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目的:描述北京地区人群血浆同型半胱氨酸(Hcy)水平分布及特点,分析Hcy与相关因素的关系。方法:以北京地区城乡人群35-64岁男女两性1168人的调查结果为研究样本,对血浆同型半胱氨酸分布特点及与相关因素的关系进行统计学分析。结果:①血浆Hcy几何均数男性为15.4μmol/L,女性为12.2μmol/L,男性高于女性(P<0.001)。②血浆Hcy分布存在着城乡差别,农村男性(18.0μmol/L)是城市男性(12.0μmol/L)的1.5倍(P<0.001),农村女性(12.9μmol/L)是城市女性(9.6μmol/L的1.3倍(P<0.001)。③北京城乡35-64岁人群中高Hcy血症(Hcy≥16μmol/L)的患病率为15.3%。④与相关因素分析显示:城乡、性别、受教育水平和吸烟是高同型半胱氨酸血症 的影响因素。结论:北京地区人群血浆同型半胱氨酸水平的分布存在着年龄、性别和城乡间差别;北京地区人群Hcy水平及高Hcy血症的患病率明显高于西方发达国家,尤其是农村地区;城乡间Hcy水平的差别可能更大程度地反映了环境因素的影响。  相似文献   

北京部分地区15年脑卒中事件变化趋势—WHO—SINO—MONICA研究   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:16  
目的 探讨脑卒中在北京地区变化趋势。方法 采用北京地区心血管病人群监测(WHO MONICA方案)诊断标准,通过三级监测网对人群脑卒中发病进行登记监测。结果 ①北京人群15年间(1984-1988年)脑卒中标化发病率呈显著上升的趋势(+9.0%/年,P=0.039)。男性为(+11.4%/年,P=0.027),女性为(+8.2%/年),但无显著性差异;人群脑卒中首次发作标化发病率也呈上升的趋势(+9.1%/年,P=0.023),男性较女性上升更明显。②人群脑卒中标化死亡呈显著下降的趋势(-6.6%/年,P=0.042)。城市人群较农村人群下降明显。③人群脑卒中病死率下降趋势明显(-16.7%/年,P=0.014)。女性较男性更明显。结论 人群脑卒中发病率15年来呈显著上升的趋势,主要是首次发生率的增加,并且与高血压患病率相平等,人群高血压的防治势在必行。  相似文献   

1991~1999年福建城乡人群伤害死亡分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吴彬  周天枢 《中国公共卫生》2002,18(10):1165-1167
目的 了解福建城乡人群伤害死亡变化趋势和特点。方法 对1991-1999年福建省疾病监测点统计年报资料进行比较分析。结果 9年间,城市伤害死亡率为29.86/10万-40.83/10万,农村死亡率为64.19/10万-75.20/10万,均居城乡人群全死因的第4位。农村人群死亡率为城市的2.5倍左右,0-1岁和60岁以上为高发年龄段。城乡男性伤害死亡率均高于女性,城市性别比为1.25-1.99,农村性别比为1.21-1.53。城市人群的前3位死因为机动车交通事故、意外跌落、自杀,农村则为自杀、机动车交通事故、溺水。城市机动车交通事故和自杀死亡率均呈上升趋势,农村自杀死亡率呈明显下降趋势。结论 积极开展伤害预防工作是十分必要的。  相似文献   

1992至2002年北京大学社区队列人群体质指数的变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 对比1992年和2002年北京大学社区队列人群体质指数、超重率、肥胖率10年间的变化,进一步探讨个体体质指数的变化特点。方法 1992年采用分层随机抽样的方法抽取北京大学社区35~64岁人群中的1985人进行基线调查,通过体检和问卷调查获得队列人群的个体相关资料,经过长期的心血管疾病随访研究,于2002年对此队列人群进行第2次体检和问卷调查,对2次调查资料均完整的1437人进行分析。结果 (1)10年间男性体重平均增加了4.89kg,女性增加了3.08kg;体质指数(BMI)均值男性由10年前的23.49kg/m^2上升到10年后的25.22kg/m^2,女性由10.年前的23.30kg/m^2上升到10年后的25.02kg/m^2。(2)10年间男性超重率、肥胖率分别增长了47.8%和124.2%,女性则分别增长了29.5%和131.3%。(3)男性10年前超重者中有74.9%的人10年后仍超重,22.9%的人变成肥胖;肥胖者中85.7%的人10年后仍肥胖。女性10年前超重者中58.2%的人10年后仍超重,34.5%的人变成肥胖;肥胖者中93.7%的人10年后仍肥胖。结论北京大学社区队列人群10年间。BMI均值、超重率和肥胖率均有所增加。10年前基线BMI为超重或肥胖者中的大部分人10年后仍为超重或肥胖,恢复为正常者很少,而且BMI超重者比BMI正常者更容易变成肥胖,这说明超重或肥胖一旦形成则很难恢复。因此,控制超重和肥胖的关键在于早期预防。  相似文献   

北京部分地区15年心脑血管病死亡率变化趋势   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
目的:探讨北京地部分地区1984-1998年影响人群健康的主要疾病及变化趋势的方向、强度。方法:采用北京部分地区心脑血管病人群监测(MONICA研究)资料,分析主要疾病构成,心血管病死亡率(年龄标化率);用回归分析的方法计算心血管病死亡率的年均变化率。结果1984-1998年心脑血管病死亡昆北京地区人群第1位的死亡原因(占总死亡人数的46.0%),第2位死因为癌症(占总死亡人数的26.5%);本人群冠心病死亡比例15期间有显著增加的趋势(年均0.52%)本人群总死亡率(年均-2.9%)、心脑血管病死亡率呈上升趋势,但差异无显著性,结心血管病为人群经1位死亡原因,冠心病死亡率呈上升的趋势,人群心血管病的预防已成为当务之急。  相似文献   

我国中年人群超重率和肥胖率的现状及发展趋势   总被引:160,自引:10,他引:150       下载免费PDF全文
目的:了解我国中年人群超重率和肥胖率现状,定量估价近十余年来超重率和肥胖率发展趋势。方法:选择城乡不同地区、不同职业的15个人群(每个人群1000人左右,男女各半,年龄35-59岁)共计15389人为调查对象,以BMI≥25为超重,BMI≥30为肥胖,分别计算超重率和肥胖率,并与20世纪80年代初和90年代初可比资料比较。结果:①各地人群超重率和肥胖率存在极大差异。在超重严重的地区,中年人群超重率已超过50%;②一般来说这种人群差别表现为:北方高于南方,中城市高于内地农村,女性高于男性;③中年人群的超重目前尚主要表现为“肥胖前期”,肥胖率在绝大多数人群中低于10%;④与80年代初相比,90年代初各人群超重率和肥胖率均上升;与90年代初相比,90年代末多数人群超重率肥胖率均再次 大幅度上升。结论:对我国人群超重和肥胖的干预迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

目的 了解广州市城乡中年人群的体力活动状况及其与心血管病主要危险因素的关系。方法 采用整群随机抽样方法调查广州市35-59岁城市居民1124人及农村居民1029人,按照国家“九五”攻关课题(编号96-906-02-01)统一方案、采用标准化方法进行。结果 农村人群中等强度及以上的体力活动时间平均占全天的20.7%,明显高于城市人群(7.2%);农村人民不活动或少活动的时间占全天的60.5%,较城市人群(73.7%)少。农村人群高胆固醇现患率、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇降低率、高血糖现患率和超重率均低于城市人群,但吸烟率和饮酒率明显高于城市人群。多元线性回归分析显示,不活动和少活动时间对血压升高、血中胆固醇升高、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇降低及体重增加的影响均有非常显性意义。结论 缺乏体力活动会使心血管病危险因素有增加的趋势。  相似文献   

南宁市中老年人心血管健康状况危险因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:对南宁市中老年人心血管健康状况及其危险因素进行分析。方法:采用随机抽样方法,对南宁市35-74岁之间居民进行心血管健康状况调查,分析发病水平及有关影响因素。结果:(1)样本人群高血压患病率为22.06%,随年龄增长而升高,超重率为27.45%,其中男性的为31.28%,女性为23.66%,男性超重率高于女性(P<0.05)。(2)心肌梗塞、脑卒中,心力衰竭患病率分别为0.98%,2.20%,1.71%。(3)高血糖、高总胆固醇、高甘油三脂患病率分别为17.35%,56.67%,30.94%,男、女性别均有显性差异(P<0.05)。(4)多因素回归分析显示:BMI、喝酒、吸烟、高血压、年龄、化程度、家族中有慢性病史等是心血管病的主要影响因素。结论:南宁市中老年人心血管健康状况不容乐观,其危险因素处于较高水平,心血管健康预防控制策略和措施有待进一步加强。  相似文献   

北京市1984~1999年人群脑卒中发病率变化趋势分析   总被引:88,自引:8,他引:80  
目的:评估北京市城区1984-1999年16年间急性脑卒中发病率的变化趋势及强度。方法:采用世界卫生组织心血管病趋势及其决定因素的监测方案(monitoring of trends and determinants in cardiovascular diseases,简称WHO MONICA方案)中北京市城区心血管病人群监测及后续研究的资料,逐年计算急性脑卒中事件发作粗率,年龄标化发作率和首发发病粗率,年龄标化首发发病率,用线性回归方法分析发病率的变化趋势和年平均变化幅度,分析各年龄组发病专率的变化状态。结果:(1)北京市1984-1999年急性脑卒中事件的发作率和首发发病率均呈明显的上升趋势,男性年平均增长幅度分别为4.5%和4.1%,女性均为4.2%,(2)65-岁和70-74岁老年组发病率增加尤为明显;(3)1999年北京市65岁及以上老年人口的比较为10.3%,已逐渐步入老龄化社会。结论:北京市脑卒中的发病率呈明显上升趋势。老年组增加更为明显,随着人口的老龄化,人群中脑卒中病人的绝对数增加,应加强脑卒中的一级预防和二级预防。  相似文献   

刘力克  夏详碧  袁萍  韩明  安珍  陈云 《现代预防医学》2002,29(4):465-467,482
目的:了解成都地区50岁以上人群体重指数(BMI)的分布情况,为预防体重过低及肥胖提供依据。方法:采用现况调查对调查人群进行体重与身高的测量,计算BMI(体重指数)进行分析。结果:该地区体重过低、超体重及肥胖的现患率分别为12.93%、20.10%及4.06%。农村的体重过低的患病率为14.37%,高于城市的8.00%,二者差异有显著性(P<0.001)。城市的超重及肥胖的患病率高于农村(RR值分别为2.80及2.14)。体重过低、超重及肥胖的患病率女性高于男性,差异均有极显著性(P<0.001),城市及农村中两性间差异均有显著性(P<0.05)。农民的体重过低患病率最高(男14.61%、女20.35%),军人的超重及肥胖的患病率最高(38.71%、6.45%)。结论:成都地区50岁以上人群超重及肥胖的患病率低于国内其他地区。但不能忽视人群超重及肥胖的预防,在农村中还应加强预防体重过低,使体重维持在正常水平以降低相关疾病的发生。  相似文献   

Anthropometry is the single most portable, easily applied, inexpensive and non-invasive method of assessing body composition. It reflects both health and nutrition and predicts performance, health and survival. The use of body mass index (BMI) as a measure of obesity has been widespread and has recently been promoted for assessment of chronic energy deficiency (CED) in adults. This report provides BMI values of 2636 adult males and 2111 adult females from the three main ethnic groups residing in urban areas and BMI of adult Malay and Dayak (380 males and 496 females) residing in rural areas in Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak. The percent prevalence of obesity and CED in males for the three ethnic groups were apparently quite similar. However, in the females, CED were higher in the Malays and Chinese while overweight problems were more serious in the Indians. Among the Malays, prevalence of CED for males and females were 7% and 11% in urban areas and 11% and 14% in rural areas, respectively. In the males, it is interesting to note that there is a two-fold difference between urban and rural, while a high prevalence of overweight women (20%) even in the rural areas should be viewed as a potential health problem of the future.  相似文献   

The prevalence of overweight and obesity has increased globally. This study examined the geographic variation in overweight and obesity trends among Icelandic adolescents in urban and rural areas. Data from two cross-sectional population-based samples of 14- and 15-year-old students attending the compulsory 9th and 10th grades of the Icelandic secondary school system in 2000 and 2009 were used to calculate body mass index (BMI). Overweight and obesity rates were represented for 17 zones on maps created with the ArcGis geographic information and imaging software. Results were that males had higher rates of overweight and obesity than females in both 2000 and 2009, with a significant difference for both genders between years. Mean BMI was higher for rural areas than urban areas in both study years. Out of 17 geographic zones, the prevalence of obesity increased between 2000 and 2009 for males in 16; however, the one remaining zone had the highest increase in overweight. Obesity increased in 13 zones for girls and decreased in four from 2000 to 2009. Mean BMI rose between the study years but fewer zones differentiated from each other in 2009 than 2000. The prevalence of overweight and obesity increased among Icelandic adolescents in both urban and rural areas; however, rural areas have higher rates of obesity, overweight, and mean BMI than urban areas. Because of diminishing differences between areas from 2000 to 2009 the increase in mean BMI, increases in overweight, and obesity appear to be more rapid in urban areas than rural areas.  相似文献   

北京市中小学生1985~2000年超重和肥胖流行趋势分析   总被引:14,自引:7,他引:14  
目的 了解北京市7-18岁中小学生1985—2000年超重和肥胖变化趋势,为改善学生营养状况提供依据。方法 利用1985,1991,1995和2000年全国学生体质调研北京市资料,根据体重指数(Body Mass Index,BMI)筛查标准计算不同时期、不同年龄段城乡男女中小学生超重和肥胖检出率。结果城男、城女、乡男、乡女超重和肥胖呈上升趋势,1995.2000年增幅高于1985.1995年平均每5a的增幅;1995~2000年比1985~1995年增速变缓,但7—9岁组城男超重和肥胖,7—9岁组城女和乡女超重,16~18岁乡男和13~15岁城女肥胖的增速高于1985~1995年水平。城区“差”片学生超重和肥胖检出率高于“好”片。结论北京市中小学生超重、肥胖呈现出从散发到流行、从城区向农村、逐渐低龄化的趋势:应从小学低年级开始,将超重和肥胖的防治作为北京市学校卫生的工作重点。  相似文献   

Both an introduction to the 1984 Bremen baseline health survey of the German Cardiovascular Prevention Study and preliminary results therefrom regarding the prevalence of the classical cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors (high blood pressure, smoking, hypercholesterolemia and overweight) are presented here. German males and females, 25–69 years of age and resident in Bremen-North and Bremen-West comprised the study population. Of these, about one in five were hypertensive, 40% were smokers, around one-third possessed too high levels of serum cholesterol and 60% were overweight (circa 20% were severely overweight). Males and younger persons smoked more. The prevalence of hypertension, hyper-cholesterolemia and overweight were similar for the two sexes overall; however, these rates were shown higher among males than females at younger ages, while the opposite was true at older ages. The increase in prevalence of high blood pressure, hypercholes-terolemia and overweight with age, more conspicuous among females, was also noted. Bremen appears to be at higher CVD risk than other German-speaking communities.  相似文献   

目的 描述中国慢性病前瞻性研究(CKB)项目10个地区人群超重/肥胖现状的地区差异。方法 CKB项目于2004-2008年在城市和农村各5个地区募集30~79岁队列成员并完成基线调查,剔除BMI异常个体后,分析10个地区中512 489名队列成员基线调查时的BMI和WC及其对应的超重/肥胖和中心性肥胖分组情况的地区差异。结果 10个地区女性的超重/肥胖(45.3%)和中心性肥胖(44.6%)水平均高于男性(41.7%和38.3%)。青岛项目点人群的超重/肥胖率(男性为66.9%,女性为67.5%)和中心性肥胖率(男性为63.3%,女性为64.9%)均为最高。超重/肥胖的地区差异在男性中更为明显;除河南以外的农村项目点超重/肥胖率相对较低。在BMI< 24.0 kg/m2的非超重/肥胖人群中,部分个体达到中心性肥胖标准(男性为9.8%,女性为15.3%);该比例在青岛项目点更高(男性为22.2%,女性为23.2%)。结论 CKB项目10个地区研究人群的超重/肥胖情况存在明显的地区差异。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the prevalence of overweight, obesity and underweight among Vietnamese adults living in urban areas of Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC), Vietnam. DESIGN: This cross-sectional survey was conducted in the local health stations of 30 randomly selected wards, which represent all 13 urban districts of HCMC, over a period of 2 months from March to April 2004. SUBJECTS: A total of 1488 participants aged 20-60 years completed the interview, physical examination and venous blood collection. MEASUREMENTS: Anthropometric measurements of body weight, height, waist and hip circumference were taken to construct indicators of adiposity including body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, and waist-to-height and waist-to-hip ratios. Both systolic and diastolic blood pressure and biochemical indicators of cardiovascular disease and type II diabetes risk (lipid profile and fasting blood glucose) were also measured. RESULTS: The age and sex standardized prevalence of overweight and obesity using Asian specific BMI cutoffs of 23.0 and 27.5 kg/m2 was 26.2 and 6.4%, respectively. The prevalence of overweight and obesity was slightly higher in females (33.6%) than males (31.6%), and progressively increased with age. The age and sex-standardized prevalence of underweight (BMI <18.5 kg/m2) among Vietnamese adults living in HCMC was 20.4%. The prevalence was slightly higher in males (22.0%) than in females (18.9%), and there was a much higher prevalence in all underweight categories in younger women than in men but this was reversed for older men. CONCLUSION: The adult population in HCMC Vietnam is in an early 'nutrition transition' with approximately equal prevalence of low and high BMI. The prevalence of overweight and obesity of Vietnamese urban adults was lower than that reported for other east and southeast Asian countries.  相似文献   

中国成年人肥胖的流行特点研究:超重和肥胖的现患率调查   总被引:114,自引:2,他引:112  
目的:阐明中国肥胖的流行状况,为国家卫生决策和肥胖防治提供科学依据。方法:利用全国糖尿病流行病学调查资料,采用WHO诊断标准,对中国11省(市)居住5年及5年以上者的社区人群进行超重和肥胖的流行特点分析。研究对象包括20-74岁居民共42751人。结果11省(市)总的超重现患率为21.51%,肥胖现患率为2.92%,经1990年全国人口标标化,11省(市)超重的现患率为18.28%,肥胖的现患率为2.48%;经1992年世界人口标化,超重现患率为18.61%,肥胖现患率为2.49%;女性的超重现患率和肥胖现患率(21.71%和3.73%)显著高于男性(21.25%和2.11%);男性和女性的肥胖现患率随着年龄增加而上升;在11省(市)中,超重和肥胖的现患率男性是北京最高,女性是山东最高;肥胖的现患率呈现出北方高于南方,城市高于农村的流行特点。结论:中国的超重和肥胖患病形势严峻,超重和肥胖患者病开始低龄化,男性肥胖患病的增长速度有可能超过女性。因此,中国应该尽早开展肥胖的防治与研究。  相似文献   

This paper highlights the marked presence of nutritional disorders in a sample (190 males, 237 females, aged 18-80 years) obtained from the adult population in three kampungs i.e. Pasang Api, Sungai Nipah Baroh and Sungai Balai Darat, in the Mukim of Bagan Datoh, Perak in 1992. All subjects (except pregnant females) were measured for blood pressure, weight, height, waist circumference, and hip circumference from which the body mass index (BMI) and waist-hip ratios (WHR) were calculated. A random blood sample was obtained by finger-prick from each subject and analysed for total cholesterol (TC) and glucose, using the Reflotron compact analyser. Elevated means for BMI and WHR indicated that obesity (BMI ≥30.0) was a serious public health problem in these three kampungs, affecting about 5% of males and 14% of females. Another 24% of males and 46% of females had an overweight problem (BMI 25.0-29.9), indicating that on the average, about half the adult population in these kampungs were either overweight or obese. This contrasted with the situation a decade ago in similar-type kampungs in the Peninsula where underweight was the major nutritional disorder in adults, especially males. Overall, there was a shift of an underweight problem to one of overweight, as exemplified by increments of 2.0 to 3.0 BMI units in the adult population, with the phenomenon being more marked in the females. Hypertension (21%) and hyperglycaemia (6.5%) affected the males and females approximately equally. Female adults had higher mean plasma TC compared to males (204 versus 199 mg/dl); these means were some 20 mg/dl (0.52 mmol/L) higher than the corresponding means for adults in similar rural communitites in the early eighties, and approximate the corresponding means for present-day urban adults. The above findings serve to emphasise the nutritional transition undergoing in the rural communities in the Peninsula, viz, the marked emergence in these rural communities of nutritional disorders normally associated with affluent populations.  相似文献   

AIMS: To explore the prevalence of overweight in men and women in a Swedish rural community and to examine its associations with all-cause mortality. METHODS: A community-based cohort study. A total of 1,109 men and women aged >or= 40 years participated in a survey of cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors in the city of Skara in Skaraborg, Sweden, in 1993-94. Overweight was defined as a BMI >or=25.0 kg m(-2). Vital status was ascertained to 31 December 1999 and sex-specific associations between overweight and mortality were explored. RESULTS: The prevalence of overweight according to the WHO's criteria exceeded 50% in men and 35% in women. In men there was an inverse association between BMI and mortality. Men in the lowest quartile of BMI experienced the highest mortality with 44.1 deaths per 1,000 person-years. The hazard ratio (HR) in the highest quartile was 0.6 (95% CI 0.4-0.9). In women there were no significant differences in mortality between quartiles of BMI. In both men and women with previous CVD the mortality rates decreased with quartiles of increasing BMI. The inverse association between BMI and mortality was confined to elderly men with a history of CVD. CONCLUSION: In both sexes the association between BMI and mortality differed across subgroups of age and of a history of previous CVD. No indication of overweight being negative for longevity was found in this population. Higher age and a history of previous CVD contribute to the excess mortality seen in subjects with low BMI.  相似文献   

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