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目的探讨益肾乌发口服液基于有效活性成分基础上的药理作用和分子机制,为合理评价益肾乌发口服液补肝肾,乌须发的药效特点以及合理,安全用药提供参考和思路。方法通过查阅近年来国内外相关文献,整理、分析、归纳益肾乌发口服液补肝肾,乌须发上的研究进展。结果益肾乌发口服液是由多味中药组成的复方制剂,具有补肝肾,乌须发的药效学特点,可用于治疗肝肾两虚引起的须发脱落、早白。结论虽然益肾乌发口服液在临床上不良反应的报道很少,但不能因此就说其没有毒副作用,我们应对益肾乌发口服液中不同药味的毒理学相关问题进行深入探讨,以不同药味的药理、毒理学研究结果综合探讨益肾乌发口服液复方制剂的药理、毒理学特征,在其功效物质成分药效学研究的基础上加强其毒性物质及毒性机制相关性的研究,为更好、有效、快捷地指导临床用药及中药复方制剂毒理学研究提供文献依据。  相似文献   

当归基于功效物质基础的抗脑缺血药理作用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的总结当归与功效物质基础相关的抗缺血性脑损伤药理作用研究现状,明确当归抗脑缺血物质基础、药理特点及分子机制,为进一步研究当归抗缺血性脑损伤与功效、物质基础间的相关性提供文献依据和思路。方法对近十几年来国内外发表的相关文献进行分析、整理和归纳。结果当归具有多种生物活性成分和广泛的药理作用,临床上用于缺血性脑血管病治疗取得较好疗效。结论目前对于当归功效物质基础研究多局限于单一成分的药效学研究和机制探讨,缺少多个有效成分之间药理学研究与机制探讨;中药化学成分复杂,具有非单一效应,因此,应结合其功效加强当归有效单体成分、有效成分群、有效部位、有效部位群之间的药效学研究及其作用靶点和联合保护机制研究,为阐明当归临床疗效及功效作用机理提供理论依据,以便更好地指导临床合理用药和创新药物研发。  相似文献   

何瑞华  黄瑾  徐熠 《中国药业》2023,(11):128-134
目的 探讨中药复方治疗脑缺血作用机制的网络药理学研究进展。方法 检索中国知网、PubMed等数据库2005年至2022年的相关文献,分析中药复方治疗脑缺血的作用机制及特点。结果 中药复方治疗脑缺血主要与改善炎性反应、抗氧化应激损伤、抑制神经细胞凋亡、促血管生成、改善凝血等作用机制有关,并通过多成分、多靶点、多通路发挥作用。结论 网络药理学在中药复方治疗脑缺血研究中应用广泛,可为中药复方应用的有效性和科学性提供参考。  相似文献   

目的:介绍近年来对雷公藤毒性作用机制的研究进展,探讨雷公藤成分与毒性的关系,为临床合理使用雷公藤及其制剂提供指导。方法:系统查阅近年来的国内外文献, 综述关于雷公藤毒性作用机制的研究进展情况。结果:雷公藤毒性涉及多器官多系统,其毒性成分同时也是药效成分,雷公藤毒性作用机制的研究对雷公藤高效低毒制剂研发有指导意义,并为指导临床合理用药提供理论依据。结论:雷公藤毒性作用机制的研究已逐渐成为雷公藤研究的热点并取得了很多进展,但由于化学成分的复杂性及中药药理的整体性目前关于雷公藤毒性作用机制的研究还不够完善和系统,尚需进一步研究。  相似文献   

目的:介绍近几年来国内外抗焦虑天然药物研究进展及应用。方法:查阅近年国内外相关文献,包括单味中药和复方制剂,进行分析和整理,阐述作用机制。结果:抗焦虑天然药物,特别是我国传统中草药,治疗焦虑症发挥多途径、多靶点特点,具有独特的疗效,不良反应小,具有广阔的发展前景。结论:通过介绍抗焦虑天然药物研究进展,以期对临床和新药研究提供参考,加快抗焦虑天然药物研究发展进程。  相似文献   

朱倩  李俊  汤文建 《安徽医药》2013,17(9):1457-1461
细胞色素P450酶是机体肝脏中最重要的代谢系统,参与临床上所用大部分药物的生物转化过程;中药成分复杂,在临床上常与西药联用。该文通过查阅国内外相关文献,总结中药对CYP450酶的影响作用的研究进展,重点介绍了CYP450酶的几种主要亚型以及目前主要的研究方法,对新药筛选、临床合理用药提供重要依据。  相似文献   

张平  季晖  胡庆华 《药学学报》2022,(7):1954-1961
随着我国人口老龄化进程的加快,老年性疾病阿尔茨海默症(Alzheimer’s disease, AD)对社会和家庭的影响日益突出。AD是由多种机制共同影响所致,且发病机制仍未完全阐明,临床的治疗手段大多数采用单一治疗方法,主要以改善症状为主,难以逆转疾病的进程。所以开发出既能改善症状又能逆转疾病进程的药物成为极其迫切的临床需求。越来越多的研究发现中医药在防治AD中具有重要作用。天然产物具有结构新颖、多靶点和活性多样的优势,可作为治疗AD的先导化合物的重要来源。本文对目前临床上正在进行的主要治疗方法和中药中天然成分治疗的研究进展进行概述,结合传统中医药治疗的优势为后续对AD的临床治疗提供参考。  相似文献   

苏洁  龚睿林 《药学实践杂志》2011,29(6):451-452,477
目的对临床上常用的治疗冠心病的中药或天然药物制剂按功用分类,为合理选择对症治疗药物提供参考。方法查阅相关的书籍和数据库文献,并参照药品说明书,按功用进行分析总结。结果常用的治疗冠心病传统的中药复方制剂、中药和天然药物的提取物制剂和来源于中药与天然药物的单成分制剂,其功用和适应证存在较大差异。结论对常用的冠心病类中药和天然药物按功用进行分类,并提出各类制剂的临床应用原则,以提高合理用药的水平。  相似文献   

治疗阿尔茨海默病药物的研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
阿尔茨海默病(AD)为中枢神经退化性疾病,是危害人类健康的一大综合征,治疗AD药物是近年来研究的一大热点.综述了近5年来治疗AD药物的研究进展,根据作用机制的不同对临床应用的抗AD和有促智活性的药物进行分类详述,主要分为乙酰胆碱酯酶抑制剂等改善胆碱功能的药物、M1受体激动剂、抗氧化药物、消炎镇痛药物、抑制Aβ蛋白形成的药物、神经生长因子、钙调节剂、晚期糖基化终产物(AGE)抑制剂以及中药复方等几类.  相似文献   

骨质疏松症的药物治疗进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
褚娴 《天津药学》2004,16(3):49-51
以国内发表的文献为依据,介绍骨质疏松症治疗药物的不同作用机制及代表药物。骨质疏松症治疗药物从作用机制上可分为两大类:骨吸收抑制剂和骨形成促进剂,此外中药在治疗骨质疏松症上有独特地位。该类药物的研究对临床合理用药具有指导意义。  相似文献   

阿尔采末病(AD)是一种常见的神经退行性疾病,目前尚无有效的治疗药物。随着AD发病机制研究的深入,β淀粉样蛋白(amyloid beta-peptide,Aβ)被认为是AD发病重要因素之一。因此,很多药物设计选择以Aβ为靶标,但这类药物的临床研究却受到不同程度的挫折,tramiprosate和semagacestat的临床试验已经提前终止。本文对目前进入临床试验Ⅲ期以Aβ为靶标的药物进行综述,以期为研究者提供参考。  相似文献   

阿尔茨海默病防治药物靶标的研究进展*   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer's disease,AD)是发生于老年期或老年前期的一种慢性进行性退化性脑变性疾病,以记忆减退、认知障碍为主要特征。由于其发病机制复杂,涉及多系统、多环节结构与功能异常,因此迄今尚无理想的防治药物间世。药物靶标的发现和选择是药物研发成功的重要前提,近年来,AD发病机制研究的不断深入为AD防治药物的筛选和研究提供了新的靶标。现简要综述近年来针对AD发病机制的药物靶标的研究进展。  相似文献   

阿尔茨海默病(alzheimer's disease,AD)是一种中枢神经退行性疾病,在社会人口老龄化日益加剧的今天,AD患病率不断上升,其严重程度足以干扰人类的日常生活,危害人类的健康.目前AD的发病机制尚不明确,没有有效的药物可以治愈AD.血脑屏障(Blood brain barrier,BBB)是血液循环与中枢神经系统之间的生物屏障,药物不能穿过BBB,使其在治疗中枢神经系统疾病时有一定的局限性.纳米释药系统可以非侵入性地将药物递送至大脑,通过靶向药物递送,可以降低药物的毒性,增加药物的生物利用度.本文简述了AD发病的几种假说,介绍了与AD相关的纳米药物(Nanomedicines,NMs)种类和研究进展,对纳米递药技术在AD治疗策略中的应用进行阐述和列举,为AD的NMs研究提供思路和参考.  相似文献   

For the past 20 years the scientific community and the pharmaceutical industry have been searching for treatments to neutralize the devastating effects of Alzheimer disease (AD). During this period important changes in the etiopathogenic concept of AD have occurred and, as a consequence, the pharmacological approach for treating AD has also changed. During the past 2 decades only 3 drugs for AD have been formally approved by the FDA, although in many countries there are several drugs which are currently used as neuroprotecting agents in dementia alone or in combination with cholinesterase inhibitors. The interest of the pharmaceutical industry has also shifted from the cholinergic hypothesis which led to the development of cholinesterase inhibitors to enhance the bioavailability of acetylcholine at the synaptic cleft to a more "molecular approach" based on new data on the pathogenic events underlying neurodegeneration in AD. In our opinion, the pharmacological treatment of AD should rely on a better understanding of AD etiopathogenesis in order to use current drugs that protect the AD brain against deleterious events and/or to develop new drugs specifically designed to inhibit and/or regulate those factors responsible for premature neuronal death in AD. The most relevant pathogenic events in AD can be classified into main categories: primary events (genetic factors, neuronal apoptosis), secondary events (beta-amyloid deposition in senile plaques and brain vessels, neurofibrillary tangles due to hyperphosphorylation of tau proteins, synaptic loss), tertiary events (neurotransmitter deficits, neurotrophic alterations, neuroimmune dysfunction, neuroinflammatory reactions) and quaternary events (excitotoxic reactions, calcium homeostasis miscarriage, free radical formation, primary and/or reactive cerebrovascular dysfunction). All of these pathogenic events are potential targets for treatment in AD. Potential therapeutic strategies for AD treatment include palliative treatment with nonspecific neuroprotecting agents, symptomatic treatment with psychotropic drugs for noncognitive symptoms, cognitive treatment with cognition enhancers, substitutive treatment with cholinergic enhancers to improve memory deficits, multifactorial treatment using several drugs in combination and etiopathogenic treatment designed to regulate molecular factors potentially associated with AD pathogenesis. This review discusses the conventional cholinergic enhancers (cholinesterase inhibitors, muscarinic agonists), noncholinergic strategies that have been developed with other compounds, novel combination drug strategies and future trends in drug development for AD treatment. Stem-cell activation, genetically manipulated cell transplantation, gene therapy and antisense oligonucleotide technology constitute novel approaches for the treatment of gene-related brain damage and neuroregeneration. The identification of an increasing number of genes associated with neuronal dysfunction along the human genome together with the influence of specific allelic associations and polymorphisms indicate that pharmacogenomics will become a preferential procedure for drug development in polygenic complex disorders. Furthermore, genetic screening of the population at risk will help to identify candidates for prevention among first-degree relatives in families with transgenerational dementia.  相似文献   

阿尔茨海默病(AD)是威胁老年人健康的重要疾病,但在治疗上尚无特效药物.当前临床治疗用药分为胆碱能药物、抗炎类药物、神经营养因子、激素类药物、抗氧化剂和神经保护剂,其中胆碱能类药物在缓解或阻止AD进一步恶化中占重要地位.该文简要介绍了不同种类的胆碱能药物在治疗AD中的应用与效果,并分析其应用潜能,以期为进一步开发更有效治疗AD的新药提供参考.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Current Alzheimer's disease (AD) therapy is based on the administration of the drugs donepezil, galantamine, rivastigmine and memantine. Until disease-modifying therapies become available, further research is needed to develop new drug delivery strategies to ensure ease of administration and treatment persistence. AREAS COVERED: In addition to the conventional oral formulations, a variety of drug delivery strategies applied to the treatment of AD are reviewed in this paper, with a focus on strategies leading to simplified dosage regimens and to providing new pharmacological tools. Alternatives include extended release, orally disintegrating or sublingual formulations, intranasal or short- and long-acting intramuscular or transdermal forms, and nanotechnology-based delivery systems. EXPERT OPINION: The advent of new research on molecular mechanisms of AD pathogenesis has outlined new strategies for therapeutic intervention; these include the stimulation of α-secretase cleavage, the inhibition of γ-secretase activity, the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, neuroprotection based on antioxidant therapy, the use of estrogens, NO synthetase inhibitors, and natural agents such as polyphenols. Unfortunately, these compounds might not help patients with end stage AD, but might hopefully slow or stop the disease process in its early stage. Nanotechnologies may prove to be a promising contribution in future AD drug delivery strategies, in particular drug carrier nano- or microsystems, which can limit the side effects of anti-Alzheimer drugs.  相似文献   

Introduction: Current Alzheimer's disease (AD) therapy is based on the administration of the drugs donepezil, galantamine, rivastigmine and memantine. Until disease-modifying therapies become available, further research is needed to develop new drug delivery strategies to ensure ease of administration and treatment persistence.

Areas covered: In addition to the conventional oral formulations, a variety of drug delivery strategies applied to the treatment of AD are reviewed in this paper, with a focus on strategies leading to simplified dosage regimens and to providing new pharmacological tools. Alternatives include extended release, orally disintegrating or sublingual formulations, intranasal or short- and long-acting intramuscular or transdermal forms, and nanotechnology-based delivery systems.

Expert opinion: The advent of new research on molecular mechanisms of AD pathogenesis has outlined new strategies for therapeutic intervention; these include the stimulation of α-secretase cleavage, the inhibition of γ-secretase activity, the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, neuroprotection based on antioxidant therapy, the use of estrogens, NO synthetase inhibitors, and natural agents such as polyphenols. Unfortunately, these compounds might not help patients with end stage AD, but might hopefully slow or stop the disease process in its early stage. Nanotechnologies may prove to be a promising contribution in future AD drug delivery strategies, in particular drug carrier nano- or microsystems, which can limit the side effects of anti-Alzheimer drugs.  相似文献   

阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer’s Disease,AD)是一种以进行性认知功能减退及行动和社会适应能力下降为基本特征的神经退行性疾病,目前临床上仍缺乏有效的药物和治疗手段。已有大量研究表明淀粉样蛋白聚集型β-淀粉样蛋白(β-amy-loid,Aβ)可能是AD发生的原发性病理因素之一,并提出Aβ是目前AD治疗药物研发中主要的靶点之一。本文综述了以Aβ为靶点治疗AD的最新研究概况,旨在为AD的新药研发提供一些参考。  相似文献   

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a debilitating disease that affects many people. In order to reduce the number of people diagnosed with this disease, drug strategies need to be implemented that target early steps in disease pathogenesis. Elevated cholesterol levels and presence of the apolipoprotein E eta4 allele increase AD risk. How these two factors may contribute to AD pathogenesis and some therapeutic strategies for alleviating AD risk will be discussed.  相似文献   

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