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钙离子通道阻滞剂是常用的一种高血压治疗药物,其中又以二氢吡啶类钙离子通道阻滞剂为主要代表,常见的有硝苯地平、氨氯地平、非洛地平等。然而,不同的患者个体对此类抗高血压药物可产生不同的降压效果,这种差异是环境和遗传共同作用的结果。基因多态性决定了药物代谢酶、转运体以及作用受体的差异,是导致药物疗效差异的重要原因之一。综述药物代谢酶、转运体和作用受体的基因多态性对钙离子通道阻滞剂类抗高血压药物的药动学和疗效的影响。  相似文献   

目的:了解6-巯基嘌呤(6-MP)治疗急性淋巴细胞白血病(ALL)个体化用药的研究进展,以期为6-MP治疗ALL个体化用药提供依据。方法:查阅近年来国内外相关文献,就6-MP治疗ALL时与代谢有关的代谢酶基因的多态性和转运体酶基因的多态性的研究进行归纳和总结。结果:6-MP代谢酶和转运体酶的基因多态性是影响6-MP个体化治疗ALL患儿疗效和不良反应的重要因素。其中,代谢酶基因硫嘌呤甲基转移酶、亚甲基四氢叶酸还原酶、重组人肌苷三磷酸酶和转运体酶基因多药耐药相关蛋白5的多态性影响6-MP个体化治疗的疗效和不良反应;转运体基因多药耐药1、溶质运载蛋白(SLC)28A3和SLC29A2的多态性仅在体外研究中显示出对6-MP转运和耐药性等的影响。结论:关于6-MP治疗ALL的代谢和转运的相关基因多态性的研究尚存在样本量偏小、研究群体局限于某一种族、转运体相关基因多态性的研究不够充分和药物受体基因多态性的研究匮乏等不足,有待将与6-MP相关的代谢酶、转运体和受体的单核苷酸多态性进行扩大样本量的综合研究,归纳出给药剂量的综合预测方程,以为6-MP在临床的个体化给药提供参考。  相似文献   

氨氯地平为第3代二氢吡啶类钙拮抗剂,是临床上常用的治疗高血压和心绞痛的药物之一,其降压效果存在个体差异.这种差异是多种遗传因素和环境因素交互作用的结果.基因的多态性是造成药物疗效差异的主要因素之一.本文阐述其基因多态性对氨氯地平的药代动力学特征和降压疗效的影响.  相似文献   

胆固醇水平升高是动脉粥样硬化发病的主要原因。瑞苏伐他汀为临床常用的抑制胆固醇合成的药物,其药动学和药效学存在显著个体差异。药物转运体、药物代谢酶、药物靶点的遗传多态性对瑞苏伐他汀的体内代谢和临床疗效个体差异具有重要作用。本文阐述了药物转运体、细胞色素P450酶和其他相关基因的遗传多态性对瑞苏伐他汀药动学和药效学的影响,为临床制定个体化用药方案提供参考。  相似文献   

他汀类药物为羟甲戊二酰铺酶A(HMG-CoA)还原酶抑制剂,可降低心血管疾病患者的发病率及死亡率,然而此类药物有发生肌病等不良反应的风险,因此,研究导致该类药物个体差异大的原因具有重大意义。通过研究CYP450酶、药物转运体(OATP1B1、ABCG2)、药效基因(APOE、HMG-CoA还原酶)的基因多态性对他汀类药物代谢、转运及药效的影响,以期为指导他汀类的临床用药打下坚实的理论基础,确保临床用药的安全性和有效性,真正实现临床上的个体化给药。  相似文献   

免疫抑制药对预防急性排斥反应是卓有成效的,但是不同患者的临床用药有着很大的药动学和药效学差异。遗传变异对人与人之间药物处置、药效以及毒性差异的影响是近年来该领域研究的重点。本文系统地地概述了现阶段已用于临床或处于临床研究阶段的免疫抑制剂与人体相关基因多态性的关系,包括与免疫抑制药药物药动学和药效学相关的酶的基因多态性、供体基因多态性、药物作用靶位基因多态性。本文综述了该领域研究的现状与进展。  相似文献   

表皮生长因子受体酪氨酸激酶抑制药(EGFR-TKIs)是治疗表皮生长因子受体突变的晚期非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)的一线用药,在临床应用过程中,可观察到血药浓度及安全性、有效性的个体差异,可能与药物代谢酶和转运体的基因多态性相关。因此,本文对临床常用的6种EGFR-TKIs可能相关的药物遗传学指标和药代动力学指标进行整理并作一综述。  相似文献   

口服降糖药的遗传药理学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
糖尿病是一种受多基因和环境因素共同影响的代谢性疾病。药物代谢酶、受体和转运体的遗传多态性对口服降糖药的体内代谢和降糖疗效有重要作用。本文从细胞色素P450酶、转运体和受体多态性方面对5种主要口服降糖药(磺脲类、噻唑烷二酮类、氯茴苯酸类、双胍类、α-葡萄糖甙酶抑制剂)的体内代谢和药物效应的影响作一综述。  相似文献   

核受体(NRs)是一类配体依赖性转录因子超家族,通过内源性或外源性配体物质激活调控靶基因的转录。核受体在药物代谢酶和转运体的转录调控中发挥着重要的作用。微小RNA(MicroRNA)是一类内源性的具有调控功能的非编码RNA,其对核受体表达的改变可影响药物代谢酶和转运体的表达,进而影响药效、药物不良反应和药物相互作用。本文系统地综述microRNA对几种重要核受体调控药物代谢酶和转运体的影响。  相似文献   

目的:了解基因多态性对氨氯地平药动学和药效学的影响。方法:笔者查阅近年来国内外相关文献,就药物基因组学对氨氯地平药动学和药效学的影响进行归纳和总结。结果:细胞色素P_(450)(CYP)3A、转运体多药耐药(MDR)1、L型电压依赖性钙通道C和D亚单位基因(CACNA1C和CACNA1D)、心钠素前体基因(NPPA)和G蛋白B3亚单位D等基因部分位点是影响氨氯地平药动学、药效学的重要因素。结论:基因多态性与氨氯地平药动学、药效学显著相关。  相似文献   

阿托伐他汀是临床上广泛使用的调血脂药物,长期使用能够预防并减少动脉粥样硬化性心血管疾病(ASCVD)的发生,但阿托伐他汀的疗效具有显著的个体间差异,有些个体不能达到预期调脂目标值或出现严重的不良反应。这与个体间的遗传多样性有关,遗传变异可导致药物体内处置不同,从而导致临床疗效和不良反应有差异。对影响阿托伐他汀药物反应的药物代谢酶、药物转运体、药物作用靶点及与脂质代谢相关基因多态性加以综述,并从基因水平上探讨不同个体使用阿托伐他汀的药动学、药效学及不良反应易感性差别的原因。  相似文献   

临床个体化用药中的药物基因组学考虑   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
虽然引起药物反应个体差异的原因很多,但遗传因素起相当重要的作用。药物代谢酶、转运药物的蛋白质、受体和其它药物靶体的遗传多态性与药物效应、毒性的个体差异密切相关。药物基因组学是利用已知的基因组学理论,研究遗传因素对药物反应的影响,即研究药物动力学和药效学差异的基因特征,以及基因变异所致的不同个体对药物的不同反应。深入研究遗传因素与临床合理用药之间的重要关系,确定引起个体对药物处置和疗效差异的遗传学特征,将为个体化合理用药提供强有力的科学依据。本文简要介绍药物在血浆中结合的蛋白质的基因多态性和与高血压相关的药物基因组学在临床个体化合理用药中的意义。  相似文献   

There is wide variability in the response of individuals to standard doses of drug therapy. This is an important problem in clinical practice, where it can lead to therapeutic failures or adverse drug reactions. Polymorphisms in genes coding for metabolising enzymes and drug transporters can affect drug efficacy and toxicity. Pharmacogenetics aims to identify individuals predisposed to a high risk of toxicity and low response from standard doses of anti-cancer drugs. This review focuses on the clinical significance of polymorphisms in drug-metabolising enzymes (cytochrome P450 [CYP] 2C8, CYP2C9, CYP2C19, CYP2D6, CYP3A4, CYP3A5, dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase, uridine diphosphate glucuronosyltransferase [UGT] 1A1, glutathione S-transferase, sulfotransferase [SULT] 1A1, N-acetyltransferase [NAT], thiopurine methyltransferase [TPMT]) and drug transporters (P-glycoprotein [multidrug resistance 1], multidrug resistance protein 2 [MRP2], breast cancer resistance protein [BCRP]) in influencing efficacy and toxicity of chemotherapy.The most important example to demonstrate the influence of pharmacogenetics on anti-cancer therapy is TPMT. A decreased activity of TPMT, caused by genetic polymorphisms in the TPMT gene, causes severe toxicity with mercaptopurine. Dosage reduction is necessary for patients with heterozygous or homozygous mutation in this gene.Other polymorphisms showing the influence of pharmacogenetics in the chemotherapeutic treatment of cancer are discussed, such as UGT1A1*28. This polymorphism is associated with an increase in toxicity with irinotecan. Also, polymorphisms in the DPYD gene show a relation with fluorouracil-related toxicity; however, in most cases no clear association has been found for polymorphisms in drug-metabolising enzymes and drug transporters, and pharmacokinetics or pharmacodynamics of anti-cancer drugs. The studies discussed evaluate different regimens and tumour types and show that polymorphisms can have different, sometimes even contradictory, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic effects in different tumours in response to different drugs.The clinical application of pharmacogenetics in cancer treatment will therefore require more detailed information of the different polymorphisms in drug-metabolising enzymes and drug transporters. Larger studies, in different ethnic populations, and extended with haplotype and linkage disequilibrium analysis, will be necessary for each anti-cancer drug separately.  相似文献   

阿折地平:一种新型二氢吡啶类钙拮抗药   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
阿折地平是日本Sankyo公司与Ube公司联合开发的一种新型二氢吡啶类钙拮抗药,选择性作用于L-型钙通道,在日本已被批准用于治疗高血压,其降压疗效与肾上腺素β受体阻断剂和血管紧张肽转换酶抑制药相当。本文对该药的药效学、药动学和临床应用等研究作一综述。  相似文献   

As the importance of drug transporters in the clinical pharmacokinetics of drugs is recognized, genetic polymorphisms of drug transporters have emerged as one of the determinant factors to produce the inter-individual variability of pharmacokinetics. Many clinical studies have shown the influence of genetic polymorphisms of drug transporters on the pharmacokinetics and subsequent pharmacological and toxicological effects of drugs. The functional change in a transporter in clearance organs such as liver and kidney affects the drug concentration in the blood circulation, while that in the pharmacological or toxicological target can alter the local concentration at the target sites without changing its plasma concentration. As for the transporters for organic anions, some single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) or haplotypes occurring with high frequency in organic anion transporting polypeptide (OATP) 1B1, multidrug resistance 1 (MDR1), and breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP) have been extensively investigated in both human clinical studies and in vitro functional assays. We introduce some examples showing the relationship between haplotypes in transporters and pharmacokinetics and pharmacological effects of drugs. We also discuss how to predict the effect of functional changes in drug transporters caused by genetic polymorphisms on the pharmacokinetics of drugs from in vitro data.  相似文献   

Pharmacotherapy shows striking individual differences in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, involving drug efficacy and adverse reactions. Recent genetic research has revealed that genetic polymorphisms are important intrinsic factors for these inter-individual differences. This pharmacogenomic information could help develop safer and more effective precision pharmacotherapies and thus, regulatory guidance/guidelines were developed in this area, especially in the EU and US. The Project for the Promotion of Progressive Medicine, Medical Devices, and Regenerative Medicine by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, performed by Tohoku University, reported scientific information on the evaluation of genetic polymorphisms, mainly on drug metabolizing enzymes and transporters, during non-clinical studies and phase I clinical trials in Japanese subjects/patients. We anticipate that this paper will be helpful in drug development for the regulatory usage of pharmacogenomic information, most notably pharmacokinetics.  相似文献   

Large differences are observed in chemotherapy response between breast cancer patients, with a substantial part of this variability being explained by genetic factors. Polymorphisms in genes encoding drug-metabolizing enzymes, drug transporters and drug targets influence the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of these anticancer drugs, leading to differences in therapeutic efficacy. Pharmacogenetic investigations of breast cancer therapeutics focused on these candidate loci have been performed. This article summarizes the status of research to identify polymorphisms in genes that influence response to the chemotherapeutic agents used in breast cancer treatment and suggests future directions for this line of research. Understanding the genetic factors that predispose patients to poor treatment outcomes will help guide individualized therapeutic strategies to obtain maximal benefit.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Drug transporter proteins are expressed on the cell membrane, regulating substrate exposure in systemic circulation and/or peripheral tissues. Genetic polymorphism of drug transporter genes encoding these proteins could alter the functional activity and/or protein expression, having effects on absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion (ADME), efficacy and adverse effects. AREAS COVERED: The authors provide the reader with an overview of the pharmacogenetics (PGx) of 12 membrane transporters. The clinical literature is summarized as to the quantitative significance on pharmacokinetics (PK) and implications on pharmacodynamics (PD) and adverse effects, due to transporter influence on intracellular drug concentrations. EXPERT OPINION: Unlike polymorphisms for cytochrome P450s (CYPs) resulting in large magnitude of PK variation, genetic mutations for membrane transporters are typically less than threefold alteration in systemic PK for drugs with a few exceptions. However, substantially greater changes in intracellular drug levels may result. We are aware of 1880 exome variants in 12 of the best-studied transporters to date, and nearly 40% of these change the amino acid. However, the functional consequences of most of these variants remain to be determined, and have only been empirically evaluated for a handful. To the extent that genetic polymorphisms impact ADME, it is a variable that will contribute to ethnic differences due to substantial frequency differences for the known variants.  相似文献   

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