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紫贻贝和海海湾扇贝生化成分中硒的分布特点   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
探讨了硒在紫胎贝和海湾扇贝组织器官中的含量,及其在生化成分中的分布特点。实验表明,紫贻贝和海湾扇贝外套膜中含硒较高。  相似文献   

紫贻贝和厚壳贻贝营养成分的研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
对贻贝属的两种有经济价值的种类——紫贻贝和厚壳的蛋白质.更基酸、不饱和脂肪酸、无机元素等营养成分进抒了研究。通过分析比较发现厚壳贻贝的蛋白质、粗脂肪含量高于紫贻贝,必需氨基酸含量二者差别不十分明显,但厚壳贻贝的谷氨酸.甘氨酸、天冬氨酸含量明显高于紫贻贝,所以厚壳贻贝的海鲜味较浓。厚壳贻贝的二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)含量高于紫贻贝。厚壳贻贝的多不饱和脂肪酸明显高于单不饱和脂肪酸,而紫贻贝的两种不饱和脂肪酸含量相差不大。除铝、硒外,其它12种无机元素厚壳贻贝都明显高于紫贻贝。  相似文献   

目的探讨硒对紫球藻的生长及其主要生化组成的影响,分析紫球藻累积同化硒的动态过程及其硒在细胞主要生化组成中的分布特点。方法利用添加0.5 mg.L-1硒的ASW培养基培养紫球藻(Porphyridium sp.),采用2,3-二氨基萘(DAN)荧光分光光度法测定藻体及各主要生化组成中的硒含量。结果与结论 (1)0.5 mg.L-1硒能够促进紫球藻的生长,最大干重可达到4.8 g.L-1,比对照组增加0.6 g.L-1,添加硒后紫球藻胞外分泌性多糖的产量明显提高,加硒组胞外分泌性多糖含量为180.7 mg.L-1,是对照组的1.69倍。添加硒培养紫球藻不会影响其生化组成和品质。(2)藻体硒含量在对数前期增加明显,由11.19μg.g-1增加到17.78μg.g-1;在培养中后期硒含量出现迅速升高,达到26.95μg.g-1,净增量为9.17μg.g-1;富硒紫球藻细胞的最高硒含量达到27.99μg.g-1,是对照组硒含量的14倍。每单位体积(L)培养物中,紫球藻富集硒的总量为140.16μg,硒的同化率达到28.03%。(3)添加硒后紫球藻培养物中胞外分泌性多糖的硒含量为31.02μg.g-1,,比藻体硒含量高3.03μg.g-1。藻体内硒主要分布在胞体多糖中,硒含量为7.08μg.g-1(DW),是细胞硒含量的25.3%,水溶性蛋白质和粗脂肪结合硒的量分别为5.84μg.g-1(DW)和0.89μg.g-1(DW),分别占细胞硒含量的20.9%和3.2%。  相似文献   

目的 对栉孔扇贝和海湾扇贝裙边中提取分离的糖胺聚糖进行化学组成及结构研究。方法 样品经盐酸—甲醇试剂醇解成单糖.采用标准对照法及内标法进行气相色谱定性定量测定。样品经KBr压片,红外光谱扫描(4000~500cm^-1)。结果 测定出栉孔扇贝糖胺聚糖中单糖含量分别为鼠李糖0.75%,木糖0.63%,岩藻糖0.67%,甘露糖0.97%,葡萄糖1.11%,半乳糖1.59%。红外光谱测定结果显示,栉孔扇贝和海湾扇贝糖胺聚糖具有典型酸性黏多糖的吸收特征。结论 从栉孔扇贝裙边中提取分离的糖胺聚糖,分子中含有中性糖基。与标准品的红外光谱进行比较.两种扇贝糖胺聚糖均与透明质酸的红外光谱相似。  相似文献   

·研究报告·海洋毒素柳珊瑚酸的羧基改造及其毒理研究…………… ……………………彭映才巫中德l龙康侯I(1):(1)海洋极端微生物的分离及其研究开发…………………… ………………………………方金瑞黄维真(1),(5)乌贼墨对小鼠TNF的诱生作用………………………… ………………………………赫生生吕昌龙(1):(10)毛蚶水解液降血糖降血脂的实验研究…………………… ……………………窦昌贵严永清张征(1):(13)紫贻贝和海湾扇贝生化成分中硒的分布特点…………… ……………………………毛文君管华诗(1);(16)海洋嗜盐微生物的研究开发 I嗜盐细…  相似文献   

目的研究硒化紫球藻胞外粗多糖的理化性质。方法在ASW培养基中加入适量的亚硒酸制备硒化紫球藻胞外多糖,并通过DEAE-52树脂分离纯化,Sephadex G200层析法鉴定其纯度;硫酸苯酚法测定硒化紫球藻多糖溶解度;pH计测量其溶液酸度;紫外可见分光光度法于260nm和280nm处分别定性测量核酸及蛋白质;纸层析法分离多糖;琼脂糖凝胶电泳测定溶液中糖带电情况。结果与结论培养过程中加入适量亚硒酸,对紫球藻生长没有显著性影响;制备的PSP及Se-PSP均不含蛋白质和核酸,显酸性、带负电荷;可能含有两个组分等。  相似文献   

八种常见贝类脂肪酸含量的研究   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
对大连沿海常见的腹足纲的扁玉螺,香螺,瓣鳃纲的毛蚶,紫贻贝,栉孔扇贝,菲律宾蛤仔,四角蛤蜊,益蛏等8种贝类的脂肪酸组成,含量进行了研究。并同海参,对虾,蝼蛄虾,三疣梭子蟹进行了比较。从中证明了8种贝类的营养价值。  相似文献   

栉孔扇贝边的营养价值和应用研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用酶解方法制备栉扇贝蛋白粉。测定了扇贝蛋白粉与扇贝柱中的氨基酸含量,分别为83.84%和76.15%,两者中氨基酸的组成比例基本一致。  相似文献   

一种紫贻贝水提多糖的理化性质和结构分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的从紫贻贝中提取和分离纯化多糖,并对其基本理化性质和结构进行分析,为紫贻贝多糖活性研究提供基础。方法将紫贻贝鲜肉制成丙酮粉后,经60℃热水提取,去核酸和采用Sepharcryl S-300凝胶层析分离得到了一种水溶性多糖组分(HWS)。采用硫酸-苯酚法、Folin-酚法、柱前衍生高效液相色谱法和高效凝胶渗透色谱法分别对HWS的总糖含量、蛋白含量、单糖组成、相对分子质量进行了测定,并通过甲基化和气质联用(GC/MS)分析、红外光谱(FT-IR)、核磁共振(NMR)技术对HWS的结构进行了分析。结果 HWS是以(1→4)-α-D-Glcp为主链,含有少量的→2,4)-Glcp-(1→和→6)-β-Glc-(1→分支的葡聚糖,平均每6个主链糖残基含有1个分支。结论采用60℃热水提取和凝胶柱层析分离得到紫贻贝多糖,通过多种化学分析及现代仪器分析技术确定了HWS的结构,为紫贻贝多糖活性的深入研究提供了参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

目的研究紫贻贝粗多糖的提取及其抗氧化活性。方法通过乙醇沉淀、Sevage法除蛋白后得到贻贝粗多糖。对其DPPH自由基清除能力、还原力、羟自由基清除能力进行测定,考察其抗氧化能力。结果在10~60μg·mL^-1浓度范围内,紫贻贝粗多糖显示良好的DPPH自由基清除能力、还原力及羟自由基清除能力,并且随着紫贻贝多糖浓度的升高而增加,同时,在此浓度范围内紫贻贝粗多糖的浓度与抗氧化活性呈较好的量效关系。结论紫贻贝粗多糖具有良好的抗氧化活性。  相似文献   

Induction of apoptosis by tri-n-butyltin (TBT) in gill tissue of the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis was investigated. The terminal dUTP nick-end labeling technique (TUNEL) was used to detect cells displaying DNA fragmentation within gill structures. Genomic DNA fragmentation was detected as characteristically ladder-like pattern of DNA fragments induced by single injection of different doses of TBT (1-5 microg/g) below the mantle, directly into the pallial fluid, after 24 h of incubation. DNA degradation of higher order DNA structure, as well as reduced G(0)/G(1) cell cycle region (the sub-G(1) region) was detectable after 1.5 h of TBT incubation. Presence of apoptotic cells in mussels' gills was indicated by the selective loss of G(2)/M cells concomitant with the appearance of cells with decreased DNA content in S and G(0)/G(1) cell cycle regions. The effect of the TBT on cell cycle in a mussel gill was a dose related and exposure time depending. The possible mechanism of induction of apoptosis in vivo in gill tissue of mussel treated with TBT is discussed.  相似文献   

气相色谱法鉴别扇贝糖胺聚糖的中性糖基   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
从海湾扇贝中提取分离出糖胺聚糖,分子中除含有氨基己糖和己糖醛酸外,还含有中性糖基。样品经盐酸-甲醇试剂醇解成单糖,用六甲基二硅胺烷和三甲基硅烷硅醚化成三甲基硅醚衍生物,于气相色谱仪中测定,并与标准单糖比较分析,结果发现,扇贝糖胺聚糖含有5种中性糖基,即葡萄糖,半乳糖,木糖,岩藻糖和鼠李糖。  相似文献   

A phosphatase inhibition assay for detection of okadaic acid (OA) toxins in shellfish, OkaTest, was single laboratory validated according to international recognized guidelines (AOAC, EURACHEM). Special emphasis was placed on the ruggedness of the method and stability of the components. All reagents were stable for more than 6 months and the method was highly robust under normal laboratory conditions. The limit of detection and quantification were 44 and 56 μg/kg, respectively; both below the European legal limit of 160 μg/kg. The repeatability was evaluated with 2 naturally contaminated samples. The relative standard deviation (RSD) calculated was 1.4% at a level of 276 μg/kg and 3.9% at 124 μg/kg. Intermediate precision was estimated by testing 10 different samples (mussel and scallop) on three different days and ranged between 2.4 and 9.5%. The IC(50) values of the phosphatase used in this assay were determined for OA (1.2 nM), DTX-1 (1.6 nM) and DTX-2 (1.2 nM). The accuracy of the method was estimated by recovery testing for OA (mussel, 78-101%; king scallop, 98-114%), DTX-1 (king scallop, 79-102%) and DTX-2 (king scallop, 93%). Finally, the method was qualitatively compared to the mouse bioassay and LC-MS/MS.  相似文献   

Following the aggressive invasion of the bivalve, Potamocorbula amurensis, in the San Francisco Bay-Delta in 1986, selenium contamination in the benthic food web increased. Concentrations in this dominant (exotic) bivalve in North Bay were three times higher in 1995-1997 than in earlier studies, and 1990 concentrations in benthic predators (sturgeon and diving ducks) were also higher than in 1986. The contamination was widespread, varied seasonally and was greater in P. amurensis than in co-occurring and transplanted species. Selenium concentrations in the water column of the Bay were enriched relative to the Sacramento River but were not as high as observed in many contaminated aquatic environments. Total Se concentrations in the dissolved phase never exceeded 0.3 microg Se per l in 1995 and 1996; Se concentrations on particulate material ranged from 0.5 to 2.0 microg Se per g dry weight (dw) in the Bay. Nevertheless, concentrations in P. amurensis reached as high as 20 microg Se per g dw in October 1996. The enriched concentrations in bivalves (6-20 microg Se per g dw) were widespread throughout North San Francisco Bay in October 1995 and October 1996. Concentrations varied seasonally from 5 to 20 microg Se per g dw, and were highest during the periods of lowest river inflows and lowest after extended high river inflows. Transplanted bivalves (oysters, mussels or clams) were not effective indicators of either the degree of Se contamination in P. amurensis or the seasonal increases in contamination in the resident benthos. Se is a potent environmental toxin that threatens higher trophic level species because of its reproductive toxicity and efficient food web transfer. Bivalves concentrate selenium effectively because they bioaccumulate the element strongly and lose it slowly; and they are a direct link in the exposure of predaceous benthivore species. Biological invasions of estuaries are increasing worldwide. Changes in ecological structure and function are well known in response to invasions. This study shows that changes in processes such as cycling and effects of contaminants can accompany such invasions.  相似文献   

Oxygen consumption and sodium, potassium and calcium concentration were determined in the freshwater mussel, Lamellidens marginalis, and its tissues during methyl parathion (MP) toxicity. A transient increase followed by decrease in whole animal or tissue respiration as a function of time was observed. Greater loss of calcium by the mantle, sodium by the gill, and calcium and sodium by the hepatopancreas and foot was observed. As compared to calcium and sodium, the loss of potassium by the tissues was less.  相似文献   

目的观察硒酵母联合维生素D对实验性自身免疫性甲状腺炎(EAT)大鼠甲状腺相关激素及抗体的作 用。 方法55只雌性SD大鼠,其中45只采用猪甲状腺球蛋白(pTG)致敏+饮用高碘水建立EAT大鼠模型,建模成功 大鼠(40只)采用随机数字表法分为模型组、硒酵母组、维生素D组、联合组,每组10只;其余10只为对照组。加强免 疫4周后,硒酵母组予硒酵母溶液灌胃+腹腔注射生理盐水,维生素D组予生理盐水灌胃+腹腔注射维生素D3注射液, 联合组予硒酵母溶液灌胃+腹腔注射维生素D3注射液,对照组和模型组予生理盐水灌胃+腹腔注射生理盐水。6周 后,比较各组血清游离三碘甲状腺原氨酸(FT3)、游离甲状腺素(FT4)、促甲状腺激素(TSH)、甲状腺球蛋白抗体 (TGAb)、甲状腺过氧化物酶抗体(TPOAb)、干扰素-γ(IFN-γ)、白介素(IL)-4、IFN-γ/IL-4;HE染色比较各组甲状腺 组织病理学形态;比较各组甲状腺组织 p38MAPK、环氧合酶-2(COX-2)mRNA 相对表达量及 p38MAPK、pp38MAPK、COX-2蛋白相对表达量。 结果HE染色结果显示,对照组甲状腺滤泡形态正常;模型组甲状腺滤泡结构 破坏,淋巴细胞浸润,间质纤维化;硒酵母组、维生素D组及联合组较模型组均有一定改善,其中联合组改善最为明 显。与模型组比较,硒酵母组、维生素D组、联合组血清FT3、FT4、TSH、TGAb、TPOAb、IFN-γ、IFN-γ/IL-4水平,甲状 腺组织COX-2 mRNA 相对表达量及p-p38MAPK、COX-2蛋白相对表达量均降低(P<0.05),血清IL-4水平均升高 (P<0.05);与硒酵母组和维生素D组比较,联合组血清FT3、FT4、TSH、TGAb、TPOAb、IFN-γ、IFN-γ/IL-4水平降低 (P<0.05),甲状腺组织COX-2 mRNA相对表达量及p-p38MAPK、COX-2蛋白相对表达量均降低,血清IL-4水平升 高(P<0.05)。 结论硒酵母联合维生素D可有效抑制EAT大鼠甲状腺组织损伤,保护甲状腺组织,其机制可能是通 过抑制MAPK信号通路发挥调控作用。  相似文献   

The effects of Karenia brevis (Gymnodiniales, Gymnodiniaceae) on the feeding activity of juveniles of four species of bivalve mollusc were examined in the laboratory to assess the potential impacts on these important shellfish populations from Florida. Clearance rates were determined under short-term (one hour) static and long-term (two days) flow-through conditions using both whole and lysed cultures of K. brevis. Under short-term conditions, the bay scallop, Argopecten irradians, was the most sensitive species, exhibiting a 79% reduction in clearance rate at 1000 cells ml(-1) of whole K. brevis culture compared to the control (no K. brevis). The eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, was the least responsive, showing a 38% reduction in clearance rate between the same treatments. The green mussel, Perna viridis, and the northern quahog, Mercenaria mercenaria, displayed intermediate responses. Similar results were also observed during long-term exposures to a continuous supply of K. brevis. Bay scallops showed a significant decline in clearance rate at 100 cells ml(-1) after 24h exposure; clearance rate of oysters was not affected by K. brevis at this concentration. No mortality was observed for any species during these brief exposures. The prospect for recovery of bay scallop populations in Florida estuaries where they were once abundant may be hampered by recurring blooms of K. brevis. Reduced clearance rates in M. mercenaria at high K. brevis densities could translate into poor growth of cultured Florida hard clams. On the other hand, P. viridis, which also showed reduced clearance rates at high K. brevis concentrations, might be negatively impacted by K. brevis blooms, thereby affecting their ability to spread into estuaries hampered by recurring toxic algal blooms.  相似文献   

Nutritional selenocompounds are transformed into the assumed common intermediate selenide, which is utilized for the synthesis of selenoenzymes or transformed into methylated metabolites for excretion. Hence, selenocompound metabolites can be traced only with labeled selenium. Here we applied a new tracer method for the metallomics of biometals using simultaneous speciation of each metallome labeled with different homo-elemental isotopes to metabolism and availability of selenium. Rats were depleted of endogenous natural abundance selenium by feeding a single selenium stable isotope ((82)Se-selenite) and then administered (76)Se-selenite and (77)Se-selenomethionine ((77)Se-SeMet)simultaneously. Biological samples were subjected to quantification and speciation analysis by HPLC-ICPMS. Metabolites of the labeled (76)Se and (77)Se and interaction with endogenous selenium were traced and examined without interference from the corresponding endogenous natural abundance isotopes. Differences in the distribution and metabolism among organs and between the two nutritional selenocompounds were compared under exactly identical biological and analytical conditions: (1) selenite was distributed more efficiently than SeMet in organs and body fluids except the pancreas. (2) SeMet was taken up by organs in its intact form. (3) Selenium of SeMet origin was distributed selectively in the pancreas and mostly bound to a protein together with intact SeMet. (4) Selenosugars A and B but not trimethylselenonium (TMSe) were detected in the liver. (5) Selenosugar B and TMSe were detected in the kidneys.  相似文献   

海力特治疗慢性乙型肝炎临床观察   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
采用海洋药物海力特治疗慢性乙型肝炎25例,并与猪苓多糖加乙肝疫苗治疗作为对照。结果表明,海力特治疗慢性乙型肝炎总有效率为88.0%,ALT复常率86.96%,HBeAg转阴率40.91%,与猪苓多糖加乙肝疫苗的疗效无显著性差异(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

Selenium poisoning occurs worldwide in nearly all domestic animals. Acute selenium poisoning is associated with feeding high levels or injecting excessive amounts of selenium and is usually fatal. The acute poisoning may cause gastrointestinal disturbance, muscle weakness, depression of the central nervous system, prostration and death (1-2). Chronic selenium poisoning in cattle, sheep and horses may result from the consumption of seleniferous plants over an extended period of time. Chronic selenium results in ataxia, incoordination, partial blindness, paralysis, loss of hair or wool, abnormal hoof growth and possibly abnormal changes in behavior (1). There is little information regarding the clinical signs and pathology of selenium toxicosis in marine mammals. Likewise, there is little information regarding normal tissue levels or toxicologically significant levels of selenium in these species. The results of these investigations in sea lions, based on clinical signs, pathologic findings and tissue levels of selenium, suggest subacute or chronic selenium poisoning was most likely from dietary fish high in selenium.  相似文献   

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