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目的:对观察风府刺血疗法改善脑卒中后口腔期吞咽障碍的临床疗效,为临床脑卒中后吞咽障碍患者提供一种新方法。方法:将符合脑卒中诊断标准并伴有口腔期吞咽障碍的68例脑卒中患者,采用随机单盲平行对照和患者自身前后对照的研究方法分为治疗组与对照组,每组34例,两组按洼田饮水试验进行评估,两组给予相同的背景治疗,治疗组在对照组基础治疗上加用风府刺血疗法,每周2次,4周为1个疗程,1个疗程结束后再按洼田饮水试验进行评估,比较两组治疗方法对脑卒中口腔期吞咽障碍影响的差异。结果:治疗组和对照组的吞咽障碍在治疗后均有明显改善,组间比较有明显差异(P<0.05)。结论:风府刺血法可以提高脑卒中后口腔期吞咽障碍疗效。  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Different training methods have different effects on primary knee osteoarthritis. OBJECTIVE: To compare the effects of uphill or downhill running on articular cartilage degeneration and inflammatory responses of knee osteoarthritis rats.   METHODS: 108 female Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into six groups: normal control group, ovariectomized group, uphill running group (run & up), downhill running group (run & down), uphill running model group (model & up), downhill running model group (model & down). The rats in the normal control group were raised routinely with no treatment; rats in the ovariectomized group were ovarientomized and raised in routine way; rats in the run & up group and run & down group were subjected to uphill running training on the slop +15° or downhill running training on the slop -15°; rats in the model & up group and model & down group were subjected to uphill running training on the slop +15°or downhill running training on the slop -15° after ovarientomized. Training programs were as follows: 28 m/min, 60 minutes per day, 6 days per week. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: Compared with the other five groups, in the model & up group, the Mankin’s score was significantly increased, indicating that articular cartilage degeneration occurred, and the peak of carboxy-terminal telopeptide of type II collagen contained in the urine had passed, at 4 weeks after modeling. At 6 weeks, the Mankin’s score of the model & down group was increased to reach the degeneration standard, but it was still lower than that of the model & up group; the expression levels of tumor necrosis factor-α and interleukin-1β in the synovial fluid were significantly higher in the model & up and model & down groups than the other four groups. At 8 weeks, the Mankin’s score and the expression levels of tumor necrosis factor-α and interleukin-1β were further increased in the model & up and model & down groups, especially in the model & up group. These results indicate that treadmill running exercise after ovariectomized can result in articular cartilage injury and local inflammatory responses; compared with the downhill running training, the uphill running training can cause cartilage injury earlier and more efficiently.   相似文献   
中医康复学是一门研究、应用传统中医方法结合各种运动治疗技术促进伤病患者身心功能恢复的学科.它以“中医整体观念”为指导思想,突出应用传统中医疗法,在伤病的早期介入,以恢复功能为目的,促进患者最大限度地回归社会.中医康复学是临床型学科,以培养临床实用型人才为教育的主要目标.  相似文献   
目的研究肌电触发电刺激疗法对脑卒中患者手功能的影响。方法脑卒中患者40例分为肌电触发电刺激疗法组(肌电触发组)19例,神经肌肉电刺激疗法组21例(NMES组),比较两组治疗前后Fugl-Meyer上肢功能评分、改良Barthel指数、腕背伸主动关节活动度。结果两组患者治疗后各项评分均有显著提高(P<0.001);与NMES组比较,肌电触发组各项评分均有提高(P<0.05)。结论肌电触发电刺激疗法可有效改善偏瘫患者手功能障碍,疗效优于神经肌肉电刺激疗法。  相似文献   
冻干蜂王浆软胶囊的制备及稳定性影响因素研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:制备冻干蜂王浆软胶囊并对其稳定性及影响因素进行实验研究。方法:以内容物沉降体积比为考察指标,筛选出适宜的助悬剂和工艺,轧制软胶囊,并考察其在冷藏、室温和高温高湿下的稳定性。HPLC法测定稳定性及不同影响因素下10-HAD含量的变化。结果:中试生产成品率90以上,软胶囊成品冷藏质量稳定,室温及高温高湿条件下产品质量明显下降,软胶囊壳中的水分对10-HAD的含量有明显影响。结论:冻干蜂王浆软胶囊的制剂成型工艺可行,产品贮存以冷藏为宜。  相似文献   
微粉化乌贝分散片工艺研究及药效验证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨士豹  江征 《时珍国医国药》2007,18(12):3066-3068
目的筛选微粉化乌贝分散片的处方和制备工艺,对剂型改变前后的药效进行比较。方法按照《中国药典》2005年版附录对分散片的要求,以休止角、硬度、外观、脆碎度、分散均匀性做为考察指标筛选处方和工艺,采用小鼠利血平胃溃疡模型考察两种剂型药效变化。结果按优选处方制备微粉化乌贝分散片,可在3min内完全崩解,且同等剂量下药效优于散剂。结论微粉化乌贝分散片服用、携带及药效明显优于散剂。  相似文献   
目的 通过研究步态轮廓评分(GPS)和运动分析剖面图(MAP)来量化青年慢性非特异性腰痛(chronic nonspecific low back pain, CNLBP)患者和健康青年人步态周期中的运动学变化。 方法 采用3D光学运动捕捉系统(Qualisys,Gothenburg,Sweden)采集CNLBP组和健康组受试者各11例的步态运动学数据,将其导入索尔福德大学Richard Baker教授编写的Excel文件并计算出GPS和MAP分数,并进行统计学分析。 结果 右膝关节膝关节屈曲和伸展GVS值CNLBP组为(5.66±1.83)°,健康组为(3.64±1.13)°,组间比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),2组受试者其余各项GVS变量和GPS组间比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。 结论 青年CNLBP患者存在步态异常,GPS和MAP在青年CNLBP患者的步态评估中具有一定的适用性。  相似文献   
表面肌电可以在运动过程中记录神经电信号,反映肌肉活动,被应用于观察慢性腰痛患者躯干和下肢肌肉活动。通过对比腰痛患者与正常人在不同活动下的不同肌电信号特征,可以为慢性腰痛的发病机制、诊疗研究提供新思路。  相似文献   
康复治疗学课程实训教学改革探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
康复医学专业教育在我国刚刚起步,各院校的康复实践教学计划和课程设置有所不同。由于缺乏相关办学经验,许多问题都还在探索中,在实践教学过程中也遇到许多问题,对此我们进行了积极地研究和探索,通过结合质量工程的建设,进行了许多改革尝试并取得一些经验。借此希望能为我国康复医学事业的发展培养大量的、高水平的人才,探索出一条具有中国特色的康复专业教育之路。  相似文献   
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