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Histologically 282 ovarian tumours were studied, of these 212 (75.2%) were benign, 8 (2.8%) of borderline malignancy and 62 (21.9%) were malignant. The tumours were classified according to WHO classification. Epithelial tumours were the commonest variety constituting 70.9% of all the ovarian tumours followed by germ cell tumours (21.2%), sex cord stromal tumours (6.7%) and metastatic tumours (0.7%). Among the individual tumours, serous tumours (42.9%) were the commonest, followed by mucinous tumours (25.5%), teratomas (17%), granulosa cell tumours (6.7%), dysgerminomas (2.48%) and endodermal sinus tumours (1.77%). Two cases (0.7%) of endometrioid carcinomas and one case (0.35%) of clear cell carcinoma were encountered. Ovarian tumours were found to occur in the age range of 8 months to 74 years. Peak incidence was between 21 and 40 years age group.  相似文献   

Twenty-nine cases of solid malignant tumours in paediatric age group were studied. The incidence of different tumours in order of frequency were lymphomas (37.9%), Wilms' tumour (24.1%), neuroblastoma (17.2%), soft tissue sarcoma (10.4%) and rare tumours (10.4%). Maximum number of tumours occurred in 1-5 years' age group. Male predominance was noted (male:female as 2.2:1). Among the lymphomas, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma outnumbered Hodgkin's lymphoma. Left kidney affection was seen more than the right kidney among cases of Wilms' tumours. Neuroblastomas presented commonly as abdominal masses. All the 3 cases of soft tissue sarcomas were embryonal rhabdomysoarcomas. Rare tumours encountered in the study were ovarian tumours (arrhenoblastoma), endodermal sinus tumours and hepatoblastoma.  相似文献   

分析20例脑内转移瘤临床及CT表现。多发16例,单发4例。平扫显示低、等或高密度肿块。增强后病灶有不同程度均匀或者不均匀(包括环状)强化,肿块大小、数目及边界均能较清楚显示。多数瘤周有明显脑水肿,脑水肿的轻重与临床症状的轻重成正比关系。  相似文献   

目的探讨CT和MRI对腮腺区肿瘤的诊断价值.方法对72例腮腺区肿瘤(良性36例,恶性36例)进行CT和MRI检查,检查结果与术后病理进行对照.结果腮腺肿瘤大多位于腮腺浅叶(44/72),良性肿瘤以混合瘤居多(26/36),CT和MRI表现为境界清楚、密度均匀的肿块,CT和MRI测量结果与术后病理大小一致;恶性肿瘤以粘液表皮样癌较多(14/28),CT和MRI多显示为境界不清、密度不均的肿块,术前测量大小常小于术后病理结果;转移癌以鼻咽部来源多见(6/8).72例腮腺肿瘤中,术前定位准确率为100%,良恶性性质判断准确率为95.8%.结论CT和MRI对腮腺区肿瘤的定位、定最及定性较为准确,具有较大的价值,对面神经的显示MRI优于CT.  相似文献   

目的:研究CD133在卵巢浆液性肿瘤中的表达及临床病理意义.方法:采用免疫组织化学EnvisionTM 二步法检测100例浆液性肿瘤组织中CD133的表达,并分析其与临床病理的关系.结果:CDD3阳性表达率在良性浆液性肿瘤、交界性卵巢浆液性肿瘤及浆液性腺癌分别为0%、26.1%和69.6%,浆液性腺癌的表达高于交界性卵...  相似文献   

目的了解我院近10年恶性肿瘤住院病人的发病情况及规律,为我院恶性肿瘤的防治工作提供科学依据。方法对我院收治的恶性肿瘤进行回顾性统计分析。结果我院出院人数由2002年的18041增加到2011年的49647,年平均增长11.9%;恶性肿瘤发病例数由2002年的559例增加到2011年的1375例,年平均增长11.1%。肝癌、胃癌、肺癌、乳腺癌是我院收治最多的恶性肿瘤。恶性肿瘤住院病人男女性别之比为1.35∶1。结论恶性肿瘤住院病人逐年上升,医院应继续加强肿瘤专科建设,不断提高肿瘤诊治水平。同时建议30岁以上高危人群定期体检,提高机体防癌能力,对肿瘤病人做到早发现、早诊断、早治疗。  相似文献   

目的:探讨Bcl-2、PCNA与卵巢上皮性肿瘤发生、发展的关系。方法:采用免疫组化S-P法,检测正常卵巢、卵巢上皮性肿瘤中Bcl-2、PCNa的表达情况。结果:BCl-2、PCNA在正常卵巢、卵巢良性、交界性、恶性肿瘤中的表达依次增强,差异显著。Bcl-2在卵巢恶性肿瘤的表达,随组织学分级的增高而增强.与临床分期、组织类型无关;PCNA在卵巢恶性肿瘤中的表达,随组织学分级、临床分期的增高而增强,与组织类型无关;BCl-2、PCNA在卵巢恶性肿瘤中的表达无相关性。结论:原癌基因Bcl-2在卵巢上皮性肿瘤的发生、发展中起一定的作用,但其作用与肿瘤细胞增殖无关。  相似文献   

对1258例各类卵巢肿瘤的频发率及病理特点进行了回顾性分析。与国内外多数文献不同,本组资料生殖细胞肿瘤多于普通上皮性肿瘤;粘液性肿瘤多于浆液性肿瘤;双侧性卵巢肿瘤占9.6%,其中1.4%两侧肿瘤的组织学类型不相同。  相似文献   

34例胰岛细胞瘤经免疫组织化学染色,结果是30例胰岛细胞瘤中6例含免疫反应阳性的B细胞,1例含D细胞,15例含2~3种不同类型的免疫反应阳性细胞,8例无反应。34例的组织学类型可分为四类与分泌活性无明显相关性。34例中有4例恶性,区别胰岛细胞瘤最可靠的标志是有无转移。  相似文献   

Neoplasms of the chest wall are not uncommon. Majority of the tumours occurring in the chest wall are benign. The tumours may arise from the soft tissues,connective tissues or bone. Metastatic tumours can arise as a result of direct infiltration or haematogenous spread. The management of these tumours is challenging. Resection of the chest wall with or without the excision of ribs, require reconstruction not only for aesthetic reasons but also for providing the stability to the chest wall which is of prime importance in maintaining the respiratory functions. In this article, 46 cases of the primary malignant chest wall tumours seen over a period of 5 years are reviewed.  相似文献   

An analysis has been made of 447 ovarian tumours submitted for histological examination to the Department of Pathology, Port Moresby General Hospital, for the period 1978-1982. Ovarian tumours constituted 8% of all tumours submitted during this period. Of the ovarian tumours submitted 75% were benign. The ovarian tumours presented a wide range of histological features, which were analysed according to the accepted international classification.  相似文献   

目的:了解多普勒超声在卵巢良恶性肿物中的鉴别诊断意义。方法:对照比较112例术前疑为卵巢肿物的多普勒超声图像特点与术后病理结果。结果:112例患者术后病理诊断良性肿物11种84例,恶性肿物8种28例。良、恶性肿物的外周血流特点除平均得分外均无显著差异(P>005)。良、恶性肿物内的血流特点差异显著(P<005,P<001)。结论:卵巢肿物的外周血流特点无鉴别诊断意义。肿物的内部血流特点在鉴别良、恶性方面有一定的鉴别诊断意义。  相似文献   

Salivary gland tumours comprise a varied group of benign and malignant neoplastic lesions posing a challenge to surgeon. To review the profile of salivary gland tumours presenting to a referral cancer centre and their overall management, a retrospective analysis of prospective head and neck cancer database of the surgical oncology department of Institute Rotary Cancer Hospital (IRCH), All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) was performed. Forty patients of salivary gland tumours treated between 1995 and 2003 were analysed. All computations including recurrences and survival were carried out using the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) for windows software (SPSS Inc, USA). The profile of salivary gland tumours presenting to a cancer centre setting was found to be different - 77.5% being malignant tumours and the remaining 22.5% werebenign tumours. Most common site of involvement was the parotid gland (72.5%). Muco-epidermoid carcinoma and adenocarcinomas were the most common histological types. Conservative resection was adequate for benign tumours. For primary malignant tumours, radical surgery with or without neck dissection and appropriate reconstruction, combined with postoperative radiotherapy was effective in achieving good locoregional control. Optimal management of primary tumour along with appropriate neck dissection including resection of the involved salivary gland is necessary for the management of metastatic salivary gland tumours.  相似文献   

目的:探讨联合检测视诱发电位(PVEP)和图形视网膜电图(PERG)辅助诊断垂体肿瘤的可能性。方法:采用联合检测PVEP和PERG的方法,分别检测26例正常志愿者、16例确诊垂体肿瘤的患者;被临床诊断为球后视功能损害,其PVEP和PERG的改变和垂体肿瘤相似的20例患者进一步作头颅CT检查。结果:垂体肿瘤患者PVEP—P100的潜伏期及幅值明显异常、PERG大致正常;20例提示有球后视功能损害的患者中,有8例最终确诊为垂体肿瘤。结论:联合检测PVEP和PERG的方法有利于早期发现垂体肿瘤。  相似文献   

应用图像分析仪测定35例骨肿瘤穿刺组织的肿瘤细胞核DNA含量。结果表明恶性骨肿瘤DNA含量高于良性,良恶性之间差异非常显著。骨巨细胞瘤DNA指数广泛分布在良恶性之间,显示出“中间性肿瘤”的特征。骨巨细胞瘤复发组含量显著高于无复发组,提示DNA含量与肿瘤生物学行为有密切关系。术前穿刺DNA含量分析,有助于对肿瘤增殖能力的了解,作为术式选择,良、恶性肿瘤的鉴别和预后估计的参考。穿刺DNA图像分析法的开展是可行的,具有一定的临床价值。  相似文献   

Parotid swellings are uncommon. Over a twelve-year period, 110 cases of parotid swellings were treated at the Department of Plastic Surgery, Hospital Kuala Lumpur, of which 97 cases were histologically proven to be parotid tumours. 75% of these tumours were benign tumours, and 80% of the benign tumours were pleomorphic adenomas. Among the malignant tumours, 6 cases were adenoid cystic carcinoma and 5 were carcinoma ex-pleomorphic adenoma. There were equal number of male to female patients, with an age range of 14 to 83 years. There is a positive correlation between the final histological diagnosis and FNAC results in 74% of cases. Surgical treatment of choice for benign parotid tumours was near-total parotidectomy whilst for malignant tumours was total radical parotidectomy with sural nerve graft.  相似文献   

The pattern of intracranial neoplasms in Ibadan Southwestern Nigeria appears to have evolved over three decades since the establishment of neurosurgical facility in 1962. Metastatic tumours to the intracranial compartment were the commonest neoplasms (23%); choriocarcinoma and multicentric involvement of the brain in Burkitt s lymphoma accounted for the great majority of the metastases. Well-differentiated glial tumours are now being increasingly recognized in Ibadan, Nigeria. Glial tumours accounted for 20% of neoplasms, second in frequency to metastases. Pituitary adenomas and meningiomas accounted for 17.1% and 11.4% respectively. Germ cell tumours are however uncommon in Ibadan Nigeria having a low frequency (1.4%). A notable difference exists in the tumours found in children and adults. Astrocytomas accounted for the largest single group of neoplasms in children while metastatic tumours are the dominant group in adults. Continued improvement in neurosurgical facilities may improve diagnosis and cause more tumours to be verified histologically. This will contribute to the evolving pattern seen in Ibadan Southwestern Nigeria.  相似文献   

目的探讨COX-2的表达与星形细胞肿瘤发生、发展的关系。方法应用免疫组化技术和RT-PCR技术检测各级别星形细胞肿瘤组织及非肿瘤组织中COX-2蛋白和mRNA的表达水平。结果COX-2蛋白在各组中的表达强度(IODA值)分别为:非肿瘤组织(2.19±0.88),肿瘤组织(6.38±3.68);COX-2mRNA在各组中的表达阳性率分别为:非肿瘤组织(33.3%),肿瘤组织(83.3%);COX-2mRNA的相对含量分别为:非肿瘤组织(43.49±19.73),肿瘤组织(119.67±46.56);COX-2在肿瘤组织中的表达显著高于其在非肿瘤组织中的表达(P<0.05)。结论COX-2的过表达与星形细胞肿瘤的发生、发展关系密切,是引起肿瘤细胞恶性表型的相关基因之一;毛细胞型星形细胞瘤与弥漫性浸润性星形细胞肿瘤的遗传基础不同,是一种在生物学和形态学上所发生的基因改变不同于其它胶质瘤的星形细胞肿瘤;COX-2除参与肿瘤形成、炎症的发生等病理过程外,在人体器官发育及正常生理功能的维持过程中也起到比预期更为复杂的作用。  相似文献   

脑膜瘤CT误诊分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文回顾分析了184例经手术和病理证实的脑膜瘤的CT表现,具体分析了其中18例CT误诊原因,肿瘤内有囊变、坏死、出血,增强呈环一结书强化及明显水肿等易导致误诊,特殊位置肿瘤亦易导致误诊。文章认为肿瘤基底在脑膜或颅骨,颅骨有增生或破坏改变,肿瘤具有完整包膜等特征,在鉴别诊断中有决定性意义。  相似文献   

恶性腮腺肿瘤的B超预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了寻找有助于鉴别腮腺良,恶性肿瘤的超声征象,我们检测了21例腮腺肿瘤患者,结果表明:利用超声检查,可显示出全瓣腮腺肿块,根据肿块的边界不清,包膜不完整肿块后方回声衰减等声像学征象,准确地预测出7例恶性肿瘤。  相似文献   

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