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背景:目前大量研究证明传统中药可以诱导骨髓间充质干细胞分化为神经元样细胞。 目的:观察中药血府逐瘀注射液对大鼠骨髓间充质干细胞分化为神经元样细胞的影响,并寻找血府逐瘀注射液诱导分化的最佳浓度。 设计,时间及地点:细胞对照观察实验。实验于2009-07/2010-04在 广东医学院附属医院神经病学研究室及中心实验室完成。 材料: 4周龄SPF级SD雄大鼠,体质量约100g;血府逐瘀注射液的主要中药成分为红花、赤芍、川芎、丹参、当归。 方法:SD大鼠麻醉后无菌条件下取出股骨和胫骨,离心后弃上清液,加入含体积分数为15%胎牛血清的L-DMEM培养基重新悬浮细胞并转入培养瓶培养传代,用免疫细胞化学方法检测第5代骨髓间充质干细胞CD44、CD45的表达;取含1.00,3.00,5.00,10.00 g/L 4种剂量血府逐瘀注射液的无血清L-DMEM培养基对体外培养的第5代骨髓间充质干细胞进行诱导。倒置相差显微镜下观察细胞形态变化,免疫细胞化学方法检测已诱导细胞巢蛋白、神经元特异性烯醇化酶和胶质纤维酸性蛋白的表达,比较4种剂量血府逐瘀注射液诱导神经元样细胞抗原表达率。 主要观察指标:骨髓MSCs生长情况和形态观察,骨髓MSCs表面标志物的表达情况及诱导分化后神经细胞特异性标志物的表达。 结果与结论:①原代细胞接种3 d后多数细胞贴壁,传代后细胞贴壁速度和增殖更快,第5代基本纯化为骨髓间充质干细胞,细胞呈放射状或漩涡状排列。②第5代骨髓间充质干细胞(96.18±1.65)% CD44表达阳性,CD45表达阴性。③诱导后细胞出现类似神经元细胞样形态;免疫细胞化学方法检测显示多数细胞巢蛋白、神经元特异性烯醇化酶阳性表达,3.00 g/L浓度组细胞的巢蛋白和神经元特异性烯醇化酶阳性表达率最高。提示血府逐瘀注射液可诱导骨髓间充质干细胞分化为神经元样细胞,3.00 g/L为最适诱导浓度。  相似文献   

β-mercaptoethanol can induce adult adipose-derived stromal cells to rapidly and efficiently differentiate into typical neuron-like cells in vitro.Immunohistochemistry showed that neuron specific enolase and neurofilament-200 expression gradually increased with the extension of induction time,and peaked at 5 hours.By contrast,glial fibrillary acidic protein was negatively expressed at all time points.Induced cells possessed a typical Nissl body,apoptosis showing condensed chromatin in the nucleus,autophagosomes with a bilayered membrane and autolysosomes in the cytoplasm at 5 hours.TUNEL assay and immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence demonstrated that apoptosis and caspase-3 expression increased and peaked at 8 hours.Immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence showed that microtubule-associated protein light chain 3 gradually increased with induction and reached a peak at 5 hours.These results indicate that autophagy played an important role in protecting cells during adult adipose-derived stromal cells differentiation into neuron-like cells in vitro.  相似文献   

人脑组织匀浆液诱导大鼠骨髓间质干细胞分化为神经细胞   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
目的 研究人脑组织匀浆液诱导大鼠骨髓间质干细胞向神经元细胞分化能力。方法从大鼠骨髓分离培养骨髓间质干细胞.经体外增殖,用人脑组织匀浆液诱导骨髓间质干细胞向神经元样细胞分化,应用免疫细胞化学方法对分化的细胞进行鉴定。结果大鼠骨髓间质干细胞可在体外增殖,经人脑组织匀浆液诱导,骨髓间质干细胞可向神经元样细胞分化,且分化率较高,24小时为45%,48小时为78.2%,72小时为88.3%。分化后的细胞表达神经元标志物-神经微丝(NF)和神经元特异性烯醇化酶(NSE)。结论人脑组织匀浆液可诱导大鼠骨髓间质干细胞向神经元细胞分化,从而为骨髓间质干细胞脑内移植与及其分化,以及神经功能的修复提供了基础。  相似文献   

背景:依达拉奉作为新型氧自由基清除剂,一般用于抑制脂质过氧化反应,减轻脑水肿,保护神经细胞。 目的:观察依达拉奉体外定向诱导人骨髓间充质干细胞向神经元样细胞分化的可行性。 设计、时间及地点:细胞学体外观察,于2007-12/2008-09广东医学院附属医院中心实验室完成。 材料:骨髓来源于创伤所致闭合性股骨骨折的成年患者,由广东医学院附属医院骨科提供。依达拉奉由南京先声药业生产,批号P2007123144254453。 方法:无菌抽取的骨髓经肝素化后,采用密度梯度离心法及贴壁筛选法分离获得人骨髓间充质干细胞,传至第5代按1× 108 L-1接种于6孔板内,设立2组,依达拉奉组细胞达50%融合时用含碱性成纤维生长因子、胎牛血清的L-DMEM预诱导24 h,PBS洗涤后再用20 mg/L依达拉奉无血清L-DMEM诱导24 h;空白对照组始终用含体积分数为10%胎牛血清的L-DMEM培养,不加任何预诱导剂和诱导剂。 主要观察指标:诱导分化后细胞形态变化,SP法免疫细胞化学鉴定神经元烯醇化酶、巢蛋白、胶质纤维酸性蛋白及微管相关蛋白2的表达。 结果:体外诱导1 h后,依达拉奉组胞体收缩,2 h后形成较长突起,5 h后呈典型神经元样细胞;空白对照组细胞仍呈对称的梭形,无突起形成。免疫组化结果显示,诱导6 h后依达拉奉组神经元样细胞的胞体及部分突起呈棕黄色,强表达神经元烯醇化酶,弱表达胶质纤维酸性蛋白和巢蛋白,不表达微管相关蛋白2;空白对照组上述4种特异性抗原均呈阴性表达。 结论:人骨髓间充质干细胞经依达拉奉体外诱导后,所分化的细胞具有神经元表型,但还不够成熟,处于向成熟神经元分化的中间阶段。  相似文献   

脂肪干细胞向神经元诱导分化的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的研究脂肪干细胞向神经元分化的可行性,为神经系统疾病的替代治疗寻求行之有效的可种植细胞。方法用β-2-巯基乙醇和丁酸酯羟基茴香醚诱导脂肪干细胞向神经元分化,对干预后细胞进行形态学观察和细胞免疫组化鉴定。结果人类腹部脂肪来源的基质细胞进行原代和传代培养后细胞形态类似于成纤维细胞,经过诱导分化后细胞形态表现为典型的神经元形态。神经元特异性烯醇化酶鉴定绝大部分有阳性染色,但在不到一周的时间内死亡。结论脂肪组织中存在能分化为神经元的干细胞.有巨大的研究价值和临床应用前景。  相似文献   

景:细胞种植密度是影响干细胞分化的因素之一,对于细胞种植密度在骨髓间充质干细胞向神经元样细胞分化过程中的作用尚缺乏深入研究。 目的:观察细胞种植密度对骨髓间充质干细胞诱导向神经元样细胞分化的影响。 方法:采用贴壁培养法分离大鼠骨髓间充质干细胞,传至第4代后将其按2×102,2×103,4×103,8×103,2×104,4×104/cm2种植于六孔板,每组均加入碱性成纤维细胞生长因子+表皮生长因子+维甲酸诱导向神经元样细胞分化,并通过免疫组织化学染色鉴定,计算每组细胞出现神经元样细胞的比例,比较各组的分化率。 结果与结论:各组骨髓间充质干细胞加入诱导剂后均出现神经元样细胞,Nestin、NSE、GFAP细胞化学染色呈阳性。不同种植密度组出现神经元样细胞比例不同,以8×103/cm2组神经元样细胞比例最高,且神经元样存活时间最长,达7 d。结果说明骨髓间充质干细胞向神经元样细胞分化与细胞接种密度有关,过高或过低细胞密度均不利分化。  相似文献   

背景:川芎嗪和创伤性脑组织匀浆液均可诱导骨髓间充质干细胞向神经样细胞分化。 目的:探讨川芎嗪与创伤性脑组织匀浆液诱导骨髓间充质干细胞向神经样细胞分化的联合效应。 方法:分离培养Wistar大鼠骨髓间充质干细胞后分为4组,加入不同的诱导培养基分别干预:空白对照组、川芎嗪诱导组、创伤性脑匀浆液诱导组和川芎嗪联合创伤性脑匀浆液诱导组。诱导后采用倒差显微镜观察细胞形态变化,并统计不同时段四组细胞分化率。分别取部分细胞进行神经元特异性烯醇化酶染色,胶质纤维酸性蛋白免疫细胞化学与免疫荧光细胞化学双标检测。 结果与结论:川芎嗪及受损大鼠脑匀浆液上清液可诱导大鼠骨髓间充质干细胞向神经元样细胞分化,随诱导时间的延长,诱导分化率越高,具有较重要的应用价值,而神经元特异性烯醇化酶与胶质纤维酸性蛋白在其分化信号中起重要作用。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Chemical induction has been shown to be effective at promoting the differentiation of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). However, these inductors have cytotoxicity side effects that may damage cells over time. Traditional Chinese medicines avoid this disadvantage while still producing effective induction.
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the influence of RadixAstragafi (Huangql) on the differentiation of MSCs.
DESIGN, TIME AND SETTING: In vitro study of traditional Chinese medicine in neural stem cell differentiation. The experiment was performed at the Central Laboratory of Hebei North University between April and June 2007.
MATERIALS: Radix Astragafi solution (lot No. 060105; license No. Z53021585) was purchased from Dali Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., China; rabbit anti-rat nestin, rabbit anti-rat neuron-specific enolase (NSE), mouse anti-rat microtubule-associated protein 2, and rabbit anti-rat glial fibrillary acidic protein were purchased from Wuhan Boster, China.
METHODS: Whole bone marrow was isolated from the femur and tibia of 6-week-old male Wistar rats and subcultured. The fourth passage of MSCs were harvested and induced by different concentrations (50, 100, 200, 400 g/L) of Radix Astragali.
MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Hematoxylin-eosin staining was used to observe MSC morphology after 24 hours of induction. Immunocytochemistry was employed to observe the expression of NSE (specific neuronal marker), nestin (marker of neural stem cell), glial fibrillary acidic protein and microtubule-associated protein 2 (markers of astrocytes).
RESULTS: Following Radix Astragali treatment, changes occurred in cell morphology including: cell body pyknosis; thin and long processes formed in some cells, with growth corresponding to drug concentration and induction time; and the formation of network-like connections between some cells. With increasing drug concentration and induction time, nestin expression was upregulated, and the number of positive cells increased; cells produced NSE, glial fibrillary acidic protein and microtubule-associated protein 2; nestin was expressed earlier than glial fibrillary acidic protein and microtubule-associated protein 2 expression. In addition, the number of NSE-positive cells was increased significantly more than glial fibrillary acidic protein-positive cells.
CONCLUSION: Radix Astragafi promoted process formation in stem cells. It may induce the differentiation of MSCs into neural stem cells, and subsequently into neuronal- and glial-like cells. Radix Astragafi exhibits stronger inductive effect on neuronal differentiation than glial differentiation of MSCs.  相似文献   

Preliminary research from our group found altered autophagy intensity during adipose-derived stromal cell differentiation into neuronal-like cells, and that this change was associated with morphological changes in differentiated cells. This study aimed to verify the role of rapamycin, an autophagy activator, in the process of adipose-derived stromal cell differentiation into neuronal-like cells. Immunohistochemical staining showed that expression of neuron-specific enolase and neurofilament-200 were gradually upregulated in adipose-derived stromal cells after 5 mM β-mercaptoethanol induction, and the differentiation rate gradually increased with induction time. Using transmission electron microscopy, induced cells were shown to exhibit cytoplasmic autophagosomes, with bilayer membranes, and autolysosomes. After rapamycin (200 μg/L) induction for 1 hour, adipose-derived stromal cells began to extend long processes, similar to the morphology of neuronal-like cells, while untreated cells did not exhibit similar morphologies until 3 hours after induction. Moreover, the differentiation rate was significantly increased after rapamycin treatment. Compared with untreated cells, expression of LC3, an autophagy protein, was also significantly upregulated. Positive LC3 expression tended to concentrate at cell nuclei with increasing induction times. Our experimental findings indicate that autophagy can significantly increase the speed of adipose-derived stromal cell differentiation into neuronal-like cells.  相似文献   

目的 体外定向诱导成人骨髓间质干细胞 (MSC)分化为神经元样细胞。方法 采用Ficoll Paque液 (10 77g/L)离心分离成人MSC ,体外扩增 ,分别采用含碱性成纤维细胞生长因子 (bFGF)和叔丁对甲氧酚 (BHA)或硫代甘油等试剂的无血清DMEM诱导MSC分化为神经元。免疫组化鉴定神经元烯醇化酶 (NSE)、神经丝蛋白 (NF)、胶质纤维酸性蛋白 (GFAP)、巢蛋白 (nestin)的表达。结果 成人骨髓间质干细胞在体外扩增原代可获得 5× 10 5,10代可获得 2× 10 10 个细胞。加入bFGF和BHA等诱导剂或硫代甘油诱导后 ,MSC胞体收缩 ,突起伸出 ;免疫组化显示诱导出的神经元样细胞NSE、NF、nestin表达阳性 ,GFAP阴性。结论 成人骨髓间质干细胞在体外可以分化为神经元样细胞。  相似文献   

Due to the limitations of neural stem cells to repair neuronal damage in the human brain, alternative approaches of repair using autologous adult stem cells have been examined for direct cell-replacement, or paracrine mediated neuroprotective effects. Human bone marrow-derived stromal cells (hMSCs) are a heterogeneous adult stem cell population with diverse immunomodulatory properties and the potential to differentiate into cells characteristic of all three germ layers. hMSCs are a renewable source of progenitor cells suitable for cell-based tissue repair. The marrow isolated adult multilineage inducible (MIAMI) cells developed by our laboratory are a developmentally immature homogeneous subpopulation of hMSCs that maintain self-renewal potential during ex vivo expansion, efficient differentiation capacity into neuron-like cells in vitro, as well as direct in vivo neuroprotection and functional recovery in animal models of neurological diseases.We now address the early signaling mechanisms regulating the neuron-like differentiation of MIAMI cells in vitro, in response to activation of the neurotrophic tyrosine-kinase receptor, type 3 (NTRK3) via neurotrophin 3 (NT3). We molecularly characterize a novel role for Rac1b mediating the neurogenic potential of MIAMI cells. Rac1b had an overall negative modulatory effect on the NT3-stimulated Mek1/2-Erk1/2 signaling pathway, proneuronal gene expression and neurite-like extensions. Rac1b was required for NT3-stimulated cell proliferation of MIAMI cells, yet was found to repress CCND1 and CCNB1 mRNA expression independent of NT3 stimulation, suggesting a dual neurotrophin dependent/independent function. Differential levels of Rac1b activity in hMSCs may explain the apparent contradictory reports regarding their neurogenic potential. These findings demonstrate the in vitro neurogenic potential of hMSCs as governed by Rac1b during NT3 stimulation.  相似文献   

Muscle-derived stem cells were isolated from the skeletal muscle of Sprague-Dawley neonatal rats aged 3 days old. Cells at passage 5 were incubated in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium supplemented with 10% (v/v) fetal bovine serum, 20 μg/L nerve growth factor, 20 μg/L basic fibroblast growth factor and 1% (v/v) penicillin for 6 days. Cells presented with long processes, similar to nerve cells. Connections were formed between cell processes. Immunocytochemical staining with neuron specific enolase verified that cells differentiated into neuron-like cells. Immunofluorescence cytochemistry and western blot results revealed that the expression of protein hairy enhancer of split-1 was significantly reduced. These results indicate that low expression of protein hairy enhancer of split-1 participates in the differentiation of muscle-derived stem cells into neuron-like cells.  相似文献   

背景:已知端粒酶活性变化与组织工程应用的安全性密切相关,而目前端粒酶在骨髓间充质干细胞诱导分化过程中的变化及机制研究尚少。 目的: 观察体外人骨髓间充质干细胞向神经元样细胞诱导分化过程中端粒酶的变化。 设计、时间及地点:细胞学开放性实验,于2006-12/2007-11在吉林大学第三临床医院实验中心及基础医学院病理生物学教育部重点实验室完成。 材料:无菌条件下采集非血液系统疾病的志愿者髂骨骨髓,体外分离培养人骨髓间充质干细胞。 方法:取第3代培养的人骨髓间充质干细胞,应用二甲基亚砜/丁羟茴香醚(DMSO/BHA)联合诱导法诱导其向神经元样细胞分化。 主要观察指标:绘制体外培养的人骨髓间充质干细胞的生长曲线。免疫荧光及细胞化学染色法分别检测诱导后细胞的巢蛋白和尼氏体的表达,TRAP-ELISA方法检测人骨髓间充质干细胞诱导前后端粒酶活性的变化。 结果: 体外培养的人骨髓间充质干细胞在第3~8代生长较快,第10代以后细胞的生长能力明显减弱。经DMSO/BHA诱导分化后的细胞能够表达具有神经元特征的巢蛋白及尼氏体结构。此外,TRAP-ELISA结果显示诱导2 h细胞端粒酶活性变化不明显,当诱导6 h以后细胞端粒酶活性明显降低,诱导至24 h时,细胞端粒酶活性已近阴性(P < 0.05)。 结论:人骨髓间充质干细胞在体外成功诱导分化为神经元样细胞的过程中端粒酶活性逐渐降低直至消失。  相似文献   

Pancreatic stem cells were isolated and cultured from aborted human fetal pancreases of gestational age 14-20 weeks. They were seeded at a density of 1 × 104 in serum-free media for differentiation into neuron-like cells, expressing β-tubulin III and glial fibrillary acidic protein. These neuron-like cells displayed a synapse-like morphology and appeared to form a neuronal network. Pancreatic stem cells were also seeded at a density of 1 × 105 for differentiation into islet-like cells, expressing insulin and glucagon, with an islet-like morphology. These cells had glucose-stimulated secretion of human insulin and C-peptide. Results suggest that pancreatic stem cells can be differentiated into neuron-like and islet-like cells.  相似文献   

背景:国内均可见有探讨脂肪干细胞向神经元诱导分化的相关研究报道,但运用差速贴壁法纯化脂肪组织源性干细胞,多因子联合诱导脂肪组织源性干细胞分化为神经元样细胞的研究鲜有报道。 目的:观察多因子联合诱导和分步诱导方案诱导大鼠脂肪组织源性干细胞体外分化为神经元样细胞的可行性。 方法:取SD雄性大鼠腹股沟和附睾脂肪垫脂肪组织,酶消化法分离、差速贴壁法纯化脂肪组织源性干细胞。免疫荧光细胞化学法鉴定脂肪组织源性干细胞(CD44,CD49d,CD106);“鸡尾酒”式神经元诱导培养基对脂肪组织源性干细胞进行诱导分化,并用免疫荧光细胞化学法鉴定(Nestin和NeuN)分化结果。 结果与结论:大鼠腹股沟和附睾脂肪垫脂肪组织内分离、原代培养的脂肪组织源性干细胞形态均一,呈长梭形,细胞核椭圆形,核仁明显,细胞质染色浅,呈旋涡状克隆样生长;CD44和CD49d阳性表达而CD106阴性;诱导培养基内培养6 h后脂肪组织源性干细胞呈锥体形或不规则,有短而细的指状突起;24 h后多数细胞显示类神经元的形态学特征,且Nestin和NeuN阳性。提示肪组织源性干细胞在多因子“鸡尾酒”式培养基内可向神经元方向分化。  相似文献   

Hair follicle-derived neural crest stem cells can be induced to differentiate into Schwann cells in vivo and in vitro. However, the underlying regulatory mechanism during cell differentiation remains poorly understood. This study isolated neural crest stem cells from human hair follicles and induced them to differentiate into Schwann cells. Quantitative RT-PCR showed that microRNA(miR)-21 expression was gradually increased during the differentiation of neural crest stem cells into Schwann cells. After transfection with the miR-21 agonist(agomir-21), the differentiation capacity of neural crest stem cells was enhanced. By contrast, after transfection with the miR-21 antagonist(antagomir-21), the differentiation capacity was attenuated. Further study results showed that SOX-2 was an effective target of miR-21. Without compromising SOX2 mRNA expression, miR-21 can down-regulate SOX protein expression by binding to the 3′-UTR of miR-21 mRNA. Knocking out the SOX2 gene from the neural crest stem cells significantly reversed the antagomir-21 inhibition of neural crest stem cells differentiating into Schwann cells. The results suggest that miR-21 expression was increased during the differentiation of neural crest stem cells into Schwann cells and miR-21 promoted the differentiation through down-regulating SOX protein expression by binding to the 3′-UTR of SOX2 mRNA.  相似文献   

目的 探讨人胎盘底蜕膜间充质干细胞体外向多巴胺能样神经元分化的潜能,并优化诱导方案.方法 体外分离培养底蜕膜间充质干细胞,用表皮生长因子(EGF)+人碱性成纤维细胞生长因子(bFGF)+ B27添加剂和人音猬因子(SHH)+成纤维细胞生长因子8(FGF8)+forskolin+脑源性神经营养因子(BDNF)分两个阶段对其进行诱导;免疫细胞化学先后检测干细胞标记nestin和CD133、成熟神经元标记神经元特异性烯醇化酶(NSE)、神经胶质细胞标记胶质原纤维酸性蛋白(GFAP)、多巴胺能神经元标记酪氨酸羟化酶(TH)的表达;Western blot验证诱导后TH蛋白的表达;高效液相色谱-电化学检测诱导前后多巴胺的分泌.结果 经第一阶段诱导后,细胞形成漂浮生长的神经球,nestin和CD133均呈阳性表达;第二阶段诱导后,出现明显的神经元样形态,NSE、GFAP和TH均阳性表达,Western blot也显示TH蛋白的表达,多巴胺分泌量相比诱导前明显增加(P<0.001).结论 底蜕膜间充质干细胞体外可分化为多巴胺能样神经元,可能成为帕金森病干细胞移植治疗新的种子细胞来源.  相似文献   

目的探讨音速波状蛋白(Shh)促进人骨髓间充质干细胞(MSCs)体外定向分化为多巴胺能神经元样细胞的作用。方法体外分离、扩增和鉴定人骨髓MSCs。采用不同诱导方案诱导MSCs向神经元和多巴胺能神经元样细胞定向转化后,进行抗神经巢蛋白(Nestin)、神经元特异烯醇化酶(NSE)、神经胶质纤维酸性蛋白(GFAP)、酪氨酸羟化酶(TH)和多巴胺转运体(DAT)等免疫细胞化学染色,并计算阳性细胞百分率。结果实验组诱导后MSCs能分化为具有典型神经元形态的细胞,可见NSE、Nestin、GFAP、TH和DAT等神经细胞标志表达;对照组MSCs细胞形态无明显变化,上述特异性标志物表达均为阴性。实验2组(诱导方案含Shh)与1组(诱导方案不含Shh)的NSE、Nestin、GFAP阳性细胞百分率的差异无统计学意义,但实验2组TH和DAT阳性细胞百分率明显高于实验1组,差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论Shh可促进MSCs分化为多巴胺能神经元样细胞。  相似文献   

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