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目的探究结节性甲状腺肿和甲状腺癌的超声鉴别诊断价值。方法分析经过病理诊断或手术确诊的62例甲状腺癌(结节75个)和60例结节性甲状腺肿(结节126个)的超声显现及指标。结果甲状腺癌患者中,术前明确诊断35例(33例伴有淋巴结转移),19例疑似甲状腺癌,6例误诊,2例漏诊;伴有颈部淋巴结转移患者51例,其中41例确诊,8例疑似转移,2例漏诊。60例结节性甲状腺肿患者,49例为明确诊断,8例疑似病例,3例误诊。甲状腺癌结节中钙化36个,低回声35个,混合回声4个,边缘清晰8个,II、III级血流33个;结节性甲状腺肿中,钙化8个,低回声3个,混合回声46个,边缘清晰51个,II、III级血流11个;甲状腺癌结节在低回声、边缘、钙化分布情况与结节性甲状腺肿的结节有显著差异,P<0.05。结论超声检测对于结节性甲状腺肿和甲状腺癌的鉴别诊断价值极为重大。  相似文献   
结节性甲状腺肿的癌变   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
结节性甲状腺肿是最多见的甲状腺肿,它是在弥漫性甲状腺肿的基础上发生的。其在人群中的发病率为5%~10%之间,在碘缺乏的地区则更高。随着近年来不少文献报道结节性甲状腺肿中合并有癌变,故现在不能简单的认为结节性甲状腺肿只是一种良性病变。本文将我院治疗结节性甲状腺肿并甲状腺癌22例报告如下。  相似文献   
何泽民  王祥 《淮海医药》2003,21(4):273-274
目的 了解我市近年来 8~ 10岁儿童碘营养状况 ,为合理补碘 ,消除碘缺乏病提供决策依据。方法 根据 1995年~ 2 0 0 2年 8~ 10岁儿童甲状腺肿大 (甲肿 )率和尿碘含量的监测结果进行统计分析。结果 实施全民普食碘盐后 ,儿童碘营养水平明显提高 ,甲肿率由 11.3%降为 3.75 % ,尿碘中位数由 111.4 4 μg/L 升至 2 72 .6 0~ 35 8.75 μg/L。结论 碘摄入量可以满足机体需要 ,但仍需坚持服用碘盐 ,不需要采用其他补碘措施  相似文献   
儿童慢性淋巴细胞性甲状腺炎的诊断探讨   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
为探讨儿童弥漫性甲状腺肿的简便和精确的诊断方法,对已经细针穿刺细胞学检查和甲状腺自身抗体检测的50例弥漫性甲状腺肿患儿同时应用B超进行了甲状腺扫描检查,以109名7~14岁正常儿童的甲状腺超声影像作对比。结果:正常儿童甲状腺的影像为略强于其周围肌肉组织的均匀回声图;弥漫性甲状腺肿患儿的甲状腺体积明显大于正常同龄儿童;细胞学确诊为慢性淋巴细胞性甲状腺炎的26例中22例(84.6%)B超回声图像呈大小不等的低回声区改变,其中18例(81.8%)伴自身抗体阳性;而细胞学诊断为甲状腺弥漫性增生的24例患儿中则17例(70.8%)B超回声图像正常,仅7例(29.1%)呈异常回声图,且均伴自身抗体阳性,其中2例1年后细胞学复查证实为慢性淋巴细胞性甲状腺炎。B超结合自身抗体的检测与细胞学检查的诊断符合率为92%。提示:B超作为一种简便易行、无创伤、可反复进行的检查手段,辅以血清学检测,对儿童慢性淋巴细胞性甲状腺炎的诊断有较好的实用价值。  相似文献   
胸骨后甲状腺肿物的手术处理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨胸骨后甲状腺肿物手术切除的进路方式,回顾性分析30年来外科治疗的结果。1965年至1994年间全部患者共87例,其中结节性甲状腺肿64例,占73.6%;甲状腺腺瘤13例,占14.9%;甲状腺恶性肿瘤10例,占11.5%。通过颈部入路手术切除的占70%(61/87),胸骨正中劈开切除的占16%(14/87),前切口开胸切除的占14%(12/87)。随着经验的积累,除误诊为纵隔其它来源的肿物外,1980年以后已不再行前切口开胸手术切除,1985年以后的43例中,只有1例胸骨后结节性甲状腺肿的患者行胸骨劈开手术,其余均从颈部入路手术。由于颈部入路相对并发症少、损伤小、安全可靠,建议对良性的胸骨后甲状腺肿物和部分恶性肿物行颈部衣领式切口手术。  相似文献   
吉林长白山敦化地区甲状腺疾病发病情况的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
对长白山敦化地区原地方性甲状腺疾病(简称地甲病)高发区,食用加碘盐后10年甲状腺疾病发病情况进行调查,结果地甲病发病率有所下降,但仍为10.4%;而甲状腺癌发病率上升为1.9%,甲状腺炎上升为0.85%,地方性甲状腺肿的病理特征多为腺癌样甲状腺肿改变,在纤维化区出现一些易癌变的不典型增生的滤泡。发现目前地甲病的发生除了碘盐加碘量不足外,也与碘排出量相对增加有关,碘排出量增加可能与副食蔬菜种类及饮食习惯有关。  相似文献   
胸骨后甲状腺肿的诊断和治疗   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
目的 总结胸骨后各种病理类型甲状腺肿的临床表现、诊断要点、手术方法和预后。方法 回顾性地分析经外科手术病理证实的64例胸骨后甲状腺肿患者的临床资料。结果 全组无手术死亡和住院死亡病例,合并症发生率为15.7%。结论 绝大多数胸骨后甲状腺肿与颈部甲状腺有关。属结节性甲状腺肿;胸部X线平片和胸部CT可以明确诊断;经颈部领形切口可完成绝大多数手术,甲状腺未分化癌呈浸润性生长,多不能完全切除,预后不佳。  相似文献   
结节性甲状腺肿合并甲状腺癌25例   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
目的:探讨结节性甲状腺肿中甲状腺癌的临床特征和预后。方法:回顾性分析手术治疗结节性甲状腺肿合并甲状腺癌25例临床资料。结果:25例结节性甲状腺肿合并甲状腺癌,男6例,女19例,年龄12~65(36.8±13.1)岁,占同期手术治疗3955例结节性甲状腺肿的0.63%。术前、术中诊断甲状腺癌的占32%,68%为术后病理检查发现。甲状腺微小癌占48%。结论:结节性甲状腺肿合并甲状腺癌预后较好。不能简单地认为结节性甲状腺肿是良性病变而忽略对其的处理,也不应过分强调甲状腺癌在治疗结节性甲状腺肿中的地位随意放宽手术指征,或扩大手术。  相似文献   
There are various changes in the thyroid gland and its function in chronic renal failure (CRF). These changes include lower levels of circulating thyroid hormone, altered peripheral hormone metabolism, decreased binding to carrier proteins, possible reduction in tissue hormone content, and increased iodine storage in the thyroid gland. The decrease of excretion of urinary iodine in CRF increases serum inorganic iodine level and iodine content of the thyroid, which consequently enlarges the gland. This study is designed to investigate the prevalence of goiter and thyroid dysfunction in patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) on hemodialysis (HD) in an iodine-deficient community. Eighty-seven (40 females and 47 males) HD patients and 169 (79 females and 90 males) healthy individuals as controls are included. Sex ratios for the patient and control groups are 0.85 and 0.88, respectively. Mean ages for the patient and control groups are 42.94 +/- 11.88 and 40.20 +/- 10.72 years, respectively. Examination of the thyroid gland using ultrasonography along with simultaneous measurement of blood levels of free-T4 (FT4), free-T3 (FT3), and thyrotropin (TSH) are made for every individual. The presence of goiter demonstrable by ultrasonography is found in 32.2% of the uremic patients and in 23.5% of the controls and its prevalence increases with age (P = 0.01). In 32 (36.8%) of the patients and 29 (17.1%) of the controls at least one thyroid nodule is found in ultrasonography. Between patients with or without a nodular goiter the authors could not observe any difference for duration of dialysis and serum levels of TSH, FT4, FT3, calcium, and albumin. In ESRD patients the prevalence of nodular goiter is higher for females (47.5% vs. 27.7%, P = 0.045) and increases with age (P = 0.04). Though incidence of hyperthyroidism is found to be similar for the two groups (1.14% in ESRD patients vs. 1.10% in controls), hypothyroidism is observed in 3.4% of ESRD patients but only 0.6% of controls. This high incidence of hypothyroidism and nodular goiter in ESRD patients shows that screening for thyroid dysfunction and goiter, using appropriate laboratory tests and ultrasonography, should be considered in evaluation of every ESRD patient.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to evaluate in vivo the antiproliferative effect of an inhibitor of isoprenoids metabolism, lovastatin, in an experimental model of propylthiouracil-induced goiter. In thyroid cells, thyrotropin (TSH)-induced proliferation requires active isoprenoid synthesis, and the HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors have antiproliferative effects in vitro. Propylthiouracil treatment (PTU) of rats led to thyroid hypertrophy and hyperplasia by TSH-induced activation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway. Immunohistochemistry showed an increased number of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA)-positive cells in the thyroid gland of PTU-treated rats. Moreover, the phosphorylation of ERK1 and ERK2 was increased in the extract from goiter tissue as compared with the thyroid tissue of untreated rats. To determine whether the inhibition of selected pro-survival pathways (i.e., p21ras-MAPK) was sufficient to affect goitrogenesis, thyroids from 12 PTU-treated rats were injected in vivo with an adenovirus transducing a dominant-negative ras gene (Rad-L61.S186) and another set of 12 rats were injected with a pharmacological inhibitor of MAPK (PD98059). Both Rad-L61.S186 and PD98059 were able to inhibit the PTU-induced goiter. It is interesting to note that lovastatin, when administered in drinking water, significantly prevented the thyroid gland enlargement. Therefore, lovastatin-treated thyroid glands were significantly smaller than those treated with PTU alone. In addition, the lovastatin-treated glands also showed a decreased expression of phosphorylated ERK1/2 and a number of PCNA-positive cells. Our data suggest that lovastatin is an efficient inhibitor of goitrogenesis and provide a rationale for innovative therapeutic strategies employing statins in the treatment of nodular goiter in humans.Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users.Chiara Laezza and Gherardo Mazziotti contributed equally to this paper.  相似文献   
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