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CCLG-ALL2008方案治疗儿童急性淋巴性白血病单中心疗效分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的分析CCLG-ALL2008方案治疗儿童急性淋巴细胞白血病(ALL)的单中心疗效,为改进该方案提供临床依据。方法符合入组标准的100例ALL患儿,接受了CCLG-ALL 2008方案治疗,回顾性分析治疗结果及治疗相关毒副作用。结果 100例中低危ALL 49例,中危23例,高危28例。诱导缓解率97%。化疗期间发生严重感染24例(24%),并发大脑后部可逆性脑病综合征(PRES)6例,发生治疗相关死亡(TRM)8例。本组病人的2年和5年累积复发率均为(12%±0.04),2年和5年总体生存率(0S)均为(83%±0.04),2年和5年无事件生存率(EFS)均为(79%±0.04)。低危组与高危组间0S差异有显著性(χ~2=12.026,P=0.001);低危组与高危组间EFS差异有显著性(χ~2=14.291,P=0.000),中危组与高危组间EFS差异亦有显著性(χ~2=5.356,P=0.021)。影响生存的主要因素是诱导期严重感染所致TRM、疾病复发以及病人治疗途中失访。结论 CCLG-ALL 2008方案治疗儿童ALL完全缓解率高、复发率低,降低诱导期严重感染所致TRM,减少高危疾病复发,并改进高危病人综合管理以使病人能接受完整治疗,可进一步提高生存率。  相似文献   

目的 通过多中心研究评价上海儿童医学中心-急性淋巴细胞性白血病-2005(SCMC-ALL-2005)方案对儿童急性淋巴细胞性白血病(ALL)的疗效以及预后.方法 共有5家单位参与临床研究,统一采用SCMC-ALL-2005方案对初诊ALL患儿进行诊治.2005年5月1日至2009年4月30日纳入研究病例随访至2011年9月30日.临床资料经卡方检验验证各中心间病例组成的相似性;并运用Kaplan-Meier生存曲线及Log-Rank卡方检验研究患儿的生存情况.结果 共计655例患儿纳入多中心临床研究,除免疫分型外各中心间患儿组成及疗效经统计检验差异无统计学意义.生存者中位随访时间49.13个月,预期5年无事件生存率(EFS)为(69.9%±2.1%),5年总生存率(0S)(77.6%±2.0%);5年复发率(23.9%±2.0%).其中低危组EFS、OS、复发率分别为(82.0%±2.6%)、(83.6%±3.0%)、(16.1%±2.5%);中危组EFS、OS、复发率为(66.4%±3.1%)、(76.8%±2.7%)、(26.3%±3.0%);高危组5年EFS、OS、复发率为(27.4%±9.3%)、(48.9%±7.3%)、(60.0%±12.8%).各预后因素分析提示:高白细胞、年龄≤1岁BCR-ABL1和MLL-AFF1 (MLL-AF4)融合基因为重要的不良预后指标.复发仍然是影响患儿预后的最重要因素.  相似文献   

目的研究中剂量阿糖胞苷早期强化治疗急性淋巴细胞白血病(ALL)的诊疗,探索提高儿童ALL长期生存的方法。方法应用标准的首次诱导缓解化疗方案治疗后,采用中剂量阿糖胞苷(Arac)1 g/(m2·次),1次/12 h×6次,配合柔红霉素(DNR)或米托蒽醌(MTZ)方案早期强化治疗,2~3个疗程进入维持治疗。采用Kaplan—Meter方法评估患儿无事件生存(EFS)率结果本组ALL完全缓解率(CR)为93.8%,标危(SR)ALL为100%,高危(HR)ALL为83 3%,5年EFS率达72 3%,SR-ALL患儿5年EFS率达84.2%,6例(10%)复发,治疗相关死亡2例(3.3%)。结论采用中剂量Arac方案早期强化治疗,降低化疗相关死亡,提高ALL患儿5年EFS率。  相似文献   

目的对88例儿童急性B淋巴细胞白血病(B—ALL)治疗的长期随访结果进行分析,探讨微小残留病(MRD)监测下儿童B—ALL的无事件生存率(EFS)。方法回顾性分析2005年1月.2008年5月接受儿童ALL诊疗建议(第三次修订草案)治疗的88例B.ALL患儿,应用流式细胞术(FCM)检测MRD,采用Kaplan—Meier方法评估患儿EFS,各临床危险度分组间患儿EFS差异用Logrank检验。结果88例患儿骨髓完全缓解(CR)率为97.7%,2年、3年、4年、5年EFS率分别为87.5%、86.4%、81.8%、77.2%,标危、中危、高危5年EFS率分别为86.2%、84.6%、63.1%。5例死亡,9例复发(10.5%),复发中位时间为23(3—59)个月。结论采用儿童ALL诊疗建议(第三次修订草案)治疗CR率较高,在MRD监测下指导治疗,总体上B—ALL患儿的5年EFS提高。  相似文献   

目的研究10岁以上儿童青少年初诊急性淋巴细胞白血病(ALL)患儿的临床特点及预后。方法对86例10岁以上ALL患儿(B-ALL 62例,T-ALL 24例)的临床特点、治疗疗效及预后因素进行回顾性分析,采用Kaplan-Meier分析评估患儿无事件生存率(EFS)和总生存率(OS),COX回归模型评估EFS、OS的影响因素。结果 86例患儿中,中危组和高危组患儿分别为62例和24例。首诊表现为肝肿大的53例(62%),脾肿大50例(58%),淋巴结肿大46例(54%)。初诊时外周血WBC≥50×109/L者29例(34%)。78例进行了染色体核型分析,21例(27%)染色体数目异常,其中15例为超二倍体(19%)、4例(5%)为亚二倍体,2例(3%)为假二倍体;11例(14%)染色体结构异常,其中Ph染色体阳性1例,t(1;19)1例。TEL-AML1融合基因3例(4%),E2A-PBX1融合基因3例(4%),BCR-ABL融合基因6例(7%),SIL-TAL1融合基因4例(5%)。1疗程完全缓解率为99%(85/86)。5年EFS率、OS率分别为64%±6%和75%±5%。中危组的5年EFS率、OS率均高于高危组(P0.05)。B-ALL患儿5年EFS率优于T-ALL组(P0.05)。COX多因素回归分析显示,初诊时白细胞计数、诱导缓解末微小残留病是EFS、OS的独立影响因素。结论 10岁以上ALL患儿具有不利预后的临床特征,初诊时白细胞计数、诱导缓解末MRD是决定远期疗效的重要因素。  相似文献   

188例急性淋巴细胞性白血病患儿的疗效及预后分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 对中南大学湘雅医院、广西医科大学第一附属医院急性淋巴细胞白血病(ALL)患儿的治疗结果及影响无事件生存率(EFS)的因素进行分析.方法 所有病例均采用中华医学会儿科学分会血液学组1998年第二次修正的小儿ALL诊疗建议(简称荣成方案)化疗,采用Kaplan-Meier方法评估依从治疗的188例患儿EFS,组间患儿EFS差异用Log-rank检验,用COX比例风险模型分析独立因素对EFS的影响.结果 374例接受诱导治疗儿童的完全缓解(CR)率为93.6%(354例),全程依从治疗的188例ALL的5年EFS为(68.1±5.6)%,标危、高危组5年EFS分别为(75.2±6.0)%、(47.6±11.6)%;总复发率为10.6%,复发的中位时间为13个月;188例患儿中共有29例死亡,死亡率15.4%;化疗相关死亡13例(7.0%).危险度分组、t(9;22)/bcr-abl融合基因和白细胞计数为独立的不良预后因素.结论 两家医院通过荣成方案治疗儿童ALL的总EFS接近70%,需要进行更加详细的危险因素评估和分组,降低治疗相关死亡率,提高儿童ALL治疗的依从性,以进一步提高EFS.  相似文献   

目的分析70例ALL患儿分型治疗的长期疗效和远期不良反应,以寻求提高患儿长期高质量无病生存的方法。方法随访并分析2000年1月-2009年12月在本院儿科血液/肿瘤病房诊断并坚持治疗的70例ALL患儿情况。临床分型:标危型、中危型、高危型和ALL-L3型患儿分别为42、12、7例和9例。采用Kaplan-Meier方法进行长期生存情况分析。结果 5 a无事件生存率在标危组、中危组和ALL-L3组分别为(93.87±4.22)%、(85.33±6.45)%和(88.89±7.48)%。高危型患儿目前无病存活率为42.86%(3/7例)。复发6例(8.57%),其中死亡4例,另有5例无复发死亡,总病死率12.86%。长期不良反应观察未发现二次肿瘤及蒽环类心肌病发生,4例(5.71%)患儿生长受限,1例患儿发生单侧股骨头无菌性坏死。结论分型治疗可提高ALL患儿长期生存率,改善ALL患儿生存的质量。  相似文献   

目的评价234例儿童急性淋巴细胞白血病(ALL)单中心10年临床疗效及主要预后相关因素。方法以2006年1月—2015年4月于我院血液科符合入组标准的234例ALL患儿纳入研究,接受CCCG-ALL 2005方案治疗随访,分析疗效及预后因素。结果 234例患儿诱导缓解率为96. 6%。5年累积复发率为(17. 5±2. 6)%,10年累积复发率为(22. 3±3)%,中位复发时间为26. 5(2~95)个月。5年EFS为(74. 8±2. 8)%,10年EFS (68. 7±3. 3)%,5年OS (82. 6±2. 5)%,10年OS (79. 6±3. 0)%。234例患儿根据不同危险度分为低危组(n=86)、中危组(n=69)、高危组(n=79)。三组的5年EFS率分别为(84. 6±4. 0)%、(67. 5±5. 7)%、(61. 0±5. 7)%,10年EFS率分别为(79. 8±5. 0)%、(65. 5±6. 0)%、(55. 4±7. 4)%。低危组患儿的长期生存情况明显优于中高危组患儿(P=0. 003)。多因素分析,早期治疗反应、治疗后低MRD水平是影响EFS的预后因素,诱导治疗后第55天MRD持续阳性预后不良。结论泼尼松治疗反应、MRD监测对ALL患儿预后评估有意义。诱导治疗第55天MRD水平是影响长期生存的预后因素;其持续阳性患儿预后较差。  相似文献   

目的 探讨CCLG-ALL2008方案治疗10岁以上儿童及青少年初诊急性淋巴细胞白血病(ALL)的长期疗效。方法 收集2008年4月至2015年4月采用CCLG-ALL2008方案治疗的150例10岁以上ALL患儿的临床资料,采用Kaplan-Meier生存分析评估患儿总体生存(OS)率和无事件生存(EFS)率。结果 150例患儿中,男87例(58.0%),女63例(42.0%),中位年龄11(10~15)岁;中危患儿84例(56.0%),高危患儿66例(44.0%);B-ALL患儿122例(81.3%),T-ALL患儿28例(18.7%);融合基因检测阳性51例(34.0%),其中BCR-ABL阳性16例(31%),TEL-AML1阳性11例(22%),E2A-PBX1阳性8例(16%),其他基因阳性16例(31%)。采用CCLG-ALL2008方案治疗1个疗程完全缓解率为96.0%(144/150)。150例患儿中位随访时间为52(3~122)个月,5年OS率为79.0%±3.5%,5年EFS率为67.3%±4.1%。中危患儿和高危患儿,以及B-ALL患儿和T-ALL患儿间5年OS率及5年EFS率比较,差异均无统计学意义(P > 0.05)。诱导治疗结束时骨髓达完全缓解患儿的5年OS率及5年EFS率均高于骨髓未达完全缓解者(P < 0.05)。结论 10岁以上儿童及青少年ALL患儿采用CCLG-ALL2008方案治疗,其完全缓解率高,5年OS率及EFS率均较高。诱导治疗后未达到完全缓解患儿预后不良。  相似文献   

目的 了解CCLG-ALL2008 方案治疗儿童急性淋巴细胞白血病(ALL)复发患儿的临床特征。方法 选取2008 年4 月至2013 年6 月间初诊为儿童ALL,并接受CCLG-ALL2008 方案治疗的591 例患儿,回顾性分析并随访观察其中80 例复发患儿的临床特征。结果 CCLG-ALL2008 方案治疗后标危组、中危组、高危组复发率分别为7.0%、10.7%、28.7%(P<0.05)。TEL/AML1 阳性ALL 患儿复发率为8.0%,其复发患儿5 年预期总生存率(OS)为37.04%;MLL 阳性与BCR/ABL 阳性ALL 患儿复发率分别为35.0% 和24.2%,5 年OS 为0。复发者以超早期为主,占53%,超早期复发者5 年OS 为0;早期和晚期复发分别占34% 和14%,其5 年OS 分别为11.44% 和60.00%。复发部位以单纯骨髓复发为主(83%),单纯骨髓复发患儿5 年OS 为9.23%;骨髓伴有骨髓外复发患儿占11%,其5 年OS 为25.00%;单纯骨髓外复发患儿占6%,其5 年OS 为100%。T 细胞型ALL 患儿复发率为9.5%,其复发患儿5 年OS 为0;B 细胞型ALL 患儿复发率为14.3%,其复发患儿5 年OS 为15.52%。结论 CCLG-ALL2008 方案治疗后高危组患儿复发率较高;MLL、BCR/ABL 等基因阳性是高危复发因素。免疫分型与复发率无明显相关性。早期复发、单纯骨髓复发、T 细胞型ALL 复发及伴有BCR/ABL、MLL 等基因异常者复发后生存率极低。  相似文献   

Bibliometric data published by the Institute of Scientific Information in Philadelphia (ISI), and which was previously discussed in Acta Paediatrica , has increasingly been used despite all the relevant and severe criticism that has been raised against this method of evaluating individual research results and grading scientific journals. It is obvious that the present trend regarding the use of bibliometric data as a basis for priorities and funding of research and for the promotion of individual scientists favours American-oriented research projects at the expense of those that are based on concepts of predominantly European relevance.

Conclusion: For the future of non-American research, it is important that no single super-power, i.e. the USA, should dominate scientific priorities. The condition for efficient European competition is that European Centres with high levels of competence for creative research and training of scientists from all over the world are established. In addition, it is important that the results of European research are published in prestigious European journals, as was the situation before World War II.  相似文献   

We investigated the intra-acinar pulmonary vascular muscularization in the developing human fetal lung between the 17th and 24th gestational weeks, that is, during the canalicular phase of lung development. Fifteen hypoplastic and 25 normal developed lungs were included in this study using monoclonal alpha -smooth muscle (sm) actin antibodies for smooth muscle detection. Computer-aided image analysis was performed for morphometrical measurements and statistical evaluation. Alphasm-actin-immunoreactive intra-acinar vessels down to a luminal diameter of less than 10 mu m were detected in hypoplastic as well as in normally developed lungs. Crucial differences presented as follows: significantly higher density of intra-acinar vessels, especially due to alpha -sm-actin-negative vessels less than 30 mu m in luminal diameter, in the control group; significantly higher alpha -sm-actin immunoreactivity per section unit as well as per vessel in the hypoplastic lung group. As suggested by others, alpha-sm-actin-positive cells of the intra-acinar vessel wall in the developing human lung were demonstrated to be smooth muscle cells, their immediate precursors, and pericytes. We conclude that the increased alpha -sm-actin immunoreactivity represents muscularization of the vessel wall in functional terms and may be regarded as one structural cause among others for the establishment of persistent fetal circulation in hypoplastic lungs.  相似文献   

Aim: To provide reference data for bone mineral variables in 15- and 17-y-old adolescents and to analyse the relationships between these variables and measures of bone and body size, gender, puberty, growth, various lifestyle and environmental factors and socioeconomic background.

Methods: In the same 321 randomly selected adolescents (147 boys and 174 girls) living in two different regions of Sweden, the total bone mineral content (TBMC), bone area (BA) and total bone mineral density (TBMD) were assessed by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry at ages 15 and 17 y. The effects of bone and body size, gender, growth, sexual maturity, physical activity, region of domicile, social conditions, food habits, smoking and alcohol intake on TBMC and TBMD were examined in multivariate analyses.

Results: In the 15-y-old adolescents, BA, height, gender, physical activity, maturity and weight explained 91% and 48%, of the variance in TBMC and TBMD, respectively. In similar analyses in the 17-y-olds, the corresponding figures were 92% and 62%, respectively, when BA, height, growth, physical activity, gender and region emerged as significant in the model. In all these analyses, BA explained most of the variance in TBMC and TBMD. No significant reduction of variance was found when different measures of social conditions, smoking, food habits, alcohol or dietary intakes of energy, calcium or vitamin D were included in the models. The reason why region of domicile had a significant impact on TBMC in the 17-y-olds is not known. The fact that the normal fluoride concentration in drinking water (1.1 mg/L) is 10 times higher in the region where TBMC was higher than in the other region is an interesting observation.

Conclusion: Almost 90% of the variance in TBMC and 50% of that in TBMD was explained by measures of bone and body size and only a few percent by gender, physical activity, Tanner stage, growth and region of domicile.  相似文献   

Although pediatric patient and renal graft survival rates have shown marked improvements during the past decade, the persistent toxicities of immunosuppressive drugs and chronic allograft attrition remain major obstacles in transplant therapy. Results in adult patients suggest that complete steroid withdrawal is possible in the majority of recipients under treatment with a cyclosporin A-rapamycin (CsA RAPA) regimen. Furthermore, preliminary studies suggest that a marked reduction in the dose of CsA may be possible under the umbrella of RAPA coverage. The gain in immunosuppressive efficacy afforded by RAPA has not only been obtained without an increased morbidity owing to infectious or neoplastic causes, but also with the potential for reducing the incidence and/or progression of chronic rejection.  相似文献   

Varicella zoster virus (VZV), a member of the human herpesvirus family, causes the clinical syndromes of chickenpox during primary infection and shingles on later reactivation. In immunocompromised patients, including those undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, VZV can produce life-threatening infections. The most serious forms of VZV infection involve hematogenous dissemination of the virus to vital organs, such as the lung, brain, and liver. Advances in immunoprophylaxis, antiviral chemotherapy, and vaccine development have provided effective tools to limit the morbidity and mortality previously associated with VZV infection in hematopoietic stem cell transplant patients. In this review, we discuss virologic aspects of VZV, pathogenesis of VZV infection, methods of viral diagnosis, clinical manifestations of infection in both normal and immunocompromised patients, and available preventative and therapeutic measures.  相似文献   

Schizophrenia (SCZ) is a severe brain disorder characterized by hallucinations, delusions, flat and/or inappropriate affect and cognitive impairment. The lifetime risk is about 0.5% with heritability of 65–85%. The prevalence of early-onset schizophrenia (defined here as before 15 years of age) has not been well studied, but is likely to be 5–10% of all cases. The rarity of early-onset SCZ has made it difficult to study. We focus on genetic studies of adults with schizophrenia, highlighting results for early-onset schizophrenia where available. Prior to the past 5 years, studies failed to find replicable association or linkage between SCZ and specific genes when appropriate statistical corrections for multiple testing were used. Many false positive results were probably reported using the candidate gene approach. Recently, the development of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) “chips” has permitted large genome-wide association study (GWAS) analyses that suggest that across all age groups, a proportion of genetic risk can be attributed to a large number of common SNP, each with a very small effect on risk (odds ratios of 1.1 or less). The greatest known genetic effect is conferred by the 1.5–3 Mb 22q.11.2 deletions, which occurs in ∼ 1/4000–1/6000 births with SCZ developing in 20–30% of carriers. Large SNP and aCGH microarray studies have now identified associations between SCZ and other rare, large copy number variations (CNV, insertions and deletions) with high odds ratios (5–10), including deletions of 1q21, 2p16.3 (neurexin-1 gene), 3q29 and 15q13.3, and duplications of 16p11.2. Some of these CNV are also associated with autism or other developmental disorders as well as epilepsy or intellectual deficiency, suggesting some overlap in the mechanisms that contribute to risks of these disorders. Based on preliminary data from larger-scale analyses in progress, approximately 1–2% of cases carry a CNV that has been clearly associated with SCZ (ORs 4–12). Whole exome and genome sequencing studies of large adult samples will be the next steps to identify rarer SCZ-associated mutations, including point mutations and smaller as well as rarer CNV. Genetic findings are beginning to contribute to an understanding of biological mechanisms of SCZ risk and may lead to new approaches to treatment.  相似文献   

Inactivation of pulmonary surfactant may be important in acute lung injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome. Treatment of surfactant dysfunction by instilling exogenous surfactants may improve gas exchange and pulmonary mechanics. Surfactants used for treatment vary in their attributes and effects, so when various surfactants are considered for therapy, resistance to inactivation is an important consideration. Animal models of acute lung injury exist in which the relative merits of surfactants can be compared. We hypothesize that the surfactants most resistant to inactivation in vitro will be the ones that are most effective in treatment of animal models of acute lung injury. Surfactants with higher concentrations of surfactant proteins (specifically A, B, and C) are more resistant to inactivation. Nonionic polymers mimic surfactant proteins in preventing surfactant inactivation under some conditions. Adding nonionic polymers to surfactant containing minimal amounts of SP-B and SP-C markedly improves lung function of animals with lung injury. Making surfactants more "inactivation-proof" may improve surfactant therapy of acute lung injuries.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Plasma concentrations of proinsulin and C-peptide were measured in five children presenting with svere hypoglycaemia associated with elevated plasma levels of immunoreactive insulin (IRI) in order to determine whether the profile of circulating B-cell products related to the underlying pathophysiology of the pancreas. Results were compared with data from 13 normal infants. Four children, three neonates and a nine year old girl, were subjected to partial or total pancreatectomy. The neonates had nesidioblastosis, nesidioblastosis with a microadenoma, and a functional abnormality without histological derangement respectively; the older child had a localised adenoma. The remaining child, a neonate, had transient hypoglycaemia and elevated IRI levels associated with hyperlactataemia and hyperalaninae-mia. All the children had markedly elevated plasma proinsulin concentrations; the highest levels were seen in the child with an isolated adenoma and in the neonate with nesidioblastosis and a microadenoma. Both of these children also had substantially elevated plasma C-peptide concentrations. The remaining three neonates had plasma C-peptide levels, which although in the normal range for normoglycaemia were inappropriately elevated during hypoglycaemia. It is concluded that elevated proinsulin and C-peptide concentrations are seen in children with hypoglycaemia associated with increased plasma IRI levels and that the profile of the concentrations does not provide a reliable marker for the nature of the underlying pancreatic abnormality.  相似文献   

Growth tracks in early childhood   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Aim: Child growth is modulated by numerous factors and, particularly in infancy and early childhood, often tends to follow apparently irregular patterns, with many centiles crossed before the later growth channels are reached. The aim of this study was to visualize the diversity of individual growth. Design: The study investigated 333 girls and 329 boys without chronic illnesses from four paediatric practices in Kiel, Germany. The children were measured on natural  相似文献   

Inhaled nitric oxide is a potent vasodilator in acute severe pulmonary hypertension and is increasingly used as rescue treatment in intensive care algorithms aiming at reducing severe hypoxaemia in neonates and children. Although the immediate effects may seem impressive, longterm outcome regarding residual pulmonary hypertension and other sequelae has been studied in only a very few patients. The aim of the present study was to evaluate residual pulmonary hypertension, cardiopulmonary or neurological symptoms in children after treatment with inhaled nitric oxide in severely hypoxaemic and/or pulmonary hypertensive mechanically ventilated children. The study was performed in four paediatric intensive care units in university hospitals in Sweden, Norway and Australia. Patients who had received inhaled nitric oxide as part of their intensive care treatment for severe hypoxaemia and/or pulmonary hypertension, and in whom 6 mo had elapsed since treatment, were included for evaluation. Thus 36 paediatric or neonatal patients were examined for circulatory, respiratory or neurological disorders with clinical examination, echocardiography, chest X-ray and a capillary blood sample. Four patients with congenital heart disease had residual pulmonary hypertension. Nine patients were receiving bronchodilators. Sixteen patients had minor (n = 15) or moderate (n = 1) changes on a chest X-ray. One patient had a possible delay in psychomotor development. Conclusions: In spite of the severity of their primary illness, we found that the overwhelming majority of the surviving children were asymptomatic and doing well. The few residual circulatory and respiratory symptoms could be related to the initial condition.  相似文献   

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