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逆行胆道引流术在原发性胆管结石手术中的应用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目的:探索在原发性胆管结石手术中保留胆囊的手术方法。方法:对21例原发性胆管结石病人在手术中逆行经胆道置管引流术。其中10例肝外胆管结石者在明确胆道远端通畅、结石已取净、胆囊无增厚粘连及结石后,逆行穿刺经右肝置管外引流。另11例肝内胆管结石者,行肝部分切除,经肝断面胆管残端或联合总胆管切开探查取石,从肝断面胆管残端置管逆行引流,切开的总胆管原位缝合关闭。结果:术后经引流管造影显示肝外胆管无明显狭窄及成角,胆囊显影良好。术后随访6个月-9年,B超检查无胆管狭窄及复发结石,所有保留的胆囊未形成结石。结论:两种逆行引流术式对肝外胆管及保留的胆囊无不良影响;原发性胆管结石术后保留的胆囊内不易形成结石。  相似文献   

2000年5月~2011年5月行腹腔镜胆囊切除术(laparoscopic cholecystectomy,LC)861例,9例术后发生胆漏。胆总管损伤1例,开腹行肝总管、空肠Roux-en-Y吻合;胆囊管残端钛夹夹闭不全1例,钛夹脱落1例,开腹胆囊管残端结扎1例、胆总管切开取石胆囊管结扎1例治愈;迷走胆管或副肝管损伤6例,其中3例经开腹腹腔引流治愈,3例经B超穿刺置管引流治愈。9例随访1~2年,均无胆道狭窄及残留结石。肝外胆管损伤,迷走胆管、副肝管和胆囊管残端夹闭不全及钛夹脱落是LC术后胆漏的主要原因。早期发现,通畅的腹腔引流,胆管修复、胆管空肠Roux-en-Y吻合及胆管内或外引流是治疗LC术后胆漏的主要方法。  相似文献   

目的 探讨腹腔镜肝切除术治疗左肝内胆管结石的技术与疗效。 方法 回顾性分析2011年1月至2016年12月完成67例腹腔镜肝切除术治疗左肝内胆管结石临床及随访资料。 结果 全部67例患者合并左半肝或左外叶肝萎缩,腔镜手术方式包括左外叶肝切除48例、左半肝切除19例。其他腹腔镜下联合术式包括:胆囊切除术52例、胆总管探查术43例、T管引流术39例,胆总管一期修补术4例。手术切口长度(4.67±1.26)cm。术后发生胆漏3例,均经引流观察后自愈;1例因术后腹腔大出血合并胆瘘再手术治愈;肝脓肿1例,膈下脓肿1例,均经穿刺引流治愈。 结论 腹腔镜肝切除术治疗左肝内胆管结石安全可靠,术中应尽量取净其他胆道残余结石并连续紧密缝合左肝管残端。如结石已被取净胆总管的探查和T管引流并非必需。  相似文献   

患者男性,47岁。曾因胆囊炎、胆囊结石和胆管炎、肝胆管结石在外院先后施行过胆囊切除、胆总管切开取石及T管引流术。本次又因急性胆管炎入院作胆总管切开取石、T管引流和左右肝管细导管引流术。术中证实两例肝内胆管及胆总管结石,未发现其它异常。术后两周经T管逆行胆管造影提示左右肝内和胆总管下端仍有结石。故于术后7个月中先后采用我  相似文献   

目的:探讨胆道术后延迟性胆管破裂的原因及处理方法 。方法:回顾分析4例胆道术后延迟性胆管破裂患者的临床特征、术中发现和诊治情况 。结果:2例肝胆管结石行左外叶切除术后5周和15周肝切面处胆管破裂,胆总管下端各有一枚残石嵌顿,再行取石引流治愈;1例13年前行胆管十二指肠吻合者现有胰头肿瘤及胆管炎,右肝下缘发生胆管破裂,腹腔引流术后18天死亡;1例胆囊切除者残留胆管结石,术后3周胆囊管残端破裂,经腹腔引流、后期内镜取石和鼻胆管引流治愈 。结论:胆道梗阻、胆道高压及术后局部胆管组织薄弱可能是发病的主要原因。避免残留结石、尽早明确诊断、祛除梗阻原因和实施有效引流是治疗的关键。  相似文献   

目的:探讨肝叶切除联合术中经胆管残端进行胆道探查对肝胆管结石的治疗效果。 方法:22例肝胆管结石患者,行左肝外叶切除,术中以胆道镜经肝断面残端胆管进行胆道探查、取石,术后不放置胆道引流。 结果:所有患者均痊愈,术后1个月复查无胆道结石。14例患者经肝外胆管取出结石,其中2例结石术前未能发现。肝外胆管直径6~8?mm 6例,其中2例存在结石;8.1~10?mm 9例,其中7例存在结石;10.1~15?mm 7例,5例存在结石。所有患者胆道下端均通畅。3例出现术后并发症,其中1例为膈下感染,2例为切口感染。 结论:对左肝区域性肝胆管结石患者,肝左外叶切除联合术中经残端胆管胆道探查是理想的治疗方法。  相似文献   

腹腔镜胆道镜十二指肠镜联合治疗原发性肝胆管结石36例   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
目的:探讨三镜联合治疗原发性肝胆管结石和肝胆管狭窄的手术方法,提高治愈率和避免多次开腹手术。方法:采用腹腔镜胆道镜十二指肠镜(三镜)联合治疗原发性肝胆管结石36例,经十二指肠镜手术治疗肝外胆管尤其是胆总管上端结石狭窄,经腹腔镜手术行胆囊切及结合胆道镜行肝胆管探查术和耐高压球囊导管扩张术(LPBD),解除肝门部胆管狭窄及行肝内胆管支架引流术,术后2月行胆道镜和/或十二指肠镜治疗残余结石。结果:36例均获成功,未再施行开腹手术。结论:三镜联合治疗原发性肝胆管结石具创伤小,结石除净率高,狭窄胆管球囊导管扩张后置支架安全有效。  相似文献   

目的 探讨三镜联合治疗原发性肝胆管结石和肝胆管狭窄的手术方法 ,提高治愈率和避免多次开腹手术。方法 采用腹腔镜胆道镜十二指肠镜 (三镜 )联合治疗原发性肝胆管结石 36例。经十二指肠镜手术治疗肝外胆管尤其是胆总管下端结石及狭窄。经腹腔镜手术行胆囊切除及结合胆道镜行肝胆管探查术和耐高压球囊导管扩张术 (LPBD) ,解除肝门部胆管狭窄及行肝内胆管支架引流术。术后 2月行胆道镜和 或十二指肠镜治疗残余结石。结果  36例均获成功 ,未再施行开腹手术。结论 三镜联合治疗原发性肝胆管结石具创伤小、结石除净率高 ,狭窄胆管球囊导管扩张后置支架安全有效。  相似文献   

目的探讨经皮肝胆道造瘘硬质胆道镜治疗肝内胆管结石的可行性、疗效及优势。方法 2009年6月至2010年7月采用经皮肝胆道造瘘硬质胆道镜碎石取石的方法治疗肝内胆管结石22例,其中男10例,女12例,年龄30~82岁,平均(50.9±10.1)岁;左肝胆管结石4例,右肝胆管结石4例,左右肝胆管结石5例,左右肝胆管合并胆总管结石9例。结果 22例均成功施行经皮肝胆道造瘘硬质胆道镜取石术,其中15例取净结石,7例仍有少许残余结石,结石取净率68.2%。手术时间40~270min,平均(113.0±41.9)min;取石次数为1~5次,平均(2.6±0.9)次;术中出血量5~200ml,平均(18.8±20.5)ml;住院天数4~53d,平均(19.4±2.3)d。术后并发右侧胸腔积液和右下肺不张1例,经非手术方法治愈。无胆瘘、胆汁性腹膜炎发生。结论经皮肝胆道造瘘治疗肝内胆管结石,尤其对多次胆道术后复发或残留的复杂性肝内胆管结石是一种安全、有效、创伤小、易重复的方法。经皮经肝穿刺胆管引流术3d后一次性扩张造瘘并取石是安全的。硬质胆道镜经皮肝瘘道行手术是可行的。  相似文献   

目的 总结运用腹腔镜、胆管镜同期治疗胆囊结石合并正常直径胆总管结石的临床经验.方法 完成腹腔镜胆囊切除后,经胆囊管残端扩张、经胆囊管胆总管汇合部切开或经胆总管前壁切口入路,采用胆管镜取石网取石、液电碎石、经胆囊管残端输尿管导管胆管引流、T管引流或胆总管切口即时缝合等,有选择地对205例胆总管内径≤0.8 cm的正常直径胆总管结石患者进行治疗.结果 腹腔镜胆总管探查取石术205例中,腹腔镜联合术中胆管镜取尽结石162例,中转为术中十二指肠镜下乳头切开取石43例,无中转开腹.胆管镜组162例患者平均手术时间112 min,术后并发症率5.5% (9/162),无残余结石;十二指肠镜组43例患者平均手术时间95 min.术后并发症率9.3%(4/43),术后残余结石1例.无肠穿孔、胆管穿孔、大出血、重症胰腺炎等并发症,无死亡.结论 只要选择合适的病例,腹腔镜、胆管镜同期联合手术治疗胆囊结石合并正常直径胆总管结石是可行、有效和安全的.  相似文献   

A new method of retrograde transhepatic biliary drainage (RTBD) using an RTBD tube with primary closure of the common duct was investigated with special reference to the usefulness and feasibility of this procedure. At operation, an atraumatic vinyl chloride tube was inserted from a choledochotomy incision and in most cases advanced via the left hepatic duct to the liver surface, which was then penetrated. After the choledochotomy incision had been primarily sutured, the RTBD tube was fixed to the abdominal wall. This drainage method was applied to 71 patients as an alternative to the conventional T-tube drainage and its effect on bile drainage was prominent. The insertion of an RTBD tube did not influence liver function tests and an RTBD tube cholangiography revealed no severe deformity at the primary closure site of the bile duct. The most common complication was movement of the optimal site for stenting of the bile duct, however, no serious complications were encountered. On average, the RTBD tube was removed on the 16th postoperative day, the mean postoperative stay in hospital being 22 days. These findings suggest the need for a prospective randomized clinical trial to prove the usefulness and feasibility of primary bile duct closure using our drainage method.  相似文献   

复杂性肝内胆管结石的外科治疗   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
目的 总结复杂性肝内胆管结石的外科治疗方法及效果。 方法  总结分析1992 ~1998 年外科治疗复杂性肝内多段胆管结石并多处胆管狭窄35 例的手术方法,总结显露与切开肝内狭窄段胆管、取出结石、解除狭窄的经验和体会。 结果 35 例无手术死亡,术后近期并发感染、胆漏、肝功能不全或消化道出血共7 例,均治愈;残留结石9 例,术后经胆道镜取净结石7 例。随访6 个月至5 年6 个月24 例,优良21 例(88 % ) ,好转2 例(8 % ) ,无效1 例(4 % ) 。 结论 复杂肝内胆管结石外科治疗的关键是显露和切开肝内各叶段胆管的狭窄段,取出结石、建立通畅的胆流通道。经肝门区或肝方叶可以显露和切开肝门胆管、左右肝管和左内叶、右前叶胆管,经肝膈面切开肝实质进路,可以显露和切开右肝内各叶段胆管。  相似文献   

Congenital bile duct dilatation in children   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fifteen children under the age of 15 were identified to have congenital dilatation of the biliary tree. Thirteen of them (87%) had dilatation of both intrahepatic and extrahepatic bile ducts, while two had extrahepatic biliary dilatation only. Visualization of both intrahepatic and extrahepatic biliary tree in small children before operation is possible by ultrasonography, endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatography, or percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography. The advantage and disadvantage of those methods of examinations in children are discussed here. Dilatation of intrahepatic bile ducts is common in children with extrahepatic biliary dilatation. Assessment of both the intrahepatic and extrahepatic bile ducts bears a crucial role in the management of congenital biliary dilatation at operation and during the postoperative follow-up. Rouxen-Y hepaticojejunostomy with hepaticocutaneous arm was performed in our patients with satisfactory results. Residual intrahepatic stones could be removed through the hepaticocutaneous arm by choledochoscopy.  相似文献   

A new method of retrograde transhepatic biliary drainage (RTBD) using and RTBD tube with primary closure of the common duct was investigated with special reference to the usefulness and feasibility of this procedure. At operation, an atraumatic vinyl chloride tube was inserted from a choledochotomy incision and in most cases advancedvia the left hepatic duct to the liver surface, which was then penetrated. After the choledochotomy incision had been primarily sutured, the RTBD tube was fixed to the abdominal wall. This drainage method was applied to 71 patients as an alternative to the conventional T-tube drainage and its effect on bile drainage was prominent. The insertion of an RTBD tube did not influence liver function tests and an RTBD tube cholangiography revealed no severe deformity at the primary closure site of the bile duct. The most common complication was movement of the optimal site for stenting of the bile duct, however, no serious complications were encountered. On average, the RTBD tube was removed on the 16th postoperative day, the mean postoperative stay in hospital being 22 days. These findings suggest the need for a prospective randomized clinical trial to prove the usefulness and feasibility of primary bile duct closure using our drainage method.  相似文献   

Nonoperative management of bile duct stones   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The treatment of choice for most retained bile duct stones is by nonoperative means. If a T-tube is in place, percutaneous techniques via the T-tract are indicated. Percutaneous access via puncture of a Roux-en-Y loop is also practical. In the absence of a T-tube, retrograde endoscopic techniques should be used. Both techniques are very effective and safe. Stones in the intrahepatic and extrahepatic ducts also can be treated nonoperatively. Endoscopic sphincterotomy has a role in the treatment of selected patients with gallstone pancreatitis, acute cholangitis, and choledocholithiasis with in situ gallbladders. In difficult cases, endoscopic and percutaneous techniques are employed in combination.  相似文献   

Congenital biliary malformations such as anomalous arrangement of the pancreaticobiliary ductal system (AAPB), congenital cystic dilatation of the common bile duct (CCDB), and congenital biliary strictures at the hepatic hilum (CBSH) are newly designated disease entities and are frequently found in adult patients with biliary malignancy such as gallbladder carcinoma, common bile duct carcinoma, and intrahepatic bile duct carcinoma. In the present study, the relationship of these malformations and biliary malignancy was investigated. We studied 61 gallbladders of patients with AAPB and 56 gallbladders of patients without AAPB; 16 common bile ducts of patients with CCDB (12 with AAPB and 4 without AAPB) and 11 gallbladders of patients without CCDB; and 17 intrahepatic bile ducts of patients with CBSH and 6 intrahepatic bile ducts of patients without CBSH. Tissue sections from the mucosa of the gallbladder, common bile duct, and intrahepatic bile duct were stained for proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA). The PCNA labeling indexes of patients with these malformations were significantly higher than those of patients without these malformations (P < 0.05). Cell proliferation of the epithelia in the biliary ductal system in patients with these congenital biliary malformations was accelerated. Consequently, these congenital malformations appear to be an important risk factor for the occurrence of biliary malignancy. Received for publication on Feb. 15, 1999; accepted on March 29, 1999  相似文献   

目的比较经PTC或ERC两种途径放置胆道支架治疗恶性胆管梗阻的疗效。方法 PTC途径:在超声引导下选择胆管走行与胆总管夹角较大、扩张的左右肝内胆管,穿刺置管引流,1周后再置入支架,共68例(其中有2例系ERC途径失败者)。ERC途径:在十二指肠镜下逆行插入引流管于胆总管内,经造影显示梗阻部位,其引导丝通过梗阻部位,然后沿引导丝置入支架,共53例。结果 经PTC或ERC途径放置支架成功率分别为100%(68/68)和96.2%(51/53),2组均未发生出血及漏胆并发症。全部患者获随访1~18个月(平均12.4个月),结果PTC组和ERC组放置支架后6个月内死亡者分别为7和5例,18个月仍存活者分别为17和9例。结论对失去手术机会或不能耐受手术的恶性胆管梗阻患者采取支架置入是有效解除梗阻、延长生存时间和提高生存质量的最佳方法。位于胆总管下端和壶腹部的梗阻首选ERC途径放置支架;位于肝门部及以上的梗阻应以PTC途径放置支架为宜。  相似文献   

Bile duct obstruction caused by profuse mucin secretion in a major bile duct is rare. Such cases are often incorrectly identified as choledocholithiasis before being histologically proven. The goal of this study was to analyze the cholangiograms of mucin-hypersecreting intrahepatic biliary neoplasms and to try to identify the characteristic cholangiographic features of this rare disease. A retrospective analysis of 20 cholangiograms (from 6 men and 14 women) of mucin-hypersecreting intrahepatic biliary neoplasms over a 13-year period was carried out. Sixty percent of the patients had associated biliary tract stones. A mucinous substance drained out during biliary catheterization (endoscopic retrograde cholangiography [ERC]; percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography [PTC] in 4 patients. The cholangiographic findings included: (1) The appearance of diffuse “ground-glass” filling defects of extrahepatic duct and non-visualization of the tumor-bearing intrahepatic duct in 9 patients (45%), (2) multiple amorphous filling defects of the extrahepatic duct and tumor-bearing intrahepatic duct in 5 patients (25%), (3) multiple filling defects of the extrahepatic duct and non-visualization of the tumor-bearing intrahepatic duct in 4 patients (20%), and (4) single amorphous filling defect of the extrahepatic duct in 2 patients (10%). Mucin-hypersecreting intrahepatic tumors with mucobilia should be highly suspected when the following cholangiographic characteristic are shown: (1) mucinous substance draining out during catheterization (ERC or PTC); (2) diffuse “ground-glass” appearance filling defects; and (3) multiple amorphous filling defects of the bile duct associated with a cystic mass density within the liver on sonography or computed tomographic scan.  相似文献   

目的:探讨内镜下逆行胰胆管造影术(ERCP)在治疗肝移植术后胆道并发症方面的临床疗效.方法:回顾性分析2002年8月-2012年12月采用ERCP治疗8例肝移植术后胆道并发症患者的临床资料,其中胆道狭窄5例(吻合口狭窄4例,肝内型胆道狭窄1例),胆瘘1例,胆石和胆泥形成2例.8例患者共行ERCP治疗21次,对胆道狭窄患者行括约肌切开、胆管扩张、鼻胆管引流和内支架置放术等治疗;对胆瘘患者行鼻胆管引流及塑料内支架置放术等治疗;对结石患者行括约肌切开、鼻胆管冲洗引流术及取石网篮取石等治疗.结果:ERCP手术成功率为100% (21/21);4例吻合口狭窄、1例胆瘘和2例结石患者均治愈,1例肝内型胆道狭窄治疗未成功,建议再次肝移植;术后胆道感染的发生率为14.3%(3/21),胰腺炎发生率为19.0% (4/21),经对症治疗后均痊愈.结论:ERCP是治疗肝移植术后胆道并发症微创、安全和有效的方法.  相似文献   

目的 :回顾性分析和评价内镜逆行胰胆管造影(ERCP)在成人原位肝移植胆道并发症诊疗中的作用。方法:38例成人原位肝移植术后胆道并发症患者实施61次ERCP,根据ERCP结果实施内镜治疗。结果:60次ERCP成功,成功率为98.36%(60/61)。ERCP明确胆道并发症原因后实施内镜治疗。并发症发生的部位为:供体肝胆管、受体胆管、胆管吻合口及十二指肠乳头。其中单纯胆管炎性狭窄7例,胆管炎性狭窄伴肝内外胆管铸型、胆泥或胆石形成10例;单纯胆管吻合口狭窄3例,狭窄伴肝内外胆管铸型、胆泥或胆石形成2例;胆管吻合口瘘2例,供体胆管与受体胆管直径差异过大1例;受体胆管过长、扭曲3例,受体胆管轻度扩张1例;十二指肠乳头狭窄2例,Oddi括约肌功能失调3例;T管脱落1例;胆道出血1例;ERCP插管失败1例。该组供体肝胆管并发症发生率最高,为44.74%(17/38);其次为胆管吻合口并发症,为21.05%(8/38)。治疗方式:乳头括约肌切开(EST)24.59%(15/61),乳头柱状球囊扩张(EPBD)16.39%(10/61),EST+EPBD 13.12%(8/61),扩张器扩张胆管36.07%(22/61),鼻胆管引流(ENBD)52.46%(32/61),胆管支架引流(ERBD)32.79%(20/61),取胆管铸型、胆泥或结石19.67%(12/61),胆道冲洗24.59%(15/61)。结论:ERCP具有诊疗一体化优点,已成为成人原位肝移植术后胆道并发症微创治疗的主要方法和重要治疗手段。  相似文献   

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