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Aquagenic keratoderma is an uncommon acquired dermatosis characterized by edema and whitish-translucent papules triggered by immersion or contact with water. Cases have been described in association with certain medications, hyperhidrosis, and cystic fibrosis. The aim of this review is to evaluate the effectiveness of different treatments for aquagenic keratoderma. We reviewed the literature and analyzed treatments for aquagenic keratoderma described in case series and reports. Aquagenic keratoderma associated with hyperhidrosis can be treated effectively. Tap water iontophoresis, endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy, botulinum toxin injections, and oxybutynin are effective against refractory forms. Topical salicylic acid and aluminum salts are effective, but of little value as maintenance therapy. Oral oxybutynin 5 mg/d is probably the best option for treating aquagenic keratoderma. The reported pathophysiological effects of nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drugs in this setting suggest that the use of prostaglandins might be justified. Additional studies are needed to investigate these hypotheses and resolve other questions.  相似文献   
This study used a modified Sihler's staining method to analyze the nerve distributions of the fibularis muscle to identify the most effective sites for botulinum toxin injection for fibular spasticity treatment. Ten specimens of the fibularis longus and brevis were obtained bilaterally from five fixed cadavers. The applied method of modified Sihler's staining was designed to reveal the intramuscular nerve distribution of the fibularis muscles. We divided the fibularis muscles into four quarters, which were defined as Sections 1–4 starting from the proximal part of the leg. There were one, two, and three nerve entry points in one (10%), six (60%), and three (30%) of the fibularis longus specimens, respectively, and in four (40%), five (50%), and one (10%) of the fibularis brevis specimens, respectively. We counted the number of nerve endings in each section: 321 and 195 points were identified in the fibularis longus and brevis, respectively. The densities of nerve endings were highest in Section 2 of the fibularis longus (147 of 321, 46%) and in Section 3 of the fibularis brevis (78 of 195, 40%). The landmarks used in this study (the fibular head and lateral malleolus) are easily palpable on the skin's surface, allowing clinicians to target the effective injection site (Section 2) without requiring ultrasound guidance, especially for the fibularis longus. Clin. Anat. 33:365–369, 2020. © 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
介绍王晞星教授辨治大肠癌肝转移的临床经验。认为大肠癌肝转移的根本病机为肝脾两虚、痰瘀毒结;临证以调和肝脾为重,减毒消癥为辅,标本兼顾,攻补兼施;研创特色方药补中调肝汤,和法抗癌,疗效显著。并附验案1则。  相似文献   
黄帅立 《河南中医》2020,40(4):500-502
2019年为己亥之年,土运不足,厥阴风木司天,少阳相火在泉。下半年相火淫胜,火气流行,克金、刑水。风木盛则克制土运,土运本不足,致虚者更虚,强者更强,此谓之不相得,不相得则病;且气克运,古称之为天刑,天刑之年多灾害。2019年,冬季主气太阳寒水之上少阳相火客临,致冬不藏反长,天不寒反暖。地气封藏不固,水中阳气不藏,本应该被抑制或杀灭的微生物却因火热而未灭,并得少阳火毒助长而毒性更猛,化生为火疫。2020年为庚子年,主行金运,金克木,可平复2019年偏盛之木运,故瘟毒会被2020年之金运削弱或肃杀。针对此次瘟疫,未病之人预防要点为:虚邪贼风,避之有时;精神内守,病安从来;正气存内,邪不可干;饮食宜忌,尤为重要;避秽化浊,芳香化湿。已病之人的治疗,依据此次瘟疫"少阳火毒夹湿"病机,以咸补之,以甘泻之,以咸耎之,岁谷宜丹,间谷宜豆。此次瘟毒的性质虽为湿热火毒,但患者体质却有寒热虚实之别,感染后症状、病情和预后亦不同,故中医临证时应遵循辨证论治,三因治宜的原则;若体质素有湿热,邪从本气而化,可遵循运气病机施治;若体质本热,湿去而化为火毒,则应以制火为主;若体质本寒,热去而化寒湿,则应温化寒湿,芳香化浊;若体质素虚,出现危重证候,则应在祛邪时,重视固护元气。  相似文献   
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a complex disorder that affects multiple organs and increases the risk of cardiovascular complications. CKD affects approximately 12% of the population in Taiwan. Loss of kidney function leads to accumulation of potentially toxic compounds such as indoxyl sulfate (IS) and p-cresyl sulfate (pCS), two protein-bound uremic solutes that can stimulate the progression of CKD. The aim of this study was to assess whether IS and pCS levels were correlated with CKD stage. We developed and validated a method for quantitating total and free IS and pCS in serum by ultra-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS). Serum samples were pretreated using protein precipitation with acetonitrile containing stable isotope-labeled IS and pCS as internal standards. After centrifugation, the supernatant was diluted and injected into a UPLC-MS/MS system. Analyte concentrations were calculated from the calibration curve and ion ratios between the analyte and the internal standard. The calibration curves were linear with a correlation coefficient of >0.999; the analytical measurement range was 0.05–5 mg/L. The limit of quantitation of this assay was 0.05 mg/L for both analytes. The reference interval was ≤0.05–1.15 mg/L for total-form IS, ≤0.05–5.33 mg/L for total-form pCS, ≤0.05 mg/L for free-form IS, and ≤0.12 mg/L for free-form pCS. A positive correlation was observed between analyte concentration and CKD stage. Our sensitive UPLC-MS/MS method for quantifying total and free-form IS and pCS in serum can be used to monitor the progression of CKD in clinical settings, identify patients at risk, and facilitate development of further therapies for this devastating disease.  相似文献   
目的 评价5%复方利多卡因乳膏缓解眼睑痉挛患者注射A型肉毒毒素相关疼痛的效果。设计 病例对照研究。研究对象 采取便利抽样法,选取24例2018年8-12月在北京同仁医院因眼睑痉挛接受A型肉毒毒素注射治疗,且在既往未给予疼痛干预情况下,视觉模拟评分法(visual analogue scale,VAS)疼痛评分≥8分的患者。方法 采用数字随机法随机确定观察眼的眼别,观察眼眼睑注射部位在注射前给予5%复方利多卡因乳膏涂抹30分钟,对侧眼眼睑注射部位未予干预作为对照。注射后立即应用VAS对患者进行疼痛评分,2周后随访,记录其他不良反应。主要指标 VAS疼痛评分、不良反应。结果 24例观察眼的VAS疼痛评分为6.73±1.25,对照眼为8.68±0.42(P=0.000),随访期间未观察到明显不良反应。结论 5%利多卡因乳膏可以安全、有效地缓解眼睑痉挛患者接受A型肉毒毒素注射时的相关疼痛,可临床推广应用。  相似文献   
Clostridium difficile has been documented as a major cause of uncontrolled outbreaks of enteritis in neonatal pigs and antibiotic-associated infections in clinical settings. It belongs to the natural cohort of early colonisers of the gastrointestinal tract of pigs and can be detected in faeces up to two weeks post-partum. In older pigs, it often remains under the detection limit. Most neonatal pigs show no clinical signs of disease although C. difficile and its toxins can be detected at high levels in faeces. Increased mortality rates associated with C. difficile on pig farms are, so far, considered “spontaneous” and the predisposing factors are mostly not defined. The infection caused by C. difficile is multifactorial and it is likely that the repertoire of maternal factors, host physiology, the individually developing gut microbiota, co-infections and environmental stress define the conditions for disease development. In this addendum to our recently published work on CDI in neonatal piglets, we discuss the “early-life events” that influence C. difficile spread and infection in neonatal piglets.  相似文献   
结合验案分析,基于"祛邪为第一要义"探讨新型冠状病毒肺炎从清热化湿论治的思路与方法。认为新型冠状病毒肺炎主要是属于"湿热"性质的疫病,治疗应强调清热化湿,以"祛邪为第一要义",辅以扶正。在中医祛邪与扶正理论指导下,通过宣肺平喘、通腑泻热、芳香化湿等治法,祛邪为主,肺肠合治,可以使发热减轻或消退,使大便通畅,从而截断病情进展,避免或减少危重症的发生及死亡的风险;通过清热化湿、疏肝健脾、凉血化瘀等治法,祛邪兼以扶正,肺与肝、脾合调,可以改善肝功能损伤,减少病情加重的风险;通过补气健脾等扶正治法,可以改善患者的精神和体力,促使病毒更快转阴,缩短病程,促进患者早日康复。  相似文献   
目的:总结任顺平教授治疗慢性萎缩性胃炎(chronic atrophic gastritis,CAG)的用药特色及规律。方法:选取2017年8月至2018年10月在山西中医药大学附属医院任顺平专家门诊就诊的CAG患者70例,共计76张处方,使用81味中药,涉及17种中药类别,总计用药1282频次,使用频数法分析其临床使用的药物和功效类别。结果:70例患者共用药物81种,其频数统计提示,使用频数位于前10位的中药由高到低依次是党参、白术、茯苓、柴胡、陈皮、姜半夏、紫苏梗、丹参、黄芩、神曲。高频药物功效归类分析由多到少依次为健脾化湿药、疏肝理气药、消食通降药、活血化瘀药、清热药等。结论:任顺平教授辨治慢性萎缩性胃炎以益气健脾化湿、疏肝和胃降逆、活血化瘀清热等为治疗大法,高频药物由多到少依次为健脾化湿药、疏肝理气药、消食通降药、活血化瘀药、清热药等,并随证酌情加用消食药、温中药、收敛药等。  相似文献   
目的:通过文献探析中医治疗多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)的证型分布及临床用药规律。方法:检索2003年至2018年1月1日中国期刊全文数据库(CNKI)、万方、维普3个中文数据库中相关中医治疗PCOS的临床研究文献,建立中医治疗PCOS的整体证型及临床用药数据库,并对数据进行处理、分析。结果:①共纳入符合标准的文献252篇,方剂284首;②涉及证型共37种,其中常见证型为肾虚血瘀证、痰湿证、肾虚痰瘀证,共占43.31%;③涉及病位要素以肾为主,其次为肝、脾;涉及病性要素以血瘀、痰、湿为主;④涉及药物193味,按功效共分为16类,补虚药占41.44%,活血化瘀药占16.20%,化痰祛湿药占14.90%;⑤中医治疗PCOS药性以温、平为主,药味以甘为主,辛、苦次之。结论:PCOS病因病机复杂,以肾虚为本,血瘀、痰湿为标,治疗以补肾活血、化湿祛痰为主。  相似文献   
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