性。感染率以0~19岁组最高,为6813%(62/91),20~39岁组为5361%(312/582),40~59岁组为3408%(91/267),60岁以上组为4348%(20/46)。年龄组间差异有显著性(χ2=4259,P<000…  相似文献   

附红细胞体病(简称附红病)是由附红细胞体(简称附红体)感染机体引起的人畜共患传染病。我国1981年首次报告在家兔中发现附红体〔1〕。1993~1996年我国对本病进行了较系统的流行病学调查〔2~4〕。我县1998年对城区食品行业进行了附红体感染的流行病学调查。现报告如下。材料与方法 (1)调查对象:本县城区从事食品生产、经营的从业人员。(2)方法:按文献方法〔2〕。鲜血压片计数20个视野,染色血片计数200个RBC或20个视野,凡在血浆中或RBC上查到1个附红体即判为阳性。结果 (1)感染与性别…  相似文献   

目的通过分析测定,探讨血清标本在4℃、-20℃、-80℃等不同保存温度、时间对载脂蛋白A1(ApoA1)、载脂蛋白B(ApoB)、尿酸(URCA)含量测定的影响。方法采集20份临床血清样本(涵盖高、中、低值),将每份血清平均以300μl分装到11个0.5 ml规格V型管中密封。每份分别取4管置于4℃、-20℃冰箱,3管置于-80℃冰箱保存。采用西门子Dimension Rxl Max全自动生化分析仪,免疫比浊法测定ApoA1、ApoB,酶法测定URCA;观察不同温度、时间保存条件下,检测20份血清样本ApoA1、ApoB、URCA含量测定值的变化。结果4℃保存血清标本,ApoB自第5天起检测结果差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01);ApoA1、URCA保存较稳定,随时间延长检测结果变化不明显。-20℃保存血清标本,ApoB在第4周起检测结果差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01);ApoA1、URCA结果较稳定。-80℃保存标本,第3个月起ApoA1、ApoB、URCA检测结果差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05、P〈0.01)。结论血清ApoA1、ApoB、URCA如需长时间保存后检测,最好选择-80℃冰箱进行保存,且以2个月保存期检测结果较好。  相似文献   

目的探讨血清标本不同保存温度及时间对血清血尿素氮(BUN)、肌酸激酶(CK)检测结果的影响,为生化实验室质量控制提供客观依据。方法收集51份运动员血清标本,将每份血清标本分成10份,每份300μl。其中1份采样即刻检测BUN、CK水平。另外9份血清分装到0.5 ml V型管中密封,分别保存在4℃、-20℃和-70℃的冰箱条件下,在3、6和24 h不同时间段分别测定不同保存温度下的样本血清BUN、CK水平。结果 4℃和-20℃保存血清标本,BUN、CK在3、6 h测定值与采样即刻测定值差异无统计学意义(P0.05),24 h测定值较采样即刻测定值下降,差异有统计学意义(P0.05);-70℃保存血清标本,BUN、CK在3、6、24 h测定值与采样即刻测定值差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。结论待测血清不同的保存条件对BUN、CK检测结果有影响,在生化测试过程中应该及时检测,对于6 h之内不能完成检测的需要采取相应的保存措施。  相似文献   

目的了解某奶牛场高危人群和奶牛群中布鲁杆菌病的感染状况。方法采用琥红平板凝集试验和试管凝集试验检测有奶牛接触史人群和感染者密切接触人员以及奶牛的血清样本,以全乳环状试验检测新鲜乳样。结果该奶牛场高危人群布鲁杆菌抗体阳性的检出率为6.7%(3/45),抗体阳性者均为挤奶工人;奶牛群布鲁杆菌抗体阳性的检出率为2.2%(4/180);新鲜乳样中均未检出布鲁杆菌。结论该奶牛场中高危人群和奶牛群已存在布鲁杆菌感染,应采取有效措施,控制疫情蔓延。  相似文献   

目的 了解福建省人群附红细胞体(附红体)感染情况,探讨其危害及传播途径.方法 用末梢血镜检方法检测中学生、发热病人和疟疾门诊病人附红体感染状况;询问学生和疟疾门诊病人饲养动物情况.结果 调查2 115人,感染率为80.5%,轻度、中度和重度感染分别占42.9%、26.4%和30.7%;疟疾门诊患者的感染率(98....  相似文献   

附红细胞体病是由寄生于动物红细胞及血浆中的单细胞原生动物附红细胞体引起的人畜共患病。我国80年代有零星报道[1] 。为摸清本病在阜阳市的流行情况 ,1998年组织协作开展附红细胞体病调查。1 材料与方法1 1 调查对象 人群主要是服务行业人员、在校学生健康查体者和市二院门诊、住院病人。奶牛血采自市奶牛场 ,鸡采自市内屠宰点 ,鼠血采自阜南县肾综合征出血热疫源地调查时捕获的家鼠和野鼠。1 2 调查方法1 2 1 涂片染色 从人和动物末梢或静脉取血滴于载玻片上 ,制片、固定、染色 ,用油镜观察红细胞上或其周围有无附红细胞体存在。1…  相似文献   

山东省附红细胞体病的流行病学调查   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
目的了解山东省附红细胞体(附红体)的感染情况.方法用血涂片、镜检的方法检测山东省7个地区的不同人群776人,家畜198只,野鼠114只.结果全省人群附红体总感染率为7.3%,不同地区的感染率差异有非常显著性(P<0.01).比较男女两组之间的感染率差异无显著性(x2=0.436,P>0.05).年龄组比较,青壮年感染率明显高于少年组和老年组(P<0.05).在各种职业人群中,屠宰工的附红体感染率明显高于农民、小学生及城镇居民(P<0.01).附红体感染率与人体健康状况有关,患有肝炎、糖尿病、关节炎等慢性疾病的人群感染率显著高于正常人群(X2=4.375,P<0.05).羊的附红体感染率为15.6%,牛的感染率为3.2%,鼠的感染率为零.感染强度大部分为低度.结论首次证明山东省人畜间广泛存在附红体感染.  相似文献   

附红细胞体感染人畜的流行病学调查(Ⅲ)   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
笔者报道了我国广东、广西、新疆、甘肃和江苏的人畜附红体感染的流行病学调查。其结果表明,在人及各种动物中均有不同程度的感染,因地区不同,人畜感染率有一定差别。人群的感染与性别、年龄等关系不大,并发现机体不同状态下(包括生理或病理)的附红体感染明显高于健康人。笔者还报道了人和猪群的临床病例。  相似文献   

目的调查蚊虫及其天敌附红细胞体感染情况,探讨附红细胞体的传播方式。方法在不同生境捕捉蚊虫、蜘蛛和蜻蜓,采集其血液查找附红细胞体,计算感染率,比较不同动物种类,不同生境的感染情况。结果捕捉的所有动物都有附红细胞体感染,蚊虫的感染率为88.54%。蚊虫中三带喙库蚊和中华按蚊感染率较高,达97%。畜房中的蚊虫感染率最高,达98.07%,人房中的感染率最低,为39.29%。蚊虫天敌蜘蛛和蜻蜓都有附红细胞体感染,感染率为55.38%和21.62%,蜘蛛的感染率农村比城镇高。结论在自然界中,当蚊虫叮咬被感染附红细胞体的宿主动物后,捕食蚊虫的天敌如蜘蛛、蜻蜓吞食吸血蚊虫后,可直接经口感染附红细胞体。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to quantify the effect of a single vaccination of dairy cows on foot and mouth disease virus (FMDV) transmission. To estimate if vaccination could significantly reduce virus transmission, we performed two replicates of a transmission experiment with one group of vaccinated and one group of non-vaccinated dairy cows (ten animals per group). Half of both groups were intranasally inoculated, with FMDV field isolate O/NET2001, and housed with the other half of the group (contact-exposed cows) from the next day onwards. Virus transmission was quantified by estimating the reproduction ratio R, which is the average number of secondary cases caused by one infectious animal. In the non-vaccinated groups all cows became infected and Rnv was significantly above 1. In the vaccinated groups infection was demonstrated in three inoculated cows, and no transmission was observed (Rv was 0, not significantly below 1). Transmission was significantly reduced in the groups of vaccinated cows when compared to the groups of unvaccinated cows. Our findings indicate that after a single vaccination cows are protected against infection of FMD and that most likely no virus transmission will occur within a vaccinated herd.  相似文献   

Eperythrozoon is an obligate parasitic bacteria found in many species of animals. A large scale investigation of the prevalence of Eperythrozoon spp. in humans, was conducted in a developing country using light, electron microscope and animal inoculation. Samples were collected in undeveloped areas of Inner Mongolia in China over a 2-year period of 1994-6. Of the 1529 investigated samples, 35.3% were found to be Eperythrozoon spp. positive. The prevalence of infection was associated with occupation and seasonal variations. The infections were mainly mild, in 89.6% of cases (excluding pregnant women and their children). Of 74 pregnant women tested in the areas of high prevalence, 44 were confirmed Eperythrozoon spp. positive. Similarly, eperythrozoa were found in all 44 umbilical cords tested and in the neonatal peripheral blood samples taken at birth. These data suggest that eperythrozoa can be transmitted via the placenta.  相似文献   

A prospective study was undertaken on a California dairy from 1984 to 1987 to examine factors associated with contact transmission of bovine leukemia virus in cows. Two approaches were used to model the probability of infection. First, the expected number of new infections per pen-month was assumed to follow a binomial distribution. The probability of infection was modeled, using logistic regression, as a function of prevalence of infection in pen, presence of lactating cows, proportion of pregnant cows, presence of an infected bull, and proportion of infected cows with a lymphocyte count above 10,000 cells/microliters of blood and/or with Mr 24,000 protein (p24) antibodies. The probability of infection was significantly associated with the prevalence of infection and at the limit of significance for presence of lactating cows in pen. Second, the Cox model with time-dependent covariates was used to analyze time from first parturition or from the beginning of the study to infection. Factors examined were age, breed, lactation number, whether the cow was pregnant and/or lactating, prevalence of infection, presence of an infected bull, and density of cattle in the pen holding the cow. Non-pregnant cows were 2.9 times more at risk of infection than were pregnant cows, and risk of infection significantly increased as prevalence of infection in a pen increased.  相似文献   

Salmonella Typhimurium was isolated from two adult cows and a veterinary pathologist who performed a necropsy examination on one of the cows. The isolates had indistinguishable phenotypic and genotypic characteristics. A splash exposure was the suspected means of transmission of the human infection. Veterinary practices and other at-risk occupations should establish site-specific infection control plans and review recommendations for use of facial protection measures during procedures that may produce splashes or aerosols.  相似文献   

小儿附红细胞体病及其病原学实验研究   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
本文首次对小儿附红细胞体进行了光镜、电镜、动物试验研究,并对某些生物学特性进行了观察。光镜下,附红细胞体在血浆中能自主多向运动,卵圆形,有折光性。在经细胞表面,呈球状或点状。扫描电镜下,为球形、卵圆形或短杆状的多形态单细胞微生物,大小为0.2~1.5μm。透射电镜下,仅有一层包被膜,无明显细胞器。差速离心浓集法所见附红细胞体数量是压片法及涂染色法的15倍。有助于其检出。  相似文献   

The purpose of the epidemiological study about 205 suspected hospitalized cases of cholera was to determinate which model of transmission was the most important. From the results, we noticed that direct non-waterborne has been more frequent than waterborne transmission (mainly in the infection of family contacts of index cases). We also found that virulence of the Vibrio cholerae El Tor responsible was quite close of virulence of the Vibrio cholerae classical.  相似文献   

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