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注射用阿洛西林钠为半合成青霉素,对革兰氏阳性菌、阴性菌及铜绿假单胞菌具有良好的抗菌作用。葡萄糖依诺沙星注射液是广谱抗生素,主要用于敏感菌所引起的多种感染性疾病。对于腹部外科术后的患者,一般需要用两联抗生素,常常将以上两种药物联合使用。在实际应用过程中,静脉输注阿洛西林钠后接着给予葡萄糖依诺沙星时,  相似文献   
研究藏族药铁棒锤及其炮制品对类风湿关节炎(rheumatoid arthritis, RA)的影响,探讨其炮制减毒存效作用及机制。应用牛Ⅱ型胶原诱导类风湿关节炎(typeⅡcollagen-induced arthritis, CIA)大鼠模型;给药后记录大鼠体质量,计算心脏指数、免疫器官指数和关节炎指数;酶联免疫吸附测定(ELISA)法检测大鼠血清中肌酸激酶(creatine kinase, CK)、心肌特异性肌钙蛋白T(cardiac troponin T,cTnT)等多种因子水平;苏木素-伊红染色观察心脏组织及踝关节组织病理学形态变化;免疫组化法检测心肌连接蛋白43(connexin 43,Cx43)在大鼠心脏的表达;超高效液相色谱-串联四极杆飞行时间高分辨质谱(UPLC-Triple-TOF-MS)检测大鼠血清内源性代谢物水平,筛选潜在生物标志物并分析相关代谢通路。结果表明,铁棒锤生品能使大鼠心脏组织局部心肌纤维变性坏死,心脏指数显著增高,心肌组织Cx43表达平均阳性面积明显降低,血清中CK、cTnT等含量明显增高;大鼠免疫器官指数、血清中白细胞介素-6(interleukin...  相似文献   
军队医院为部队服务措施与成效   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以某军队医院为军服务实践工作为切入点,从加强医院组织领导、提高工作标准、创新工作方法、挂钩帮带、提升自身卫勤保障能力五个方面介绍了该医院为军服务实践和取得的成效。  相似文献   
我科2010年收治3例突发性耳聋患者,遵医嘱输入前列地尔与舒血宁注射液治疗过程中出现了黄白色沉淀,现报道如下。  相似文献   
深低温冻存脐血的回输及护理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨如何做好深低温冻存脐血的安全有效输注和护理.方法 对78例患者111份脐血经不同输注途径回输过程中出现的不良反应进行观察及护理.结果 静脉回输途径:67例中1例发生急性溶血反应;1例突发意识丧失,全身抽搐;4例发生剧烈头痛,伴呼吸困难、血压急剧升高;46例发生部分及不同程度的手脚、颜面部麻木,恶心呕吐,腹痛伴便意,呼吸困难伴胸部压迫感,血压升高,心率减慢或血压降低、心率加快,其中1例出现无症状性频发早搏;大部分病例出现回输后肉眼血红蛋白尿.骨髓腔注射回输途径:11例患者在注射过程仅发生局部及双下肢放射性酸胀,血红蛋白尿症状轻或无血红蛋白尿症状.78例患者111份脐血均成功输完,患者生命安全.结论 静脉回输脐血不良反应以严重的全身反应为主,病情变化快且复杂,护理重点为充分预防准备,严密病情观察和积极有效对症处理;骨髓腔注射脐血不良反应以局部胀痛为主,护理重点为严格遵守无菌操作,掌握脐血注射时间.  相似文献   
王晓岩 《解放军护理杂志》2010,27(13):1015-1015
注射用夫西地酸钠是临床上常用的抗感染药,尤其适用于葡萄球菌引起的各种感染的治疗。但在临床输液过程中,发现该药与盐酸甲氧氯普胺注射液同时使用会出现白色混浊。为确保用药安全,笔者进行了相关实验,现报道如下。  相似文献   
李杉 《解放军护理杂志》2010,(15):1170-1170
在临床用药过程中,法莫替丁注射液原液与甲基强的松龙原液混合可在以下两种情况立即呈乳白色:(1)法莫替丁原液与甲基强的松龙原液混合;(2)甲基强的松龙用生理盐水稀释后与法莫替丁原液混合。  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: In 2001, Zuk et al found adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs) from the aspirate of liposuction for the first time, which launched a new era of stem cell research. In recent years, stem cells have been proved to widely exist in many tissues and organs. ASCs are always in the spotlight of plastic and reconstructive surgery, tissue engineering and regenerative medicine because of extensive sources and simple isolation. OBJECTIVE: To review the fat tissue harvesting and ASCs isolation, purification, expansion, and cryopreservation, to discuss the main factors which influence the yield, proliferation capacity and differentiation potential of ASCs, and to predict the future research interests based on current issues. METHODS: On September 10th, 2015, relevant articles were searched in PubMed using the following format: (adipose stem cells[Title]) OR (adipose-derived stem cells[Title]) OR (adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells[Title]) and in SinoMed using the following format in Chinese: (“adipose-derived stem cells” [Title])or(“adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells”[Title]). Finally, 81 representative articles were included according to their titles and abstracts. In this review, we also introduced relevant experience about the aforementioned procedures from the Department of Plastic Surgery and Tissue Regeneration and Molecular Cell Engineering Lab of University of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: The widely dispersed fat tissues potentially provide abundant stem cells for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Liposuction is a mini-invasive approach for harvesting fat tissues. Collagenase digestion is the major method for ASCs isolation due to its simplicity and high yield in basic research. However, clinical fat transplantation without ASCs isolation or non-collagenase isolation of stromal vascular fraction or ASCs is preferred. The phenotype, proliferation and differentiation capacity of ASCs may be affected by several factors during the fat tissue harvesting and ASCs isolation. Therefore, a standard protocol for ASCs isolation is needed.    相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Transplantation of allogeneic intervertebral disc can be facilitated by the cryopreservation of the intervertebral disc. But the traditional cryopreservation methods always lead to the appearing of ice crystals inside and outside the cells which can cause cellular injury. The vitrification method that can avoid the formation of ice crystals have been widely applied in the cryopreservation field. However, only a few reports have assessed the vitrified cryopreservation of the intervertebral disc, and the toxicity of cryoprotectants to the nucleus pulposus cells have not been fully explored. OBJECTIVE: To determine the order of toxicity of five commonly used cryoprotectants that are used alone or in combination to rabbit nucleus pulposus cells, and to select the optimal cryoprotectant for the vitrification of the intervertebral disc. METHODS: We chose five most commonly used cryoprotectants including dimethyl sulphoxide, formamide, ethylene glycol, propylene glycol and glycerol. Then, 5 single commonly used cryoprotectants, 10 mixed agents containing any 2 commonly used cryoprotectants, and 10 mixed agents containing any 3 commonly used cryoprotectants were formulated. Cell viability of nucleus pulposus cells was determined using cell counting kit-8 and fluorescein diacetate/propidium iodide method. All data obtained were analyzed statistically to choose the appropriate combining scheme with less toxicity. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: The order of the toxicity of these five commonly used cryoprotectants from low to high was ethylene glycol, glycerol, formamide, dimethyl sulphoxide, and propylene glycol. The toxicity of the combined agents containing two or three commonly used cryoprotectants was lower than that of any commonly used cryoprotectants that were used to formulate them. The toxicity of the mixed agents that contained ethylene glycol or glycerol was lower than that of any other mixed agents. So we can choose the mixed cryoprotectants that contain ethylene glycol and (or) glycerol for the vitrification of the intervertebral disc.    相似文献   
BACKGROUND: We attempt to explore a low-cost, simple and effective way to cryopreserve bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells at -80 ℃. OBJECTIVE: To screen the optimal cryopreservation fluid for bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells and to verify the biological features of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells after long-term cryopreservation. METHODS: Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells were cultured using adherent method and the biological features and purity of cells were detected using immunofluorescence method. Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells were cryopreserved in the cryoprotectant medium containing low-sugar DMEM, fetal bovine serum and dimethyl sulfoxide at different proportions at -80 ℃ for a short term. Then, the optimal cryoprotectant was selected to storage the bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells. After 1, 3, 6 months of cryopreservation, the cells were resuscitated, cultured and passaged. Passage cells were identified immunofluorescence method to determine the biological features of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells cryopreserved at -80 ℃. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: Cryoprotectant medium of 80% DMEM+10% fetal bovine serum+10% dimethyl sulfoxide was suitable for cryopreserving MSCs at -80 ℃, and resuscitated cells were able to proliferate in vitro, and passage normally, indicating the cryopreserved bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells still maintain the original biological activity.   相似文献   
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