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本文报告一例精索静脉曲张手术疑似失败病例的处理经过。患者双侧精索静脉曲张(左侧Ⅲ度,右侧Ⅱ度)伴局部疼痛不适及精液质量严重异常,行腹腔镜双侧精索静脉高位结扎术,术后2个月自觉局部坠胀、疼痛症状明显缓解,但双侧阴囊的迂曲较术前更加明显,疑似手术失败并再次入院。经临床和实验室检查后,发现患者无明确手术失败证据,选择对症治疗而避免再次手术。观察等待3个月后复诊,患者临床表现(鞘膜积液及坠胀感)减轻,实验室检查精液质量改善,超声检查乏氏动作后双侧精索静脉未见返流,双侧睾丸鞘膜未见明显积液,进一步确诊术后症状为术后暂时性侧枝循环建立不佳所致,而这种情况在同类手术中比较常见。综合本病例及文献报道,我们建议要严格掌握再手术的指证:明确的复发征象(与体位相关的精索静脉曲张及血液返流);患者的原始诉求(疼痛不适、精液质量异常)仍然存在且无改善。难以判断者,建议观察等待,以避免不必要的再次手术。通常术后应观察3~6个月再进行综合判定。  相似文献   
深圳市护理人员薪酬满意度的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:了解影响深圳市护理人员的薪酬满意度的因素,探讨薪酬满意度与离职意愿之间的相互关系。方法:对在深圳工作的护理人员445人,采用薪酬满意量表、离职意愿量表来进行研究。结果:年龄越小、职位、职称越低、工龄越短的聘请护士薪酬满意度越低。未婚、职位与职称处于较低层级、薪酬满意度低的聘请护士离职意愿最高。离职意愿与薪酬满意度存在显著负相关。结论:年资低的聘请护士薪酬满意度最低,建议适当优化调整薪酬策略。  相似文献   
深圳市龙岗区护理人员工作满意度的影响因素分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 探讨影响深圳市护理人员工作满意度的相关因素,为改善护理人员的工作满意度、提高护理质量、减少护理人员流失、完善护理人力资源管理制度提供依据。方法对在深圳市龙岗区医院工作的445名护理人员,采用一般资料问卷、明尼苏达满意问卷(MSQ)、组织承诺量表(OCQ)、离职意愿量表进行调查,分别以工作满意度量表、组织承诺量表、离职意愿量表总分为应变量,以护理人员的年龄、学历、婚姻、职称、职务、劳动关系、工龄、是否注册护士和其他两个量表总分为自变量进行多元逐步回归分析。结果护理人员工作满意度与组织承诺、年龄呈正相关,与劳动关系和离职意愿呈负相关(P〈0.001)。结论护理人员的工作满意度与组织承诺、年龄、劳动关系和离职意愿等因素关系密切。需采取有针对性的干预措施,提高护理人员的工作满意度。  相似文献   
<正>脊柱骨折是较为常见的床上骨折,脊柱发生骨折的几率在众多骨骼发生断裂中占比5%-6%,主要以胸和腰段的骨折发生率为高,其中腰椎、颈椎以及胸椎发生骨折的几率最少。脊柱骨折多发于男性,特别是青壮年,脊柱发生骨折的主要原因多由外力引起,例如从高处跌落时足部或者臀部着力,又或者受到较为严重的、向上传导的具有冲击性的攻击而导致脊柱骨折。脊柱骨折的主要临床特征为脊柱发生畸形、脊柱棘突骨皮下瘀血、导致胸  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the effects of diets with different calorie and nutritional values on pubertal onset in female rats. Method Female Wistar rat models receiving calorie-deprived (group R) (Experiment 1) ,fat-rich(group F) ,glucose-rich(group G) and protein-rich(group P) (Experiment 2) test diets were established,and rats receiving diets with normal caloric value were considered as control group (group C). The body weight (BW) ,food-intake and vaginal patency (VP) were observed. The rats were killed at the day of vaginal patency. The BW, uterus weight (UW), uterus index (UI), calorie intake per day (CI), perirenal fat weight (PFW) and perirenal fat index (PFI) were measured. The serum levels of leptin, ghrelin, IGF- Ⅰ were tested by means of ELISA.Results Experiment 1:The VP was retarded in group R compared with group C (P<0. 01). There was a significant difference in BW, UW,UI ,CI,leptin and ghrelin at the VP day between group R and group C (all P<0.01) ,and no significant difference in IGF- Ⅰ levels between these two groups. Experiment 2 :The VP was retarded in group F,group G and group P in comparison with group C (P<0.01). The BW, PFW and PFI in group G and group F were markedly higher than those in group P and group C. The leptin level in group F was the highest, and the lowest in group P. The ghrelin level in group G was the highest,and that in group P was the lowest. However,there were no significant differences in IGF- Ⅰ and UI among these, four groups. Conclusion The normal pubertal onset of female rats requires sufficient caloric stores and balanced nutrient. Diets malnutrition and fat-rich, glucoserich and protein-rich test diets all delay pubertal onset in female rats.  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the effects of diets with different calorie and nutritional values on pubertal onset in female rats. Method Female Wistar rat models receiving calorie-deprived (group R) (Experiment 1) ,fat-rich(group F) ,glucose-rich(group G) and protein-rich(group P) (Experiment 2) test diets were established,and rats receiving diets with normal caloric value were considered as control group (group C). The body weight (BW) ,food-intake and vaginal patency (VP) were observed. The rats were killed at the day of vaginal patency. The BW, uterus weight (UW), uterus index (UI), calorie intake per day (CI), perirenal fat weight (PFW) and perirenal fat index (PFI) were measured. The serum levels of leptin, ghrelin, IGF- Ⅰ were tested by means of ELISA.Results Experiment 1:The VP was retarded in group R compared with group C (P<0. 01). There was a significant difference in BW, UW,UI ,CI,leptin and ghrelin at the VP day between group R and group C (all P<0.01) ,and no significant difference in IGF- Ⅰ levels between these two groups. Experiment 2 :The VP was retarded in group F,group G and group P in comparison with group C (P<0.01). The BW, PFW and PFI in group G and group F were markedly higher than those in group P and group C. The leptin level in group F was the highest, and the lowest in group P. The ghrelin level in group G was the highest,and that in group P was the lowest. However,there were no significant differences in IGF- Ⅰ and UI among these, four groups. Conclusion The normal pubertal onset of female rats requires sufficient caloric stores and balanced nutrient. Diets malnutrition and fat-rich, glucoserich and protein-rich test diets all delay pubertal onset in female rats.  相似文献   
老年人低视力研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
世界卫生组织(WHO)在1980年曾指出全世界有2亿6千万老人,其中1/2生活在发达国家。但到2000年预测老年人将达到4亿,而其中3/5将生活在发展中国家。在人口结构上老年人的比例也将逐年增加。1982年我国统计65岁以上老年人近5000万,占总人口的4.9%,预测到2000年老年人将占总人口的6.9%,而达到8300万~8800万左右。上述情况表明老年人及其眼病可能将逐年增加,盲及低视力问题也会日趋严重,值得我们关注。  相似文献   
目的 探讨氢质子磁共振波谱(proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy,1H-MRS)技术在植物状态(vegetative state,VS)临床诊断和预后评估中的价值.方法 对20例VS患者和20例年龄匹配的健康志愿者(对照组)行常规MRI检查,并同时行1H-MRS检查,测定双侧额顶叶皮质、白质和丘脑的NAA/Cr、Cho/Cr、NAA/Cho比值.结果 1H-MRS示VS患者的双侧额顶叶皮质、白质和丘脑非直接受损部位的NAA/Cr、NAA/Cho值与正常对照组比较均有显著性差异(P<0.05);VS组1H-MRS 大多出现Lac的异常表现.结论 1H-MRS可以对VS患者脑部损伤程度和损伤范围提供客观的参考指标.  相似文献   
急性脑出血是高血压常见和最严重的突发症,属中医“中风”范畴,其致残率和病死率较高,笔者对62例急性脑出血患者在西医治疗的基础上加用中药加味四物汤和牵正散治疗,并与单纯西药治疗56例进行比较,现报告如下。  相似文献   
在小儿泌尿外科的临床中,常会遇到下列棘手问题:对经体检、B超、CT、MRI等检查都未发现睾丸的双侧隐睾患儿是否需手术探查以与无睾的鉴别:对外阴模棱两可的两性畸形患儿是否需手术探查以明确何种性腺的存在:如睾丸存在.应如何检测此类儿童的睾丸功能等。随着医学发展,血清苗勒抑制物(Miillerian inhibiting substance,MIS)浓度测定将成为一项新型的诊断方法.用以解决上述问题,减少不必要的手术探查。  相似文献   
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