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目的探讨孔源性视网膜脱离(rhegmatogenous retinal detachment,RRD)家系成员的临床特征和遗传方式。方法收集RRD家系,全身检查和眼科检查,绘制系谱图。结果共获取4个有≥4人患RRD的家系所有家系成员均无早期颜面部、关节、听力改变,以及特征性的玻璃体病变。所有患病成员视网膜均复化一家系中的RRD呈显性遗传方式传代。结论 此4个家系为诊断明确的RRD家系,可用于RRD基因的定化和筛选研究。  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the prevalence of dry eye in populations equal or over 20 years old in Jiangning District, Shanghai, China. Methods This was a cross-sectional study. From September 2008 to January 2009, 6 small districts including 21 102 people of Jiangning District were randomly selected as survey venues by Department of Ophthalmology in First People's Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University. Then, 1266 people as the selected residents were enrolled, which was figured out through the random cluster sampling procedure. Every participant completed dry eye questionnaire, the ocular surface disease index (OSDI), and a series of examination including slit-lamp microscope, tear-film break-up time (BUT), Schirmer Ⅰ test, and fluorescein staining of the cornea (F1). The diagnosis of dry eye was referred to the well-accepted domestic diagnostic criteria. The SPSS11.0 software was used to analyze the database, t test,χ2 test, one-way-ANOVA and Logistic regression were used for analysis. Results One thousand and eighty five residents finally took part in this study, and the inclusion ratio was 85.70%. Three hundred and twenty six individuals, including 101 men and 225 women, were diagnosed as dry eye, and the prevalence rate was 30.05%. The prevalence of dry eye in the female (33.78%) was higher than that of the male (24.11%) (χ2=11.46, P<0.01). The prevalence of dry eye in people over 50 years old was higher than that under 50 years (χ2=94.50, P<0.01). The figure of Schirmer Ⅰ test and BUT decreased in elder people, at the same time the scores of F1 and MGD increased. Meanwhile, the score of OSDI in dry eye patients was significantly higher than that in non-dry eye individuals. The relative risk factors of dry eye were gender, age, wearing contact lens, long-time using of eye solutions, taking anti-allergy drugs. Conclusions The prevalence of dry eye in female is higher than that in the male. And the prevalence of dry eye increases following the aging process. Relative risk factors of dry eye are gender, age, wearing contact lens, long-time using of eye solutions, taking anti-allergy drugs.  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the prevalence of dry eye in populations equal or over 20 years old in Jiangning District, Shanghai, China. Methods This was a cross-sectional study. From September 2008 to January 2009, 6 small districts including 21 102 people of Jiangning District were randomly selected as survey venues by Department of Ophthalmology in First People's Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University. Then, 1266 people as the selected residents were enrolled, which was figured out through the random cluster sampling procedure. Every participant completed dry eye questionnaire, the ocular surface disease index (OSDI), and a series of examination including slit-lamp microscope, tear-film break-up time (BUT), Schirmer Ⅰ test, and fluorescein staining of the cornea (F1). The diagnosis of dry eye was referred to the well-accepted domestic diagnostic criteria. The SPSS11.0 software was used to analyze the database, t test,χ2 test, one-way-ANOVA and Logistic regression were used for analysis. Results One thousand and eighty five residents finally took part in this study, and the inclusion ratio was 85.70%. Three hundred and twenty six individuals, including 101 men and 225 women, were diagnosed as dry eye, and the prevalence rate was 30.05%. The prevalence of dry eye in the female (33.78%) was higher than that of the male (24.11%) (χ2=11.46, P<0.01). The prevalence of dry eye in people over 50 years old was higher than that under 50 years (χ2=94.50, P<0.01). The figure of Schirmer Ⅰ test and BUT decreased in elder people, at the same time the scores of F1 and MGD increased. Meanwhile, the score of OSDI in dry eye patients was significantly higher than that in non-dry eye individuals. The relative risk factors of dry eye were gender, age, wearing contact lens, long-time using of eye solutions, taking anti-allergy drugs. Conclusions The prevalence of dry eye in female is higher than that in the male. And the prevalence of dry eye increases following the aging process. Relative risk factors of dry eye are gender, age, wearing contact lens, long-time using of eye solutions, taking anti-allergy drugs.  相似文献   
糖尿病视网膜病变(DR)是糖尿病的一种微血管病变,糖尿病病程和全身情况的控制是影响DR进展的重要因素.然而,病程和血液学指标并不能完全解释DR发生发展过程中的差异性,许多视网膜局部因子被认为参与了DR发展的基因修饰过程[1].最近有研究发现,肿瘤坏死因子(TNF)等细胞因子可能是慢性眼部炎症病理过程中的局部扩增信号[2],可能在DR的发生发展中起到一定作用[3].因此,我们对一组糖尿病患者的的2个TNF易感基因位点进行了相关多态性分析,现将结果报告如下.  相似文献   
年龄相关性黄斑变性(AMD)国内外报道患病率差异较大(1.4%~43.1%).AMD的早期诊断,早期干预可降低致盲率.A型、B型超声和多普勒超声检查,在AMD的诊断中有独特的价值,尤其是彩色多普勒超声,能在二维图像上显示血流动力学信号,是AMD的可靠诊断方法 .AMD患者睫状体后动脉血流速度降低,年龄的增高,是发病的重要原因之一.  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the prevalence of dry eye in populations equal or over 20 years old in Jiangning District, Shanghai, China. Methods This was a cross-sectional study. From September 2008 to January 2009, 6 small districts including 21 102 people of Jiangning District were randomly selected as survey venues by Department of Ophthalmology in First People's Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University. Then, 1266 people as the selected residents were enrolled, which was figured out through the random cluster sampling procedure. Every participant completed dry eye questionnaire, the ocular surface disease index (OSDI), and a series of examination including slit-lamp microscope, tear-film break-up time (BUT), Schirmer Ⅰ test, and fluorescein staining of the cornea (F1). The diagnosis of dry eye was referred to the well-accepted domestic diagnostic criteria. The SPSS11.0 software was used to analyze the database, t test,χ2 test, one-way-ANOVA and Logistic regression were used for analysis. Results One thousand and eighty five residents finally took part in this study, and the inclusion ratio was 85.70%. Three hundred and twenty six individuals, including 101 men and 225 women, were diagnosed as dry eye, and the prevalence rate was 30.05%. The prevalence of dry eye in the female (33.78%) was higher than that of the male (24.11%) (χ2=11.46, P<0.01). The prevalence of dry eye in people over 50 years old was higher than that under 50 years (χ2=94.50, P<0.01). The figure of Schirmer Ⅰ test and BUT decreased in elder people, at the same time the scores of F1 and MGD increased. Meanwhile, the score of OSDI in dry eye patients was significantly higher than that in non-dry eye individuals. The relative risk factors of dry eye were gender, age, wearing contact lens, long-time using of eye solutions, taking anti-allergy drugs. Conclusions The prevalence of dry eye in female is higher than that in the male. And the prevalence of dry eye increases following the aging process. Relative risk factors of dry eye are gender, age, wearing contact lens, long-time using of eye solutions, taking anti-allergy drugs.  相似文献   
目的研究上海市金山区廊下镇60岁及以上人群的盲和低视力患病率、致盲病因及其相关因素。方法对目标人群进行整群抽样。对调查对象完成视力、眼压、验光、裂隙灯、免散瞳数字眼底照相等检查,采用最佳矫正视力和日常生活视力及其视力损伤标准确立盲或低视力,并明确主要病因。结果本研究实际受检2150人,受检率为80.95%。按照最佳矫正视力损伤标准分类:双眼盲35例,患病率为1.63%;双眼低视力176例,患病率8.18%,白内障、黄斑变性、角膜病、眼球萎缩或缺如、糖尿病视网膜病变是前五位主要病因;女性盲患病率(2.10%)高于男性(0.86%),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。按照日常生活视力损伤标准分类:双眼盲43例,患病率为2.00%;双眼低视力467例,患病率为21.72%;女性低视力患病率(8.99%)高于男性(7.00%),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);白内障、未矫正的屈光不正、黄斑变性、角膜病、眼球萎缩或缺如是前五位主要病因。结论对于上海农村地区的老年人,必须通过加强白内障复明手术的实施、屈光不正的矫正、眼底退变性疾病的筛查和干预来提高防盲治盲的效率。  相似文献   
当前国内外对人工智能技术(artificial intelligence, AI)在眼病筛查和临床诊疗中的应用十分重视。近年来, 此项技术也广泛应用于我国各基层眼健康筛查场景中, 有效改善基层医疗机构眼病诊断能力薄弱、人力资源紧缺的现状。但目前融合此项技术开展的视觉健康管理工作的管理模式、实施内容、管理方法等方面仍无可参考的适宜性规范或指南, 亟待标准化。本文对上海市AI技术辅助的基层视觉健康管理工作模式探索情况进行介绍, 分享实践经验, 旨在为国内其他省市开展相关工作提供参考。  相似文献   
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