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Objective Lung cancer cells associated with radioresistance are likely to give rise to local recurrence and distant metastatic relapse,but little is known about its underlying mechanisms.In the present paper,the effects of the HPV16 E6 and HPV16 E7 oncoprotein on the radiosensitivity of lung cancer cell lines were investigated.Methods The HPV16 E6 or HPV16 E7 oncoprotein was expressed by a transient transfection with pcDNA3-HPV16 E6 or pcDNA3-HPV16 E7 expression vector.Human lung cancer H2179 cells and mouse lung cancer Lewis cells were exposed to a γ-ray radiation source,cellular survival was evaluated by using a colony formation assay.The expression of HPV16 oncoproteins E6/E7,extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1/2(ERK1/2) and AKT signaling was determined by Western blot assay.VEGF secretion was determined by ELISA.Results Both HPV16 oncoproteins E6 and E7 significantly decreased radiosensitivity of H2179 cells,associated with a promotion of the ERK1/2 and AKT phosphorylation.A decrease of reactive oxygen species(ROS) and an increase of VEGF levels were observed in the cells expressing the HPV16 oncoproteins E6 and E7.Furthermore,a similar reduction of radiosensitivity mediated by the HPV16 oncoproteins E6 and E7 was also observed in a mouse lung cancer Lewis cells.Conclusion The findings indicate that the HPV16 oncoproteins E6 and E7 negatively affects susceptibility of lung cancer cells to radiotherapy via regulation of the ERK1/2 and Akt signaling pathway and VEGF expression.  相似文献   

Biomarkers,such as chromosome aberration and micronuclei assays,prove to be reliable for facilitating clinical diagnosis in radiation accidents.In a radiation accident in India,chromosomal aberration,γ-H2AX,as well as other blood markers,were detected in accidentally exposed victims.This multi-parametric approach aided in confirming that individuals had been exposed by ionizing radiation.However,doses were impossible to estimate because of a 30-day delay in accident awareness.Exposure dose for victims was estimated using a dose-response curve previously established.Dose estimation,blood cell depletion kinetics,and no appearance of prodromal symptoms suggested that doses of exposure were low.Hematologic investigation,sampling time,and chromosome aberration scoring were all proposed according to data from the victims exposed to 60Co.Finally,knowledge regarding chromosome aberration analysis and the importance of international co-operation and assistance should be shared from this accident.  相似文献   

竹笋,即竹的嫩芽茎,古人称之为"竹肉"、"竹胎"、"竹芽"。竹笋可分为冬笋、春笋、鞭笋3类:冬季藏在土中的为冬笋,色泽洁白,肉质细嫩,鲜美无比,有"笋中皇后"之誉;春天  相似文献   

目的 观察补充维生素B2对急性低氧暴露小鼠外周血代谢组的影响.方法 采用随机数字表法将35只雄性昆明小鼠随机分为:正常对照组,低氧对照组,2倍、4倍及8倍维生素B2补充组,每组7只.以相应饲料(维生素B2含量分别为6 mg/kg、12 mg/kg、24 mg/kg和48 mg/kg)喂养2周后,除正常对照组外,其它各组均在模拟6000 m高度停留8 h,采集血浆,以核磁共振的方法分析其代谢组变化.结果 急性低氧暴露后,各组动物血浆代谢组在得分图中呈聚类型分布,且有先分离后同归的代谢模式变化轨迹,显示出补充不同剂量维生素B2后小鼠血浆代谢组逐渐恢复的趋势.代谢模式产生差别的原因是脂类、乳酸、丙氨酸、N-乙酰糖蛋白、谷氨酸、胆碱、牛磺酸、糖、肉碱、甘氨酸和肌酐等物质的水平发生了变化,表明相关的代谢途径发生了变化.结论 补充维生素B2使急性低氧暴露机体碳水化合物、脂肪、蛋白质代谢发生改变,而维生素B2可以改善碳水化合物代谢,并可能通过肉碱间接调节了脂肪代谢;同时还发现一些氨基酸代谢发生显著变化. Abstract: Objective To observe the effects of vitamin B2 supplementation on plasma metabonome of the mice which exposed to acute hypoxia. Methods Thirty-five male Kunming mice were randomly and averagely divided into 5 groups, among which the control and hypoxia control groups were fed the fodder containing 6, 12, 24, 48 mg/kg vitamin B2 respectively. All groups were exposed to simulated hypoxia environment (equivalent to 6000 meters above sea level) for 8 hours except control group. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer was used to test the change of metabonome from collected plasma. Results After acute hypoxia exposure, the metabonome pattern in all groups showed clustering distribution in scores plot and the metabonome changes were along the trail from segregation to regression. These indicated a gradual recover tendency on plasma metabonome when different doses of vitamin B2 supplemented. The changes of lipids, lactic acid,alanine, N-acetyl-glycoprotein (NAC), glutamate, choline, taurine, glucose, carnitine, glycine and creatinine were among the factors contributing significantly to the difference of metabonome pattern and indicated the changes of related metabolic pathway. Conclusions The metabonomes of carbohydrate, lipid and protein of acute hypoxia mice are improved by vitamin B2 supplementation.Vitamin B2 is helpful to improve carbohydrate metabolism and indirectly accommodate lipid metabolism through carnitine. Vitamin B2 supplementation also results in the significant change of amino acid metabonome.  相似文献   

目的 初步探索皮下应用Gd-DTPA-白蛋白的阳性磁共振淋巴造影检测隐匿转移性淋巴结的价值.方法 建立腘窝隐匿转移性淋巴结新西兰兔模型,分析隐匿转移性淋巴结在平扫及皮下注射0.10 mmol/肢Gd-DTPA-白蛋白后24 h时的MRI特征,并与病理检查对照.结果 12只兔的腘窝隐匿转移性淋巴结模型成功建立,其淋巴结大小为(6.7±0.2)mm.平扫时隐匿转移性腘窝淋巴结表现为T1WI上等信号,T2WI上高信号,与正常淋巴结相似.Gd-DTPA-白蛋白增强24 h,正常淋巴结呈明显、均匀的强化,而隐匿转移性淋巴结呈不均匀强化,强化形式有环状(4枚淋巴结)、云絮状(3枚)和不规则偏心"充盈缺损"(3枚),另有2枚淋巴结不强化.在脂肪抑制T1WI像上淋巴管呈明亮高信号,转移性淋巴结的引流淋巴管明显迂曲扩张.结论 皮下应用Gd-DTPA-白蛋白的阳性MR淋巴造影可清晰显示淋巴结和淋巴管,可用于检测隐匿转移性淋巴结.  相似文献   

1病历简介 患者,男,43岁。因间断性排尿困难半月余,伴尿频、尿急、尿痛入院。患者于12年前因骨盆骨折合并尿道断裂在我院行尿道修补术,术后排尿功能良好。术后第3年出现排尿困难,经2次尿道扩张术后,排尿正常。查体:体温37.5℃,心、肺、腹无异常。外科情况:双脊肋角不饱满,双肾区轻微扣击痛,沿输尿管走行无压痛及扣击痛,下腹部正中可见8.0cm长的纵向愈合伤口。  相似文献   

西米替丁致固定性红斑1例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 病例介绍 患者,男性65岁.因突发上中腹持续性剧烈疼痛6h,持续不缓解于2006年2月10日收住.无发热、皮肤黄染、出皮疹.住院前未服药,入院查血淀粉酶诊断急性胰腺炎.给予静点西米替丁和氨苄青霉素治疗.用药2d后左大腿前面皮肤出现一直径3cm环形丘疹性充血斑,中心皮肤苍白.  相似文献   

患者 男,28岁,菲律宾人,船员.以发热、干咳、胸闷1周入院.摄胸部正、侧位片提示间质性肺炎,检测血清抗HIV( ),痰结核杆菌( ). 胸片显示:胸廓饱满、对称,双肺透光度减低,可见对称性网格状模糊阴影,双肺野弥漫性均匀分布类椭圆形结节状高密度影,心膈尚可(图1,2).  相似文献   

高原地区具有海拔高、严寒、缺氧、低气压、低温、低湿、强气流、紫外线强、地形复杂等特点,部队在进驻高原地区实施训练时,需要周密计划、精心安排、严密组织、合理施训。高原驻训要"十防":防紧张在部队离开营区进驻高原实施训练的前2周,需要对所有参训人员进  相似文献   

报告1例应用超选择性肾动脉栓塞抢救肾活检后大出血成功,提示在肾活检率逐年提高、肾活检人数逐渐增多的今天,即使发生严重的大出血,不再必须切除肾脏,介入治疗可以取得良好效果,而且能够尽可能地保护残存的肾功能.  相似文献   

Introduction Interventional Radiology has evolved into a specialty having enormous input into the care of the traumatized patient.In all hospitals,regardless of size,the Interventional Radiologist must consider their relationships with the trauma service in order to  相似文献   

The ultrasonographic diagnosis of pneumothorax is based on the analysis of artifacts. It is possible to confirm or rule out pneumothorax by combining the following signs: lung sliding, the A and B lines, and the lung point. One fundamental advantage of lung ultrasonography is its easy access in any critical situation, especially in patients in the intensive care unit. For this reason, chest ultrasonography can be used as an alternative to plain-film X-rays and computed tomography in critical patients and in patients with normal plain films in whom pneumothorax is strongly suspected, as well as to evaluate the extent of the pneumothorax and monitor its evolution.  相似文献   

KEY POINTS· Carbohydrate intake during exercise can delay the onset of fatigue and improve performance of prolonged exercise as well as exercise of shorter duration and greater intensity (e.g., continuous exercise lasting about 1h and intermittent high-intensity exercise), but the mechanisms by which performance is improved are different.  相似文献   

目的 探讨磁共振扩散加权成像(DWI)和动态增强在颅底脊索瘤和侵袭性垂体瘤(IPA)鉴别诊断中的应用价值.方法 搜集经手术病理证实且影像学有鞍区破坏的颅底脊索瘤患者15例、向鼻咽部侵犯的IPA患者20例.测量二者的表观扩散系数(ADC)值,绘制受试者工作特征曲线(ROC),分析动态增强曲线的类型,统计达峰时间(TTP)、增强峰值(EP)和最大对比增强率(MCER),分析各个参数在鉴别诊断中的价值.结果 颅底脊索瘤的ADC值为(1.274±0.07)×10-3mm2/s,高于IPA ADC值(0.672±0.03) ×10-3 mm2/s(P <0.001),ADC阈值为0.964×10-3mm2/s时,ROC曲线下面积为0.997,敏感度为93.3%,特异度为100%.颅底脊索瘤时间-信号强度曲线(TIC)Ⅰ型14例,TICⅢ型1例,此例TICⅢ型者TTP约40 s;IPA TIC Ⅰ型7例,TICⅢ型13例.颅底脊索瘤和IPA的EP、MCER差异均有统计学意义(P <0.001).结论 ADC值和TIC的类型及其相关参数(EP,MCER)有助于颅底脊索瘤和IPA之间的鉴别.  相似文献   

Primary hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) continues to be one of the most common malignancies with an incidence of approximately one million cases per year and a dismal prognosis; some authors have reported a median survival of 1 ~ 2 months after diagnosis. Although surgery remains the only hope for cure, few patients are candidates[1,2].  相似文献   

U50,488H对正常及缺氧心肌细胞L型钙电流的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 探讨心脏阿片受体和β-受体相互作用的机制。方法 采用全细胞膜片钳技术,观察U50,488H(β-阿片受体选择性激动剂)对正常和缺氧心肌细胞L型钙电流的作用。结果 U50,488H剂量依赖性(0.1~100μmol/L)抑制正常心肌细胞的L型钙电流及异丙肾上腺素(0.1μmol/L)激动的钙电流,而细胞缺氧后,这一抑制作用减弱;U50,488H对Forskolin(10μmol/L)激动的L型钙电流无明显影响。结论 β-阿片受体对β-受体信号的负性调节作用在细胞缺氧后减弱,其作用位点可能发生于β-受体与腺苷酸环化酶环节之间。  相似文献   



Overtraining is clearly a multifactorial disturbance. We aimed at evaluating the relative importance of overactivity and nutritional imbalances.


A comparison of 17 footballers with seven subjects with a diagnosis of overtraining evidenced that the two groups differ by energy expenditure resulting from physical activity (1573 ± 378.6 kcal/d from 804.7 ± 184.7 kcal/d) while food intake does not exhibit significant differences.


In this sample of subjects, inadequate food intake is found in both groups, so that overtraining appears rather characterized by a higher level of physical activity. Therefore, a relative energy deficit resulting from overactivity rather than dietary mistakes appears to explain the syndrome in these athletes, who are thus truly “overtrained”.  相似文献   

Ultrasound is the first-line imaging study of the fetal brain performed at 12, 22 and 32 weeks of gestation. The very structured evaluation of biometric and morphological data, facilitated by the use of a checklist, ensures a high quality examination. All patients where an anomaly of any key element is suspected should be referred to a center dedicated to prenatal diagnosis for confirmation irrespective of the gestational age. Prenatal diagnosis plays a significant role in France since medical interruption of pregnancy until term is authorized.  相似文献   

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