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摘    要:2019年为己亥之年,土运不足,厥阴风木司天,少阳相火在泉。下半年相火淫胜,火气流行,克金、刑水。风木盛则克制土运,土运本不足,致虚者更虚,强者更强,此谓之不相得,不相得则病;且气克运,古称之为天刑,天刑之年多灾害。2019年,冬季主气太阳寒水之上少阳相火客临,致冬不藏反长,天不寒反暖。地气封藏不固,水中阳气不藏,本应该被抑制或杀灭的微生物却因火热而未灭,并得少阳火毒助长而毒性更猛,化生为火疫。2020年为庚子年,主行金运,金克木,可平复2019年偏盛之木运,故瘟毒会被2020年之金运削弱或肃杀。针对此次瘟疫,未病之人预防要点为:虚邪贼风,避之有时;精神内守,病安从来;正气存内,邪不可干;饮食宜忌,尤为重要;避秽化浊,芳香化湿。已病之人的治疗,依据此次瘟疫"少阳火毒夹湿"病机,以咸补之,以甘泻之,以咸耎之,岁谷宜丹,间谷宜豆。此次瘟毒的性质虽为湿热火毒,但患者体质却有寒热虚实之别,感染后症状、病情和预后亦不同,故中医临证时应遵循辨证论治,三因治宜的原则;若体质素有湿热,邪从本气而化,可遵循运气病机施治;若体质本热,湿去而化为火毒,则应以制火为主;若体质本寒,热去而化寒湿,则应温化寒湿,芳香化浊;若体质素虚,出现危重证候,则应在祛邪时,重视固护元气。

关 键 词:五运六气  冬瘟  己亥年  未病防变  既病防变  瘥后防复

An Analysis of the Winter Plague in the Year of Ji Hai from the from the Perspective of the Five Circuits and Six Qi
HUANG Shuai-li.An Analysis of the Winter Plague in the Year of Ji Hai from the from the Perspective of the Five Circuits and Six Qi[J].Henan Traditional Chinese Medicine,2020,40(4):500-502.
Authors:HUANG Shuai-li
Institution:(Guangzhou Integrated Hospital of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine,Guangzhou,Guangdong,China,510800)
Abstract:The year of 2019 was the year of Ji Hai with deficient earth,excessive wind and wood,and ministerial fire in shaoyang.In the second half of the year,frenetic stirring of ministerial fire rest restrained metal and made dampness excessive.Excessive wind wood may restrain earth which is insufficient,so deficiency will become more deficient,which excess will become more excessive.This is incompatible and naturally causes disease.Besides,qi restrains tendency,which is called natural punishment and there are a lot of disasters in the year of natural punishment.In winter of 2019 when taiyang cold water was dominant qi was invaded by ministerial fire in shaoyang,so the winter which should be the season of storage didn’t store,but grow,was warm rather than cold.The earth did not store very well and yang qi in water was not hidden well,either.Microorganisms that should have been inhibited or killed have not been killed because of the heat of fire,and they have been promoted by shaoyang fire poison and became more toxic,which turned into fire plague.The year of 2020 is the year of Geng Zi when metal is in dominant position.Metal restrains wood,can relieve excessive wood tendency of 2019,so the fire plague will be weakened or wiped out.In view of the plague,the key points of prevention for the uninfected people are:to avoid deficient pathogens and wind;to keep essence and spirit inside;to keep sufficient healthy qi inside the body to avoid invasion of pathogenic factors;to keep proper diet;to avoid turbidity and resolve dampness with aromatic herbs.According to the pathogenesis of "shaoyang fire toxin combined with dampness" of the plague,the treatment for the people who have been attacked by COVID-19 should focus on purging with salty,nourishing with sweet,softening with salty,eating red grain and beans properly.Although the nature of the plague is damp heat and fire poison,the patients’ constitutions are different from each other in cold,heat,deficiency,excess,and the symptoms,condition and prognosis are different after infection.Therefore,we should follow the principle of syndrome differentiation and treatment and theory of three types of disease cause.If the constitution is always damp and hot,the treatment should obey pathogenesis of the five circuits and six qi to remove the pathogens.If the constitution is originally hot,the damp can be turned into fire poison,so the main way is to clear away fire.If the constitution is originally cold and the heat goes away,the treatment should focus on warming to remove cold and dampness,resolve turbidity with aromatic herbs.If the constitution is deficient and there are critical syndromes,the treatment should focus on strengthening and protecting original qi as well as removing pathogenic factors.
Keywords:the five circuits and six qi  winter plague  the year of Ji Hai  prevention before disease onset  controlling development of existing disease  eliminating pathogens and preventing disease recurrence
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