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通过对钟控传输门绝热逻辑(Clocked Transmission Gate Adiabatic Logic,CTGAL)电路和加法器电路的研究,提出了一种基于CTGAL电路的绝热并行前缀加减法器设计方案。对依据此方案设计的几种并行前缀加减法器进行计算机模拟、分析和比较,结果表明:Ladner-Fischer并行前缀加减法器更适合用CTGAL电路实现,且与利用PAL-2N(Pass-transistor Adiabatic Log-ic-2NMOS)电路设计的绝热并行前缀加减法器相比,该加减法器的每个周期平均节省能耗约56%。  相似文献   

通过对三值静态随机存储器(Static Random Access Memory,SRAM)单元和数据比较电路结构以及碳纳米场效应晶体管(Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistor,CNFET)的研究,提出了基于CNFET的三值内容寻址存储器单元设计方案。首先利用CNFET阈值可调特性和开关信号理论设计三值缓冲器,采用反馈控制连接技术实现三值SRAM存储;然后结合三值SRAM单元和三值逻辑原理设计三值内容寻址存储器单元;最后实验验证,所设计的三值内容寻址存储器单元具有正确的逻辑功能,且与三态内容寻址存储器单元相比功耗延时积(Power-Delay Product,PDP)降低约83%。  相似文献   

目的应用彩色多普勒超声检测孕妇足背动脉(DPA)血流,为妊高征(PIH)的诊断提供一条新途径。方法运用彩色多普勒超声检测139例正常孕妇,152例PIH孕妇的DPA收缩期最高流速(vmax)。结果PIH组DPA收缩期Vmax明显高于正常孕妇组(P〈0.05),并且与PIH程度密切相关。结论DPA血流的彩超检测为PIH的诊断提供了新途经,具有一定的临床价值。  相似文献   

通过对各类多值触发器的研究,提出了一种反馈保持型时钟低摆幅三值双边沿低功耗新型触发器(Feedback Keeper Low-swing Clock Ternary Low-Power Double-Edge-Triggered FlipFlop, FK-LSCTLPDFF)设计方案。该方案利用反馈保持避免电路因输入信号瞬间毛刺引起的错误翻转,利用时钟信号双边沿跳变敏感抑制冗余跳变,利用时钟低摆幅降低三值触发器功耗。该电路与三值单边沿触发器相比,在保持相同数据吞吐量的条件下,可使时钟信号的频率减半,从而降低整个电路的系统功耗。通过PSPCIE模拟,验证了所设计电路具有正确逻辑功能,低功耗特性明显。  相似文献   

段明君  汪善勇  黄智  李慧 《四川医学》2010,31(11):1579-1581
目的了解精神科医生的职业倦怠程度,了解精神科医生的防御方式以及职业倦怠与防御方式的相关性,为精神科医生职业倦怠的干预提供理论依据。方法采用问卷调查法,对四川省成都市某医院75名精神科医生的职业倦怠状况和防御方式进行调查分析。结果情绪衰竭与被动攻击、潜意显现呈正相关。玩世不恭与投射、被动攻击、隔离和消耗倾向呈正相关。成就感低与投射、被动攻击和同一化呈负相关(P〈0.05)。结论临床精神科医生的职业倦怠与个体的特定防御方式有关,可采取针对性的干预措施。  相似文献   

人防御素及其作用研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
引言防御素(defensins)是一族具有抗微生物和细胞毒活性的多肽,广泛存在于各种动物、昆虫和植物体内,是机体天然防卫系统的重要组成部分。防御素一般具有3个共同的特点:小分子量(<4000)、带阳离子电荷、活性作用局限于细胞膜[1]。十多年前,Le...  相似文献   

通过对碳纳米场效应晶体管(Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistor,CNFET)和灵敏放大器原理的研究,提出了一种基于CNFET的高速低功耗三值灵敏放大器设计方案。该方案首先剖析三值反相器电路结构,采用交叉耦合反相器作为三值锁存器;其次结合输入输出信号分离方法,提高放大差分信号速度;然后利用使能信号控制电路状态,降低三值灵敏放大器功耗。采用32 nm CNFET标准模型库进行HSPICE仿真,结果表明所设计的电路逻辑功能正确;芯片成品率高达96.48%,具有较强的稳定性,且与利用CMOS设计的二值灵敏放大器相比工作速度提高64%,功耗降低83.4%。  相似文献   

本文介绍了以防御素家族和cathelicidins家族为代表的抗微生物多肽(antimicrobial peptides,AMPs)的结构、分类和生物学性能及其研究的新进展,并对抗微生物多肽在口腔疾病中的应用研究现状加以综述。抗微生物多肽在口腔医学中的研究和应用尚处于起步阶段,具有较大的发展空间和良好的发展前景。  相似文献   

目的:了解我国军人在执行重大军事任务期间的职业倦怠与防御方式情况,探讨职业倦怠与防御方式之间的相关性,为军人职业倦怠的干预提供理论依据。方法:采用军人职业倦怠量表和防御方式问卷(DSQ),对海军某部队参加重大军事任务的226名官兵进行了问卷调查,并对数据进行统计分析。结果:该部官兵的职业倦怠总分平均值为13.10±10.80,五个维度中,低自我评价得分最高4.32±3.45;职业倦怠总分与除幻想、解除、期望三个因子外的心理防御方式存在显著相关关系(P<0.05),通过回归分析,得到成熟型防御方式和不成熟型防御方式是官兵职业倦怠的显著影响因素(P<0.01),且成熟型防御方式得分越高,职业倦怠得分越低(t=-3.271),不成熟型防御方式得分越高,职业倦怠得分也越高(t=8.186)。结论:军人的职业倦怠与其特定的防御方式有关,可据此采取针对性的干预措施。  相似文献   

消化性溃疡是发病最高的疾病之一,是由于自身防御因素与攻击因素之间失去平衡造成的。当攻击因素(如胃酸:胃蛋白酶及吸烟,药物,饮料等)加强时,容易发生十二指肠溃疡,当防御因素(如粘液、重炭酸盐,粘液血液,前列腺素等)减弱时,则易发生胃溃疡,其中胃酸和胃蛋白酶过多是一个很重要的因素,“无酸即无溃疡。”从攻击与防御不平衡的发病机理的理论基础上,提出治疗消化性溃疡通过两个独立的作用机制,即减少攻击或增加防御。当前药物种类繁多,如用药不当,易产生不良反应。据北京地区药品不良反应监察试点协作组进行的研究,收集,分析了1985~1989年3年中,国内50种医药期刊所报道的药品不良反应病例,引起不良反应的药品可分为19类共334种,在2623个病例中,以消化系统疾病常用药引起的最多,占15.97%。因此了解药物分类,正确评价各类药物的作用特点是必要的。  相似文献   

通过对可逆计数器和绝热多米诺电路结构及工作原理的研究,提出一种三值绝热多米诺可逆计数器的设计方案。该方案首先以开关信号理论为指导,设计具有置位复位功能的三值绝热多米诺D触发器;然后分别设计三值绝热多米诺正反循环门电路与进位借位电路来实现计数器正反计数和级联;最后,在此基础上实现四位三值绝热多米诺可逆计数器。HSPICE仿真结果表明所设计的电路具有正确的逻辑功能和低功耗特性。  相似文献   

In the wireless sensor network(WSN) security is a major issue. There are several network security schemes proposed in research. In the network, malicious nodes obstruct the performance of the network. The network can be vulnerable by Sybil attack. When a node illicitly assertions multiple identities or claims fake IDs, the WSN grieves from an attack named Sybil attack. This attack threatens wireless sensor network in data aggregation, synchronizing system, routing, fair resource allocation and misbehavior detection. Henceforth, the research is carried out to prevent the Sybil attack and increase the performance of the network. This paper presents the novel security mechanism and Fujisaki Okamoto algorithm and also application of the work. The Fujisaki-Okamoto (FO) algorithm is ID based cryptographic scheme and gives strong authentication against Sybil attack. By using Network simulator2 (NS2) the scheme is simulated. In this proposed scheme broadcasting key, time taken for different key sizes, energy consumption, Packet delivery ratio, Throughput were analyzed.  相似文献   

通过对新发布的Hash标准SHA-3算法和常规密码算法的研究,提出了一种新颖的密钥生成方案,该方案采用SHA-3算法与图像相结合的方法。首先,将图像处理成SHA-3算法能够吸收的数据形式,使其经过SHA-3算法的三维矩阵空间变换后生成密钥;其次,利用像素直方分布图将生成的密钥以图像形式显示,证明生成的密钥满足密码算法中对初始密钥以及密钥流的安全性要求;最后,利用VS2013以及Quartus II软件对所提方案加以实现,验证所生成的密钥随机性最小可达到97.7%,密钥空间最小可达到2224。  相似文献   

Wireless body area network (WBAN) provides a medium through which physiological information could be harvested and transmitted to application provider (AP) in real time. Integrating WBAN in a heterogeneous Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem would enable an AP to monitor patients from anywhere and at anytime. However, the IoT roadmap of interconnected ‘Things’ is still faced with many challenges. One of the challenges in healthcare is security and privacy of streamed medical data from heterogeneously networked devices. In this paper, we first propose a heterogeneous signcryption scheme where a sender is in a certificateless cryptographic (CLC) environment while a receiver is in identity-based cryptographic (IBC) environment. We then use this scheme to design a heterogeneous access control protocol. Formal security proof for indistinguishability against adaptive chosen ciphertext attack and unforgeability against adaptive chosen message attack in random oracle model is presented. In comparison with some of the existing access control schemes, our scheme has lower computation and communication cost.  相似文献   

Wireless body sensor network (WBSN) has gained significant interests as an important infrastructure for real-time biomedical healthcare systems, while the security of the sensitive health information becomes one of the main challenges. Due to the constraints of limited power, traditional cryptographic key distribution schemes are not suitable for WBSN. This paper proposes a novel energy-efficient approach, BodyKey, which can distribute the keys using the electrocardiograph biometrics. BodyKey represents the biometric features as ordered set, and deals with the biometric variations using set reconciliation. In this way, only limited necessary information needs to be communicated for key agreement, and the total energy consumption for key distribution can thus be reduced. Experiments on the PhysioBank Database show that BodyKey can perform an energy consumption rate of 0.01 mJ/bit with an equal accuracy rate of 97.28%, allowing the system to be used as an energy-efficient key distribution scheme for secure communications in WBSN.  相似文献   

对集成芯片中一种常用单元电路——全加器,进行了结构和时延性能分析。通过运用布尔代数基本定律、定理,对全加器和函数进行全面处理,提取和函数最优化函数式。根据优化函数式,设计了高速全加器单元电路。这种电路与传统全加器单元电路相比,不仅结构简单,有利于集成,同时,由于电路传输延迟时间小,运算速度快。  相似文献   

The purpose of protection circuits in ultrasound applications is to block noise signals from the transmitter from reaching the transducer and also to prevent unwanted high voltage signals from reaching the receiver. The protection circuit using a resistor and diode pair is widely used due to its simple architecture, however, it may not be suitable for very high frequency (VHF) ultrasound transducer applications (>100 MHz) because of its limited bandwidth. Therefore, a protection circuit using MOSFET devices with unique structure is proposed in this paper. The performance of the designed protection circuit was compared with that of other traditional protection schemes. The performance characteristics measured were the insertion loss (IL), total harmonic distortion (THD) and transient response time (TRT). The new protection scheme offers the lowest IL (?1.0 dB), THD (?69.8 dB) and TRT (78 ns) at 120 MHz. The pulse-echo response using a 120 MHz LiNbO3 transducer with each protection circuit was measured to validate the feasibility of the protection circuits in VHF ultrasound applications. The sensitivity and bandwidth of the transducer using the new protection circuit improved by 252.1 and 50.9 %, respectively with respect to the protection circuit using a resistor and diode pair. These results demonstrated that the new protection circuit design minimizes the IL, THD and TRT for VHF ultrasound transducer applications.  相似文献   

李晓妮 《九江医学》2005,20(2):20-23
用89C51单片机系统进行温度实时采集与控制是本设计的主要内容。本设计介绍的单片机温度自动控制系统的主要内容包括:系统方案、理论分析、硬件设计、系统调试及主要技术性能参数。  相似文献   

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