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Graves病药物治疗停药复发相关因素分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Objective To explore the value of thyroid-stimulating antibody(TSAb) and degree of goiter in predicting the outcome of Graves'disease after antithyroid drug treatment. Methods Seventy-one patients with Graves'disease were given antithyroid drugs for (2. 8±1. 4)years and then followed up for(22±6.0)months.Finally,age,gender,thyroid function,TSAb and goiter size at the time of drug withdrawal were compared between the relapsed and relieved groups. TSAb was measured in all patients by using HEK-hTSHR cells. Results Eleven of 71 patients relapsed during the follow-up after drug withdrawal. The relapse rate (42. 9% ,6/14)in patients with positive TSAb was significantly higher than that (8.8%, 5/57) in patient with negative TSAb (X2 = 9.97, P<0.01). The relapse rates in patients with normal size thyroid, Ⅰ degree goiter,Ⅱ degree goiter were 6.25%, 12.2%,35.7% respectively. TSAb activity, positive rate and goiter size of the relapsed patients at the time of drug withdrawal were significantly higher than those of relieved patients (P<0.05 or P<0. 01). Conclusion TSAb activity and goiter size at the time of drug withdrawal are two effective prognostic markers of relapse in Graves' disease treated with antithyroid drugs.  相似文献   
目的了解广西地区维持性血液透析HIV/AIDS患者矿物质代谢紊乱情况及可能相关影响因素.方法收集2011—2016年在南宁市第四人民医院维持性血液透析3个月及以上合并HIV感染的61例患者作为观察组,根据其治疗情况,分为高效抗反转录病毒治疗(highly active antiretroviral therapy,HAART)组(51例)及非HAART组(10例),另选取30例非HIV感染维持血液透析大于3个月患者作为对照组.检测患者血钙、血磷及全段甲状旁腺激素(inact parathyroid hormone,iPTH)等矿物质代谢的评估指标,并对相关影响因素进行探讨.结果观察组中,血钙、血磷、iPTH的达标率分别为47.54%(29/61),24.59%(15/61)和21.31%(13/61);与对照组相比,在血钙、血磷、iPTH、HGB及ALB的平均值方面差异均有统计学意义(P均<0.05);在观察组中,HAART患者血钙、iPTH指标均高于非HAART患者,血磷指标低于非HAART患者(P均<0.05).结论广西地区维持性血液透析HIV/AIDS患者矿物质代谢异常有其独特的临床表现,对于该人群的透析方式、HAART方案、影响因素值得进一步研究.  相似文献   
在2890例老年妇女健康体验中,发现子宫附件畸胎瘤29例,占1.0%,均经手术证实。其超声图像表现多样,分析总结如下。资料与方法资料29例畸胎瘤患者年龄为59~70岁,平均64.5岁,绝经已5~20年。子宫附件萎缩。方法仪器为SSD-1100型,凸阵探头,频率3.5MHz,阴道探头,频率5.0MHz,膀胱充盈,下腹部多切面扫查,显示不清的情况下,用阴道探头进一步检查。结果29例畸胎瘤,最大者12.8cm×9.7cm×9.0cm。超声图像分为5种表现:1.呈“面团征”7例(图1),其肿块无回声区内含光团,常为圆形或椭圆形,边缘清晰,浮于肿瘤内。光团的组织学结构为脂质或毛发;2.呈“瀑布…  相似文献   
目的了解外伤患者致伤原因和受伤时闯分布情况,为急救该类患者提供帮助。方法通过2005年1月至2006年12月本院出诊及收治的外伤患者共1725例的资料,其中2005年计921例,2006年计804例。分析致伤原因以及受伤和死亡时间段。结果①1725例中共死亡36例。其中2005年死亡22例,占当年病死率为2.3%;2006年死亡14例,占当年病死率为1.7%。②654例(占37.9%)为普通外伤,坠落伤22例(占1.3%)。坠落伤共死亡8例,其中2005年死亡5例,其中2006年死亡3例。③1071例(占62.1%)为交通伤,死亡28例,其中2005年死亡17例,2006年死亡11例。交通伤中有566例(51.9%),发生于18:00—0:00时,且酒后驾车人员肇事301例(占53.2%)。其中2005年198例(占65.8%),死亡12例;2006年103例(占34.2%),死亡6例。结论坠落伤和交通伤是患者死亡最主要的原因,特别是建筑工地的坠落伤较为常见,应加强建筑企业及工人的安全防范意识。交通伤中与电动车有关的损伤及死亡越来越多,应限制其车速,酒后驾车为夜问交通伤的主要原因,应加强监管力度。  相似文献   
Objective To explore the value of thyroid-stimulating antibody(TSAb) and degree of goiter in predicting the outcome of Graves'disease after antithyroid drug treatment. Methods Seventy-one patients with Graves'disease were given antithyroid drugs for (2. 8±1. 4)years and then followed up for(22±6.0)months.Finally,age,gender,thyroid function,TSAb and goiter size at the time of drug withdrawal were compared between the relapsed and relieved groups. TSAb was measured in all patients by using HEK-hTSHR cells. Results Eleven of 71 patients relapsed during the follow-up after drug withdrawal. The relapse rate (42. 9% ,6/14)in patients with positive TSAb was significantly higher than that (8.8%, 5/57) in patient with negative TSAb (X2 = 9.97, P<0.01). The relapse rates in patients with normal size thyroid, Ⅰ degree goiter,Ⅱ degree goiter were 6.25%, 12.2%,35.7% respectively. TSAb activity, positive rate and goiter size of the relapsed patients at the time of drug withdrawal were significantly higher than those of relieved patients (P<0.05 or P<0. 01). Conclusion TSAb activity and goiter size at the time of drug withdrawal are two effective prognostic markers of relapse in Graves' disease treated with antithyroid drugs.  相似文献   
丽水市儿童烧伤的流行病学特征与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于气候条件不同.社会经济状况以及文化的不同。地区、国家之间的烧伤流行模式也不同。本次调查是为弄清浙江省丽水市儿童烧伤情况,用统计分析方法明确相关危险因素,以帮助制定有效的烧伤预防计划。  相似文献   
射频消融治疗顽固性室性心动过速八例临床分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经导管射频消融治疗8例顽固性室性心动过速。术中以心室起搏标测定位,成功5例,失败3例,无并发症。  相似文献   
对16条犬进行射频导管消融冠状静脉窦的作用及安全性研究.射频于冠状窦内电极导管和胸部片状电极间释放,能量为1229±711焦耳.13条犬于消融后半小时处死,3条犬于3~4周后处死.消融部位损伤长3.2±1.8mm,宽2.2±1.7mm,深2.±1.0mm,镜下所见为边界清晰的凝固性坏死(急性期)与纤维化(慢性期).冠状动脉、二尖瓣及心内膜均未受累.除二条犬偶发房性早搏或室性早搏外无心律失常发生,无血流动力学改变,无1例发生冠状静脉窦破裂.表明高能射频消融冠状静脉窦安全,就其损伤部位而论可能对破坏病人的左侧房室旁道有效.  相似文献   
Objective To explore the value of thyroid-stimulating antibody(TSAb) and degree of goiter in predicting the outcome of Graves'disease after antithyroid drug treatment. Methods Seventy-one patients with Graves'disease were given antithyroid drugs for (2. 8±1. 4)years and then followed up for(22±6.0)months.Finally,age,gender,thyroid function,TSAb and goiter size at the time of drug withdrawal were compared between the relapsed and relieved groups. TSAb was measured in all patients by using HEK-hTSHR cells. Results Eleven of 71 patients relapsed during the follow-up after drug withdrawal. The relapse rate (42. 9% ,6/14)in patients with positive TSAb was significantly higher than that (8.8%, 5/57) in patient with negative TSAb (X2 = 9.97, P<0.01). The relapse rates in patients with normal size thyroid, Ⅰ degree goiter,Ⅱ degree goiter were 6.25%, 12.2%,35.7% respectively. TSAb activity, positive rate and goiter size of the relapsed patients at the time of drug withdrawal were significantly higher than those of relieved patients (P<0.05 or P<0. 01). Conclusion TSAb activity and goiter size at the time of drug withdrawal are two effective prognostic markers of relapse in Graves' disease treated with antithyroid drugs.  相似文献   
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