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单字格的使用是古汉语的一大特点.为了证实中医术语以及中医英语翻译中也有此重要的语言现象,本研究采用人工分析结合计算机技术,对中医术语进行初步的多因素研究.首先,从汉语单字着手,分析单字在中医术语群中的词频与占有比例、单字与中医术语内部语法结构的关系以及与中医术语翻译的关系,以此证实提出单字格中医术语这一基本概念的必要性.然后,在单字格术语的基础上,进一步分析单字格与其他字格中医术语的相关性,从而显现出不同字格中医术语的构建与翻译存在高度相关性.最后,以上述分析数据为基础,推出以单字格为基础的中医术语动态组合译法,以期能够为中医术语乃至中医英语翻译开拓新的研究思路.  相似文献   

介绍中医术语定义、特性、与一般术语的差异以及中医术语抽取研究现状,阐述中医术语抽取方法及抽取结果评价方法,对相关研究进行展望。  相似文献   

中医术语英译技巧探讨乐毅敏(附属中医院五官科)关键词中医术语,英译技巧随着中医学术国际交流的日益频繁,国内外越来越多的学者、译作者都普遍感到中医术语的翻译问题已成为一大难题。由于中医术语的专业性很强,且尚未能形成一个现代科学的术语体系。因此,中医英译...  相似文献   

术语是某门学科的专门用语,具有专业性、单义性、精确性的特点。中医术语是一种特殊的语言形式,是中医进行语言交流的基础。由于中医蕴含着悠久的历史和丰富的文化背景。中医术语除了一般术语具有的特点外,也有着其本身固有的特点,与文学、历史学、天文学、宗教学等学科有着紧密的联系。中医术语的模糊性、歧义性等特点使中医术语的英译显得尤为困难。  相似文献   

中医术语结构严谨、内涵丰富、言简意赅、韵律优美,具有浓厚的民族特色.由于中医术语多为名词词组,将英语构词法用于中医术语的翻译,可使译文简洁、精练.  相似文献   

剖析语言、文化和翻译的关系,结合中医术语的文化特色研究其英译策略,总结出五种能够促进中医术语英译标准化的方法,并灵活运用这五种方法从文化视角合理地保留中医术语特色,译出中医的文化内涵,促进中医术语英译的标准化和规范化。  相似文献   

中医基本术语的英译存在着翻译形式繁多 ,解释翻泽法盛行 ,基本术语的英译不准确或存在知识性和结构性错误 ,易导致异义 ,要对古代哲学术语进行翻译等问题。要解决这些问题 ,应从以下几方面入手 :①制定统一规范的中医术语英译标准 ;②中医术语英译力求“信、达、雅” ;③可用西医学英文术语直接对译中医术语 ;④难以用英语表达的古代哲学术语和中医特有的术语可直接用汉语拼音表达 ;⑤慎用分词和动名词。  相似文献   

中医术语结构严谨、内涵丰富、言简意赅、韵律优美,具有浓厚的民族特色。由于中医术语多为名词词组,将英语构词法用于中医术语的翻译,可使译文简洁、精练。  相似文献   

通过分析中医症状术语规范化的研究现状,指出中医症状术语存在名称不统一、内涵模糊、描述精度不同、取舍标准不一等突出问题,认为这些问题的解决需要采用文献研究、中西医症状术语比较研究及术语学的原则与方法,对中医症状术语的名称及内涵进行规范化研究。  相似文献   

浅谈中医基本术语英译规范化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中医基本术语的英译存在着翻译形式繁多,解释翻泽法盛行,基本术语的英译不准确或存在知识性和结构性错误,易导致异义,要对古代哲学术语进行翻译等问题。要解决这些问题,应从以下几方面入手:①制定统一规范的中医术语英译标准;②中医术语英译力求“信、达、雅”;③可用西医学英术语直接对译中医术语;④难以用英语表达的古代哲学术语和中医特有的术语可直接用汉语拼音表达;⑤慎用分词和动名词。  相似文献   

分析了新世纪全国高等中医药院校规划教材《中药学》(第二版)存在的一些问题,建议教材的编写应进一步注意语言精练,概念准确,逻辑自洽以及术语的规范。  相似文献   

目的:构建传统医学疾病本体,促进中医疾病分类统计的规范化与标准化,推动我国传统医学名词与国际医学术语标准的融合与创新发展。方法:通过借鉴国际疾病本体建设模式,提出复用已有资源构建传统医学疾病本体的新方法。利用精确、向上、向下和相关4种匹配方式,研究新建本体与ICD-11中文版的语义映射。结果:通过复用已有标准中的中医病名、定义、结构体系等资源,完成了传统医学疾病本体构建,并实现了新构建本体与ICD-11中文版的语义关联。结论:新构建的传统医学疾病本体为中医疾病分类统计的规范化和标准化奠定了基础。  相似文献   

In the previous issue, we have, according to the book entitled International Standardization of English Translation of Traditional Chinese Medicine : Study of Theory, Summarization of Practice and Exploration of Methods , briefly introduced and analyzed, the first part of the terminologies concerning pathogenesis included in WHO Inter- national Standard Terminologies on Traditional Medicine in the Western Pacific Region(abbreviated as WPRO Standard instead of WHO Standard according to the present development of international standardization of traditional medi- cine maintained by WHO) and the International Standard Chinese-English Basic Nomenclature of Chinese Medicine compiled by World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (abbreviated as WFCMS Standard).  相似文献   

中医药表型组学是研究传统中医药学的新兴学科。“表型”“表型组”和“表型组学”等作为舶来术语名词, 与传统中医药学原创术语的结合衍生出中医表型、证候表型、证候表型组、证候表型组学、复方药物表型组学、方剂组学等新术语。近年来, 学者们在中医药表型组学研究中对相关术语进行了概念诠释, 同时也产生了一些概念错位、术语误用、观点各异等问题, 故为了构建中医药表型组学研究体系, 有必要对中医药表型组学相关术语释义与应用进行正本清源与深度剖析, 以期在学科发展之初即建立统一的概念及术语, 为中医药表型组学的学科发展奠定坚实基础。   相似文献   

We have divided into three parts the terminologies concerning inquiry in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) included in WHO International Standard Terminologies on Traditional Medicine in the Western Pacific Region ( abbreviated as WPRO Standard) and International Standard Chinese-English Basic Nomenclature of Chinese Medicine compiled by World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (abbreviated as WFCMS Standard).  相似文献   

Objective: To investigate the current usage of terminologies related to acupotomy through systematic search and analyze the pros and cons of each for proposing a standard terminology. Methods: Seven medical journal databases were searched including PubMed, EMBASE, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, China National Knowledge Infrastructure, Oriental Medicine Advanced Searching Integrated System, KoreaMed, and Korean studies Information Service System using 10 candidate terminologies as searching terms. All studies published from their inception to July 26, 2017 were collected. Articles were included if the title stated one of the 10 candidate terminologies consistent with the definition of acupotomy. Priorly established frequency and consistency of each candidate terminology from medical databases were calculated and evaluated. Moreover, the pros and cons of each were analyzed to propose a standard terminology. Results: A total of 112 studies in English databases, 1,129 studies in Chinese database, and 44 studies in Korean databases were included. The most frequently used terminologies were needle knife (35.71%), acupotomy (48.54%) and acupotomy (90.90%) in English, Chinese and Korean database, respectively. Overall, acupotomy and needle knife were the most frequently used. Others like acupotomology, needle scalpel, miniscalpel acupuncture and miniscalpel needle were used within 10% of the total searched literature. Acupotome, stiletto needle, sword like needle, and Xiaozhendao were rarely used. Acupotomy had the advantages of high frequency and consistency but lacked representativeness. Needle knife also showed a high frequency, but the consistency was poor. Though miniscalpel acupuncture and miniscule needle were used less frequently, they had advantages of inclusiveness and clarity. Conclusions: A debate for standardization of the terminology is necessary. This preliminary research can provide a basic outline for the standardization consensus process, and we believe it is noteworthy to discuss miniscalpel needle and miniscalpel acupuncture along with acupotomy and needle knife on the subject.  相似文献   

分析了新世纪全国高等中医药院校规划教材《中药学》(第二版)存在的一些问题,建议教材的编写应进一步注意语言精练,概念准确,逻辑自洽以及术语的规范。  相似文献   



To characterize global structural features of large-scale biomedical terminologies using currently emerging statistical approaches.


Given rapid growth of terminologies, this research was designed to address scalability. We selected 16 terminologies covering a variety of domains from the UMLS Metathesaurus, a collection of terminological systems. Each was modeled as a network in which nodes were atomic concepts and links were relationships asserted by the source vocabulary. For comparison against each terminology we created three random networks of equivalent size and density.


Average node degree, node degree distribution, clustering coefficient, average path length.


Eight of 16 terminologies exhibited the small-world characteristics of a short average path length and strong local clustering. An overlapping subset of nine exhibited a power law distribution in node degrees, indicative of a scale-free architecture. We attribute these features to specific design constraints. Constraints on node connectivity, common in more synthetic classification systems, localize the effects of changes and deletions. In contrast, small-world and scale-free features, common in comprehensive medical terminologies, promote flexible navigation and less restrictive organic-like growth.


While thought of as synthetic, grid-like structures, some controlled terminologies are structurally indistinguishable from natural language networks. This paradoxical result suggests that terminology structure is shaped not only by formal logic-based semantics, but by rules analogous to those that govern social networks and biological systems. Graph theoretic modeling shows early promise as a framework for describing terminology structure. Deeper understanding of these techniques may inform the development of scalable terminologies and ontologies.  相似文献   

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