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为军服务是军队医院的宗旨,针对新形势下部队官兵的健康需求,进一步提高为军服务的质量和水平是值得研究探讨的课题。本文以细节管理为出发点,从强化为军服务理念、开通便捷就诊流程、营造温馨就诊环境、加强医务人员培训、提高人性化护理水平、加强与体系部队沟通交流等五个方面,总结医院为军服务的实践经验,拓宽为军服务功能、提高为军服务水平打下了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

本院坚定不移地贯彻执行中央军委、总部关于军队医院做好为部队服务工作的指示精神,积极探索为部队服务工作的新举措。医院自2003年以来在编制缩小、人员不足的严峻形势下,克服诸多不利因素,突出抓好预防保健和离退休干部医疗保健工作,全面提升为军服务保障水平。  相似文献   

军队医院着眼保障官兵身心健康,确保为兵服务,确保部队战斗力,是使命所系、职责所在;提高军队医院为军服务水平、规范简化军人伤病员就医诊疗流程和环节,是基本的工作平台。本院自2008年落实《军队医院为兵服务细则》精神以来,不断摸索、  相似文献   

军队医院为兵服务定量评价研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为客观评价医院为部队服务做出的贡献,我们对某院3年为兵服务的数据指标进行了比较,分析了军队医院为兵服务贡献因素,分析了军队医院为兵服务的11项量化指标;数据说明该院在为兵服务的数、质量和经济补贴方面明显提高。这些指标为军队医院充分利用“军字一号”工程提供了大量真实、可靠的信息,客观地分析医院为兵服务的贡献,为表彰服务先进提供参考,有利于全军各医院努力做好部队医疗保障工作。  相似文献   

在2011年全军医院为部队服务工作会议上,解放军第302医院再度被表彰为"全军为部队服务先进医院"。院长吕吉云说:"我院已是第五次获此殊荣,这不仅仅是一份沉甸甸的荣誉,更是一份厚重的责任。矢志不渝地保持姓‘军’为兵本色,尽心竭力地坚持为部队服务,这是军队医院的使命所系、职责所在,必须做深做细、做实做好!"  相似文献   

军队医院履行使命的思考   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
履行新时期新阶段我军历史使命,军队医院要处理好四个方面的关系,坚持正确的办院方向;要不断增强医院实力,大力推进医院的建设与发展;还要切实提高卫勤保障能力,满足部队伤病员的健康需求。本文结合作者所在医院为军服务的实践,对军队医院履行使命做了思考。  相似文献   

在2011年全军医院为部队服务工作会议上,解放军第302医院再度被表彰为"全军为部队服务先进医院".院长吕吉云说:"我院已是第五次获此殊荣,这不仅仅是一份沉甸甸的荣誉,更是一份厚重的责任.矢志不渝地保持姓'军'为兵本色,尽心竭力地坚持为部队服务,这是军队医院的使命所系、职责所在,必须做深做细、做实做好!"  相似文献   

合编医疗单位管理机制双向互动模式实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文结合联勤后单位的工作实际,提出医院和疗养院合编单位应该注重把握医疗与疗养、特勤疗养与其他疗养、多军兵种疗养、为军服务与市场服务四个统筹,建立管理机制双向互动模式,才能充分发挥体制优势,实现创新发展。  相似文献   

军队医院院外基地化保障模式的探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为做好为军服务,医院创新工作思路,采取院外基地化为军保障模式,受到了保障部队官兵的一致好评,收到了很好地效果。本文对服务模式进行总结,为新形势下为军服务提供新的思路和路径。  相似文献   

医院以"军字一号"工程建设为契机,以数字化为牵引,树立数字化兴院建院思想、夯实信息化软硬件基础平台、改革组织结构和工作流程、探索数字化建设实践做法,重点解决了利用数字化手段保证医疗质量、提升为兵服务水平、提高医院管理效能等问题,推动了医院建设全面科学发展。  相似文献   

A nurse watches chronically ill children at work on a hospital unit Food procurement work, body work, composure work, work during an IV procedure, resisting work, personal relations work, sick role work, and information work are among the extensive kinds of work children are observed carrying out However, the child's work is seldom recognized or valued Nurses need to evaluate how their own work facilitates or impedes the work of the child.  相似文献   

目的分析北京市重症监护室(ICU)护士工作压力、工作-家庭冲突与灵活工作实践归因相关性。方法运用便利抽样方法选取2017年1月—2018年1月北京市6家医院364名ICU护士作为研究对象,调查其基本情况、工作压力、工作-家庭冲突和灵活工作实践归因得分。采用单因素比较、Pearson相关性和多元线性回归,分析灵活工作实践归因的影响因素。结果ICU护士灵活工作实践归因总分为(27.22±2.68)分,工作压力总分为(112.69±12.62)分,工作-家庭冲突总分为(67.28±9.98)分;Pearson相关性分析显示,ICU护士工作压力与灵活工作实践归因呈显著负相关性(P<0.05),工作-家庭冲突与灵活工作实践归因呈显著正相关(P<0.05)。多元线性回归方程分析得出,性别、已婚、子女人数、工作压力和工作-家庭冲突均是灵活工作实践归因的影响因素(β=-0.760、1.153、1.157、-0.824、0.778,P<0.05)。结论ICU护士选择灵活工作实践个人生活归因高于工作归因,而性别、已婚、子女人数、工作压力和工作-家庭冲突均是其灵活工作实践归因的影响因素。ICU护理管理者应从排班模式、心理疏导和工作与家庭联系出发,缓解ICU护士工作压力,为其创造更多的生活时间和更灵活的工作模式。  相似文献   

《Children's Health Care》2013,42(3):113-117
A nurse watches chronically ill children at work on a hospital unit Food procurement work, body work, composure work, work during an IV procedure, resisting work, personal relations work, sick role work, and information work are among the extensive kinds of work children are observed carrying out However, the child's work is seldom recognized or valued Nurses need to evaluate how their own work facilitates or impedes the work of the child.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Symptoms and health problems caused or aggravated by work are common. In order to study perceived work ability and associated factors, including those related to work, a closer analysis was undertaken in an occupational health setting. AIMS: This study aimed to analyse self-assessed work ability and its determinants in employees seeking medical advice, with special emphasis on work-related factors. METHODS: During 723 illness-related visits to occupational physicians, questionnaires covering personal data, main health problems, their work relatedness, duration and effect on work ability were completed by the employee and physician. Factors associated with self-assessed work ability were studied in a multinomial logistic regression model. RESULTS: The majority of employees considered themselves as being able or partially able to work despite the health problem. Independent predictors of impaired work ability were mental or musculoskeletal disorders, self-assessed work relatedness of the disease, older age, blue-collar work and short duration of the symptoms. If the patient was convinced about the benefits of work-related interventions, the risk for disability was significantly reduced. CONCLUSIONS: Special attention should be paid to the recognition and modification of potential work-related causes of disability. In addition, patients with partial work ability should be encouraged to stay at work instead of taking sick leave. For effective disability management, accommodated work and other evidence-based interventions are needed at the workplace.  相似文献   

Modified Work and Return to Work: A Review of the Literature   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Workplace injuries which result in lost time from work can have considerable financial repercussions for employer and employee alike, not to mention their physical and emotional impact on the employee. In order to lessen workers' compensation costs and facilitate the rehabilitation process, some employers offer modified work to their injured employees in order to allow an earlier return to work than would ordinarily be possible. Although modified work is regarded by many as a cornerstone in the job rehabilitation process, little is known about the structure, effectiveness, and efficiency of such programs. This report is a systematic review of the scientific literature on modified work published since 1975. Its objective is to synthesize and critically appraise the research on modified work, and, specifically, to assess the effectiveness of modified work programs. Using a systematic keyword search in three online libraries, 29 empirical studies of modified work programs were selected for review. The studies were evaluated for methodological quality, from which 13 higher quality studies were identified. On the basis of these 13 studies, the effectiveness of modified work programs was evaluated. The main finding of this review is that modified work programs facilitate return to work for temporarily and permanently disabled workers. Injured workers who are offered modified work return to work about twice as often as those who are not. Similarly, modified work programs cut the number of lost work days in half. The available evidence also suggests that modified work programs are cost-effective. Comprehensive cost-benefit analyses are needed to confirm this finding.  相似文献   

Wakui T 《Industrial health》2000,38(3):280-288
In order to find out the work load of matrons under shift work in a special nursing home for the elderly (SNH), six healthy female matrons volunteered to participate in the present study. For each subject, care working time, heart rate, walking steps, estimated energy expenditure and working time in different postures were determined during day shift work (540 min) and night shift work (960 min). Although the time on duty, working and recess were significantly longer in night shift work than day shift work, the percentages of working and recess time to duty time were nearly the same regardless of shift work. The longest care work in each shift work was individual care of residents in the SNH. The maximum, minimum and mean heart rate and percentages to estimated maximal heart rate were similar in each shift work. Although total walking steps in night shift work were significantly larger than those in day shift work, steps per hour did not differ between them. The estimated total energy expenditure (kcal) was significantly higher in night shift work than in day shift work; however, the work intensity (kcal/kg/min) was significantly higher in day shift work. The longest length and larger percentage of working time were observed in standing posture in each shift work. These findings suggest that physical activity and energy expenditure of matrons under either shift work in the SNH seem to be high. Further studies are needed to clarify the work load of matrons engaged in SNH to formulate countermeasures.  相似文献   

Promotion of work ability, the quality of work and retirement   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
In this study, the validity of a model designed to promote the work ability of aging workers was examined. The target areas of work ability promotion were searched for the characteristics that explain work ability the best. In addition, the way work ability relates to the quality of work and retirement was examined. The subjects (n = 1101) participated in the follow-up study on aging Finnish workers in 1992 and 1997. The results consistently supported the model for promoting work ability. All four areas of focus-(i) work demands and the environment; (ii) work organization and the work community; (iii) the promotion of workers' health and functional capacity; and (iv) the promotion of professional competence-proved to be strongly associated with work ability. Good work ability was associated with a high quality of work and the enjoyment of staying in one's job. It also predicted active and meaningful retirement.  相似文献   

随着经济社会的发展,新业态经济不断涌现,人口老龄化不断加剧,人力资源相对不足日益明显,因伤致贫、因伤返贫现象日益突出,而工伤保险基金覆盖面不断扩大、基金结余日益充沛,全社会对工伤预防日趋重视亦为工伤预防工作的开展提供有利条件。但目前工伤预防工作面临的难点在于:如何推进工伤预防、康复、补偿“三位一体”制度体系建设,如何实现工伤预防工作与生产安全、职业病防治工作的有效衔接。因此,文章结合成都高新区工伤预防工作实践经验对工伤预防工作进行系统梳理和分析,探讨创新工作机制、线上线下联动、推动工伤预防工作高质量发展的思路。  相似文献   

Crook  J.  Moldofsky  H. 《Quality of life research》1994,3(1):S97-S109
This paper describes a prospective longitudinal cohort study of musculoskeletal soft tissue pain impairment following a work related injury. It focuses on specific, univariate prognostic factors indicated in previous research studies that might affect the likelihood that injured workers will return to work or remain on work disability at any point in time. These factors include gender, age, return to work attempts and site of injury. Life table analysis was used to model the probability of work disability. The results showed that different disability and return to work patterns emerged for males and females. Males were more likely to return to work; however, females had a higher probability than males of remaining at work once they returned to work. Older workers had the highest probability of being off work any given number of days after injury; were less likely to return to work, and if they did, had a higher probability of becoming disabled again. Efforts to return early to work contributed to a decrease in overall work disability. Workers with low back injuries had a greater likelihood of recurrence compared to injuries at other body sites.  相似文献   

This paper describes a prospective longitudinal cohort study of musculoskeletal soft tissue pain impairment following a work related injury. It focuses on specific, univariate prognostic factors indicated in previous research studies that might affect the likelihood that injured workers will return to work or remain on work disability at any point in time. These factors include gender, age, return to work attempts and site of injury. Life table analysis was used to model the probability of work disability. The results showed that different disability and return to work patterns emerged for males and females. Males were more likely to return to work; however, females had a higher probability than males of remaining at work once they returned to work. Older workers had the highest probability of being off work any given number of days after injury; were less likely to return to work, and if they did, had a higher probability of becoming disabled again. Efforts to return early to work contributed to a decrease in overall work disability. Workers with low back injuries had a greater likelihood of recurrence compared to injuries at other body sites.Project supported by the Workers' Compensation Board of Ontario and the Institute of Work and Health. Actuary Consultant: Nicolas P. Crook. F.S.A.  相似文献   

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