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目的:对应用脓肿切开挂线引流法对患有肛周脓肿的患儿实施治疗的临床效果进行研究。方法将本院收治的82例患有肛周脓肿疾病的患儿临床资料进行回顾分析。结果治疗组患儿治疗效果明显优于对照组;肛周皮肤表现恢复正常时间和住院接受治疗总时间明显短于对照组;不良反应率明显低于对照组,复发人数明显少于对照组。结论应用脓肿切开挂线引流法对患有肛周脓肿的患儿实施治疗的临床效果非常明显。  相似文献   
包皮原性疾病,是指因包皮口狭窄或过长,在生长发育过程中生理性或外界因素刺激引起的一系列疾病,如包皮口炎、尿道口炎、尿垢石、尿垢感染及逆行性尿路感染、膀胱炎,甚至出现肾盂炎、肾炎等,为年长儿常见疾病.但近年来2岁龄以下的幼儿发病率呈上升趋势,门诊接诊的患儿日益增多.该系列病常不被医务人员所重视,但涉及人群广泛,有着一定的社会影响,给家长带来一定压力.为此,我们针对治疗有着积极意义的病因做了一些调查.  相似文献   
目的:对应用微创手术和传统开放手术两种方式对患有疝气症的患儿实施治疗的临床效果进行对比研究。方法将328例患有疝气症的患儿临床资料进行回顾分析。结果治疗组患儿疝气症治疗效果明显优于对照组;手术操作时间、疝气症状消失时间、术后接受恢复治疗时间明显短于对照组;手术过程中出血量明显低于对照组;围术期不良反应明显少于对照组。结论应用微创手术方式对患有疝气症的患儿实施治疗的临床效果明显,且手术时间短,患者创伤小,恢复快,不良反应少,值得推广。  相似文献   
新生儿在生理、病理情况下均可发生呕吐,是临床最常见症状之一,在门、急诊工作中,常常遇到因呕吐来就诊的患儿,许多是生理性、喂养不当或其它疾病关连症状,少数为病理性,需入院治疗。怎样提高诊断水平,降低死亡率,提高治愈率。以下几点体会供同行参考。  相似文献   
朱治刚  王松楠  谭士勇  周岩 《吉林医学》2008,29(12):1032-1032
肠套叠是指肠管的一部分及其附着的肠系膜套入到邻近的肠腔内,是小儿急性肠梗阻中最常见的一种,多见于1—2岁婴儿,占发病数的80%,男孩发病率约为女孩的2—3倍。我院2005年1月-2007年6月采用X线下空气灌肠复位34例和B超下温盐水灌肠复位36例两种不同方法治疗小儿肠套叠共70例,现报告如下:  相似文献   
中国北方五市儿童功能性便秘流行病学特征现况调查   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
Objective Functional constipation (FC) is a common complaint in childhood but the prevalence still remains unclear, the aim of this study was to explore the prevalence of FC in childhood in the northern parts of China. Methods A screening program on FC in childhood was carried out in 5 northern cities (Beijing, Tianjin, Shenyang, Changchun, Harbin) of China according to symptoms under the Rome Ⅲ criteria. Random clustered sampling of the inhabitants was carried out under stratification of cities, geographic zones, schools or nurseries.Sample size of each area was in proportion to the population of the area. The range of age was 4-14. All subjects under study were requested to fill in a questionnaire distributed by the teachers. The screening program was carried out immediately after a section survey was completed. All together, 20 000 questionnaires were distributed with 19 638 retrievals. According to the result of the screening, a small number of patients who met the criteria were further selected to undergo a detailed clinical examination in the hospital including laboratory examination, colonic transit time, defecography or/and barium enema, electromyologram and anorectal manometry to exclude organic disease of the colon. Simultaneously, a detailed questionnaire was requested to fill under the assistance of trained doctors or medical students.Prevalence of FC of the population was adjusted by the rate of correct diagnosis from the detailed study. Results The adjusted point prevalence of FC in 5 northern cities of China according to Rome Ⅲ criteria was 4.73% with higher prevalence rate of FC seen in the Beijing area (5.02%) than in other cities (4.82%, 4.76%, 4.27%, 4.40%, with P<0.001 ). Male to female ratio was 1.26:1 with majority of the FC fell in the 4-6 year olds (5.76%). Conclusion FC appeared a common disorder in childhood in the northern parts of China which called for greater attention. Higher prevalence was noted in the age groups of 4-6.  相似文献   
<正>包皮原性疾病,是指因包皮口狭窄或过长,在生长发育过程中生理性或外界因素刺激引起的一系列疾病,如包皮口炎、尿道口炎、尿垢石、尿垢感染及逆行性尿路感染、膀胱炎,甚至出现肾盂炎、肾炎等,为年长儿常见疾病。但近年来2岁龄以下的幼儿发病率呈上升趋势,门诊接诊的患儿日益增多。该系列病常不被医务人员所重视,但涉及人群广泛,有着一定的社会影响,给家长带来一定压力。为此,我们针对治疗有着积极意义的病因做了一些调查。  相似文献   
目的对应用一期肛门成形术对患有中、高位无肛疾病的新生儿实施治疗临床效果进行研究。方法将本院收治的46例患有先天性无肛疾病的新生儿随机分为对照组和治疗组,平均每组23例。采用常规先造瘘后分期手术方式对对照组患儿实施治疗;采用一期肛门成形术对治疗组患儿实施治疗。结果治疗组新生儿高位无肛病情治疗效果明显优于对照组;住院治疗总时间明显短于对照组。结论应用一期肛门成形术对患有中、高位无肛疾病的新生儿实施治疗临床效果非常明显。  相似文献   
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